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Everything posted by namdhari555

  1. Wow thank you Sat Ji this is great and helpful. These are the kinds of books that help in Atam Marg. Are all the Discourses on the Beyond online
  2. Does anyone have found out anyway i can get Bhai Tirath Singh's books thanks
  3. Sargun Upashna, using a statue of a devi devta or guru to focus and still the mind, then moving to the next stage. But what i want to know is what is the difference between sargun worship and idol worship, because gurbani contemns idol worship. Maybe im misunderstanding something. ਬੁਤ ਪੂਜਿ ਪੂਜਿ ਹਿੰਦੂ ਮੂਏ ਤੁਰਕ ਮੂਏ ਸਿਰੁ ਨਾਈ ॥ Worshipping their idols, the Hindus die; the Muslims die bowing their heads. ਜਿਸੁ ਪਾਹਨ ਕਉ ਪਾਤੀ ਤੋਰੈ ਸੋ ਪਾਹਨ ਨਿਰਜੀਉ ॥੧॥ That stone idol, for which you tear off those leaves - that stone idol is lifeless. ਜੇ ਏਹ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਸਾਚੀ ਹੈ ਤਉ ਗੜ੍ਹਣਹਾਰੇ ਖਾਉ ॥੩॥ If this stone god was true, it would devour the sculptor for this! ਪਾਹਨ ਬੋਰੀ ਪਿਰਥਮੀ ਪੰਡਿਤ ਪਾੜੀ ਬਾਟ ॥੧੩੭॥ The stone idols have drowned the world, and the Pandits, the religious scholars, have plundered it on the way.
  4. I know there are couple of kathas of pandit ji online, but Pandit Ji mentions that he has debates muslims and other religions does anyone have any of those recorded or any other kathas.
  5. Has anyone figured out what this academy believes its hard to put everything together.
  6. Here is a video by Baba Waryam Singh Ji http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O84bHZ4mZk#t=0
  7. Waheguru thanks to everyone for sharing there experiences, you are helping me alot. I read or listened to this a while ago. So im not sure if its correct or not. They said there are two kinds of sounds one of the body and the other of anhad shabad. When you listen to the real shabd it automatically stops your thoughts. When you hear the shabad of the body its good but its not the real sound. The real sound stops all your thoughts. I am not sure if this is right or not so dont believe me. Baba ji in this video talks about naad
  8. Congrats Bro. I wanted to share these two videos that show techniques to Simran and other helpful tips Bhai Sahib has alot of kathas in english and punjabi on his youtube channel and his website http://sikhmysticism.org/
  9. thanks for this great seva ji, I wanted to share this with everyone because i know it will help us when doing simran. Below are 14 videos of Bhia Dalip Singh Darveshi, who expliens the stages he went through while doing simran with his over 20 years of experience. He also removes many diffculties we will have please listen to all the 14 videos and save them to your computer this is valuable Waheguru
  10. Thanks for the information it seems that the udasis are heavily mixed with hinduism. Is there any order of the udasi who are purely Gurmat.
  11. The question of how much of Gurmat is orginal has puzzled me. Reading Advait Vadanta clearly has many simlierties with Sikhi. Can anyone point to what are the difference of these two.
  12. thanks for everybodys help i found the book in english with other great books on this site http://www.globalgurmat.com/
  13. Does anyone know what texts the Udasis learn when they go to study and where are there main hearquarters. thanks
  14. please if you have a pdf version in english i really need it thank you .
  15. Bhai Sahib to download it from that website i have to download itunes then have to give debit or credit card information which i dont have. so if you have a pdf or any other version of "Jail Chithian" in english please send it to me, Gurfateh.
  16. I need a pdf version in english, i downloaded it before from a website but i forgot the name. Gurfateh.
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