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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Kam 1825

    Chanak Raajneeti was written around 2000 years ago
    Sarkutavali was written by Pandit hardayal who was linked to Guru Amardas Ji's lineage
    Bhavrasamrit was by Pandit Gulab Singh Nirmala
    Vichar Mala by Anath Das Udasi
    Vairag Shatak by Bharthari who was one of the Sidhs who met Sri Guru NanakDev Ji
    Parbodh Chandar Natak by Pandit Gulab Singh Nirmala
    Adhiatam Parkash by Pandit Sukhdev Singh Nirmala
    Birti Parbhakar by Pandit Nischal Das
    Vichar Sagar by Pandit Nischal Das

    only three of the granths are by the nirmalas. All apart from Birti Parbhakar can be found in gurmukhi 

  2. Are these 9 granths taught along with Guru Granth Sahib Ji or after, as like a comparitive religious study, because if they are taught first wouldnt that effect the meaning of Gurbani, because your reading them first and basing you understanding of Gurbani on them, and reading Gurbani after. Also, what about Rehatnamas and Gurblas and other Sikh Granths, also shouldn't these Granths be taught first then these 9 Granths of different groups.





    Kam 1825

    No they are taught before you start any gurbani, they are your foundation to understanding gurbani, they dont effect the arths but are the foundations fr it. They are your early schooling. It is the same as if you ever wanted to do a degree you need your years of schooling before to understand the details to something like astronominal aeronuticals or quantam gravity physics. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the most difficult of any granth as it is easy to read but the meanings are an endless ocean and without the necessary pre education you cant fully comprehend the teachings in either Gurbani or Ithaas. 

  3. Damdami taksal says you need to understand nine granths below before you can start on bhai gurdas ji varan and sri guru granth sahib ji. I beleive these nine granths lays out framework of gurmat both absolute and relative views- antriv, uthanka, different aspects of vahiguru



    The nine granths are

    Chanaka Raajneeti
    Vichar Mala
    Vairag Shatak
    Parbodh Chandar Natak
    Adhiatam Parkash
    Birti Parbhakar
    Vichar Sagar

    These are only taught in Bhindra now all this vidiya has not existed at Mehta since Sant Jarnail Singh Ji stopped teching during the Dharam Yudh Morcha. Thse granths are needed as the basis to understand gurbani then further work can be done by learning the Vedant Paribhasha, Upnishads, Moksh Panth Parkash, Adhyatam Parkash, etc

    Only after these are studied should you start on the gazals of bhai nand lal and the works of Bhai Gurdas Ji.

    Giani Harbhajan Singh Ji Dhudhike Wale and Baba Hari Singh Ji Randhawe Wale are possibly the best ustaads at the moment for all these granths as many of the other ustaads have only worked up to vichar sagar and not even heard of the birti parbhakar. 

  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2325502/Map-shows-worlds-racist-countries-answers-surprise-you.html


    Map shows world's 'most racist' countries (and the answers may surprise you)

    • Jordan and India named the world's least tolerant countries
    • U.S., Britain, Canada and South America are among the least racist
    • Survey asks people if they would want neighbours of a different race


    PUBLISHED: 12:49 GMT, 16 May 2013 UPDATED: 16:55 GMT, 26 June 2013



    View comments


    Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet, a survey claims.

    The global social attitudes study claims that the most racially intolerant populations are all in the developing world, with Jordan and India in the top five.

    By contrast, the study of 80 countries over three decades found Western countries were most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.

    Racism: This map shows the nations of the world where people have the most and least tolerant attitudes

    Racism: This map shows the nations of the world where people have the most and least tolerant attitudes

    The data came from the World Value Survey, which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries, as reported by the Washington Post.

    The survey asked individuals what types of people they would refuse to live next to, and counted how many chose the option 'people of a different race' as a percentage for each country.

    Researchers have suggested that societies where more people do not want neighbours from other races can be considered less racially tolerant.

    The country with the highest proportion of 'intolerant' people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Jordan, where 51.4 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

    Next was India with 43.5 per cent.


    Racist views are strikingly rare in the U.S., according to the survey, which claims that only 3.8 per cent of residents are reluctant to have a neighbour of another race.

    Diverse: The multicultural U.S. is among the least racially intolerant countries, according to the data

    Diverse: The multicultural U.S. is among the least racially intolerant countries, according to the data

    Other English-speaking countries once part of the British Empire shared the same tolerant attitude - fewer than five per cent of Britons, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders showed signs of racism.

    People in the UK are also tolerant of other differences such as speaking a foreign language or practising an alternative religion - for example, fewer than two per cent of Britons would object to having neighbours of a different faith to them.

    Similarly, fewer than one in 20 people in most South American countries admitted harbouring prejudice against other races.


    The Middle East, which is currently dealing with large numbers of low-skilled immigrants from south Asia, seems to be a hotbed of racial tension, however.

    Europe is remarkably split - the west of the continent is generally more tolerant than the east, but France is a striking outlier with 22.7 per cent of the French rejecting neighbourhood diversity.

    Some have pointed out problems in the survey data, claiming that because the polls span a long period of time they are an unreliable guide to current attitudes.

    However, a more serious flaw could be the fact that in most Western countries racism is so taboo than many people will hide their intolerant views and lie to the questioners.

    Max Fisher of the Washington Post suggested that maybe 'Americans are conditioned by their education and media to keep these sorts of racial preferences private, i.e. to lie about them on surveys, in a way that Indians might not be'.


    40% + (of individuals surveyed would not want a person of another race as a neighbour)
    India, Jordan

    30 - 39.9%
    Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea

    20 - 39.9%  
    France, Turkey, Bulgaria, Algeria, Morocco, Mali, Zambia, Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines, Bangladesh, Hong Kong


    0 to 4.9%
    United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Britain, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Australia, New Zealand

    5 - 9.9%
    Chile, Peru, Mexico, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Belarus, Croatia, Japan, Pakistan, South Africa

    10 - 14.9%
    Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Slovakia

    15 - 19.9%
    Venezuela, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Macedonia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Russia, China

    Source: World Values Survey

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2325502/Map-shows-worlds-racist-countries-answers-surprise-you.html#ixzz3bWoOVDMc 
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  5. I believe it takes atleast 5-10 years of studying at taksal or nirmale , udasi, sevapanthi akhara. I used to have detailed circulum on names of text which needs to be mastered before becoming kathavachik..i will try to find it but it goes something like this:

    Here are some of name of texts:

    - Sarkurtvali

    - Bhannu parkash


    -Vedant darshan

    - Bhai gurdas ji varan

    -  Moksh parkash

    - Soraj parkash granth

    - Sri guru granth sahib ji

    - Sri dasam granth sahib ji

    - Rumi works (optional)



  6. We have just upgraded our forum to newer version. Forum background system tasker is still in the process of scanning the forum and fixing the issues as it comes across. We are in the process of  performing more upgrades ie- interface tweaking customization, banner updates. Please browse through forum fully. Please post any issue you encounter in this thread. Unfortunately, during the upgrade process there are only few recent posts were losts. We apologize for this oversight. I will try to restore some of the posts i have made backs up but i think for most part everything should be intact.



  7. Bhramgyan = Permanent Unchanged Divine Coma / Non Dual Awareness Of Non Dual Awareness Permanent Unchanged Coma

    Thats pretty graphic scary way of putting it right? Thats what i thought when i first read it as according to one of the sage put it as intuitive direct as one can which helps understand immediately. It's even beyond bliss.

    I believe he used that word purposely because as human being has a habit of confining of absolute state to alter state of consciousness.

  8. So when you say you use the term truth not God, why can't the same interpretation be applied to the 10 gurus. They were true teachers as opposed to Gods?

    seems like were cherry picking definitions when it suits us, aren't we?

    ps. just out of interest, what do you mean by theological difference between abhramic version of god and truth.?

    Off course they were emobidment of truth as truth naturally came out verbally and it was written into sggs. God's does not do justice to truth.

    I am not cherry picking here, rather than correcting your subtle inadvertently/advertently misinterpretation of God and truth.

    Abhramic version of God has limitations as its more confined to personality worship, a, b, c rules followed blindly. However, truth is not as iits wisdom-gyan everyone can relate to its- first acknowledge and put into experienced, realized on personal level, it can related to all across the board.

  9. @ SatKirin - that's great ! you go girls.

    This is however in Canada, where I'm sure western women liberation has had more of a positive impact than Sikhism per say. You see the same kind of thing in almost all religions on small scales in the west. and like you say in your post - women made history - in 1999 ??? when did Sikh history start and why did it take so long for this to be achieved.

    why do late for a religion that claims women had equal rights from the beginning. and have women been equal position in places of real authority. The 5 takhts in India for example.

    Sikh history went through one of roughest war history, we fought so many wars against oppressive mughal Islamic fascism and recent history hindu goi fascism. We hardly any time to self reflect fix minor issues, fix out of balance patriarchy issues. Nevertheless, its much better than fascist men in saudi arabia who oppress their women where their women subjected to slave systematic torture of saudi women to feel power.

  10. Also it has come to my attention from another thread that the last Guru, the living guru, SGGS is considered God.

    So harming the book can harm God? Is this a view shared by Sikhs?

    You playing with semantics here. I carefully use the word-truth not god. There is big interpretative/theological difference between abhramic version of god and truth.

  11. Q1 - If Sikhs believe the SGGS is the last living Guru, then does burning it harm the Guru or God? Say if a non Sikh like me has a copy of the SGGS, then say the copy of the SGGS is old and tattered. I put it into the paper recycling basket, the book gets recycled. Is that harmful to God? or disrespectful to Sikhs?

    Sri guru granth sahib ji is embodiment of alive truth and manifested truth is pointing towards its un-manifested truth, burning the manifested truth-(Sat) cannot never ultimately destroy the truth. However, certain respect sanctity of truth has to be kept, to uphold the truth. Sikhs maintain the respect-

    If copy of SGGS is old, it goes through very certain procedure of preservation. http://www.pothiseva.org.uk/

    Q2 - If a non Sikh country like say France that values freedom of speech, and often goes out of its way to mock religions and religious figures was to burn or disrespect SGGS, what would the Sikh response in the west be ?Would you want to kill the people behind the insult. I'm not going to judge anyone, just understanding something - so no need for political answers.

    My advise would be sikhs shouldn't move to the country where hate religious crimes are tolerated. If they do happen to be in the country, follow legal means, france is part of UN geneva conventation, follow UN methods.

  12. What happened here was one group wanted to do speech at darbar sahib at the anniversary and main group there didn't allow them. It was literally power struggle on who gets the mic and hell broke loose both of these groups hijack wider sikh representation at the expense of wider sikh public opinion. It's unfortunate shameless incident in sikh history, both parties got lot of earful from western concerned sikhs how they should be ashamed of themselves doing this on bbc national tv, at one of most holiest sikh shrine.

    Both groups were blamed for this, at western sikh news channel.

  13. so there isn't any evidence of rape. I don't think "I heard from a gurumukh" counts.

    So what if a non Sikh burns a copy of SGGS, would Sikhs then torture and kill the person? How would Sikhs react if Charlie Hebdo had burn't a copy of SGGS in protest of freedom of speech? I understand some Sikhs believe the SGGS to be the last guru but for everyone else, it's just another book.

    Ps. So do I take from this that burning the SGGS, Skihs believe you actually hurt the guru? ie. God ??? maybe off topic but if the answer is yes I'll update this with my Gods and Gurus post when it gets open again.

    In Sikh theology/world, SGGS is living Guru. We treat as a living being, over and above mother, father, sister, brother. So your answer would lie - in another question what would one do if their mother, father, sister, brother was burn alive?

    Actually, there is already bill tabled in india for declaring sggs as living guru -living being, but for time being any insult or beadhi against sggs is consider crime under section- Under section 295A of Indian penal code. Most western countries have hate crime laws:


    Central Government Act
    Section 295A in The Indian Penal Code
    272 [295A. Deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage reli­gious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or reli­gious beliefs.—Whoever, with deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class of 273 [citizens of India], 274 [by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise], insults or attempts to insult the religion or the religious beliefs of that class, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 4[three years], or with fine, or with both.]

  14. As for Sikhism in particular, in the 400 year history after the 10 gurus, has a female Sikh ever taken a position of authority, either in the main golden temple or say any of the 5 main takhts.

    -It's well know fact there were manji system (centers establishment where gursikhs were chosen to do parchar-preach) was started by Guru Amar das ji, they were 22 manjiya intially strategically placed everywhere in india to do parchar. Here is the list of manjiya http://www.sikhiwiki...hp/Manji_System and there were manjiya(dharamsala centers to spread dharma) given to sikh woman as well to do parchar to masses including woman to give them empowerment.

    - Mata sahib devan- mother of khalsa is given mother status in khalsa and there are historical accounts of mata sahib devan/mata ajeeto ji taking control of sikh affairs, bought sikhi spirit back in khalsa when khalsa were outnumbered, bought back khalsa who went astray-away from guru and also read stories of mai bhago.

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