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Posts posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. Best way to know the truth of a drug is see the homeless person it creates and their state. Alcoholics have less dignity and health than junkies, coke heads or tweakers. 

    Only Sukha doesn't create homeless people. Or behaviors that get you locked up. The only downside to Sukha is the reefer madness that assails it. So it's artificially negative only because of mans laws and ignorance. 

  2. If you want the truth about any drug I will tell you from my first hand experience or what I've witnessed first hand over decades. 

    Combining practicality with medical information. 

    Coke and alcohol for example make cocaldahyde or cocaethylene, inside your body, which is a far more deadly, and addictive chemical and why you often see coke and alcohol used together. People are internally making a third drug out of two drugs. 

    In order for them to get clean. They will have to want it beyond wanting, pray sincerely repeatedly, introduce new habits, Sukha, and Mate or Kratom. And then increase prayer, healthy activity, the catalyst herbs, and eliminate the dangerous ones. Then the person can work off the safer herbs and use Sukha if they still need. 

    If someone has no desire for anything, their endocannabinoidal system is working they can just keep on doing them. 

    But for people who have an inbalance they can't fix, for people who wish to try something but want it to be safe in highschool while other people do the really dumb studf, for people that need a gate out of addiction, Sukha is for you. 

    It's no mistake the Guru Sahiban promoted its use in the Paanth. 

    It's literally a cure all to prevent and treat addiction as well as has a variety of health and nutritional benefits. 

  3. On the subject of methadone. Only people brainwahed by the war on drugs think methadone works, or would suggest methadone, it's worse than the heroin. The best eay to wean junkies off of heron is with heron. In decreasing doses. 

    Only cruel idiots brainwashed by the war on drugs would even suggest methadone as an alternative. 

    Amazingly Ragmaala is totally unaffected by the dominant consciousness of the planet at this time, and yet somehow parrots their lies word for word. 

    We still have people serving life here for an herb that is now sold over the counter, but what's there for me to be upset about? It's not like his brand of ignorance has ruined lives and been used as imperial weapon of genocide. Oh wait. 

    I have my degree in smelling out deangerous wasp thinking and they have left their stench on Sikhi. 

    I appreciate you digging for the Truth about the Paanth @paapiman

  4. 4 hours ago, paapiman said:

    @GurjantGnostic - Bro, have you tried Alcohol in the past? If yes, can you please elaborate on the differences between the effect of Alcohol verses that of Cannabis?

    Thanks a lot


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Alcohol is the lowest substance  on this planet. It is literally the devils Amrit. It will take everything from you slowly or fast. It is the mother of all other addiction. It's as addictive and destructive as crack or heroin, and is more deadly because of the lies that surround it. I won't even kick an empty bottle with my foot and I used to sell it professionally for years and drink it myself. Many years I avoided it because I sold it and doing both is dangerous, but inevitably it wound up with its hooks in me too. Hard work alone will not save you, you must beg Akal for freedom, that many are not given, and any amount of drinking can kill you, destroy your life, or get you addicted. I wish I'd never touched a drop of it. And Sukha is part of how I got clear of it. Naam, Kirpa, Sukha. 

    Sukha is in a class alone. It doesn't do the imaginary things Ragmaala says it does. 

    Nor does methodone work like he thinks. 

    Although some of his posts I missed are slightly better, he's too ignorant to realize he's ignorant. 

    I live in a high desert oasis of drugs, gambling, prostitution and violence. 

    I have seen for a long time now the exact effect various drugs actaully have on people over time. I've seen addicts of every type. I've seen what it takes to get them sober, if it's even possible, And the Sukha is a vitamin that frees people. 

    Alcohol is the opposite. I don't even like touching a product that has alcohol in it. It's that foul. 

    Alcohol will make you black out, puts you at risk ot be victimized while you're too drunk to walk etc, it will have you doing physically mentally impaired things, and you quickly become dependent on it. And you'll act like an absolute idiot. You might as well be giving control of yourself to spirits to live your life for you. Alcohol is a date rape drug you give yourself. Drinking is attempted suicide. 

    Sukha just relaxes you, and restores a natural relationship with hunger, thirst, and rest. It's God given medicine of the highest order. 

    If somebody is producing their own cannabinoids internally and don't want or need it just don't use it. Problem is people want to shame or limit what other people can do, or throw them in jail for life for taking their vitamins. 

    Alcohol is the single most stupid drug on this planet. Even tweakers and coke heads laugh at drunks bro. 

  5. So your understanding and respect for the Guru Sahiban, Gurbani, and Shaheed Singhs is so great, that rather than simply answer the questions, you decided to resort to argument ad hominem. Using things I said truthfully and candidly about myself.  Okay. 

    I've done a lot of things you haven't not just mushrooms. I've been around a lot of things you haven't. I've done things for people you haven't and suffered consequences.

    And so I speak not only from a perspective of intense study, but direct experience with these things, and oddly enough seem able to reference Gurbani and Ithias etc myself. I've worked hard to come in through the back, through the basement. 

    I'm a very busy person and this forum serves as my Sangat largely. I often have to post then come back and post in short bursts. 

    I often have to write paragraphs at a time. 

    I back up what I say however and say what I mean. 

    For example how do you deal with pain resulting from injuries you sustained protecting people? Oh right. You probably don't have that pain. So maybe you're not the best judge about what people need to eat to thrive and Jaap Naam. And apparently incapable of refuting anything I've said with Gurmat. 

    You were trained in combat medicine and served in what military? Exactly bro. 

    Not effected by colinialism. Lol bro. 

    Even the colonials are effected by colonialism. You have to see and know how is the thing. 

  6. 38 minutes ago, Ragmaala said:

    That’s fair , when used as a medicine. Thc oil is used to help with concussion symptoms

    My only issue is taking sukha, just for fun, without any medical indications. I am not talking about Sukhnidhan which has no nasha and is actually a nutritious drink.

    but anything for the purpose of making you high, without an absolute necessity,imo is not Gurmat.

    Okay based on what Gurmat? 

    Because you have an issue your Guru did not. 

    And you've avoided whats been said...I guess to be purposefully obtuse?


  7. 7 Principles of Distraction

    I use the analogy of the Native American Coyote - the Trickster to teach this philosophy and drive home the understanding. The coyote is really a teacher who teaches us about our foibles and weakness's in a way in which we can accept and then take action.

    Most of us have a deep instinctual knowing of the purpose of our existences. We are continually battling the dark side of spirituality or the forces that conspire to drive us from knowing our desired purpose in life! What distracts from that knowing I call the Seven Coyote's of distraction!

    Those being:

    1. Know 'APISTOHTOKI' (Creator).
    2. Learn as much truth as we are capable
    of accepting.
    3. Teach these truths to others.
    4. Find and experience lasting peace.
    5. Find and experience boundless joy.
    6. Find and experience limitless love.
    7. Find a purpose beyond ourselves.

    Sometime during our lifetime, we begin to feel a yearning for something else. Something we do not quite understand, but we know this yearning has little to do with the mundane experience's we have lived until this point. If we were to try to put this feeling into words we might describe it as a deep need to get home, and yet we do not quite know where home is or how to get there. So we begin a search that is honorable and sincere.

    Some of us have learned much in our lifetimes and realize what it is we need to progress up the evolutionary ladder of enlightenment. For those the path is easier and we know how not to fight the direction. For the majority of us, however we only find the PATH after much difficulty and disillusionment. This usually is not all our doing but rather the responsibility of the cultures into which we are born. Our perceptions are clouded by what we perceive from our experiences and teachings, unfortunately we are being taught by unenlightened beings that are on the path of selfish, self-serving greed. Some of those beings are aware of what they are doing, but the majorities have no idea as they think it is normal and OK to use others to get what they want. Those beings use what I call the Coyote's of Distractions to teach us as a society how to act.

    We as potential enlightened beings have to be constantly aware of our perceptions and how they can be easily corrupted by society. We must be aware on a daily, even hourly basis lest we are drawn into those perceptions.

    The Coyote's of Distractions can be categorized as follows:

    The Quest for Power

    Native American Coyote One


    The power of money because that is what society respects and worships. People look to money for all sorts of reasons; rationalizing that with money we can gain the power we need to do the things we think need to be done.


    Money is not power, it is one of the false Gods of the flesh. It is simply a means of exchange. People do not respect money at the level of the heart therefore money becomes useless for spiritual things. Neither Christ nor Buddha or any enlightened being had money or placed any value on it. There is nothing wrong with the intent of money, what is wrong is the intent of greed filled individuals who distort and destroy through the use of it.

    Native American Coyote Two


    The power to teach via title or position. People think having a title or position gains them respect and attention.


    The power of position or title have no bearing on the teachings of the heart. These things may reach those of us who live in the flesh but not those who live in the heart and spirit. To live in a truly spiritual manner is to live in humble service to others.

    Native American Coyote Three


    The power of strong body and the strength of mind. People admire these attributes and are impressed with their message.


    Body and mind are outward appearances and have nothing to do with the grander things of life. Those who have wisdom and truly wish to listen will not listen to an over educated mind or an over developed body.

    What is needed is sincerity and love and it makes no difference how it comes. When the spiritual mind and body is strong all else will follow. People need to learn to listen to their inner truths and not those who profess to know more than another. We all have the same access to these truth's, we just need to be taught how the access the information.

    Native American Coyote Four


    The power of fear is great and through fear the masses will follow. If I can threaten you with a Devil I can control you.


    You can never force acceptance through fear. You can never force understanding through fear. Fear may imprison the logical mind and body but never the spiritual mind or body.

    Native American Coyote Five


    The power of deception will lead the masses to acceptance. Then you can control through the use of more deception.


    Nothing can deceive the spiritual heart or mind as the heart will always know of the deception. The trick is not allowing the deception to deceive the logical mind.

    Native American Coyote Six


    The power of religion. If one rises to the top of the masses through religion then they can control through the use of religion and thus bring Creator closer.


    If one flourishes through religion then there needs to be no control and there needs to be no power. Only Creator can give true power but it is power for true purpose. No church, temple, nor religious cult can give true power.

    Native American Coyote Seven


    There is power in healing. Society looks to a healer as all powerful so they will follow.


    There are no healers; they are only bridges for the spirit to heal through. A person who says he is a healer is only filling his own ego which diminishes his power.


    These are the things that distract us from our true path, they are things of the head and not of the heart. They have little to do with finding one's truth and Creators' real power. The only true power is that of unconditional love. Change cannot be forced for very long, as there will be rebellion as well it should be. The only true change is through the heart and free choice. One must be discerning when choosing their teacher. We can learn from all that we come in contact with but we must be capable of separating good teachings from bad and then maintain the true power of discernment which lays in acceptance and non-judgmental loving of all things.

    Live in a simple, unobstructed manner. Do not attempt to control your life by controlling others; all you will accomplish is creating pain for yourself and those others. Learn to pray many times during the day and you will be at ease. Place your true faith in yourself and your Creator and your path will be much straighter and relatively clear of obstacles.

    Two Feathers

  8. "What's the practical implications for practicing white colonialism for today's Sikhs?"  is a better question bro. 

    Modernity is a lie bro. How is today different than five hundred years ago? Different than Satyug? We aren't more modern. One things are timeless. Two, they used to be far more advanced. 


    What our Guru Sahiban taught was timeless from the highest consciousness. 


    So why did they have Degh Sevadars?


    So why are you so stuck against them serving Degh?


    The answer is in your white mind that they taught to you your whole life. 


    They don't cut your tongue out and replace it with theirs for no reason. They don't eliminate culture for no reason. They want their world to make sense to you while they destroy it. And it works. They have you denying your culture, your history, in favor of their recent and unfounded narrative. 


    You beleive the news Pundit. Instead of Ithias.

  9. America spear headed reefer madness. The war on drugs is enslaving the planet and putting money in all the wrong hands. 

    This started after prohibition, for two reasons. Chemical textile companies that have killed the planet and us with their fake fibers wanted to make money. And recently unemployed prohibition cops needed a new racket and only black folk were using reefer in America, so guess what winds up illegal?

    Everybody wins. White supremacy, the drug dealers aka the government, the greedy corporations. Everybody wins but you. Who dies from the teflon or the pharma. Content with the wasp sin mentality you've been sold. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Ragmaala said:

    What is the practical implications of Sukha/Bhang/Marijuana/Afeem particularly for Sikhs/Singhs in today’s time? I can barely find any.

     I can understand that there is maryada of 5 leaves of Marijuana in huge bowl rose/almond/ shardai nutritious drink. But besides that I don’t see much use beyond that. 

    Talking about medicine, we already have high quality morphine, opiods, ketamine etc for people with surgeries post-operatively, palliative care for cancer patients, and pain killers if there is a war/battle.

    If a Singh/Sikh is pakka nitnemi, naam abhiyaasi, and follows rehit, he doesn’t need anti depressants in form of cannabis.

    If Afeem and Bhang is promoted in todays time, even though they were used in medicine form in past which is absolutely fair, it will invariably lead to recreation and abuse, and normalize its use in our minds. Our mind is very clever and cunning, it was used by singhs in past, why can’t I use it ? Start from small quantity and leading to abuse.

    One needs to have a very disciplined, and focused mind to exercise caution. Even the modern medicinal forms are heavily abused. Remember people started abusing iodex and cough syrups. 

    What is this recreational abuse you all keep talking about?

    The reason to use Sukha is the same today as it has been since Satyug bro. 

    In what way is pharma better than afeem that it's made from? Everything you listed except the ketamine is opium. 

    How "modern" is Kalyug? So how modern is Kalyugi medicine?


    You know Sukha use prevents drug addictions and can be used to treat drug addiction? That it has basically no counter indications, that it's linked to treating countless illness? That some people's bodies don't make the proper endocannabinoids? That it comes in many non psychoactive forms and the pyschoactive forms are fine? That none of the man made isolations result in the same quality medicine?

    I think a healthier question to ask yourself is where did my aversion to Sukha come from?

    If imperials that destroy culture and commit genocide use alcohol, promote alcohol, why are they anti cannabis?

    It isn't for your benefit I'll tell you that. 

    How is it that anybody who was anybody in the history of this planet used hemp, and since being villified less than a hundred years ago we've been left parroting their bullshit?

    Even has you questioning your Guru bro? That's some heavy propoganda Ji and you're carrying it around. And I bet if you look into your mind you'll see you didn't even intend to pick up that burden of ignorance. 

    Why does every culture of this world have a sacred name for cannabis? And link it not only with health but aiding in the focus on the spirit? Look at the word Sukha itself. 

    You know what speed addicts and heroin junkies call their own drug of choice? Shit. 

  11. Oh. And whatever you have in your medicine cabinet, or your dr gives, isn't in Gurbani. So I expect you're like christian scientists and don't use any medicine or doctoring, relying on prayer only? 

    Or your meds cabinet is full of whatever poison the idiot, bought out, doctors say is okay? Aspirin, paracetemol, opiates, amphetamines, unkown classes of chemical that kill you or make you ill, anti depressents? Have you seen the lawsuit ads about pharma death, they play intermixed with pharma ads all day every day?

    You know how many cancer victims died in agony because of reefer mad people like you? My aunt. Died slow. Because of people like you. Our prisons are full. Because of people like you. 

    Fricking miserable, in therapy, drugged up, eating poison for food, and have a stick up their about Sukha. That's the class of people I've endured now almost forty years and can't wait to go extinct. 

    What. Is. The. Hole. In. The. Floor. Of. Hazur Sahib.  From?

    The Guru Sahiban had -------- Sevadars?

    When cutting the limb off a young coalition fighter the Faujs surgeons would do what?

    Answer all three or gtfo. Lol.

    And then also confirm you are happy, one of you better not try to put a hand up even, and don't touch any form of modern medicine except insulin. 

    Please. Tell the Shaheed that's dying, stuffing Sukha in his mouth so he can focus on the 1ne and die right, having laid down his life for the Paanth. Please. Tell him he's disrespecting our Guru and that you want to slap his face. That's what you're doing when you open your mouths with your white reefer madness. Slapping your Guru, your history and your Shaheeds right in the face. 

    So. Thupar to you both. With a salotar. Which is used to grind?


    Oh. Side note that relates to you. Japan used Sukha for thousands of years until....wwII. Occupation by white imperials for the first time.  Now they're retarded too. Some of them can read history. Some of them are triggered like you. The Japanese said the devil was coming for them and they were right. That's who's narrative your spouting. You need to un colonize your own mind. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    Alcohol can only be consumed before going for a battle. Other than that, it seems to be strictly prohibited in this Rehatnama.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    That's the only case I could see condoning anyone do it and even then only the ones who are mentally so shutdown they aren't functioning. I personally would like my mind immersed in Naam Jaap and not be drunk if I Shaheed. 

    Not everyone's mind is capable of war without something. 

    I would use Saheed Degh and Bhang before, during and after. 

    I would only touch afeem if I was so horrendously messed up I couldn't focus on Naam Simran. 

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