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Ideal Singh

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Everything posted by Ideal Singh

  1. Recepie seems to be "a piece of cake... :D"... Please save one for me too... Best Regards
  2. Dear Amardeep, you certainly are a smart Singh... but just two girls stalking you... :roll: seems to be an understatement... :wink: Regards
  3. Dear Khandaydhaar, very much true... as simple as that... Best Regards
  4. KS... You are harsh, but you are True... Best Regards
  5. I once heard Sant Singh ji Maskeen's lecture where he said that Gurbani does say that the cow and the crane (the bird) are advanced animals... but I have never heard that Sikhs pray an animal... :roll: :shock: And if you eat non-veg then that should include anything non-veg... i guess... 8)
  6. Okkkkkkk So how was the soup... :wink:
  7. :shock: Now does Ole mean that... :roll:
  8. Try this as well... www.pure-panjab.net This website by Mr. $ingh has good info too...
  9. Penji you did not translate "Ole..." :evil: please do it...
  10. Another question in this regard... Hope not another dumb one... As a Sikh how do you associate with Kanishka Plane Bombing ? As a Sikh Do you applaud this action or distant yourself from this act ? How should Sikhs should, generally, present/defend ourselves, in this regard if encountered with this question openly ?
  11. Found this on SGPC.net http://www.sgpc.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_...=Testing+Forums
  12. Very touching and simply amazing story !! Keep the faith in Him... and be in Chardi Kala... thanx for Sharing... Keep posting...
  13. It didn't make sense to me either... that why i asked...
  14. :arrow: Reality Bites... :roll:
  15. Only muslims and sikhs blow up air planes ? so, All Sikhs are Terrorists ?
  16. Jaswant Veerae, Keep Posting... the stuff you are posting is good... actaully too good... May Vaheguru bless you & all with Chardi Kala... Luv Aman
  17. States or Pinds... ? Considering the level of education Youth in Punjab villages have...
  18. :roll: Who are deriving these meanings :?: How to correct these definitions :?:
  19. Dear Bikramjit Do you have any source for latest figures... Thanx and Regards
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