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Kaur Rav

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    Kaur Rav reacted to Soulfinder in Sukha Maryada (use of Marijuana/Cannabis)   
    Bhen Ji i have found this katha link of Shehaadi Deg by Gyani Thakur Singh. But in another katha i did hear that Akal Ustat and Chandi Di Vaar should be read whilst making it. I will post that link if i see or find it.
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sukha Maryada (use of Marijuana/Cannabis)   
    That’s ok when used as a med.. even nowadays it’s been used as a Med in a limited quantity like when prescribed by a doc.. I’m concerned about those who don’t need any medicine I mean physically healthy but still using it and they do it by taking vaheguru’s name. Like using it in degh and making shardayi and while making it they keep chanting vaheguru.. and I haven’t listened to the link yet.. forgive me for any mistakes 🙏🏻
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sukha Maryada (use of Marijuana/Cannabis)   
    Thanks for this explanation and for ur time. But I don’t know why I can’t agree with this. I can understand the part where back in days Singh’s needed something to relieve their pains as they use to fight and do Jungs and whatever u mentioned that’s fine but that was something needed at THAT time.. but we don’t need all that at this present moment so just because it was used at those times people keep doing it today where they don’t even need it and thn they bring up with all these like u quoted and mentioned Guru Ji and shiv ji thn we just keep our mouth shut because obviously we don’t know the actual truth and don’t have the right knowledge about all this to speak against it.. And as u mentioned that it’s consumption helps focus more on gods true name This is something I can NEVER agree with.. what kind of remembrance that would be in which we need to take help of a drug, doesn’t matter if it’s natural or whatever.. it still is a drug.. And I don’t think it’s about narrow mindedness it’s about doing what’s right and going with a better option... yes I know it’s natural and more safer drug and it helps in making u feel relaxed but that doesn’t mean we HAVE TO do what they needed to do at those times.. thn I can get high on weed and I can say oh this is something my guru did and it’s shiv ji’s fav drug. That’s what my point is.. people when they don’t need to do it but still do it and thn they bring this thing that it was done by Singh’s at those times. Taken at a limited quantity only when needed is something I can understand but making it a ritual and saying its been done from that time is something I don’t seem to agree with..  I don’t know if anyone will understand my point or not.
    this is something I was reading about Shivji consuming weed and came across this.
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sukha Maryada (use of Marijuana/Cannabis)   
    Hanji we meet again 🙏🏻🙂
    i would like to tell u this now as u wrote this. Before my transformation and before like who I’m now and what kind of person I was before.. so I use to consume weed before and use to love it a lot so I know it’s effects.. and I can do it now as well but I just can’t do it anymore because there’s a voice that’s not letting me do it and we all know THAT VOICE can never be wrong.. now even I have  valid reasons for doing it.. I can also take in a right quantity and do my simran..  right, but I just can’t do it anymore.. well that’s what I think and there are so many people who misuse it.. like people in India they even try to get high on cough syrups.. and yes there are other people who do it in a right way but those people are very rare.. and I really think those on spiritual path they actually really don’t need to do it.. 
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sukha Maryada (use of Marijuana/Cannabis)   
    I wasn’t comparing the two at all. I was just giving u an example like how desperate some of the youth are to get just high on something so they are going for cough syrups.. 
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sukha Maryada (use of Marijuana/Cannabis)   
    so what I mean is whatever their life style is (nihangs) and  I know I shouldn’t be mentioning not all of the nihangs but those who does have a strict and hard kind of life style where they might need to use it (and I didn’t know there are some nihangs who does go for horse riding nowadays so thanks for telling me that) but because of that there’s so many people who do it I would say misuse it and say we are allowed that’s what I think is not right. But who can make them understand this.. those who actually want to get high on it (when they don’t need it) they just do it and justify it on the name of god. That’s what my whole point is I’m not saying why nihangs do it coz I havent lived their lifestyle but for people like me who has a normal life we don’t need to do it.. 
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    Kaur Rav reacted to MrDoaba in Sukha Maryada (use of Marijuana/Cannabis)   
    These people aren't really interested in God to begin with, so shado pare.
    Those who have pyaar for Sikhi know the what, when, where.
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sukha Maryada (use of Marijuana/Cannabis)   
    and I would like to clarify  this my own statement as I remember somewhere in some other post maybe I wrote it that why do nihangs do jhatkta and marijuana.. and now I mentioned this.. it’s because before I didn’t know that they use to go for horse riding and I completely forgot about some of them also do gatka practice so that’s why I wrote that before and now this.. and the reason I’m clarifying this beforehand is because there are some people who only look at the mistakes of a person and it has happened to me before and thn they start an argument over little things. 🙏🏻
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Soulfinder in Sava Lakh Jaap of Mool Mantar Sahib   
    Bhen ji i heard in Gyani Thakur Singh's katha that it can be done half half 50/50 of 32 jaaps or malas. I don't have the link right now but its ok as he said it in his katha that Baba Harnam Singh Ji Rampurkhera Wale said its as they did 16 in morning 16 in evening.
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sava Lakh Jaap of Mool Mantar Sahib   
    For mool mantar it’s 32 mala per day right (108 beads).. can a person do 16 mala in the morning and again 16 mala in the evening or have to do 32 mala at one time it could be morning or evening.. if u can answer plz do I’ll be grateful 
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sava Lakh Jaap of Mool Mantar Sahib   
    Yes I’m going to start with one mala first and thn after some time I might do 16-16.. it took me exact 20 mins to do one mala so it’s going to take a lot of time for me to do 32 but hopefully waheguru ji will make it happen soon.. and I do full mool mantar upto Nanak hosee bhi sach.. thanks for ur help.
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sava Lakh Jaap of Mool Mantar Sahib   
    How counting or doing x amount of Jaap leads to ego.. I think ego can still overtake when u do khulla pehra. Why it’s always considered that chalisa is useless and its always said that it’s the ego of a person.. I think it’s the intentions that matters whether if rememberance is done under a specific amount of time or u do it unconditionally.. whatever u said is absolutely correct that it’s not us or me who does the Jaap but it’s the mindset of a person so I think we can’t say everyone who does is egotistic.. I still have ego and ego isn’t something that can be won over night for a sinner like me but These X amount of Jaaps can help in getting over haumai if done with true intentions.
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sava Lakh Jaap of Mool Mantar Sahib   
    So did I said something else? That’s what I said ego is there doesn’t matter if u do khulla pehra or chalisa. But some people bring ego  within chalisa and says I did this many or he/she did this amount of paths or jaaps and with khulla they don’t judge..  It’s the intentions and how they do it and why they do it and for what they do it. It’s different for everyone. 
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    Kaur Rav reacted to Kaur Inder in Sava Lakh Jaap of Mool Mantar Sahib   
    Oh ok I said that like that was a question from me to that poster coz he said don’t get stuck in counting and ego something like that. So I was asking him like what counting and ego.. 🙏🏻 Hanji misunderstanding ji. 
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