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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. vaheguroo anand da sagar is fearless...there is no such thing as wrath of god in sikhi...its a simple concept in sikhi...

    Here the some of the verses from sggs

    beejae bikh ma(n)gai a(n)mrith vaekhahu eaehu niaao ||2||

    He sows seeds of poison, and demands Ambrosial Nectar. Behold - what justice is this? ||2||

    Guru Angad Dev Ji

    Raag Aasaa


    jaehaa beeo thaehaa fal paayaa ||a||

    As someone sows, so he reaps.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas

    karamaa(n) outhae nibarrae dhaehee maadhh karae so paavai||

    Ultimate decision will be arrived at according to the actions performed through the body which will reap whatever it has sowed.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    aehaa beejai so lunai samae(n) binaa(n) fal haathh n aavai||

    He produced the theory of sowing and reaping(giving and taking) and told that at appropriate time only, one would attain the fruit.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    aisaa karae thaisaa lehai rikhee kanaadhik bhaakh sunaavai||

    Rishi Kanad has said that as you sow, so shall you reap.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    o beejai soee lunai sabh ras kas bahu ra(n)g ra(n)geenee||

    Amongst variegated flora, sweet and bitter tastes, and colours on earth, one reaps whatever one sows.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    apanae apanae khaeth vich beeo sabhai kirasaan beeja(n)dhae||

    All the farmers sow different seeds in their different fields.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    aehaa beejai so lunai fal a(n)b lasoorree||

    Whatever is sowed is got accordingly whether is be a mango or lasuri, a glutinous fruit.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    kalijug saach niaaou(n) hai jo beejai s lunai eikaelaa||

    The justice of Kaliyuga is true because in it only he reaps who sows the evil seeds.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    dhharathee dhaee falaae joee fal paaeiaa||

    The earth gives the fruit of the seed sowed in it;

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    beejae baajh n khaae n dhharath jamaaeiaa||

    Without sowing, neither anyone could eat anything nor the earth can produce anything;

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


    paap pu(n)n beeo beejadhae dhukh sukh fal a(n)dhar chehamaachae||

    Further sowing evils and virtues remain immersed in pleasures and sufferings.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas


  2. Another awesome encounter of Near-Death Expereince. This one is detailed:

    source: http://www.beyondtheveil.net/nde.html

    That summer in 1971, I was with my husband and children in the mountains of northern Georgia while he was working with the camera crew of the movie "Deliverance." On weekends, some of the cast and crew and their families would take the rafts out on the river for a little R&R. They filmed on the same part of the Chatahootchie River we rafted on and, of the eight of us on this particular Sunday afternoon, four of us, including myself, had rafted down this stretch before.

    But the river was different this time. Low, from several days of no rain; different paths had to be taken through the many rapids.

    On the last set of rapids, we made an almost fatal mistake. The raft I was in got turned around, went over a four foot drop backwards, and became stuck there by the churning action of the water.

    The raft was trapped in a hydraulic, a white-water phenomena, which held the raft against the rocks. I was thrown out and got caught between the raft and the rocks, with the force of the river pouring down on my head and the suction of the hydraulic motion pulling me under. A man inside the raft held my arm and tried to pull me back into the raft, but the most he could do was enable me to catch an occasional quick breath before the water sucked me back down. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place!

    Very consciously and calmly, I knew I was going to die, it was just a matter of how. Being smashed into the rocks was painful, so I decided drowning was the better choice. The next time my head popped out of the water, with my last breath, I told him to let go and he did. I felt the water pull me under and I relaxed into it. I knew there was no point in struggling as I breathed in the water, and everything went black. For a moment...

    The next thing I knew I was a hundred feet above the river, looking down at the raft stuck against the rocks below. I saw the two men in the raft looking for me to come out from underneath. I saw the other woman, who had been in our raft, downstream, clinging to a rock. I watched my husband and my teenage sister, who had rafted, without incident, down the rapids ahead of us, come running back up the hill to find out why all the debris was floating down the river. We had taken everything out of their raft and put it into ours in case they flipped over, but they went down so easily, we just jumped in to follow them down.

    From above, I watched my husband climb onto a rock in the river. He couldn't hear what the two men still in the raft were shouting to him over the roar of the water. He had no idea where I was or what had happened, but he knew I was missing. He looked as if he wanted to jump in to try to find me and I suddenly found myself at his side, trying to stop him because he wasn't much of a swimmer and I knew there was no point. When I reached out to stop him, my hand went right through him. I looked at my hand and thought... oh, my god, I'm dead!

    In that instant, total knowledge of reality appeared to me and I saw the mutil-dimensionality of the universe. My consciousness expanded so far beyond the physical plane that I was no longer aware of it, nor of my self. I was so much a part of it all, there was no distinction. It was a brilliant flash of light and I was allowed to see into it for a brief moment and experience a feeling of love so profound, powerful and overwhelming that I can only describe it as pure Bliss (even though that doesn't begin to describe it).

    And, suddenly, I was whisked away and found myself traveling rapidly through a vortex toward a beautiful white light in the far, far distance. I continued to experience an overwhelming feeling of love within me and around me. There was no fear, no anxiety, no worry. I even felt as if I'd done this before and was remembering that I was going home. I was filled with joy. I had no sense of a body, no feeling of limitations or boundaries. Yet, I was still me and aware that I was having this experience.

    Before long, I realized I wasn't alone. There was someone, whom I can only describe as a Loving Being of Light, traveling beside me... at the speed of light! We communicated mentally. This was someone I have always known and I knew that as soon as I sensed the presence of this being. Yet I cannot now tell you now who it was. I didn't have the sense that it was any familiar religious figure or deceased relative, but rather a special friend who is always with me wherever I am; perhaps, my guardian angel. This Being told me telepathically that I had a choice about going back. I thought, no, no, no, I want this to go on forever!

    Suddenly, we burst into the light and a whole new reality was revealed to me, similar to the physical world, but, in this higher vibration, more colorful, more beautiful, more amazing. I saw plants, trees, mountains, lakes, animals, and shimmering crystal-like buildings, some very large and ornate. I saw beings moving about, light beings, going about their daily lives. They don't have physical bodies, but they are distinct fields of energy. They don't walk, they float. They have lives much like ours, but without the struggles and sorrows. They are artists, musicians, dancers, singers, inventors, builders, healers, creators of magical things... things they will manifest in their next lifetime in the physical universe.

    Again, the Being of Light told me it was my choice to stay or go, but that there was more for me to do in that life and it wasn't quite time for me to leave. Still hesitating, I was told that if I chose to go back, I would be given certain knowledge to take back with me to share with others. After much discussion, I agreed to go back and suddenly found myself in front of a tall cone-shaped building; so tall, it seemed to go on forever. I was told this was the Hall of Knowledge. I entered the building and flew, spiraling upwards, through what appeared to be shelves of books, like in a library, many millions of books, and I flew through them all. When I reached the top, I burst through it into a kaleidoscope of colors and, at the same time, my head popped out of the water. I was down river about 10 yards from the raft.

    I immediately became aware of where I was and grabbed for the nearest rock. I was able to pull myself up and I coughed up a lot of water. I was in a state of shock, but needed no medical attention. I don't know how long I was under the raft, no one was looking at their watch at the time. It could have been 3 or 4 minutes, it could have been ten. There was no time where I had been.

    I can't say that I was clinically dead, but I have no memory of struggling under the water or trying to hold my breath till I reached the surface. (I've been a swimmer, water skier, scuba diver, and surfer, so I've had plenty of close calls under water before when I thought I might die, but nothing like this. These other times I remember perfectly well struggling to reach the surface, my lungs about to burst.) What I do remember during the time my body was in the water under the raft is what I have told you.

    I walked around in shock for months afterwards, not knowing how to describe my experience nor integrate it into my life. When I did try to tell someone what I experienced, I was patted on the head and told to forget it, that I was lucky to be alive. It wasn't until 15 or so years later that I picked up a book in a Light Center by Ruth Montgomery which described my experience and I finally knew that I wasn't alone... or crazy.

    My life changed immediately and drastically after that day in the river and I went through some very tough times, including a divorce, custody battles, trying to find a job after not working for almost ten years, being single again, depression and suicidal thoughts. This led me on a long, winding path, becoming a seeker of my higher purpose. I knew what my purpose was on the other side, but, once back in body, it was a mystery to me. I went back to school at age 37 and got a BA and MS in psychology and have been a counselor for many years. In school, I realized the significance of the library I flew through during my NDE. All the books I studied from, it was as if I had read them already, and had no trouble making the Dean's List, in spite of working full time and raising three teenagers as a single mother.

    I began my metaphysical studies after graduation, reading every metaphysical, religious and spiritual book I could get my hands on, and talked with many teachers and gurus over the years. I began meditating a few years after my NDE, mainly to deal with stress, but eventually learned to reach and maintain a higher level of consciousness in every day life. I became an ordained minister and a spiritual counselor, and earned another master's degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy, which lead me to past-life regression as a therapy. My education continues to this day.

    My purpose for coming back manifested in writing a book in 1992, called Through the Tunnel, and I was a Hospice volunteer for many years. I'm developing a course for people who wish to work with the dying as Transition Specialists or Guides. I recently completed a screenplay entitled "Journey into the Light" about two people who have NDEs and how it changes their lives. I began this web site in 1996 and continue my path of service through it for seekers of Light.

    I look forward to the glorious experience of returning home when my work here is finished, but I'm not in any hurry. I still have a lot to do here on earth before it's time to leave this body and continue my education and development on the other side.

    If you have had a near death experience or similar mystical experience, I would love to hear from you by email.

    I invite visitors to write comments in my guest book. If you would like to be notified when this site is updated, join my mailing list by sending email (Subject: Mail List).

    © 1996 Diane Goble


    Ken Ring (Lessons From the Light) describes interviews with several near-death experiencers, and presents twelve insights that sum up their new attitude, proposing that, if you were actually to live by them, you would become a truly free person:

    1. There is a reason for everything that happens.

    2. Find your own purpose in life.

    3. Do not be a slave to time.

    4. Appreciate things for what they are.

    5. Do not allow yourself to be dominated by the thoughts or expectations of others.

    6. Do not be concerned with what others think of you.

    7. Remember, you are not your body.

    8. Don't fear pain or death.

    9. Be open to life and live it to its fullest.

    10. Money and material things are not particularly important in the scheme of things.

    11. Helping others is what counts in life.

    12. Do not trouble yourself with competition - just enjoy the show.

  3. Guru granth sahib is guru right.

    so why is everyone going on about dasam granth and sarbloh grant.

    i agree we should have knowldege about them granths asell but

    it sounds like ulot have understanded all the guru granth sahib and need to move on to something harder.

    i can tell u one thing if u understod guru granth sahibji fully u would have bram giani which is the highest satge for the soul .

    nothing has more gian the the guru granth sahib thats the only way for bram gian. without bram gian there is no mukhti

    phul chuk maff

    dassan das

    I disagree with you veer..

    There is no bhramgyani in the sikh-history who wouldnt have faith in all the three granths equally... reason whyyy???

    Because for a bhramgyani guroo's words are precious than life... guroo's word are hakum for them.

    Dasam granth sahib ji is guroo sahiban words if you dont think so then why do u recite chupaie sahib ji, svaaiya and jaap sahib ji in your daily prayers???

    Now why there is a fuss about not accepting all granths equally and treat them as guroo's words. Its quite foolish to fight over them really. Main aim of an sikh is to get infinity peace of mind (salvation) but more importandly follow's guroo hakum and guroo's bani...

    I dont understand why western sikhs are makin this spirtual journey soo hard for them...full of doubts, against jatha, against sants, against granths, fight over little things thats what you unfortuantely find anywhere... Be it if its sikhi camp, discussion board...we got issues over issues. This whole doubts created issues...

    Our faith in guroo is not even a bit compare to bhramgyanis/mahapursh..Their faith as i mentioned again in another thread is like mountains and our faith is like leaves which can be easily blown by wind.

    Guroo is always close to us. Its our duty to bring our faith closer to guroo... thats why we are suffering.....

  4. I disagree with everyone here,

    Ok when you guys think this time of age came??? well what age?? did that age started just now like 1900??

    This age of kalyuga started long time. Effect and colors of kalyuga been there and always be there for a long time. Read vachitar natak of guroo gobind singh ji maharaj where guroo ji repeatidily said there will be cults that will attract others to them and brainwash others to worship them.

    However in this world, everythin is balanced. Mind you there are about same number of saints like there were 1900's. The reason you cant find them its because you have a insecurity what if he is fake...First of all if he is claimin to be sant he is not.

    Any person who attracts the worshippers to themselves rather than sggs ji and intiate others into khalsa way of life its not a sant.

    I can see soo many sants right now that has nothing to do with attachment with the world. They are sittin down in their place workin on the spirtual development (gettin bhramgyan). They will not preach anything without gettin hakum of our guroo's sahiban. Because akaal give you specific tasks to perform in this world and spread the peace.

    Have faith in guroo 120 percentage and search for saints to show you the way to get to god because they are already met god. Inorder to meet god you have to find someone who has met the god and merge with god(guroo's). I dont know thats what i beleive.

    I have read sakhis in sggs of baba sheik farid, bhagat ravidas and our guroo sahiban..specially bhai lehna ji(guru angad dev ji), guru amardas to guroo teg bahudar sahib ji to back up my claims.

  5. yeah ok canadian jatti but sikhi is the purest religion in that it took the supreme truth (vaheguru) over 200 years to make a person right, by that i mean over 200 years of gurus, she/he who stays in the kirpa of guru ji is the perfect person/ the ideal person through gods eyes. And that u cannot dispute

    Prove Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam is un-pure regardless of whats happening i meant scriptures wise???

    In SGGS, its been said even atheist can gain salvation through rebirths and you are saying all people from different relegion are un-pure. That sounds very self-centered to me.

    Our guru's spent all life spreading life and spreading the message.. if you are muslim be good muslim if you are hindu than be a good hindu... and you shall gain salvation.

    and what we doing instead???

    Look veer sikhi is in purest form only if we are the (followers) right human race as one. Why are settin bad examples to be son and daughter of guroo ji??

    Guroo gobind singh ji maharaj said:

    "Treat all human race as one"

    By arguin whose relegion is better we are not doin anything but creating barriers. Sikh Heart should be soo nirmal that sikh should see same light in everyone.

    "Sab mein jot, jot haie soaie. Tis da channan sab mein channan hoye"(Kirtan Sohila)

    Also guroo nanak dev ji said- Hum nahin change, bora na koiii (SGGS)

  6. I agree with you because the whole point of being an sikh is to be inferior, drop your ego like a bad plaque. There are very few ones who completely surrender to gurooo ji with full faith, no doubts in guru's bani. Also by gettin rid of all the desires, kaam, krodh, moh, lab, ahankar, maya, trishna.

    There has been soo many times in sggs where maya..comin of maya, creation of maya been discussed...

    Maya is something or anything that takes you away from god... it could be anything...maya does not only mean money but its anything that takes you away from god.

    Read full anand sahib english translation...you will know what i m talkin about...its good to know you already aware of things that you have to get rid of...

    Yeah the avatar i got it from http://www.sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness...wtopic.php?t=82

    check it out!!

    Sword Of Khalsa.. you will bloody faint... :shock: :LOL::LOL::LOL:

  7. wahegurujee ka khalsa wahegurujee ki fathe!!!!

    u can stay but maharaj said u have to do gristhi in this and staying in it doing naam japna and rehat u get mukti my 2 precent bhul chuk maaf :)

    so you are sayin person who doesnt get married dont get mukhti...i just dont beleive in that notion mate...try again :D

  8. SSA

    what does sikhi if someone wants to remain bachelor whole life...i thnk it is recomended family life should be adopted but what if we dont .....

    because i m considering that option as i thnk in today's world evrybody is living for his/her own self so why fool ourself .......

    If the person wants to be bachelor all life and pursue his/her spirtual career.. there is no restrictions on it.. But its recommended to stay in mariage life and pursue his/her spirtual career...

  9. the nihangs of the uk are supported by the rss, obviously they don't believe in khalistan

    Can you please back up your claim???

    There are many khalistanis but on the same token there are many non-khalistani sikhs as well.. so you are tryin to say those non-khalistani are supported by rss..

    I dont beleive in khalistan because i beleive khalsa dharama cant be held by a country. Khalsa dharma is universal.. its way of living.

    I beleive in Khalsa raj because thats guroo's bachan compare to khalistan concept which was created by bunch of politicans/fanatics.

    Remember sant jarnail singh bhindranwale words.. he was never favour of khalistan nor he was against it.

    I dont beleive in khalistan..so i m supported by rss?

  10. But here comes the question again---if this is the realization for sikhs about hair then ---------why does this dual nature of sikhs to have faith in gurbani and bringing maryada which was not started by our gurus and nor stated anywhere in gurbani and even not practised by nine gurus and numerous saints who wrote beautiful scriptures of guru granth sahib.

    come again about nine guroo's. you are mistaken veer.. just to let you know before guroo gobind singh created khalsa...all nine guroo's used to give charan "amrit" to their devotee's. Even in there, kesh was must needed. Because it helps you with the meditation.

    There are 100 ways to get to god-

    And Sikhi way is one of them which is through spirtuality and naturalism. whether you like or not. You cant follow sggs without intiating yourself in brotherhood of khalsa. Because even guroo nanak in iran said this to qazi Listen to me mukhdin, I shall be in my tenth dress to fight oppression. So creation of Khalsa was written long time before you can even think

    This can be widely found in sikhi predictions text- Sau Sakhi. Plus all the rehatnamas you got from nogroup singh i think its enough evidence to prove hair is a must. If you wish not to go through Khalsa way of life thats fine. We are not claiming to we are the only way to get to almighty. Khalsa way of gettin god is one of its kind I tell you much.

    Bottom Line: There is no way guroo ji will give you darshan(get salvation) if you dont follow guroo's hakum and hakum is to follow sggs is our living guroo and get baptised in khalsa brotherhood.

  11. I would die instead of givin my hair so next life vaheguroo can give me healthy body.

    If you wish to do darshan of guroo gobind singh ji maharaj you must respect hair as if they are your own organs.

    Ask the health proffestional "How would you feel if someone is askin you we gotta do your surgery but you gotta give up your organ"?

    And then explain it to them Hair is my organ simple as that. This wont be sucide because you be refusin the treatment from the temporary world and you relying on vaheguroo ji. Treaments of Treaments...

  12. heheheh yeah..jsb...thanks for the information ..that is weird though....cuz you know all religions are kind of path ways to god ..and we say ek onkar....right

    but chrisitianity people say ..hell is like burning for some 900 ( guessing on the number) years....

    wonder whoz right and whoz wrong...guess will have to live it and find out :LOL:


    I suggest you should read the book called "Death and After" by surinder singh kohli. Its brillantly written you can read some chapters on here: http://www.sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness...opic.php?t=1013

    And you are right about hell after death...it takes 1 solar year to travel through jaam marg that whole 1 year will be hell for paapi's and after 1 year Dharamraj decides whether the person goes through rebirthing concept or not but you actually go through hell before rebirths of 8.4 reincarnations. They both seem hell to me. One hell is better than other. But you cant choice jack after death on your own. Dharamraj will give you choice and choices are very limited.. Questions like would you like to burn in fire or eaten by demons??? very very limitedd choices....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :twisted: :twisted:

    Very very limited...


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