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Everything posted by guv

  1. afaik for animals picking a propective partner is pure instinct, but for humans there are many more variables to consider. i don't understand what point u are trying to make though, or what it has to do with the topic... :?
  2. i think u're getting confused tj. animals mate with their own species... but a feral child (or indeed any animal adopted by members of another species) become part of that adopted community. thereby sukhi's original assertion... not that anything would come of it.
  3. is that a reference to the topic of the thread or to sexy's comment to sukhi? :wink:
  4. i watched a documentary on feral children a few months back... amazing stuff. a human can only learn the higher art of language (grammar etc) within the first 3-4 years of their life. after that it seems to be impossible for them to learn... they can still learn words, but have no way of stringing them together into sentences. a human raised by animals is in essence simply that... an animal. of course this then raises the dilemma of how exactly we have been able to rise above the level of animals when it is not a fundamental part of our nature to do so.
  5. r u going to keep posting on this thread about how many days are left?? i think ppl have got the message by now... don't u have anything better to do?
  6. i agree... ... great discussion so far.
  7. the extract of osho's is hilarious!! i can't believe he uses sooo many gross generalisations! soldier = gay feminist = lesbian also his assertion that homosexuality did not exist in india is false according to walter penrose's "female homoeroticism and women of a third nature in the south asian past"
  8. perhaps she meant that if the mother does not look after the child, god would ensure that someone else would look after him/her... rather than the child would survive on its own with no contact from humans. i don't know if that was the point u were asking... :? but also, social interactions are not just about ensuring survival. it is through these interactions that we built civilisations & how we can learn from the experiences of all our billions of peers & ancestors... & perhaps make a contribution to the celestial tapestry detailing the triumphs & pitfalls of our species. without social interaction, we would not have learnt language & higher thinking skills... & indeed, even be discussing this topic today!
  9. to what extent is the world an illusion? are we a drop of water on a journey to join the ocean, or are we already part of the ocean & under the illusion that we have 'left'?
  10. what is the definition of "paap"?
  11. :shock: :shock: i agree with darshan das! :shock: :shock: at least the bit about the thread should be locked... because this is exactly what happened with aguptkaur. unsubstantiated childish allegations. darshan das, if u have any 'truth' please provide it with the evidence like a rational human being, rather than continuing to perpetuate stupidity with ur childish behaviour.
  12. sorry that one was a typo... meant to read beast_the_slave
  13. demented_insanity lost_soul forgotten_warrior amazon_babe girl_with_the_big_whip u_talkin2me chauvanist_assassin lil_miss_always_right beasts_slave
  14. i figured it must be... but i thought i'd be pedantic, just to be a pain.
  15. ------ begin with the end in mind
  16. any explanation would be an illusion.
  17. link to the full article the viewers remarks at the end are interesting. also check out young etonians talk about the raj scroll to the 3rd picture... hahahahahaha... what a gimp!! u know his mom told him to say that to find himself a wife! what has any of what he says got to do with the topic??
  18. i think u're reading a bit too hard between the lines there dalvir. if u look for something hard enough, u're bound to find it. the argument u use could be used with the majority of the pop songs in the charts... though if u tried to suggest that those songs showed the singers opposition to homosexuality, they would i'm sure vehemently deny such charges. guru gobind singh ji refers to homosexuality in treh charritar... unfortunately someone has "borrowed" my copy, so i am not able to reference the relevant passages. can anyone help out?
  19. guv


    a ppl without a history is like a tree without roots. those that do not learn from the mistakes history teaches us is bound to make the same mistakes. what is interesting though is the different cultural viewpoints towards history... esp comparing the importance placed on the empirical study of history in the west with the semi-factual semi-mythological view of history which seemed prevalent in ancient india (eg janamsakhis)
  20. could u also say which rehitnamay ban the use of bhang & quote the relevant passages.
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