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Everything posted by BhagatSingh

  1. Dally apne don't dance like a nagin regularly. OK! calm down lol. This is just one kid and his way of being. It does not represent anyone else. One thing's for sure, he is a solid dancer (that shit is harder than it looks!!!), and very confident about his dance decisions. On the other hand, the drunk uncle being a drunk uncle. That's common lol. Very easy to do as well.
  2. Dally your fist is still lodged in my broken monitor screen, can you please pull it out already! Ps you owe me $180 for the broken monitor.
  3. Ok so why is she called creator? Why is she called Goddess of power? Basically, what qualities is she known for?
  4. The Great Guru knew of his ancestry but not the ancestry of Das, Ram and Chand of his own sikhs? Lol Chatanga this is a power struggle man. Hill chiefs already have power. Taking amrit would mean relinquishing their power to Guru Sahib. Remember from their perspective the one leading the khalsa is a smaller king (if any) than they are.
  5. Lol Sure public image does guide one's prejudice but ultimately if you meet someone who doesn't fit within that image then that's all that matters. I think what we need to do is teach apne on method of courtship, how to interact with a woman, how to approach, how to behave, how to demonstrate masculinity. If you ever read Kaam Sutra, they taught about this back in our culture. It's all about how to get a wife and how to make love. And in the same manner. I think apneean also need to be taught how to behave towards our men, and how to approach, interact, and demonstrate their femininity. It's not just our munde who don't know shit, our kureean don't know shit either.
  6. Goes beyond just this topic and thread. I think stuff that requires surgery is probably the biggest strength of western practice. Also vaccinations like for small pox. Very powerful! Cancer is.... I have heard of patients where western way of dealing with it wasn't helping at all. Like this: karela, methi, exercise and meditation might actually be more beneficial in treating/dealing with cancer. I dunno. I haven't been paying much attention to this area. There's a sakhi I heard where Guru Nanak meets Kaliyug. He/it? had a frightening form and in one hand he was holding a woman, and in the other hand he was holding a tongue. He said that he uses these as weapons. Make of it what you will lol.
  7. What isn't? lol Fair. It is. It is one of the kshatriya jaats. (Back then) Khalsa was all kshatriya, military, warrior, soldier-types. Many sikhs didn't take amrit. One of the reasons was because they did not possess the kshatriya temperament or had no interest in warfare. This is why all jaat-related names (e.g. Das, Ram, Chand of the 5) were changed to Singh. Dharam Das > Dharam Singh, Daya Ram> Daya Singh, Himmat Chand > Himmat Singh... etc That made it it's own jaat. K I'll PM you.
  8. Tbh I am not even sure anymore what you are trying to get at. But to respond to this point. Some Kshatriya also came from lower castes, proly a good example of this is Maharaja Ranjit Singh period. The Marattha, also the Pindari, etc. Many Vaishnus were Kshatriya as well. Pre-Guru Gobind Singh period, the armies of Guru Hargobind Sahib were Vaishnu (this is why i want to get my hands on Gurbilas 6). Post-dasam pita, Banda was Vaishnu.
  9. Rofl! ...your punjabi needs work lol. Let's stop goofing around and work on them translations.
  10. That is true Jusreign is clownish lol. I wouldn't worry about bollywood movies anymore. I think their recent work has largely been an improvement. I am quite satisfied with it. That episode is over. As for kids being clowns it's all about being creative lol. Our young munde are going to do all sorts of shit. That's how munde are. Its man's creative impulse that takes various forms. Everything we see around us today is from the same creative impulse as that fat kid. Believe it or not! Anyways, what you think of this video:
  11. Dally trust in Indian wisdom. Ghee is considered healthy. It is recommended by vaids (doctors who study ayurved) over vegetable oil, for cooking. And we know that meditation can also help. At the basic stage it lowers your stress level, thus boosting your immune system. But it can also lower inflammation. It can ease your pains and aches in the body. At a higher stage, it can apparently also cure serious illnesses (there is a sakhi of Guru Nanak and other gurus curing leperosy) but that's beyond my intellect lol. Other than that I never went that far in medicine. I am just as ignorant as the next guy. One thing is for sure though. Pharmaceutical companies ARE after money. Our whole system is, hence capitalism. The system is designed not for the well-being of the citizen, but to generate profit. When money drives things, it corrupts. And drugs are no exception to it, they bring huge profits. And thing is people also benefit from holistic medicine. Even if they are placebos to certain western minds, they work! So I would consult with a holistic doctor if I was in your position. If you enjoyed that I think you'd enjoy the work of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. Who "questioned" (what he called) the 10 basic dogmas of science. There's also Dr Dean Radin who "questioned" western psychology, and it's failure to understand or even acknowledge certain mental phenomenon that are rather common.
  12. That's fine Kds. I have only looked into the kshatriyas because of BN and because of khalsa's "kshatriya-hood". I am sure there are examples of other castes out there. We'd have to go and find them. That's not the focus though. My point was that Guru Sahibs' were largely rooted in their tradition and were working within it. The discussion we are having about caste, is a very small part of this.
  13. Except that I have already mentioned this, numerous times. So simply repeating it does not show how it fits into your argument. This is a very poor attempt at taking down my theory lol. Have you actually read the manu smriti or you just making shit up? C'mon let's see you back this up.
  14. Indeed, you always make good points Kds. However, many "castes" did actually have ancestors from a "different caste". Just look at our Gurus. If we don't consider their surname and the history of the surname, we'd think they are vaishya. Indeed some scholars do think khatris are vaishya. But once we look at their surname we find their ancestors were actaully kshatriya. I'll come back to Bachittar Natak ਛਤ੍ਰੀ ਬੈਸਨ ਕਰਮ kshatriya were doing vaishya's duties. Chatanga said Gangu brahmin was a cook, doing shudar's duties. These examples fit right into this: ਦੋਹਰਾ ॥ दोहरा ॥ DOHRA ਬਿਪ੍ਰ ਕਰਤ ਭਏ ਸੂਦ੍ਰ ਬ੍ਰਿਤਿ ਛਤ੍ਰੀ ਬੈਸਨ ਕਰਮ ॥ बिप्र करत भए सूद्र ब्रिति छत्री बैसन करम ॥ The Brahmins acted like Shudras and Kshatriyas like Vaishyas. ਬੈਸ ਕਰਤ ਭਏ ਛਤ੍ਰਿ ਬ੍ਰਿਤਿ ਸੂਦ੍ਰ ਸੁ ਦਿਜ ਕੋ ਧਰਮ ॥੨॥ बैस करत भए छत्रि ब्रिति सूद्र सु दिज को धरम ॥२॥ The Vaishyas started ruling like Kshatriyas and Shudras performed the priestly duties of Brahmins.2. Anyway if you have evidence to the contrary, I'd like to see it.
  15. Dally it's dated 1917. By this time the khanda had become quite familiar. (I don't think that symbol was present in 1817)
  16. Not available in Caneda. Too bad
  17. Lol some shit happened between him and Jusreign. I think JR handled it quite well. You seen it? Ak's vid JR's response
  18. Who is Shiv ji's wife? why do people call her jagat di mata?
  19. Yes sikh means guru da chela. One can be a sikh one of the ten gurus or a sikh of other gurus e.g. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. His followers would also be considered sikhs if we go by the terminology in Guru Granth Sahib. It appears it was the Singh Sabha who moulded this term into a "sikhism".
  20. Exactly in the same way: Dharam Das - Das is a kshatriya name but his ancestors had taken up farming. Himmat Chand Kahar - Kahar also descend from kshatriya Daya Ram was a Sobti Khatri I think it maybe both. Thoughts? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chand_kings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chanda_Meena
  21. Devi, mata, etc? Ok my question is still there. What/who is Devi and mata?
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