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Posts posted by kdsingh80


    8 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    I asked people from the UK to comment and you had to jump in from your neck of the woods....



    I replied to your comment that what goray expect  from jumping to Middle east war. Your question which was only for UK was What are the chances of this type of Attack in UK, I did not reply to that

  2. 19 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    A lot of attitude from goray out there these days because of these things. 

    What other consequences did these fudhus expect from jumping into wars in the mid-east? 

    Oh yeah, they probably thought it would be a walk in park or something. 


    @samurai @HSD1 and anyone else from the UK

    What do you reckon the chances of something similar happening in the UK in 2016 are? 

    They were targeting American prior to 1990 Gulf war for supporting Israel,also France opposed 2003 Iraq invasion and got Suicide bombers in return and almost on every corner of world where there is sizeable muslim minority they are in conflict with majority

  3. 6 hours ago, Guest gurjant said:

    have read that article, thanks anyways

    cunningham goes into detail about jassa singh ahluwalia but no mention of the rescue as far as i know. let alone near contemporary source, do books of the 19th century give info about it?

    Hari Ram Gupta mentioned in History of Sikhs volume 2 , that sikhs attacked Abdali and released  large number of captives, the sources he mentioned , Ganesh Das Page 199, C.f Ratan Singh 430 , and Gian Singh Shamsheer khalsa 738-42

  4. What are the views of people on who are posting here that women were not allowed in some cultures to dress like men because they are inferiors  on Sworn virgins.


    Women who choose to live like that on one condition that they will never have sex and they will live like a man.Other women in that culture were treated very badly 

  5. 9 hours ago, HSD1 said:

    Tu rendeh, there's 200 million muslims in Pakistan and when their country eventually implodes it will kick off massively in East Punjab.

    They don't need to implode , they will just need to violently capture power and take over pak nuclear and missiles and then they will throw it on India as far as they can.

  6. 1 minute ago, BhagatSingh said:

    But I am sure those guys could easily tell which one of them was male and which one was female.

    Outside race perspective doesn't count.

    We had Singhs wearing surma, ear-rings and tons of jewelry, when the British came to India. We wore as much jewelry as their women. But our women wore even more jewelry than us.

    Singhs always had heavy beard so nobody confuse them with women

  7. 26 minutes ago, Guest said:

    Funny, you should say this!  Men and women can never look the same ever!   Women have different body shapes with soft gentle voices!  Men on the other hand are full of extra testosterone running in their bodies and therefore very loud, aggressive and always confrontational!!  They can never look the same ever!  Women wear executive suits all time nowadays in their work  lives but they don't ever look like men, even if their hair is cut short back and sides!!  No matter, how they try, they can never look alike!!  Sorry to disappoint you sir!

    Of course, their choice to wear it or not depends on how close they feel to the Khalsa philosophy and it's ideals!  And there are many women with surnames 'Singh' but when they are really Kaurs.  

    Not true , it depends on races.sometimes you are really puzzled when you see mongloid woman with man like haircut and male dress and you have really hard time to guess whether it was a man or woman unless you look very carefully .

  8. 1 minute ago, CdnSikhGirl said:


    I would say the post by Guest below is quite accurate... If they view us as inferior to them spiritually and here as a punishment, no wonder they would be pissed off if a lowly woman dressed like a man as they would see it as us not accepting our lot in life. 

    Linking everything to women as lowly or second class is not true. My grandmother and her sisters even though never went to school could easily read and write Gurmukhi. Mu aunts( dad's sisters) studied upto masters level in early seventies. there was no case of female foeticide, domestic voilence .The joint family which I was raised was quite women dominated and it was one of the reason most of the boys were emasculated and hardly have dominating characters of other boys which I used to see in others.So I guess if Samprada that my Grand parents had been influenced had not taught women to be second class citizen

  9. 6 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Bro, what was the reason behind it?

    This is so weird, as Sikh women wore Turbans before AKJ was born.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    They believed that Turban was mainly for men as apart from few warrior singhnee's hardly any other sikh women wore it,they also believed that Guru's made dastaar compulsary for men not women so there must be reason.This is all I was told and it was word of mouth so it could be wrong but one thing was clear that some sampradaye's did not like women dressing like men

  10. My grandmother was also against women wearing turban , the sewapanthi samprada which had influence in their area was dead against that. She told me once a woman came under influence of AKJ's and wore turban when she visited the sant s they were shocked , they scolded her and told her its a sin 

  11. 17 minutes ago, CdnSikhGirl said:

    Yes I have seen this too... recently even. My friend is Ramgarhia background and her Father really wanted her to marry another Ramgarhia.  Why? If caste was removed then why does it matter?  Good thing my husband's family was not into this thinking at all. Or else I'd be considered untouchable  having no caste LOL. Actually his family treat women as equal too. There is no expectation of men having higher status or respect.  And even Panj Pyaras where we took Amrit declared women too can do any position men can in Sikhi (including Panj Pyaras).  I am thankful Kashmir Sikhs seem to be very open and inclusive. 

    I'll just say the truth... Sikhi TEACHES equality of everyone including gender. Some don't follow it however...

    The reason people prefer their own caste , because with caste their are culture and customs associated , many times people find customs in another caste different and sometimes they don't like it .So in arrange scenario people prefer their own caste rather than searching out of caste.

  12. 2 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    Agreed that even the above is a form of animal cruelty, but animal cruelty takes place to acquire vegan diet too.

    If one starts thinking about animal cruelty, we cannot live a householders life. We will have to become ascetics and retire to jungles or have a personal farm/cow, etc, in order to survive.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    But I was not talking about diet , I was talking about Human animal sexual relation 

  13. 6 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Bro, Homosexuality is different from Bestiality in a big way. It is a scientific fact that some people are sexually attracted towards animals, but the problem is consent, How will a person take a consent (for sex) from an animal? That is why, it would be considered as a crime according to Gurmat.

    Homosexual marriages are also prohibited in Sikhism.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    So do humans take consent of cow's when they insert tube in them  to impregnate them so they can produce as much milk as Humans want?

  14. On 3/16/2016 at 7:32 AM, CdnSikhGirl said:

    Do you guys REALLY need to talk about this??? It's a very few sick sick people who are deranged who do these things these abuses to animals!!! There is obviously something wrong with these people and they need to be locked up! We don't need to analyze what they do. Better not even knowing.

    According to science some men and women are not attracted to each other but animals , if homosexuality can accepted that it is natural then people should not have any problem accepting these

  15. On 3/17/2016 at 3:45 AM, Gunahgar said:

    Aghoris do the most extreme things. This way they are trying to break identification with good or bad. These guys on other hand are just sick or diseased minds.

    Aghori's are Tantriks, they live in the world of ghosts demons etc. That is why they do these type of things..Recently My chacha told me that he and few of his baba's  saved a woman form Aghori sadhu who wanted to do sex with her.Before anybody thinking that woman must be in 20s or 30s and good looking is false. The woman was in 50s or 60s .The sex was not for pleasure but to increase power of that aghori as he realise that the woman has lot of power and through sex it can be transferred to him

  16. 3 minutes ago, Gunahgar said:

    There was no need for all that swearing , bullying & shaming him on youtube. If they really wanted to change this boys life, they should have just pulled him aside discreetly & discussed the issue. Indians have a terrible habit of meting out justice on the spot. They probably themselves have low characters. with no right to shame anyone like that publicly.

    Next time this kid will either smoke in private or will probably cut off his hair once he is out of his parents supervisions or who knows may even take drugs to rebel.

    By Indians you mean all south asians or the people living in India. , Years ago I was on a atheist site defending Sikhism and one clean shaven  smoker sikh turned against Sikhism in few days , reason he said he was smoking with his friends and some sikh moral police attacked him , he was from USA or canada, so i guess these incidents happen in sikh communnity  above only is the proof
  17. Quote

    Ruchika M Khanna
    Tribune News Service
    Chandigarh, March 14

    The Punjab Vidhan Sabha on Monday passed the Punjab Satluj-Yamuna Link Canal Land (Transfer of Property Rights) Bill, 2016, unanimously. 

    The Bill was introduced by Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal after the Question Hour. The Bill seeks to return 3,928 acres of land free of cost to the original landowners. The Bill was passed unanimously in the House, although a credit war erupted between the Opposition and Treasury benches over who had floated the idea of returning the land. 


    Haryana Assembly passes resolution against Punjab SYL Bill

    Stop Punjab from returning acquired land, Haryana tells SC

    Leader of Opposition Charanjit Singh Channi claimed that he had proposed to bring an amendment on the issue but his idea was hijacked by the government. However, Vidhan Sabha speaker Charanjit Singh Atwal maintained that he had not received any such amendment. 

    The state government will notify the terms and conditions for transfers of land and record rights will stand amended and automatically modified by the revenue authorities concerned. Suitable machinery will also be notified by the state government to set all claims of landowners. No suit, prosecution and all other legal proceedings can be instituted against the state government or any person for anything done in good faith, the Bill says. No civil court will have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceedings in respect of any matter arising with regard to this Bill.


    Master stroke by Badal, no wonder he keeps winning elections

  18. 1 hour ago, samurai said:


    there's many teens in panjab who are neither fat nor anorexic but as guest sikh kosh said its a pend mentality to call fat kids/teens 'takreh'. here in uk the older desis have same mentality of fat being considered thakra,,which is giving the wrong impression to these bacheh who think its ok to overeat on pranteh and ladoo (and the rest), they soon find out when they get bullied at high school..

    Obesity is a recent phenomina in developing nations .Earlier rural life use to be hard and there was hardly any junk food.Many overweight guys are also takreh. One of my cousin is 6 feet and 125 kg and he is very strong.So this perception that fat=takrah got ingrained in indian mentality

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