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Posts posted by Soulfinder

  1. 45 minutes ago, Guest Harman said:

    Because it’s a hukam to wear a Dastaar... This is a Crown 🙏 Guru Maharaj Ji sacraficed their whole life for us Sikhs to have a Crown 🙏 Whether you feel as if that sacrafice is enough for you to wear the crown, is your choice Ji

    Yes veer ji you are right. 


    Here is a short audio clip where Sant Kartar Singh Ji Bhindrawale saw topi wearing sikh and their answer basically their view


  2. On 11/24/2018 at 8:11 AM, Jageera said:

    I don't understand why all these great "scientists" waste their talent on just one religion when they could be using their abnormal brain power to work for NASA,UN,WWF,etc and in the process solve world hunger,global warming,bring peace between warring nations.

    I can imagine Dhunda,Ghagga,Raagi,Dhadri in their white lab coats working under the Missionary College busy assembling a new generation of staged thermonuclear weapons to be mounted on a hypersonic missile.

    Good point veer ji. It just proves that these people are dumb and stupid as their level of parchaar is not even cycyle bicycle level and they think they are talking about jehaaz airplane level.

  3. 12 hours ago, DeNiro said:

    Wahguru ji ki fateh

    I couldn't help but feel your situation because I know what it's like. I can only tell you what I know from the way I've handled things. Although its a stage of my life that I'm extremely ashamed of, I'm aware of the darkness and difficulties. 

    I remember how I'd regret most mornings and promise to not do it again. Sadly, just past afternoon, when i'd be more or less fully sober, I'd fall into a sudden slump of depression. Worried about how I would make it through to the night, I'd be craving and planning my evening liquor session. The anxiety, frustration, and just the plain fear of being sober. Sometimes, it was as if I felt naked without any drink and needed it to cover myself up and be presentable.  My mind would be working full speed to convince me that tonight it would be okay just this once to get rat-assed again.  I went up and down like a yo-yo many times.  Problem was that I was looking to fill this hole that everyone looks for. As manukhs, we tend to fill the hole with 5 vices. When I went to AA meetings and was working on step plans, I found myself spending more time at casinos. Although I wasn't drinking, I was frequenting other naughty places as well as squandering thousands in casinos.  Now, after 20 years, I realize that the "hole" I was looking for was "naam" and because I never found any naam, I just went from drinking on to other vices.  There's people out there addicted to gossip, addicted to tv, addicted to kaam, addicted to violence, addicted to moh of possessions, addicted to moh of relations, lobh of money, lobh of more square feet to own..and so on.  Either way, theire lives get consumed by panj doots unless they become Guru ka sikh and start practicing as guru ka sikh.

    What did I do?

    - Eventually, I plucked up the courage to start  10,000 mool mantar over 10 days. 1000 /day. This was advised by local gyani and I just took his word for it. He said do it 10 days, no khaana peena, just simple daal roti. Wake at 4am, bathe shower whilst doing Waheguru jap, then sit down cross-legged and do 1000 malas preferably with an extra mala of 108 at the end.  Then wait a few days and start again on Sunday. So it went from Sunday to  Sunday (8 days inclusive) plus Monday and Tuesday week after (10 days), then a break on wed, thu, fri and Saturday to start again on Sunday.  Gyanee told me to go back after a month and see him. When I went back the first time,  the first thing he enquired was whether I had fallen off the wagon and hit the bottle after first 10 days.   But I hadn't, the vegetarian rehat and maintaining of purity on the outside did somehow cleanse my dirty mann from the inside. After 2 months, I changed my life around and started to focus on nitnem and doing simran with techniques my dad had taught me. I've never consumed any liquor since or even had any urges. After all, it was the urges that were eating me in those days.

    I strongly suggest you follow official advice as mentioned by soulfinder veer. I honestly believe the 5 vice salok will be beneficial. I explained before how I found myself switching from one vice to another after I started AA. I truly believe that it's our human nature and the 5 dhoots power to fool us this way.Doing the salok in addition is a vey good idea.   In the end, it's not just about getting off the liquor, it's about a whole new transformation into a newer you.  I remember that during  the second mool mantar japs I found myself with lots of physical energy and started powerlifting and pumping weights that I didn't think were possible for me. Doing this will also be beneficial for you if you start with small weights and combo reps.



    Wow veer ji you do have kirpa on how you did jaap simran to help deal with your alchool addication and how it worked.

    I do hope the jaap that i mentioned to jageera veer ji on here from gyani thakur singh's katha does help him as the root of all problems are the 5 vices mentioned in the salok.


    Also another mention veer ji i heard is that when eating food is to avoid watching television at all cos the food has effect of up to 4 hour on the mind and also its best to do 5 mool mantars before and after eating and the salok mentioned as well.


    I heard this mentioned in gyani thakur singh katha and Sant Jagjit Singh Ji Harkowal article.


    Baba Harnam Singh Ji Rampurkhera Wale used to do Jap Ji Sahib after eating i heard in katha.


    I don't know veer ji but nowdays all i am interested is doing my nitnem banis plus the bir ras dasam banis that put the spark in me as i seem to have lost interest in movies going out and just feel happier doing my banis paath that Waheguru forgive me for saying and writting this sitting in guru ghar as the bir ras banis gaves me more bliss anand ras compared to going to the gurdwara.


    I heard this is natural cos a gursikh friend told me when he started doing simran paath he felt the same as well.


    Do you feel like this as times or is it me ?



  4. 10 hours ago, Jageera said:

    I have quit a few times in the past but started again.Now I'm giving it another try cold turkey.I have heard people do certain paaths etc also too to quit all this,just curious to know more on that part.

    Veer ji i heard you can do sava lakh jaap of mool mantar combinded with salok kaam krodh aur lobh moh binas jih anmhev from 6th sukhmani sahib ashtpadi the salok.


    As addication could be part of the 5 vices so maybe this could help as i just doing guess work as gyani thakur singh mentioned it in his katha.


    I have been on youtube looking for sikhi videos on addication but they seem be just more talking about their experinces rather than giving tips how to stop or go through cold turkey.


    But yes use youtube google as they everyones best friend for everything and anything as you will get tips on how to cope without alchool smoking and cold turkey feeling.

  5. 4 hours ago, Khojidas said:

    Fateh Sangat! 


     Wondering if anyone knows the background of this bani? It appears in the namdhari nitnem. But I've never encountered it the Dasam Saroop and it does appear to be from Sarbloh Granth  ji. Any pointers ? 



    Thanks for sharing this amazing bani.


    The most longest version of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji avilable online or before the current edited spgc version of is this Sri Hazur Sahib Ji version which has many very rare banis maybe this bani that you have posted is in that granth or if not its more likely to be in Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib or writtings like mukat marg granth which gyani thakur singh mentioned once


    Anyhow here is the link of the sri hazur sahib bir and i will try to see if its in that saroop


    But thanks for sharing



  6. 3 hours ago, Khojidas said:

    Fateh Sangat!


    I was wondering is anyone has any nuggets of info about this Granth, sadly it's missing now( an on going trend) 😔. What kinda stuff was in it? When  roughly did it go missing? Did anyone make notes on it ? Is there parts which were copied or preserved by scholars or vidyatees?

    Veer ji is it the granth you intereted in that is mentioned by Singh Sahib Iqbal Singh Ji in this katha track as they have mentioned Baba Binod Singh Ji in the track.



  7. On 11/12/2018 at 7:36 PM, Soulfinder said:

    Here is new infromation i found with a pankti from Ugardanti used in Chupai Sahib paath mentioned by gyani thakur singh. They were Jathadar Sahib Ji of Sri Hazur Sahib Ji called Mohni Ji i will add more info when i about them.


    Listen at 3:13:10




    Here is the sampat which is mentioned in the katha track as i have read the bani Ugardanti quite a few times here is a screen shot of the sampat.


    It is mentioned to be read after every pauri of the sampat with desi ghee jyot, 40 days non stop paathis.



  8. 22 hours ago, angy15 said:

    taksali have nothing to teach you have your own version of Sikhi.

    If you think about it our religion has so many sects that have all created their version of sikhi. I mean do you hate Damdami Taksal ? 


    Have you read this list of many sects exist in sikhi



    22 hours ago, angy15 said:

    you are not doing justice to the name sikhawareness.com

    And you are ? With your new age ideas ?


    22 hours ago, angy15 said:

    Thanks for your advice!! I hope it's a good platform to discuss tat gurmat not like this discussion forum practicing pseudo sikhi. 

    Only time will tell what is correct sikhi gurmat and false.

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