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Everything posted by amardeep

  1. Guru Nanak belonged to humanity, in the indian traditions he fits in as the Guru of Kalyug that the Vedas talk about, and in the semetic traditions he is a pir/Sheikh that one needs to hold on to in order to attain Union with God. As Guru Gobind Singh said: Hold fast to me in the age of Kalyug, in each and every age i am manifested(avatari)
  2. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh. A friend of mine approached me a few weeks ago, asking for sikh websites that describe the Faith in depth, and I tried looking for some good websites. Most of what i found were websites talking about history of the Guru's and other generel knowledge. It came to me as a surprise that there are'nt any websites that goes into details on certain philosophical issues on Gurmat, and i was wondering if any of you are interested in making such website with me? Sarbloh.com is great in a sence, but most of it is just bashing neo-sikhs and their translation on Gurbani are written in a biblical language that no one understands. The things im missing is sikh concepts of the trinity of the Guru as reported in the Bhai Nand Lal prashan uttar, interpration of the Bichatar Natak section on Guru Gobind Singh's comin to the world(is it to be taken literally or as a play as tsingh, javanmard and others have stated) and deep philosophical knowledge that you have gained from listening to Katha of great saints. Sikhism online is basic and its a shame that people dont go beyond internet in order to find out what Sikhism is really about, but i would think that by making such a website, we might create a hunger for people to go beyond internet and do khoj themselves etc etc. what do you say, wanna make a change? Gurfateh.
  3. as Bahadu said, its only a matter of using the right concepts. Incarnation is blasfemius while manifestation is at the right side of what is almost blashemefous.. As Bahadur himself showed, Gurbani is against the sayings of God taking birth, and as we all know, The Gurus took birth. could you please send me what you have written so far, as i am very interested in the subject. maybe we could open a new thread on this. as Bhai Nand Lal says : He (Guru Gobind Singh) is the king of the beginning and end, He is the manifested, as well as the unmanifested(Nirgun/Sargun)..
  4. How is your book on the avatars going kam1825 ji
  5. what are the depths of Rag Maala? im not able to downlaode it at the moment, but please give a few comments and examples on whats it about
  6. was it money they gave back then, or was it grains and corn etc.
  7. Btw i am working on a article on the importance of giving charity/daswand, and i wondered if any of you know any verses from Gurbani or the Rehitnamas i can use.
  8. i myself work at Save the Children, - and here 83% of the donations are given directly to children. other companies here in scandinavia only give 50% of the money to the children or poor people. i would say Amnesty international and Unicef are good organisation to donate money to.
  9. Gurfateh Surinderjit Singh. please share your story of how you got to know Maharaj with the rest of sangat.
  10. Gurfateh. do you know any websites on sikhism? Here i am talking about the philosophy and other deep issus of Sikhism.. Most websites i've seen mostly talk about Sikh Gurus life etc... A friend asked me for a link, and even though i have been reading about sikhi etc for years, i still do not know any "good" website... Sarbloh.com is great, but their translations of Gurbani are written in a weird language that people do not understand..
  11. even a 5 year old child can counter their arguments... i have seen betteer question asked by gore ateists lol...
  12. Dalip Singh interprets the mentioning of Hemkunt Sahib and the seven peaks of snow etc as Guru Gobind Singh doing Bhakti in the womb of Mata Gujri, whereafter God instructs Guru Maharaj of his duty and mission, and hereafter sends him into Kalyug. this is an interesting interpretaion. he has based it on his studies of some hindu scriptures that mentions the Jog of some important hindu figure mentioned in the Batchitra Natak
  13. I have just bought the book yesterday so i'll pick it up at the university and have a look.. Can someone please give the lines of Bulleh Shah on Guru Gobind Singh.
  14. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh. Please share any writings written from 15-18. century regarding the Gurus. Guru Nanak in Ismaili muslim texts from 15. century: Bhrahm Prakaash by Peer Shams: or naanakshaah ne paayaa - ek naam nishva karine dhyaayaa.........................................47 And Nanak Shah attained peace; he practiced the word with conviction also saahebjee ke naam ana(n)taa - ni(n)daa tajee bhaje sohee sa(n)taa...........................120 The name of the Lord is infinite and indescribable; the one who remembers it having discarded slander and backbiting is indeed a saint. agam neegam puraann kuraanaa - saaheb mahimaa bhaa(n)khat naanaa....................121 Ancient sacred vedas, the Quran and the teachings of Naanak have all discussed the Divine mysteries. apanee kudarat aap peechhaane - hakakee hikamat or najaane.................................122 Only the Divine can know its own nature (or mysteries). No one else can know the Divine Plan. Translated by an ismaili muslim. I am currently looking for a translation on the Caitanya-bhagavata on Guru Nanak, also written during the times of the Gurus.
  15. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. How much is known about Mata ji, are there any sakhis on her or is it mostly overall information? I remember seing a picture of Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj embracing one of his younger sons, it tore my heart apart it was so beautiful to be reminded of the parental aspect of Maharaj and his love towards his children. Do any of you know any sakhis regarding the Sahibzades relationship with their parents (i have only heard one and that is the one at the battle of Chamkaur Sahib) as Niranjana has stated, the political agenda of some groups may have pushed certain characters out of primary sikh history. I remember how surprised i was to see the Sarbloh Granth sahib mentioning the four Sahibzade as the leaders of the Khalsa, while they are practically never mentioned among sikhs today. what was the status and role of Mata ji and the four sahibzade in "early Sikhism" ?
  16. Indeed matheen. But im thinking of more like a role model... Sikhs use Guru Gobind Singh Mahraj as their rolemodel, as he is the Perfect Man, but why is Mata Sahib Devi not used as role models for girls, as is Lady Fatimah in Shia Islam etc. im just wondering, as she is our mata, and so little is mentioned about it in everyday life
  17. Thank you for the link. what is the reason of Mata jis low importance among sikhs, compared to the importance of Mariya in catcholicm and Lady Fatima in Shia Islam? How come we dont revere our matas the same way?
  18. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh. upon entering the Khalsa brotherhood, your spiritual parents becomes The king of Kings Sahib Sri Gobind Singh ji Maharaj, and The purest of the pure mata Sahib Devi.. As we all know there are tons of beautifull books written on our Father, but has there been written anything on our Mata ji? I personally know next to nothing about her life, her qualities, her personality, her heart. Has there been written anything about her in any litterature? if so, please share your knowledge with sangat.
  19. Thank you for the sewa kam ji. you are very fortunate to be in sangat with such great gursikhs
  20. admin cut nihangs, all they do is fight eachother over power...
  21. interesting. i'll take a look at it. thanks for the link
  22. I am honoured to have such a great soul visiting the Holy Darbar Sahib.
  23. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh. I have been reading pages of the Dasam Granth and i noticed the chapter on Krishna Avatar mentioning the incident at the river where Krishna hides the milk-maids clothes and tries to seduce them. in my narrow and sinfull mind i can not comprehend this story. What is the message of this, is it to be taken literally, and if that is the case; Why is he held in such a high esteem by "puratan groups" of Sikhism? i hope i have not offended anyone by this.
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