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    DrlhaaVrksha reacted in *Shocker* - Sri Krishan jee was a Celibate   
    My take. Shri Krishna married only once and that is to Mata Rukmani. This is validated by Mahabharata. Now the story of Shri Krishna having 16008 wives found mention in Puranas. Now everyone knows Puranas cannot be trusted as it is prone to tampering, interpolation, corruption. Moreover not to forget Bharat had been under attack for 1000 years and enslaved under such situation there are high chances of texts getting corrupted. Shri Krishna being a Yogeshwar and true follower of Eternal Vedas can't marry more than one woman. Any great Rishi, Karmayog, Guru worthy of being emulated can't marry more than one woman.
    Lastly only Vedas can be accepted as uncorrupted as it has a very scientific technique of preservation by oral tradition. The Vedas are memorized in several different permutations and combinations so as to ensure no corruption gets in. Only corruption have been in it's mistranslations
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    DrlhaaVrksha reacted to chatanga1 in Social media and anti-Dasam Granth movement.   
    The extremity has always been there, but social media has given it a new outlook. Gossip and lies spread like wildfire over the internet, especially social media. Before the missionaries had this option, their views were very isolated. They didn't have the platform to spread their venom as they do now. Because they now have this option, they have put it to very good use and daily there are new posts on Youtube and FB about Sri Dasme Patshah's Granth. Whereas the traditional Sikh orders have been very slow on the uptake, and are lagging far behind these missionaries.
    More and more people are being convinced by their thinking and it is harder and harder to get these people not to abandon the long-serving traditions of the Khalsa Panth. People are falling for their propaganda left, right and center. Their venom is infecting the Panth, on a scale that we have never seen before. Even the raagmala, kes-keski,mool mantar debates have never escalated to such a degree as this issue has.
    Not so long ago, we had a "khoji" on this forum, trying to fool us into thinking that the poets were the authors of Sri CharitroPakhyan Granth. It wasn't his own work. I saw the same word for word arguments on some blog (unless it was his own blog alongside some other topics he started here) and when the correct and full interpretation was looked at, it showed that this "khoji" was a deceiver and a liar. Yet another deceitful person from this forum, even after reading the correct and full interpretation (as their knowledge of Panjabi was close to zero) still used this distorted version in order to prove themselves to be correct in a further facebook group post. Now because no-one has countered that, the rest of that group will think that this distorted version is the correct version, and the deceit that is before them will be unfathomed.
    There is an immediate calling for us to be more proactive before it's too late, and the deceivers infect too many minds with their poison.
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    DrlhaaVrksha reacted to amardeep in Panjabi Vocabulary Builder Thread   
    Welcome to the forum @DrlhaaVrksha
    Looking forward to your contributions.
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