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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Lets make this profound, deep meditative, experiential exercise-

    Please describe in your own words whats the nature of JOT mentioned in gurbani? Please respond only after some deep contemplation on nature of JOT in meditation. Whilst conceptual reference/interpretation is good initially we would like to encourage sangat to describe nature of JOT in gurbani via direct expereince / insight on nature of Jot through intuitive knowledge (inner bibek/vivek) knowledge which is in all of us. Lets hope to stimulate / perhaps attune this inner bibek/vivek which is in all of us.

  2. Just wanted to find out from sangat, if you guys working on new sikhi related projects and to perhaps post your rough draft work/opinion/research here for sangat benefit.

    I have just finished making sikhawareness much more stable, bring the site updates fully up to date.

    - I might go back to work on translation/get snippets from japji sahib teeka and also will start reading art of war that dalsingh veer posted earlier. It seems like a great book:


  3. I recently have been using dollar beard club products for my beard. I am quite pleased by their products, best of all it their beard oil does not stink as opposed to some of known indian beard products. Highly recommended check it out guys..Their products definitely increase my sensitivity and caring for my beard lot more than before:




    They got some really bad ass ads videos especially this one:

    https://www.facebook.com/dollarbeardclub/videos (viewer discretion advised) 

    https://www.facebook.com/dollarbeardclub/videos/431062483764102/ (viewer discretion advised) 




  4. We have to realize in indic vedic philosophy term vishnu is referred to both sargun and nirgun, at times its referred to maha vishnu (nirgun), shiv is referred to sada shiv. It's little more complex just like how sri guru gobind singh ji recited deh shiva bor mohe for nirgun - paratma- almighty not sargun shiv. So before jumping to conclusion we need to really contextualize whats being said as we would for gurbani.

  5. Interesting topic. All though i m in the view gurbani can should be only used for cleaning mind to meet supreme jot - atma-paratma. However, there is a puratan view from relative context gurbani can be used at all levels even to get money have prosperity. For example:



    We have puratan granth-Gur Shabad Sidhi (Shardha Puran Granth) (Bhai Mani Singh Ji) punjabi -faith building granth  used in puratan samparda's where certain shabads are given for bhagti help, health improvement, spiritual/social/religious issues/hindrances social-religious/spiritual/economic prosperity.. approach is also bit like kids beginning like approach as kids have strong faith in anything, when parent want its kid to jaap of vahiguroo, usually greed (lalach) is given in return- baba farid when he was small he was given greed by his parents if he does jaap of vahiguroo, he would get gur(shakar ganz) equilavent to candy every day from vahiguroo, so in this way one is slowly attached with gurbani, once its attached with gurbani one feel naturally de-attached from world if one is receptive enough as one point gurbani mantra/pauri draw seeker in.
    I agree its bit of slippery slope but why worry? Everything is in hakum, Gurbani knows best how to draw people in when where and how when once one started do its jaap with receptivity full faith without egoic self coming in a way everything happens , traditionally in gurbani we have bhagat dhru who did bhagti for raaj initially and then got saved later on when jaap drawed him in fully and also baba farid sakhi doing jaap of vahiguroo for candy when he was kid.
    Eight chapter:
    To read more on it:
    One of our member testimonial when he used this granth sidhi of gurbani to improve his health:






  6. Fear can be only truly overcome by impersonal unconditional love(its just loves) and gyan(wisdom) of our true nature which is fearless as there is only ONE in all, all in ONE. There are all kinds of fears ego has, one may overcome visible ones but there are many subtle levels of fear just waiting to arise in consciousness/mind. Even when one is able to reach heights of spirituality one cannot totally free from fear as they also try to sustain an certain stage in spirituality -ego has a fear that it will loose certain stage in spirituality, its only by grace of Satguru (our internal Guru-shabad/shabad gyan-paratma) fear can be totally destroyed. 

    Our true nature is of Supreme- Nirbhauo(Fearless) in mool mantar. Only way to destroy fear is to understand and realize our true nature.

    Nirbhauo- No fear- fearless as there is only one in all, all in one- fear from what? There is NO other, Ikoankar is all, all is ikoankar. Realizing bhramgyan- one universal light in all including myself is surely Nirbhauo-fearless unconditional fearless love and end of fear.

    Here now i am speaking to you -i have a fear of loosing platform we speak in for example, or loosing this great sangat of sikhawareness...these are all thougths of fear arising in consciousness, if i start clinging to these thoughts my life will be miserable. I go back truly in dream state, world samsara of suffering so i witness them they are coming and going on their own accord sometimes they are soo powerful, they chase me as a witness state cling to myself at that point there is nothing I can do than let it takes its due course. But again without bhramgyan one cannot truly free from fear, at higher states of spirituality one can tranquilize fear/ego..fear and ego are same thing as they are quality of each other, one can tranquilize fear/ego at higher states but cannot get rid of it until vahiguru full grace dawns. 

    Only way to overcome fear, is natural choiceless spontaneous effortless abidance in fearless- pure awareness/ -shabad JOT gyan- bhramgyan and that cannot come without grace of shabad guru/Gyan internal Satguru-atma-paratma.But in order to receive that grace, we all have to be ready- receptive, quiet-empty of thoughts in meditation, facing towards the source then let nature takes it course, it has to happen as everyone must go back to its source sooner or later.

  7. 2 hours ago, kdsingh80 said:

    are you people expecting some type of uprising?


    I am not as only way i think uprising could take place is through political electoral means. Badal and congress has to go from punjab, time for new fresh party- aam admi should be given a chance to run punjab as they have done amazing job in delhi.

  8. Yes off course, those sikhs will definitely will get laha of doing good but that laha/good karams would be temporary will pass out eventually then what? They be back to square one in next life or next after.

    However, lets establish first why that person is reading gurbani and whats the main aim? Is it main aim to remove all the suffering and crossing the world ocean of misery and repeated rebirths? 

  9. Some great points in this discussion:


    Email that Yoga instructor got from hindu yoga american group:

    The email reportedly said the student group wanted to be sensitive to how it practiced yoga since cultures from yoga orginates have "experienced oppression, cultural genocide and Diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy."

    Again valid point of colonialism and western hippies twisting yoga but totally wrong action - forcing to cancel it. If they are concerned about colonialism and western hippies twisting yoga, they could have awareness classes to provide correct teaching via ravi shankar other mediums etc. Actually, great point by tv host on top too, its actually plus point western people is spreading yoga they should be encouraged by it as they inadvertently spreading their religion too, may be help them improve not get offended by it. I think only hindu right wing nationalist would only get offended by it to the point where they had yoga positive mindfulness classes for diabetes cancelled all for sake of fighting back colonialism and western supremacy.

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