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Everything posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. Kashima Shinto Ryu Yari Waza
  2. Nice. Lemme play. Let's see.. 1. Which human? Ultimately yes, but generally no. 2. Various locs depending on type of Mukte. 3. Akal chooses who gets Mukti. Sometimes an animal is given it. For most of us it will require Naam in a Manmukhi Jeev. 4. A Devte can only help you be like themself. 5. All Brahmgyanis use some form of Naam. We are blessed with Sat Naam. 6. No. 7. Very few were liberated, many were suffering. He was always going to come in Kalyug. 8. Both, but I think it helps a great deal to have experience and guidance in method most definitely. 9. Only Guru Nank Dev Ji as we know him. He has many close creations who do similar work. It'll be really cool to see what the initial consensus is and focus on the remaining things like you said Hanji.
  3. I will watch this later. ...nothing stops your prayers. If you pray to a stone, Vaheguru Akal Purakh wacthes you do it, is you, is the stone, knew you'd do it according to your will, and charged you for it, and turns out was in accord with His Play anyway. Nothing is not reaching the Most High. Lol. I am sure there is something interesting in this video or you wouldn't have posted it, and whatever that is, I look forward to. Only the illusion that Akal is not with us all the time, exists for some in Kalyug, so we can show what we do when we think nobody is watching. Akal knows your prayers better than you do.
  4. Catch him on news camera asked about farmers protests and you'll see Jagi Vasudev, and a scared one. No more ...proposterous name. The man.
  5. Yeah @KingTarunjotYT waded in heavy lol. But...I hear things are indeed out there. I Like Jagi Vasudev. He is compromised. He is a lovely actor working for bad people and they may have dirt on him.
  6. True. The info they feed him is sort of like the public school version of some dharam like things. But you do have as high of a chance encountering principles from him as say, neo spirtualists online, or youtube videos on weird concepts by amatures. I don't watch his stuff. I only briefly did to study him. But, just because he's mouthpiecing info doesn't mean some of it isn't true.
  7. I..was not expecting this...nobody could expect this...only the Japanese.....
  8. This guy is good. I would use slightly different body mechanics but his mindset is good. You can still do this with less tools if you have a drill and a file. You chain drill it, then file it, then sand it, then sharpen it. Personally don't think living trees are the best backstop for these things though.
  9. This is an amazing process to watch.
  10. Some really excellent HEMA. How you gonna "pressure test" that in the "cage". Podcast having, mma pundits, have me shaking my head. Something you'll notice about these fine people is that they have empty hand, and weaponized moves both and they're identical in how the body moves. This is a must. However it is you think it should work, it should work all the time.
  11. Naginata. Women doing Naginata in history and in curtent sport beat men with swords. Five dollar machete plus twenty dollar hard wood pole equals twenty five dollar naginata.
  12. Bjj. Destroyed forever. Can't stand mma. Could still watch Sakuraba all day. lol. The fact Gracie "won" this destroys the concept of sport fighting along with it. Gracie also failed a blood test for steroids this fight. Mma is garbage. It shows why mma bjj is especially garbage. That's k1. Not much better. Kaktoge slightly better. Secret Kaktoge slightly better. Not competing, but training as hard as you can without death or permanent injury? Best. Add a knife to this mix and bjj is just further destoryed. For that matter, add any weapons, remove any rules, or allow multiples and mma is also destroyed. I don't even like Sakuraba participating. I like that he keeps certain principles from Kobudo. And applied them in a scenario that favored Gracies, in a way, that showed the glaring flaws in what they do even when the rules suit them. That is beautiful. They disrespect him and he whooped their whole family. It's the only good thing to come out of mma. Then ultimately...litetally...they get spanked.
  13. Real Judo. Some amazing Judo.
  14. Some amazing Karate. Also worth watchin is Andre Bertel
  15. Health. First dude...amazed...his poor hands in a few years though. Some people take real ukemi and receive real forces. Some of these mass transfer strikes are being demonstrated by Nidar Singh Nihang, but to organs. They are real. He does them correctly. To his ukes. Dudes. You cannot take that Ukemi with any regularity. It's going to hurt your organs. Maybe feel that once but you guys need a way to simulate that instead of doing it. The body can't take the demos. We've killed people in Aikido doing things to organs that most people took okay a few times over the years, then boom. You rupture something and your friend is dead. End of this one. Please be careful. That uke is going to wind up hurt long term.
  16. The first shows the explosive power aspect more. This shows the momentum transfer better. Bruce Lee was doing both.
  17. Now this. ....this is way harder than doing it to people. This I can watch over and over. I feel better already. I heard a dude laughing at this video the other week. Bro. He's gonna stop your heart. Lol.
  18. I tried hard to find the post this originated in. Anyway. It's fake unfortunately. Or faked I should say. His Ukes are garbage. There is something to what he's doing but it's hard to see through their theatrical, poorly done, fake, reception of the force. When you see this for real the natural shape of the force is obvious. The ukes should look like they got hit with a grenade or one inch punch not playing noodle man dance whatever. Such a ...I don't know what to call it...to see a monk ...and martial artist fraud bro... I tried to rewatch to give him some...any...benefit of doubt...I can't even watch this again. It's offensive lol. He clearly does a lot of tai chi. Why lie. Bro. He does show the aligment for one inch punch but shows the alignment backwards, but opposites are the same in forces because of equal and opposite reaction. Must Simran. Release ..urge...to choke...sigh.
  19. Bruce Lee man. A league of his own largely.
  20. She's not here to listen bro. She prayed to Guru Nanak Dev Ji one time, and he gave her advice for non Sikhs and she thinks it's her job to now educate Sikhs on what Sikhi really is based on that.
  21. Ah, here's some. Not the only Katha I've heard, but the first I found. Enjoy Hanji.
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