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Everything posted by HeyDudesWassup

  1. Khandaydhaar Sis I agree, That was very awesomely put!
  2. Personally, I would not have had the patience to take this so called "Sikh" home. I wouldn't have tolerated any of the abuse either.
  3. Prog SK, I agree but still I would like to go deeper and deeper in meditation. First step is to relax and quiet the body then the mind. You can not go very deep in 15 minutes if all you think about is what is on the tube tonight. but of course thoughts will always arise, I just imagine that the thoughts are just clouds passing by, no biggie.
  4. My advice would be to meditate, do paat and listen to kirtan everyday. Also visit this forum and sikhsangat.com forum daily, you are in good company. Why waste this life going backwards when you can do so much more.
  5. I posted this on the sikhsangat forum also: "When I sit down to meditate I can't still my mind; my mind is all over the place." I'm ordering a couple meditation DVDs (I've read alot of good stuff about these 2) which will help me focus much better, just thought I'd share: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00...4226608-8341532 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00...4226608-8341532
  6. Please don't post links to that kind of stuff here.....alot of kids visit these forums also and it could truly and deeply disturb them
  7. Hari, I don't know but sometimes I feel so spiritual and focused and at other times I can't concentrate no matter how hard I try. Gonna take my doggy for a walk then come back and get to the Light and Sound extravaganza.
  8. So you are saying SGGS is a mystery, Guru Sahib doesn't say anything to you? :roll: Follow only SGGS to get to Vaheguru, respect mahapurkhs that truly spread the word of God (Baba Ishar Singh in your case) BUT you definitely don't NEED anyone except your faith in SGGS. What are you going to do when the interpretations of 'saints' start to conflict? The true mahapurkhs look to SGGS as their one and only Guru and so should we. Instead of focusing your energies on a 'saint', the same energies could be focused on SGGS. Just to be clear, I have great respect for Baba Ishar Singh Ji and other great mahapurks but no one can take the place of SGGS. Checkout Gursikhijeevan.com, someone posted a message about AJAPA JAAP and then who ever was interested got emailed by a so called bhramgyani.
  9. What is this we need a bhramgyani stuff? We only need SGGS and no other. Stop trying to change sikhi, just let sikhi change you. Anyone here think that if they meditated on Gurbani that they wouldn't start to understand everything? revelations can be made at any time.
  10. I had posted somehting about this Osho guy, check it out: http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?act=...&t=1490&hl=osho The guy is dead from what I know.
  11. Wow khalsa, 3 hours?? I get so figetty after 30-40 minutes
  12. Dude, try to use your head. They don't have to list all the drugs, use your head. I'm not trying to talk down to you bro but use common sense.
  13. I heard Sant Baba Isher Singh - Shri Guru Tegh Bahadar Ji Di Sakhi.mp3, and you are correct he does say that at some point all the pores in your body will start doing simran, and that by far is the most effective way. I don't know if I am right but I tried to pay attention to my body yesterday, I noticed that when I do naam simran outloud then I feel energy around my heart area, if I do naam simran silently and take each breath to my belly then I feel energy in my stomach area. Could be chakras but what do I know.
  14. Shasterkovich, Only problem I have with a few of your posts are that they are not good for the young kids that come on his website.
  15. I am also quite surprised that this Shasterkovich has not even received any warnings (also from other threads), mods are you awake?
  16. OK let me know when you get rich, warrior.
  17. OK let me know when you get rich, warrior.
  18. Niranjana I don't understand which 'talents' you speak of.
  19. I think if anyone messes around and plays the field ends up being played in the end, and its all about the ending
  20. Shasterkovich, I don't think we need these kinds of posts here...
  21. I agree its a long name but I can't change the name my parents gave me heh heh
  22. Rupz, spiritual dreams rule! Don't let anyone interpret them for you, I think they are meant for you alone. spirituality rules!
  23. Thanks khalsa bro, I appreciate you explainign everything to me. The bad feelings you might have been feeling might have been neccesary for you to go through. I know that when people start meditating initially they feel great, when they get deeper then they feel awful, I guess this is just the mind's way of filtering and letting go. I don't know too much about chakras but I do know that some people can mess up their chakra balance if they aren't grounded and don't know what they are doing. I read some stuff about this happenign to a few people who tried kundalini yoga. I bet if people realised the spiritual side of sikhi we would have ALOT more sikhs.
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