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Posts posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. Here's some more Lester Levenson. I do not promote this as Gurmat, higher than Gurmat, or a replacement for Gurbani. 

    It is however the single best articulated information about the Paath from a western physicists direct experience, that when deconstructed is basically american zazen or american advaita with respect to God. 

    The experience of releasing through meditation, and accepting Hukam through meditation, can really help people who are new to Naam that haven't had the experience of feeling Rog or Haumai being taken by Vaheguru. 

    While Lester provided some of the absolute best information to lead me to Gursikhi his method falls short of Gursikhi. There is a reason I have set it largely aside to persue Gurmat, but Lester got as high as you can without Sikhi. After reaching that state he was sent back to share information. So we can see his Seva has truly started.  

    Cross applies to thread about Mukte and Lokhs. Lester can tell you about all Lokhs but one. 

    Note: These are Lester's talks. His actual release methods are not included. The mechanics of the meditation are elsewhere. But there is a lot on the subject of Truth that anyone could enjoy here. 


  2. 8 hours ago, Ragmaala said:

    Who would like to do a japa of Ik Oankar or any other mantras here, for some time, and share their experiences here?

    It’s amazing to share and store this wealth and gyaan but we also need some practical experiments otherwise this will just become intellectual acrobatic exercises which makes us feel good momentarily and then we are looking for the next great mantra/shabd or japa to talk about . 🙏🏽😊

    Running late after reading this was a lot easier saying Raj Karega on the two foot falls and breathing in Khalsa. 

  3. 1 hour ago, mahanpaapi said:

    When Baba Harnam Singh Rampur Khera Wala met Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, and Bhagat Rishi Jee.

    Taken From Say Kinehiya , Biography Of Sant Baba Harnam Singh Ji

    One day Baba Ji was in deep meditation when Jesus Christ, Mohammed Sahib and Bhrigu Rishi Ji together, appeared before him. Their faces were radiant and had spiritually bright auras around their heads. After blessing Baba Ji with this vision Hazrat Mohammed Sahib Ji spoke, ‘‘You are blessed and truly fortunate to whom Guru Nanak Dev Ji has shown the direct and easy method to attain enlightenment of Almighty God especially in this age of kalyug. The followers of the Great Guru Nanak Dev are not deriving the full benefit of his teachings.” After this, Bhrigu Rishi Ji spoke, ”In our times, we had to undergo hard penance and rigorous spiritual austerities in order to achieve enlightenment. The whole life of a man was spent in meditation and making offerings to God and even then, union with God was hard to achieve. The true nectar of naam which great Guru Nanak Dev Ji has brought for his Sikhs is remarkable; even we could not obtain this boon of naam. No doubt we amassed great spiritual and miraculous powers through rigorous meditation and penance, including powers to curse or bless anyone, but we were still deprived of the nectar of naam.” Jesus Christ just said simply, ”It is my inner desire that my followers one day adopt the path shown by great Guru Nanak Dev Ji.”

    Saying these words, all three prophets disappeared.

    [I experience continuation from divine process from one prophet to another not intellectual comparativeness of prophets, that try to prove one is higher over other.]

    many many Sri Guru Maharaj Ji's Blessings for your journey.

    Shukria Hanji. That experience. Yes. That rings totally true to me. I heard that well after being on that road so I recognized it coming in the back. 

  4. I just had this happen to me at work. What they describe. I have Kaam largely on lockdown. Especially at work. I use work as paid Bhagti and Aikido time which makes accomplishing the work easy as a byproduct. And they station this young woman with me out of nowhere and expect me to train her, line going full blast production speed but okay. And she's awesome and came onto me...extremely hard. Which was surprising, unexpected and unwarranted really.  And I think she did this because I had been fortinate enough to Naam Jaap, and Bhagti up such a work flow that it's magnetic and my energy body was just vibrant, and I was releasing huge pieces of Paap and Rog, and my mind was travelling all these places with Sangat, and I was being washed with these experieneces from Khalsa Family..

    AND then suddenly.. I wasn't right.  Because I have a 26 year old american indian...Mohini ..hand crafted.....silver bullet...not only rocking her job but trying to rock me too. "Oh I'm into acrobatic combat bow shooting and have immense interest in spirituality"...silver bullet. 

    So...I lead with all my baggage then told her all about Sikhi and that solved that. Lol. Even then, not at first.  Among a variety of things I told her to disuade her without hurting her feelings was that there is an extremely special right or covenant that is performed before we engage with anyone in a manner like that and she said "I'm down". ...I'm not sure she knows she's getting ready for Amrit or Anand Karaj lol. But whatever. 

    So hopefully she wants to talk about Sikhi or Aiki, or rocking production, and things are chill. 

    Was nice in a way. Feel like a person for a second. Lol. Not as nice as that Bhagti wave I was riding though before I got distracted and had to ask Guru Nanak Dev Ji to protect my honor. With my phone number in my pocket.  Feeling like a wretch. Really looking forward to building up that Bhagti wave next work week. 

    Better here rambling on the forum, thinking about Sikhi than out on a date though. 

    Now Anand Karaj? That's where it's at. And burning off that Kaam into something better. There is a crazy energy there relating to Sanjog I keep getting closer to at the tops of that, and the Kaam turns into something way more powerful and vibrant when you don't let it trip you into a faceplant. 

  5. Tttldr?

    You ever get spared a mishap and you know it was Vaheguru Akal Purakh? So you thank Him? Even supposed atheists do this when you truly scare them and they stop acting all angry at God.  He just answered your prayer in advance. Doesn't hear our prayers? Jeez. 

    This was more about maintaining a singular focus on Sat Naam to defeat Hau Me under influence of Kalyug to put it in our terms. Throw in some Dharam Rai, Jamdoots, Dharmi V Adharmi. 

  6. If there is something we need intercession with it's healing the Rog of Hau Me not our prayers. It's not praying that's tricky its going from Manmukh to Gurmukh, that's beyond tricky. It's impossibe without Satguru. 

    I'll watch the vid now. 

    Alright. So I'm barely into this and I can tell you one thing. Satanists and satanists 2.0 comarket. This video is designed to drive you into the direct practice of satanism or the indirect practice, known as christianity. I'll finish it still. 

    Half of this is the agenda of the originator the other half is suppositions of narrator. 

    Further in now. It's a lie based on some truth. This "saved dark worker" has taken anecdodtaly, and is missing information he would have if he is who he says he is. 

    These descriptions relate more to personal growth than prayer. Yeah..Maya distracts you from Bhagti. When you're distracted you don't notice, when you get High and stop..yeah it feels like a fall. Yes there are crests and setbacks. Yes when you start vibing Kalyug will throw a stick in your spokes if you allow it. So you pick up your bike and start peddling again. Still. Not prayers reaching Akal or not. 

    This is really only what Gurbani tells us about Bhagti or Simran. Jaap Naam? Panj chor thwarted. Stop? Ouch. Make it continual? Yes.

    More and more and more on Panj Chor. Spiritual warfare is real. Yes you can do it as a Christian. More christians should do this. Christians would probably benefit from listening to the better parts of this but it's elementary in Gursikhi. 

    Gurbani tells us how to do Ardas which is more like what people call prayers. 

    Regardless of some gnosis being in this narrative the originator is a liar. 

    Only every christian gets an angel? Convenient. 

    Made up an metaphorical references to the angel and their armor. 

    When you call Shaheed Singhs they come lacking nothing. 

    Big tell. They only talked about this light force repelling the darkness coming from christians. He didn't tell you about the time a homeless women almost snatched him out the air on her onesies and looked him right in the face?

    Collection plate doesn't fill itself. 

    Better bullshit than a lot of christianity I've heard. It is indeed made up garbage however

     Originator has combined the confluent business of occultism and christianity. He's combined elements from actual dark workers and tribal traditions and lore of his people and area into a new business model for himself to capture the collection dollars and social influence over people. 

    Keep your mind on Gurbani. All this and more is in the True form there. This is Manmat. Creative though. Dudes an entrepreneur. Probably will produce a better christian than most people in his business. 

    I think OP got excited to hear a westerner talk Bhagti, Simran, Panj Chor, Kalyug for the first time in their own quasi christian terms. So it had the ring of truth. Just take the open the hole permanently pillar metaphor thing and do your Simran and realize yes you are under attack. 

    And and I would bet just about anything there is a sleezy sex cult combining christianity and occultism all over this dude. And a whole lot of rolexs. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Trimandeep Singh said:

    @paapiman I will just ask you these questions which can help in further debate and move from one sub topic to another in a systematic way. You can also ask.

    Q1. Do you agree purpose of human life is to do bhagti and get Mukti? 

    Q2. Those who get mukti will only land up in Sachkhand right? 

    Q3. Without Naam, can anyone get Mukti? 

    Q4. If a non Sikh worships Hindu Devi Devte like Shiv Ji, Krishna Ji, Durga Ji etc, then can he get Mukti? 

    Q5. Can anyone become Brahmgyani without getting naam? 

    Q6. According to you, are Hindu Devi Devte in Sachkhand? 

    Q7. If people were already being liberated before coming Of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, then why did he come on earth? 

    Q8. What to do you think naam daan is? Is it simply telling someone to recite a mantar or instilling naam within someone through a method? 

    Q9. Is there only one Satguru which is Guru Nanak Dev Ji according to Gurbani? Or in Gurbani, Brahmgyanis have also been referred to as Satguru?

    Do answer these and ask me also if you want to which can help us in debating. 


    Trimandeep Singh 


    Nice. Lemme play. Let's see..

    1. Which human? Ultimately yes, but generally no. 

    2. Various locs depending on type of Mukte. 

    3. Akal chooses who gets Mukti. Sometimes an animal is given it. For most of us it will require Naam in a Manmukhi Jeev. 

    4. A Devte can only help you be like themself. 

    5. All Brahmgyanis use some form of Naam. We are blessed with Sat Naam. 

    6. No.

    7. Very few were liberated, many were suffering. He was always going to come in Kalyug. 

    8. Both, but I think it helps a great deal to have experience and guidance in method most definitely. 

    9. Only Guru Nank Dev Ji as we know him. He has many close creations who do similar work.

    It'll be really cool to see what the initial consensus is and focus on the remaining things like you said Hanji. 

  8. On 12/12/2017 at 11:18 PM, sikhni777 said:

    This video shows us how prayers are first smoke and then turn into fire. Havan is a fire. So it makes more sense to me that this is the fire which our phaat turns to which in turn reaches God.

    There is lots of evil amongst our people. We believe in evil eyes, bad luck, bad omen, prayers not answered... well this makes more sense as to what the cause really is.

    I will watch this later. ...nothing stops your prayers. If you pray to a stone, Vaheguru Akal Purakh wacthes you do it, is you, is the stone, knew you'd do it according to your will, and charged you for it, and turns out was in accord with His Play anyway. Nothing is not reaching the Most High. Lol. 

    I am sure there is something interesting in this video or you wouldn't have posted it, and whatever that is, I look forward to. 

    Only the illusion that Akal is not with us all the time, exists for some in Kalyug, so we can show what we do when we think nobody is watching. 

    Akal knows your prayers better than you do. 


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