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Posts posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. 19 hours ago, Guest Adi Shakti jann said:

    Plz tell me full Vidhi 

    wahe guru ji 

    i am hindu and I want to do sava lakh Govinde mukhande jaap 

    main apne Sikh bhaiyo se guru se jodne lyi help maag raha plz mujhe bataeye 


    You'll be calling out to the 1 Creator God above all else by his attributes as given in Gurbani. 

    If you do this sincerely, you will have done this sincerely. 

    Although some of the brothers who do massive Jaaps I'm sure have some pointers. 

  2. 18 hours ago, Kaur10 said:

    Naam - any name of God like Waheguru, Ram, Krishna, Radha etc . Parmatma has countless names.

    Naam di daat- you need to beat your bad karma with naam simran abhiyaas in order to get this, (this is my story). I am trying naam simran as bhagti da seed is in my heart but there is tsunami of bad deeds which is not letting me progress. Naam di daat parmatma Di mehar naal mildi aa. 

    Naam simran- repeating Waheguru Waheguru verbally loudly and then listening with your ears is the first stage. Doesn’t matter if you could focus or not, carry on doing it. 

    Naam simran and Gurmantar -not sure, but I think in Sikhism yes. 

    Naam, Gurmantar and Gur ka Shabad- I may be wrong in explaining this, better to wait for the correct answer from gurmukh. 

    Bhul Chuk Maaf ! I am just a beginner who is failing but trying , not trying my best these days due to kalyug, but love to follow GURU Diya teachings. 


    Ram the Devi Devte for example is named for the Naam Mantar he was to deliver. 

    Ram is a Devi Devte and a Naam for 1, but these Rams are not the Same. 

    Is Krishna a Naam for 1 or just a Devi Devte?

  3. On 12/1/2023 at 8:13 AM, Jigyasu1991 said:

    Can someone please help me understand these terms ? there's lot of subtlety here which daas struggles to understand.

    1) Naam (ਨਾਮ),

    2) Naam di Daat (ਨਾਮ ਦੀ ਦਾਤ), 

    3) Naam Japna (ਨਾਮ ਜਪਣਾ),

    4) Is naam japna and Gurmantar abhyaas same ?

    5) Difference in Naam, Gurmantar and Gur ka Shabad

    Naam any Name for 1. Goes far betond any tradition, language, culture, planet, universe. The amount of Naam are countless. But they are all in reference to Vaheguru Akal Purakh. 

    Naam Jaapna is saying it. 

    Daat not sure, gift of Naam?

    Gurmantar is when you Jaap Sat Naam given by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Vaheguru. 

    Naam, name for God, Gurmantar,  Vaheguru, Gur Ku Shabad Reciting Gurbani which is a form of Naam as well. 

    We are instructed to contemplate, meditate, recite, surrender to Naam until it is 24hrs a day even in sleep. One could never recite Gurbani if it was not also Naam.


  4. On 11/24/2023 at 3:43 PM, Kaur10 said:

    You would surely get the blessings as you are giving with good intention. 

    I have observed  homeless drug addicts closely on daily basis due to my job role, they buy street drugs with the money and go to food bank for their food needs. Often, kind passer-by gave them food and clothes which they usually lost when high on drugs. Most of them are drug addicts but couldn’t help themselves getting out of drug habit. 

    I am always respectful and kind to them, listen to them if they wanted to share anything or having a bad day but don’t like giving them money. 

    I feel VERY SORRY for them but I personally think giving them money is not beneficial for their well-being.  

    I may be wrong veerji, but wanted to share this with you. Bhul Chuk Maaf!

    You can die from alcohol withdrawl. I understand your sentiment. For me personally I don't mind my change goes to a drug, that they can't change anything about using yet, so they can live one more day and pray Akal changes them when they pray for change. 

    But that's a personal thought. It's excellent you connect with them. 

  5. Everything God made has a purpose if not many.

    Hemp is one of those things that has so many uses that it's clearly made by God for us to use. 

    It's good in every way. 

    Good for appetite.

    Now when wild boar come to destroy your crop, and those of simple people around you that feeds, clothes, fuels, builds and finances their life, it is clearly the will of the Lord we eat them to save everyone from them. And do something while ire to take care of the munchies. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Premi said:

    Hello. What do you mean by Islamophobic? Were the Mughals friends of Sikhs? Were Nadir Shah and Ahmed Abdali friends of Sikhs? Were those Muslims who wanted Pakistan friends of Sikhs?

    Which extremism are you talking of ?!

    Who calls who kufar?

  7. On 11/25/2023 at 4:44 AM, zafar sharif said:

    I was actually shocked when sikhs were showing to be very islamophobic.Also,please don't judge us with those raafidhis.Those raafidhis are not muslim,rather they are majusi extremist.Iran is the largest exporter of international terrorism.Also sharia contains all forms of law,both penal and jurisprudence. Islam and all divinely revealed religion condemns all forms of immorality except liberalism.The reason why adulterers,fornicators,homosexuals are penalised is because of the threat they pose spiritually and physically.Just look at western civilization,even they agree adultery had negative effect on their life.Also apostates are punished,in order to deter breaking up,apostasy and lost of faith among muslim community.Even then,apostate are provided opportunity to revert back to religion,and even provided all sorts of facilities.Strict punishment in Shariah to for deterrence.Also this is ridiculous to justify the killing of Hazrat Hussein at the hands of yazid.And also, Ayesha siddhique (ra) was innocent and she was falsely accused.Thats why four witness is necessary so that accuracy is maintained,and innocent must not be targeted. If you still hate muslims,then see what your kings,gurus and even your extremist has committed extremism defaming your own community.

    Are muslims Sikhphobes?

    What did we say islamaphobic?

    Love my Akhis but one don't play bs. We don't agree with Islam brother. Simple as that. 

    Our history is perfect essentially. 

  8. And as I've been saying, I stand with the innocent babies, not either side. There is clearly an opressed and opessor. I don't support terrorism, I support war crimes, subversion, espionage, censorship, propoganda even less. 

    The consequences of it effect everyone. The Karam of it is filthy. It's aDharmi. I don't want to fund it. Won't be seen with it, supporting it. None of it. 

    We're not with these people. They need to act right. 


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