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Veer last won the day on May 28 2023

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  1. And heres the latest news on Nijjar. Wonder why no proof has been provided. Here’s what the Premier of B.C. said at a press conference. If this is true Trudeaus a bigger idiot than I suspected.
  2. Nijjar made various trips to Pakistan. So did Khanda. So did Shahbeg Singh. Pannu not sure. pick your top khalistanis and research how many times they’ve gone to Pakistan and connections to Pakistani embassies in the west. Open source as well. Don’t look hard. And yes, Mr. nijjar was on a no fly list - terrorist or suspected to be linked to terrorists. I repeat my earlier assertion about hajam. Sc said you can speak on khalistan Wanted the kartarpur corridor. Even though it’s a national security risk but still done like you wanted. Blacklists removed. Done just like you wanted except a few individuals. Security risk but still. You wanted a national holiday to remember the sahibzadis. Done. Like always your khalistani leadership couldn’t digest it. hajam ja sambhal nahi hoya tuhade kol
  3. Ask your dharmi faujis that spend a lot of time in Pakistan to talk to their sponsors. Where are you getting the drugs from here in the west?
  4. Here’s your daily news. Now, take that self righteousness maybe some flags and go protest.
  5. And I see history for you starts in 1469
  6. Nope, you got your state but sambhal nahi hoya tuhade kol
  7. Legitimate revenues or lack thereof is something you need to take up with your own leadership. Are they guiding your correctly. I can see that. But yours is coming from the across the border from your new friends. Here in the west you have a new link up with the cartels. Nice! The question is once again how many of our children are you going to genocide? See, the thing about being a beta cuck for the pakis is that you eventually go down to their level.
  8. Judging by the names caught. Week after week after week. California, Surrey, Brampton.
  9. Well, at this point it seems to be your community at the forefront in Punjab and certain hotspots in the West. Am I lying? Speaking of genocide I wonder how many of our children ( Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, whites everybody) have overdosed on drugs provided by prominent members of your community? Tens of thousands I bet. Money that eventually makes its way into your khalistani projects and gurudwaras Why don’t you hold a flag for them? Less virtue signaling and self righteousness more introspection is required.
  10. Don’t cry. Deeds decide destiny. The small number of Pakistani lapdogs running around should learn this. The ones that sell drugs to our children Monday to Friday but sit at the Gurudwara on Sundays and claim righteousness.
  11. I have connections from your side. Leave it at that. Family and friends.
  12. I have nothing but respect for him even though I don’t agree with him. He defended his faith but let out genies in the box that he could not control. The real fight was between IG and Shahbeg. Personal reasons.
  13. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2010/bcp-pco/CP32-89-4-2010-eng.pdf Better One
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