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Everything posted by tonyhp32

  1. The guy is a Hindu loser who hasn't achieved much in his life apart from some bogus political science degree so he needs to portray himself as a Sikh to have some level of self respect. Interesting point, have you ever come across a Sikh pretending to be a Hindu online and yet there are literally thousands of Hindu losers pretending to the Sikhs. Historically the only way a Hindu in Punjab could stop being a dhimmi and have any self respect was to become a Sikh. Maybe this is a modern day perversion of that process.
  2. The Rajput slaves of the Mughal emperor were the first to rush at the request of the Bahadur Shah to take on Banda Singh Bahadur in Punjab. They even rejected the requests of Banda Singh Bahadur for an alliance against the Mughals. Like a true patriot of Punjab, Banda Singh answered their rejections with the words. KNOW THAT NOW THAT YOU ARE IN MY LAND THEN SOON I SHALL BE IN YOUR LAND.
  3. So they were traitors to your make believe country of India?
  4. What do you call a starched pugh wearing idiot who needs to take the piss out of Jats to make himself feel good about himself? Dalsingh Duggu!
  5. Scotland is 20% Catholic majority of who are from Irish background. Knowing a few of them, they are against independence.
  6. The Hindu scumbag is trying to divide Sikhs into Jats and Non-Jats. Unfortunately some idiots are taking the bait with their own anti-Jat agenda. I do think that just as that Hindu jungchamkaur has a homosexual fixation on Rajputs, 'sherni' has a homosexual fixation on Jats.
  7. Yours c&p efforts prove nothing. If anything it shows your have some kind of homosexual fixation of Rajputs. 1857 was at best a series of revolts by various interests each with their own agenda. Only fools like you believe that it some kind of war of independence. BTW stop referring to Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a Sansi. He was a great Maharaja who achieved great things something that an arsewipe like cannot come close to, even given your bullshyt political science degree. Truly you are a vile loser.
  8. Too bad his jaat then started to give their daughters to the Mughals. Your Rajputs were so great that their half hindu half mughal offspring were the worst at destroying your Hindu temples!!
  9. Stop portraying a minor revolt by a minor noble as some kind of mass insurrection. Pathania was betrayed by a typical Hindu Brahmin fudhu.
  10. Typical dumb Hindu pretending to be Sikh yet doesn't know that Mata Krishan Kaur's family were Punjabi Khatris who lived in UP and not Bhayyas. Rather than being a c&p warrior why don't you get some education and get your facts straight before coming on the forum and displaying your fudhu hindu ignorance. If you worship dumb animals you become a dumb animal!
  11. You obviously don't understand politics. All movements especially national liberation movements have ebbs and flows. It might not be as strong at the moment in Punjab but given that the youth especially the educated youth are getting more and more involved in the movement this will change soon. Just as the youth of 1984 were at the forefront of the liberation struggle so will this generation and the next generation will be. When the people resolve to throw out their occupiers and oppressors then nothing in the world can stop them, Just look at Scotland, the people there have the same rights as the English and yet there is now a majority to make Scotland independent. Look at how Punjab is treated as an Indian colony and how Scotland is treated. You can use all the abuse you want, the time will come when Hindu fascists like you whose hatred of the Sikhs have contributed to the marginalisation of their own community will get their just deserts.
  12. The Punjab is a colony of India. As with what the British did to India, so are the Indians doing to Punjab. The Punjabi farmer is forced to grow more and more foodstuffs putting in more inputs such as fertilizer, human effort etc than what he gets for his produce. This is part of the vicious circle that comes from not being free and being a colony. The foodstuffs are sold at low rates into a govt controlled purchase and distribution system. The added value of the produce is made in the food processing plants of other states. Now you can argue why doesn't the Punjabi farmer just call it a day and refuse to be a part of this oppressive system. The reason is what else is there for these farmers to do. Muppets like Dal ' I h8 Jats I do' Singh will accuse the Punjabi farmer of being greedy, if only muppets like him were aware of what 'profit' there is in farming! Most farmers with a few acres can just about get by with all their effort and hard work. They have to contend with the traditional labour not wanting to work in their fields any more but still the womenfolk of this labour will be caught on many occasions thieving vegetables from the farmer's fields. The Bhaiyyas want maximum wages as well as be fed every hour for free as well as being given drugs. The farmer then has to get his crops to market being fleeced by government agencies and commission agents and if he lucky then he might make some profit. I do get the impression that muppets like Dal 'neva bin to Punjab but kno a lot abatit' Singh thinks that every Punjabi farmer just sits on his backside all day and the dalits and bhaiyyas do all the work and the farmer takes all the profit. How little he knows about Punjab.
  13. Why should he move to Pakistan? He is in his own country Punjab, where was born and for the right of whose people he is fighting. His country Punjab may at present be a colony of that artificial legacy of the British called India but his country, Punjab has as much a right to exist as a free state as any other.
  14. Mulraj was a victim of circumstances, his troops killed the British officers sent to replace him. He revolted because he had no other option otherwise his soldiers would have strung him up as well. Mulraj was not the last man standing, it was Sher Singh Attariwala and his father. The Mulraj revolt was technically a revolt against the Khalsa Raj as the British according to the treaty of Bhyrolwal were the regents acting on behalf of the Maharaja. Sher Singh went to enforce the rule of the Maharaja and when he realised what the British plans were he revolted. Multan was always a sideshow, the fiercest fighting took place in the Chenab-Jhelum river areas. The Malwa Maharajas were lackeys of the British and their interests lay in either the status quo or a British takeover of the Punjab. States such as Jind were lukewarm in their support of the British and the Maharaja of Ladwa joined the Khalsa army as did many of the Sikhs of Malwa who used to waylay the British stragglers and kill them. Now the question is where are the Hindu Punjab Maharajas in all this? Nowhere because they did not exist! You claim that the Sikhs cut their mother into three but most of the areas that became Haryana and Himachal were never Punjabi speaking and had either become a part of Punjab because of the Sikh conquest (Kangra ) or been added to Punjab by the British as in the southern Haryana districts. What the Punjabi Hindus did by their betrayal is was to take Punjabi speaking areas such as Ambala, Una, Sirsa, Fatehabad from the Punjab and into the Hindi and Pahari speaking states. It was your people that cut their mother into three!
  15. You claimed the Sikhs joined the British in 1857 because of they 'goodies' they had got from the British. So come on what goodies did the Sikhs get before 1857? Sikhs as all nations have a right to have alliances with the enemies of their enemies. Sikhs aren't enamoured by the artificial creation of the British called India.
  16. The only Sikhs who are critical of Sant Jarnail Singh are those who are tied to the Congress party. Take a straw poll anywhere among Sikhs and the vast majority consider his a freedom fighter. Look at the way that Punjab ground to a standstill in 2012 for Rajoana. You consider him a terrorist but the common Sikhs of Punjab consider him a freedom fighter. This is the reality and only fools like you are blind to it.
  17. You have to understand the mentality of a section of the Hindu Punjabis to understand why they consider Sant Bhindranwale a terrorist. They are deeply insecure and it is their actions that have made them insecure. You only have to look at the history of Punjab after 1700. It is Sikh history. Buffoons like that Hindustani guy have to make outrageous claims about Bhagat Singh being a 'Hindu Punjabi warrior' just to give himself something to be proud off in the last 300 years. The Sikhs were at best 5-10% of Punjab and were yet able to control large areas of Punjab and not only this but large areas which were populated by Muslims. They created the first Punjabi state since the Muslim invasions. Look at this from the point of view of the Hindus. They were equal in number to the Muslims at that time and yet the best they could do was to have a few Hindu chaudharies. Where are the Hindu Misldars? The times were ripe for adventurous men to create their ow rule in the areas where at least their own co-religionists were in a majority. The Hindu Rajputs in the Hills tried to extend their rule in those troubled times and the Hindu Jats in Haryana were able to create their own rule. So where is the Hindu Punjabi in all this? Having a history where you are ruled by one minority for 700 years and another minority for another 100 years cannot but make the Hindu Punjabi a deeply insecure people. This insecurity continued during the British rule as they lost large numbers of converts to the Sikhs. They were viewed as cowardly and lost the last remnants of a martial class amongst them (Hindu Jats) to the Sikhs during British times. So now all the Hindu Punjabi have is the so-called higher castes, Brahmin, Khatri/Arora and Banias and the lower castes. The Hindus have lost their lower castes already to Raviassia religion and most of the Hindu lower castes have a mixture of Sikh beliefs along with Hindu beliefs. Their own sense of unity can only come out of treating the Sikh majority in Punjab as their enemy. Hence the way the Bandar Sena and other Sikh organisations hate Sant Bhindranwale. Because Santji is a Sikh hero then he has to be hated to create a unity in the Hindu Punjabi. Because of this enmity anything that is to the detriment of the Sikhs has to be to the advantage of the Hindu Punjabi. So for this reason they distribute laddos after Bluestar. Going further back they have to hate the Punjabi language because they Sikhs love and care for that language. After 1947 the Hindu Punjab who for the last 1000 years had been a slave to all suddenly became the ruling class in Punjab. When you put insecure people in power then do not be surprised if they act strangely. They disowned Punjabi and fought tooth and nail to deny Punjabi language the state to which it was entitled. After their actions these frustrated and envious people are now minorities in all the three states that came out of East Punjab. They play second fiddle to the Sikhs in Punjab, the Paharis in Himachal and the Hindu Jats in Haryana. If they had used their brains they would have been a majority in the Punjabi state which would have included Northern Haryana and Kangra-Una areas of Himachal. So after this massive own goal all they have as their reason for existence in Punjab is their enmity for the Sikhs. That's why they hate the Sikhs and Sant Bhindranwale.
  18. OK genius what goodies did the British give to the Sikhs before 1857. You make a lot of stupid statements so come up with an answer to this one. As for the list, each Nation makes alliances based on the circumstances it finds itself in. So what has happened to India's alliances? It was Chini-Chini Bhai Bhai prior to 1962. India was the best friends of the Arabs and Yasser Arafat was Indira Gandhi's favourite terrorist but now India is Israel's best friend. Get the picture you amateur.
  19. Come of Sher, where were your Hindu Punjabi soormay who were three times in number to the number of Sikhs in 1857? Punjab history since the 1700s is Sikh history. The Hindu Punjabi is nowhere in history apart from the one high point of a Hindu neta having a heart attack when faced with a police lathi! The Hindu Punjabi with his typical bombast call that fool 'Sher-i-Punjab' ! The British 'allowed' Maharaja Ranjit Singh to form his empire? Only a fool would have that take on the treaty of 1809. But then your whole object is to downgrade the contributions of the Sikhs and play up those of non-Punjabi Hindus such as the Marathas. It's not really surprising your people through their actions in the last 60 years are so rootless in Punjab. Had the Kharkoos had the scheme of kicking out the section of the Hindu Punjabis who have your type of views, the mahashas, few threats and a few killings would have achieved just what the Kashmiris did to the Kashmiri Pandits. Although the Kashmiris Pandits do not deserve their fate as they have as much respect and regard for Kashmiriat which is the exact opposite of what Hindu Punjabi like you have for Punjabiat. The Lahore state a buffer state? Yes, a state that controlled an area the size of France and that was able to defeat the Gurkhas, the Afghans and give a good account against the British.
  20. Yes, the Sikhs sided with the British ti prevent the formation of Mughal rule again in India. How many Punjabi Hindus fought against the British rule in 1857?
  21. I think Sher and his ilk prove again and again why Khalistan will be a reality someday. How can two people exist in Punjab where one's heroes are the villains of the other and vice versa. The Punjab Hindus think of Sant Bhindranwale as a Sikh terrorist and the Sikhs think of him as a great leader and the greatest Sikh of the 20th century. The Punjabi Hindus think of Indira as a great saviour of the Hindus and call her Durga. We all know what the Sikhs think of her. So hence why Khalistan is inevitable and no amount of Sher's deriding the independence movement can stop it becoming a reality.
  22. The west is not as racist as India which is one of the most racist countries in the world, that's one 'India is number 1' claim you can rightly make. The west has a low expectation from the Hindustanis and knows how to massage their ego. Hence the praise they heap on worthless idiots like Manmohan Singh and now they will do the same to Modi. What the west wants is your money, at the moment they are happy to invest their money which they get from the government at virtually zero percent interest and which then causes a property bubble and high inflation in India. The poor can only survive in India due to subsidies from the government. Wait until the interest rates in the west go up and they pull their money out and the Indian economy collapses. My compatriots? I'm not a Pakistani dumb ass, unlike you and the other Desh Bigots, I don't pretend to be something I am not.
  23. You dumb Hindustani. Where does it say that Modi is behind this drive? Badal has wet his pants because of the loss of Panthic votes to AAP and that is the reason that they have started the anti-drugs drive and not because of the gujju in delhi.
  24. Imran Khan's belongs to a rival political party so it is in his interest to portray Sharif as a weakling before a gujju who the whole world not just South Asia knows are a weak race. It is in Khan's interest to do down his own country's establishment to gain support for his own party. Only a dumb Hindustani with low self esteem whose needs his ego to be massaged by reading such news reports about how great his country is without knowing the motive of the person making the statements.
  25. On the thread 'Sher' wrote-; This was in response to my post that Kuldeep Brar is a traitor whose name will become a byword for treachery, Rama Randhawa - a Hindu Jat chaudhary who joined the Mughals in hunting down Sikhs in the 18th century. Can he be classed a traitor? No because he had no allegiance to Sikhism. This would be like saying Mir Mannu was a traitor! Ala Singh - A Sikh who created Patiala state and at times showed allegiance to Abdali but never took part in any campaign against the Dal Khalsa. Is he a traitor? Yes, but does his treachery against the political goals of the Sikhs amount to the same as Brar's? No because he never physically attacked the Sikhs or their religious shrines. Arur Singh - Sarbrah who honoured Dyer. Was he a traitor? Yes, but was of the same class as Brar? No if anything his honouring of Brar gave the Sikhs another reason to believe that the Gurdwaras needed to be taken back from the control of the government. Brar soldiers - they fell out with the Guru over pay. Same level of treachery? No Sandhawalia brothers - started the regicide in Lahore - same level of treachery? No, they did this to take control themselves, their actions destabilised Lahore state. Kahan Singh, Vir Singh - 'Sher' has been reading too many admin cut websites. These scholars saved Sikhi from being submerged into Hinduism. If it was not for them all Gurdwaras would have had some hindu idols as well as the Guru Granth Sahib. Traitors? Of course not but it shows 'Sher's' mentality. Post the names of some minor traitors and then post the names of Sikhs who have done the most for the Panth and attempt to blacken their names.
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