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Posts posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. Unfortunately @Premi


    dude is correct about phones and computers. 

    and I've experienced a lot of what's he's saying. If I were to go into detail it would even sound a little nuts, but my phone is verifiably used against me, something I track using paid security apps and my own vpn server that I have all the traffic logs for not just a vpn service. 

    Snowden agrees and wasn't stupid or crazy but aware. 


  2. On 12/26/2023 at 8:23 AM, GurjantGnostic said:

    Think about the implications of these Ang. 


    tudh dhiaaini(h) bedh katebaa san khaRe ||

    The followers of the Vedas, and the Bible, standing at Your Door, meditate on You.


    Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gujri - 518


    bedh kateb kahahu mat jhootte jhoottaa jo na bichaarai ||

    Do not say that the Vedas, and the Bible are false. Those who do not contemplate them are false.


    Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Prabhaatee - 1350

    What's the Bible's message? We confirm it. 

    Reread that and think about the entailments. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Premi said:


    These 'Sikhs' in the US are misrepresenting Sikhi, they are no good and possibly 'feds' as @PAL_07 would say.  It definitely is NOT allowed. Our Gurus or Puratan Sikhs never directed us to mix our faith with others

    I believe images are allowed but not involving other faiths. You cannot straddle two boats to make your journey, there is no place in Sikhi for Christian or any other religion's imagery in our Gurdware. No place. 

    If 'targeting' Hispanics they should do street parchaar and do it outside the Gurdwara. We are not supposed to be some hippy 'new age' faith. 

    Agree about 3h0. 

    Our faith validates aspects of other faiths. Their prophets, devi devte, texts etc to varying degrees. Guru Saibhan approved the Bible and didn't critique Christ or the Bible. At all, unlike say the vedas and devi devte. 

    So Biblical imagery is Sikh imagery when presented from a Gurmat POV. The inclusion of Mary isn't non Gurmat at all. See miracle at zeitoon for cross reference. 

    Now what 3ho says about that mural? Total non gurmat bs I'm sure, but that's true of all murals they make. They tell an ungurmat story. 

    But to ask if images are okay and which ones is technically a seperate topic. 

    How they parchar? Agree 3h0 totally wrong. They also still receive most daswandh, daan if that, from the ignorant masses of the Paanth. And the inclusion of Guru approved imagery isn't the problem. 

  4. 2 hours ago, PAL_07 said:

    I have not seen the video.  I actually left the body and was transported to hell for approximately 30 minutes ....i saw a beautiful woman with beautiful eyes but she had 3 eyes and mermaid legs and i saw a lizzard swallow a person alive.  There is so much dukh there that i have now left my family and quit work and only concentrate on God.  This happened 3 days ago that's why i rejoined this forum to share some important knowledge.....somebody i know told me once he went into a temple in thailand and left his body 5 minutes and wandered the temple

    Welcome back Veer Ji. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Premi said:

    Southampton mother and son jailed over wedding money plot





    A mother and son have been jailed for conspiring to steal £8,000 that was collected to pay for a wedding.

    Women from the Sikh community were counting the money in September when an armed man burst into the Southampton address and took the cash, police said.

    One of the women - Kalwant Kaur, 41, of Union Road - pleaded guilty to conspiracy to burgle and was jailed at Southampton Crown Court for 15 months.

    Jung Singh Lankanpal, 22, was jailed for 30 months for the same offence.

    Lankanpal, of the same address as his mother, also admitted possession of an imitation firearm.

    Police said a getaway car, which was used in the raid in Clovelly Road on 15 September, was traced to Kaur, leading to the pair's arrests.

    Det Con Jess Swift said: "Kaur and Lankanpal made a cold and callous decision to steal such a large sum of money from people they knew, money which was meant to help people in their community.

    "Despite Kaur trying to present herself as a witness to a crime, it was quickly established she had used her knowledge to help orchestrate this burglary.

    "I hope this provides the local community some reassurance and gives them some justice for what happened."

    Moral of the story. Walk for so long it's not worth sifting the cctv. I mean don't steal it's stupid and evil. 

  6. Think about the implications of these Ang. 


    tudh dhiaaini(h) bedh katebaa san khaRe ||

    The followers of the Vedas, and the Bible, standing at Your Door, meditate on You.


    Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gujri - 518


    bedh kateb kahahu mat jhootte jhoottaa jo na bichaarai ||

    Do not say that the Vedas, and the Bible are false. Those who do not contemplate them are false.


    Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Prabhaatee - 1350

    What's the Bible's message? We confirm it. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Hark said:

    I think you misunderstood my question. Why is there hindu gods and christian figures in gudwaras? To my knowledge, this isnt allowed right..? Or am I wrong?

    Some people probably argue if any images at all are allowed. But if these images are presented according to Gurmat I can't see how they're offensive. 

    Sikhi itself says that God has been part of this Dharam vs aDharm the whole time. 

    Those are Dharmi images. 

    We affirm things about everyone in that mural. 

  8. On 12/24/2023 at 12:08 AM, Hark said:

    In this video here, around 3:30/4:00 you can clearly see christian figures, and hindu gods. Here is a clear picture of it.image.thumb.png.cb79fa397ea54322c22a955ba577241b.png

    This is in the "The Espanola Gurdwara"/ I think also "Hacienda de Guru Ram Das Gurdwara" The owners of sikhnet I think, (pretty sure) are a crucial part to this gudwara. Now my question is, is this allowed? Is this a different sect of sikhism? There is also a post about this online about a statue with flowers on it outside the gudwara.

    The Bible is as confirmed as the Vedas in Gurbani. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Guest Nürija K. said:

    Real black hearted criminals - this freakshow of south asia (putting the indo into ‘india’) of passport “wedlock” seems to see peoples as interchangeable identical cogs. 

    everyone is different 

    even identical twins have different fingerprints. So they say. 


    Yes and yet men and women, provided both are sincere and mentally well, are very compatible. 

    Problem these days is each person has at least a 1 in 3 chance of being a turd. 

  10. On 12/20/2023 at 2:11 AM, sarabatam said:

    Going back to topic- Schizophrenia and Sikhi, IMHO it comes down to - sarab rog ka aukhad naam. Schizophrenia is complex medical/super natural problem-telepathic voices/channeling spirits-  requires medication along with elements of Naam. Naam to disconnect the voices from head - one of many meditation technique- seeing yourself as sky of awareness voices beneath (easier said than done) or concentrating on navel chakra so voices are whisper not loud- (easier said than done) does require rigorous practice. I had a long episodes with voices last year where i can hear spirits voices 2 plus months (echkhart tolle describes it channeling if youtube it). Most of spirit voices are causing conflicts within family voices, gov't, politicans, some were good were both punjabi and english. I even heard female voices- australian. In my case, Voices occur to due to premature kundalini chakra awakening, i had limited understanding of it. Now days i do chanting vahiguru mantra as much possible i just abide in the heart- spiritual heart right side of chest, by passing all the chakra system. Chakra system is quite dangerous without master. Gyani thakur singh ji was mentioning some people have gone mental. These voices must be coming from somewhere- its mixture of spiritual pyshosis plus medical.

    This illness is life altering and immense suffering here is CNN anderson cooper trying the simulation, its immense suffering. Hope no one goes through it.



    Those who opened up, we are on the same boat, so hang in there. This site provides good support. Hopefully, more medic professionals can post their thoughts on this. I don't advise people getting off meds to be honest. I was told straight up by sant jagjit singh ji harkhowale to take my meds when i bought up telepathy. 


    I wrote more about it here:



    I feel for them but I could pass that test still. I think he's hamming it up. 

  11. On 12/21/2023 at 11:21 AM, Premi said:


    Man strangled his estranged wife before running her over when she escaped

    Sarah HooperPublished Dec 21, 2023, 2:12pm


    A man who was caught on CCTV strangling his estranged wife before running her over in his car has been jailed for six years.

    Varinder Singh, 28, was caught on camera strangling his ex-wife into a ‘semi-consciousness state’ in the car park of a shopping centre in Bradford, West Yorkshire.

    His ex-wife was seen struggling with Singh, who had his hands on her throat, before she fell on the floor and stiffened.

    Singh then bundled her into the backseat of his car before making a dash from the Broadway shopping centre.

    In a second CCTV clip, the woman is seen trying to escape on the car park ramp before Singh turned his motor round and ploughed into her, knocking her down


    The sickening attack only came to an end when fellow shoppers jumped out of their car and intervened, restraining Singh until police arrived.

    Varinder Singh strangling his ex-wife in the car park. Release date - December 21 2023. See SWNS story SWLShusband. A ?controlling? husband who ran over his ex-wife with his car after trying to kidnap her in a shopping centre car park has today (Mon) been jailed for six years. Varinder Singh, 28, was caught on camera strangling the woman into a 'semi-consciousness state' before manhandling her into his vehicle in August this year. And when she later managed to flee, he used his car to plough into her at the Broadway shopping centre complex, in Bradford, West Yorks. Singh was later arrested by police after a group of young men came to the aid of the victim and detained him at the scene of the incident.

    Singh could be seen strangling his wife before running her over (Picture: SWNS)

    Varinder Singh, 28. Release date - December 21 2023. See SWNS story SWLShusband. A ?controlling? husband who ran over his ex-wife with his car after trying to kidnap her in a shopping centre car park has today (Mon) been jailed for six years. Varinder Singh, 28, was caught on camera strangling the woman into a 'semi-consciousness state' before manhandling her into his vehicle in August this year. And when she later managed to flee, he used his car to plough into her at the Broadway shopping centre complex, in Bradford, West Yorks. Singh was later arrested by police after a group of young men came to the aid of the victim and detained him at the scene of the incident.

    Singh was detained by a group of men before police arrived (Picture: SWNS)

    Singh was held by police after a group of young men detained him at the scene of the incident.

    Recorder of Bradford Bryan Cox KC said it was ‘pure good fortune’ that the woman didn’t suffer any serious physical injuries, and jailed Singh for six years.

    He said: ‘The reality is that this was serious violence committed in the context of a relationship in which you sought to control and dominate your wife.

    ‘It is self-evident from what you did and indeed from your victim’s statement that these offences will have a lasting and profound effect upon her.

    ‘The CCTV shows you driving your motor car at your victim at some speed. You plainly intended to inflict serious injury.

    ‘It is a matter of pure good fortune that you did not cause much greater physical injuries


    What a loser. Dude has that mutant look. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Jigyasu1991 said:

    I took Amrit from Damdami Taksaal and they prohibited meat and eggs at all. 

    same is said by Sant Maharaj Isher Singh ji. They quote is as ‘Maas Madira’ means meat and alcohol. 

    Sant waryam singh ratwara sahib quoted in his book (linkand image below) that even Suleman ghost was saying “Anyone who want to meditate on God’s name shouldn’t even go close to meat. 
    https://www.ratwarasahib.com/PunjabiBooks/21 Sajan Chale Pyareya.pdf





    For being our academics they sure do come to weird conclusions. 

    You're aware of where those sants...are contradicting Guru Saibhan?

    Just ignore the Sant title at this point. 

  13. 9 hours ago, Ragmaala said:

    Ram, Hari, Krishan , Vasudev, Satnam, Allah, Nirankar, Parmeshwar, Thakur, Gopal, Govind, Prabhu, etc are all names of God and they signify different aspects of God. Uttering them will wash away Sins. 

    Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji have given a place to every Name, and bhagats from different faiths with different Gurmantras. 

    However , Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the only Pooran Avtar or Guru Parmeshwar themselves.

    For Sikhs, the GuruMantra is WaheGuru as transmitted by Panj Pyare, and as per the maryada that was established by 10th roop of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 


    I'm not sure all those are used as Naam but almost. 

  14. 23 hours ago, chintamatkaro said:

    I understand, I love Waheguru mantra but even Bhai Gurdas said it was about avtaara… so it begs the question, are we really who we think we are? We are all sanatanis, everytime we take Vaheguru naam we take Vasudev Hari Govind Raam according to Esteemed Sant Baba Gurdas Ji. These are all naam of Hindu origin. Specifically incarnations of Lord Vishnu. And honestly I am proud of my ancestors and their worship was pure and perfect so why should we deviate from the Truth? Baba Nanak didn’t establish a new religion he simply re awakened the lost souls of Hindustan. Back to our Sanatani roots, even Maharaj Guru Gobind Singh Ji told the Hindus of the time that keeping the kesh was symbolic of being a sant, as the hindus used to keep a rishi knot for extra spiritual energy.

    It's Vishnu Har Gobind Ram I believe.  The Mantar not the Devi Devte.  

    The point is 1 Naam, the one given by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, wasn't made up by anybody. 

    Nor did your ancestors make up the vedas.


    naabh kamal te brahamaa aupaje bedh paReh mukh ka(n)tt savaar ||

    From the lotus of Vishnu's navel, Brahma was born; He chanted the Vedas with a melodious voice.


    Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Gujri - 489

    Guru Granth Sahib Ji is written to all people. 1 Naam is given to Sikhs. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, chintamatkaro said:

    That being said, I still use Waheguru as my main mantra but I don’t exclude Krishna from my worship either. We really need to dig deeper into what and why Baba Nanak said the things he did in SGGS. Krishna is more than a “demigod”. He is the head aspect of the Supreme Being. Also there used to be photos of Sri Ganesha and Sri Hanuman on the original Khalsa flags. We are very much Hindus but we just know the true way because of Baba Nanak. He revived the consciousness of Satnaam in us.

    Krishna is a Devi Devte. See Dasam Granth. 

    5 minutes ago, chintamatkaro said:

    I understand, I love Waheguru mantra but even Bhai Gurdas said it was about avtaara… so it begs the question, are we really who we think we are? We are all sanatanis, everytime we take Vaheguru naam we take Vasudev Hari Govind Raam according to Esteemed Sant Baba Gurdas Ji. These are all naam of Hindu origin. Specifically incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

    No friend. These are the Mantars of the Mahayugh. Each Yugh had a Devi Devte who delivered and resonated with the Naam of that time. The universe itself says Vaheguru. While there are countless names for 1 this is Sat Naam. 

    Hindus didn't make anything. 

  16. 19 minutes ago, chintamatkaro said:

    Guru Nanak literally told us to jap Har, Hari, Raam. Idk where waheguru came from. I heard it was some sort of secret mantra (questionable). When Waheguru is used in SGGS its used in reference to Krishna.

    when I think about it we are the true Hindus, our Gurus simply revived the Truth within our kaum. Why else would they make constant references to Hari naam and Ram naam (occuring over 9000 times and 2000 times in SGGS)

    the amritdhari caste will have us believe otherwise <img src=">

    It's written in Vaaran Bhai Gurdas Ji under the approving eye of the Guru Saibhan. 

  17. 31 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    THC too?



    Bhul chuk maaf


    What happens with thc delta 9 these days is to metabolize correctly requires a balance of terpines and other cannabinoids. But the market is cultivating and concentrating just thv delta9, which is a waste and not rhe reap high. The real high comes from eating well rounded cannabis. Especially with the ingredients fpund in our drinks that have terpines and other chemicals which help everything metabolize. 

    It only reveals schizophrenia it does not cause it. 

  18. 2 hours ago, chintamatkaro said:

    I dont trust science. I stopped smoking and using weed for over a month now and went off the dirty drugs (antipsychotics). Schizophrenia is a made up illness for people who are awakening. The “meds” surpress your spirit and destroy your brain. Marijuana is a spirit itself and a harmful one at that when used incorrectly. The reason I dont trust science is because the studies are very very flawed and they deviate from the gold standard because most studies are financed by the system that wants to supress human spirit. In addition, scientists dont even believe that the spirit exists.
    For example, did you know that the studies about schizophrenia and the “medicines that are supposed to help them are financed by the drug companies themselves? Psychiatry is one giant lie designed to kill your spirit. Trust me bro, you never want to experience the zombie like state and restleness these drugs turn you into. They’re only decent at stabilizing for a few months but these quacks want a person on them forever. This system is broken and I will speak the truth about it forever. Highly respected Dr Peter Breggin a psychatrist exposes the system and lie of these “meds”. In addition many shamans have helped schizophrenics navigate the spirit world and a balanced life. Most schizophrenia cases are just negative spirit attachment. If you don’t believe what I’m saying is real you are not qualified to be a Sikh.

    The only harms from cannabis are financial and smoke inhalation. 

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