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Everything posted by HeyDudesWassup

  1. Khalsa I agree, but the 15 day trail leaves a watermark, koi naa there are ways around this I like Robodemo because you can even import the project into Flash.
  2. http://www.printroom.com/ViewGallery.asp?u...allery_id=11936
  3. OK I don't like this hinduism/sikhism mix up (Thats what Indian govt wants), and I'm not about to start a debate. Waheguru is unborn and immortal is his form. Lalleshwari if you get up in the morning and do ishnaan and then go into the mandir and start ringling bells while chanting "Jai Kali Maa" then thats your thing. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!
  4. I hope they have a system like paypal.com where people can make orders online.
  5. lalleshvari, I was just giving an example. If you goto http://www.sikhitothemax.com and type in hell, you will see there are many references of hell. Also Didn't Guru Gobind Singh Ji say whoever calls him God will burn in a pit in hell? I guess there are no clear answers, we will only have to experience hell however it is. Yamdoots taking me away is hell enough for me, I'm gonna faint right there. Here are a couple posts probably worth checking out: http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?act=...&t=1765&hl=hell http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?act=...&t=1085&hl=hell http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?act=...3&t=684&hl=hell
  6. Sikh_Fauge, In Bhai Rama Singh Ji's book he explains hell a little bit (*depends on the situation or opinion of the individual?, who knows ). I've heard there are so many different types of hells and it all depends on the situation of the individual. bhul chuk maaf
  7. I might need to get this sfotware but dang its expensive with the Flash software module. any1 try this out?
  8. I think Heaven and Hell exist and are here on earth but I also think that there is Heaven or Hell in afterlife. Who knows maybe if we do good we are blessed with twice the goodness (Heaven in afterlife and Heaven next life on earth) and vice versa.
  9. Bollywoord Ughhh Not sure what this is, Punjabwood is Ughhh too
  10. 1 Jot in 10 Gurus so not following all 10 Gurus is still not fully obeying that 1 Guru who you would like to follow?
  11. I've heard Gurbani tapes and apparently even each of those tapes pronounce some words differently. I think its the feeling that counts but still try to pronounce as close as you can, just ask for forgiveness of any mistakes after you read it. GuruJi will understand.
  12. I don't know about clips being shown when we merge with God but I read alot of near death cases saying when we die we are shown every single moment of our life.
  13. http://www.khalsaalliance.org/index.php?pa...index&article=7 http://www.khalsaalliance.org/kala.php
  14. http://www.sikhionline.com/PHOTOS/albums/u...halguni_jpg.jpg http://www.sikhionline.com/PHOTOS/albums/u...Manghar_jpg.jpg http://www.sikhionline.com/PHOTOS/albums/u...20Maghi_jpg.jpg
  15. I'm learning Adobe InDesign right now, looks cool
  16. Orchids, this has nothing to do with sikhism so why ask it here? Type it out on google.com or type these types of threads in the general off topic forum on this site. any Black magic practitioners in the hizouse?
  17. Its not actually a ghost talking but a ghost talking through a human body so I don't know why you are scared about that.
  18. There is no translation about the tape. Listen to the tape, I think everyone was scared at first but still managed to listen to it. Alot of wisdom in that mp3 file.
  19. Don't worry and meditate on Naam, it will wash away your sins.
  20. http://www.gursikhijeevan.com/media/audio/..._Ishar_Singh_Ji http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?act=ST&f=12&t=2224
  21. Neo, I would like to print out the scanned pages (in punjabi), Do you have larger pictures of the pages? Thanks
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