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Everything posted by kdsingh80

  1. I know earlier sikhs protected cows.But can you give me 1 logical reason not to kill cows while allowing killing of buffaloes. You claim that Sikhism is scientific then what type of science is this. 75% of cattle population of Punjab are Buffaloes and 90% of milk comes from them . So the animal that provide 90% of milk is not considered as mother while the 10% remaining milk provider is given as status of mother
  2. This is simply not possible , If farmers have to bear burden of old cows and buffaloes then milk price will go over the roof , soon the people will prefer imported milk powder and ultimately farmers will give up Dairy farming, In other word in Sikh satyug nation there will be no Dairy farms or should I say no animal farms everything imported
  3. The above post is based on emotions rather than logic . there is certain percentage of population that is prone to violent crimes..If you unite this world in single country then rape cases of that country will be highest but then if you divide this world in 1000 countries than total number of rape cases in each nation will be much less than One united world but that does not mean actual rapes will go down.That is the reason rape rate of per 100000 population is taken when you talk about crime rate.
  4. Read this Not common but still a girl can force her on man Great so you are generalising that Guys will always be ready for sex but when men generalise women being homely that's insulting, as posted above a girl can force a guy The above report is from women's commission dominated by feminists . Also Badaun gang rape case in UP was found to be false and the CBI later clarified it as suicide not gang rape India is big country with 50 times population of canada , 1 voilent rape in Canada = 50 voilent rapes ,
  5. Jasleen became hero for our liberal sikh sites http://sikhchic.com/article-detail.php?id=5933&cat=8 Guess what I posted comment later on telling them about the other site It was never published , how could they publish that a woman was at fault to whom they projecting as hero.Censorship worst than Talibani sites
  6. 1)I am not saying anything about taking advantage of drunk girls, I was just stating how law treat 2 indivisual unequal even if both are drunk.Looks like you just make your mind and read what is not even written 2)Have you ever heard of case where guy is drunk and girl is sober and they have sex and later girl is charged with rape? again unequal treatment by law 3) Its true that many rape cases in India goes unreported but it is also true that vast majority of cases in India are false.The defination of rape in India is also that sex on the promise of marriage amounts to be rape.In other words a couple lived without marriage and have consensual sex but 1 fdau they have fight and the guy decide to leave the girl can go and charge him for rape for whatever sex they did during relationship. 4)Just check the profile of this woman and read https://www.facebook.com/deepika.bhardwaj?fref=ts she is fighting for men which are victims of women centric laws and reverse sexism in society
  7. The double standard of western gender equality always surprise me. In USA , Canada and India and many countries if two people have drink and had sex and later woman claim she is raped then the man is thrown in jail even if he is also in drunken state , so all that theory that women are adults with decision making capability theory goes down the drain
  8. Nepal was just an example , Sri lanka , philipines, vietnam , african nation etc how many are like Israel? You certainly have no Idea what aping means for humans. When a group of your own people do something and majority of them become succesful then the rest also follows the craze. upto 80s Indian middle class was badly struggling then came IT industry and those opted for that changed their fortune. From 90s and 2000s every indian middle class family wanted their child to opt for computers this is called aping. Aping does not mean you reinvent things foolishly. As far apple and microsoft are concerned there are thousands who tried and are trying to be like them but for 1 success story there are 9999 failure stories. Also people hardly follow exceptions. Harbhajan singh and Yuvraj singh became succesful cricketers from Punjab in 2000s , but it does not mean that most people are following them. Can you provide details how jews fought for Israel , what I have found is that Britishers were already in favour of jewish state from 1917 The anti jewish feeling in Europe followed by exodus from Europe in 30s and later on Holocaust . In all this the only thing I found that Jews were determined to go to Israel because of their religious belief and this only I can say is their contribution. O/W Israel is much more creation of circumstances.imagine if none of jews were ever kicked out from Europe then do you think Israel could had been created?
  9. Punjab at present is one of leading producers of buffalo meat in India for export . farmers have almost abandoned cows and picked up buffaloes because they get very good price for buffalo which is not producing milk.milk and and meat are 2 wheels of a cart and it is very difficult for farmer to drag this cart with just 1 wheel.
  10. 1)80% of resources are consumed by 15% of people of planet . It is materialistic lifestyle that is more threatening planet rather than over population . With increase in this even 1 billion is too much for earth too bear. 2) Having children is not choice but necessity of society , religion , culture etc.If majority of people or women decide not to have children then in 1 generation that society , country , religion is wiped out. 3) Each religion , country should think on their own about controlling population if they are in too much numbers. Sikhs on the other hand are minority and have no reason to adopt that thinking
  11. The world is not surviving by doing what we like , the world is surviving by doing work what is necessary 95% plus people don't have any choice .60% indians are associated with agriculture because this is the only work that is available . If these people will develop your type of think then there will be massive shortage of food or mass starvation.Similarly women giving birth is not choice but necessity for society.You are one lucky person who had cjoice that is why your thinking is that if I can do what I like then whole world should do that The entire developed birth is have below replacement level birth rate and now sikhs too have below replacement level birth rate. So chances are all these people will be extinct in 1000-5000 years thanks to the gender similarity and your type of thinking
  12. Bollywood is an example , in other fields too women choose the succesful one even if they have fame money etc. but you will need a torch to find when a very successful women marry unsuccessful man. though many remain single even in bollywood and in other fields but turn down unsuccessful men
  13. Guru ji is talking about brhamchari's sadhu's who are very egoistic that because of their brahamcharya they can get salvation . but still Eunuch's have advantage in bhagti as they know or very little sex desire so they just have to control lobh , moh ahankar , krodh and because of very less testosterone they have advantage in controlling krodh too
  14. Not true I can show you plenty of examples where high earning bollywood actresses marry industrialists, actor, producers etc but it is a rare exception when they marry some struggling actor , even though personality wise the struggling actor is 10 times better than those. these actresses have millions in their bank account yet they marry a very successful man or remain single but unsuccesful man is strict no no
  15. Transgenders and eunuch's are different. How can Eunuch have kaam when thier sexual organs are chopped at early age? It could be mental kaam after watching so many people around you but if an eunuch goes to lonely place and do bhagti then there is hardly any chance kaam can hit him
  16. So inside feminity or masculinity decide which body we want,If we take away social aspects then eunuchs body is the easiest. he/she don't even have to deal with kaam
  17. Great so by your logic women should also be prime care takers of children? Why is it then we see women demanding 50: 50 contribution? As far extinction is concerned it is just another theory , nobody knows what is going after 1 million years and yes testosterone make more men anti social but there are many benefit of testosterone like it makes men more risk taking. Men are hardly afraid of women they are always afraid of their own sexuality as alpha males always use to take many women ,.
  18. Almost twice the number of men goes for sex change surgery than women. So more men want women body than women
  19. The above pic look like big propaganda as in North India jatts, thakurs , yadav's and few other castes are known to physically attack Dalits but hardly Brahmins attack them as their numbers are very small. There is good chance that these girls are from Mazbhi sikh background and were oppressed by Jatts but later on propaganda machinery changed the culprits to Brahmins Any link to above story is aprreciated
  20. Satkiran ji Lets be frank , The type of 21st century gender equality of western style you are searching in Sikhism , you will hardly find it. Look at JATT vs Khalsa war thread. Khalsa like other martial communnities asked defeated brars to give their daughters in marriage. In other words they were just like other martial communnities who used to force defeated enemies to give their daughters for marriages.
  21. Are you kidding majority of sikh women in India marry Hindu men and they do all the rituals. they raise their children as Hindu's . If inequality is the reason then what Hinduism offer them, why like a Submissive Patriarchal wife they raise their children with Husband's religion? And BTW clean shaven handsome sikhs no matter what their views are don't have shortage of any women sikh or non sikh.
  22. So your thinking that with an independent sikh nation, Sikhs won't be migrating to to first world nations?There are many independent nations in world how many are like Israel. Why their people move to First world nations? Look at Nepal , India's neighbour and independent . Their main export to India is prostitutes and men doing menial jobs Moving to First world nation is more of result of aping what others did and upgrading your lifestyle, get as much luxuries as you could the sikhs that moved to west in early 20th century or 50s or 60s came back with money and much better lifestyle. It is natural for people to ape them and try to get lifestyle which they have no matter what work they have to do. As far Israel is concerned it is one exception . It did get much benefit due to holocaust . West Germany paid 3 billion DM which is equivelant to 112 billion USD today from 52-66 and also plenty of aid from west. there are 100s of nation in world and most of them facing similar problem, hardly anyone is like Israel . Either jews are superhuman or truth lies in something else
  23. if a boy is castrated early in life .it is difficult for him to disguise as man. He will hardly have beard and his voice will to be not like man
  24. So the jews who hardly put any resistance against Nazis suddenly grew balls to get their nation And in just 11 minutes USA recognised it brilliant
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