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Mugermach Singh

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Everything posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. i've heard a lot of this video, it would be interesting to watch it.
  2. if you have the movie and it is suitable for viewing, please share.
  3. fateh Ji, NavjotSingh, if you have come to england and think that Nidar Singh's way of teaching Shastar Vidiya is useless, then you are entitled to your views. But if it is by word of mouth, then step back and judge the situation again. To Claim Teji beat Nidar or Nidar beat Teji cannot be proven unless facts are bought out. Only a few people who have seen the evidence know the truth. Unless you have seen this, then please do not make such claims, if you have, the please share the source. I have trained in Gatka and Savya Raksha, my Savya Raksa skills have proven most effective for me. To outline the difference in a sentence [ from my personal experience], gatka, would have got me seriouly injured but Savya raksha - kept me unhurt and well. If the art is made up, then it is well made [by whoever made it, be it Nidar Singh or the Singh's before his time, or the person that makes everything... i.e God] and the art is definatly Effective. I have not seen your Ustad teach, nor do i know of his knowlege, so i am not going to claim that your gatka/shaster vidiya is not effective. I hope that people here too, will go to the classes, and see whatever they want to see for themselves. Being a Gursikh, we should not fear anyone or inflict fear in others. fateh
  4. is it like any of the following. www.sikhsoc.com/mugermachaxe.htm
  5. really, is that with the chakar on the khandha??
  6. do simram while standing at the egde of a cliff side, or at the edge of nigara falls. that will most prob increase ur conc.
  7. put the degh in first, then... oops, wrong degh.
  8. that what i had thought at first, but then, it says kora elsewhere. little confused..... hmmm.......
  9. what u onabout nihal, this post is about Shaster.... sheesh. stop changing the subject. lol
  10. you sure its a few chapters and not the book itself .... lol
  11. fateh anyone know what a .... Kuhara is?? (kakka, onkar, kanna, Arrrrrraaa-ra, kanna)
  12. i cant just write about the basics in one post. but to be breif and short, basics is to learn to defend yourself from an umleee attacker who tries to mug(ermach) u (bad joke), (umlee: means, well.... umleee, i.e one with little to none technique) That can take time, as you may have to learn to defend ur self from knifes, guns etc. etc etc.. but all this depends on you... Not me, not any1 else, just You, you have to know what your basics are, but basics [for most people] start off from just being aware. a sikh should be aware, sikh awareness... (another bad joke, man im getting old, the dad jokes are commin out) Us :shock: :shock: :shock: , leave me out of it. lol lol. only joking singh.
  13. there is no mugermach singh, im just an illusion.... not every1 is capable of being shaster dhari, some people are just plain rubbish, others have disabilites, others are better at other things, eg kavita's, strageies, seva, doing kirtan, making shaster etc. But every1 should try to learn the basics.
  14. cant see nothing.... anything up there. how do you get them
  15. cant have good without evil. More good in the world, the mor evil i nthe world, they both balance each other out. Its like north and aouth poles, cant have one without the other.
  16. oh no, my secret is out. I live my life via films, Unfortunatly i dont remember it, so i have marking all over my body. But then found out this is againt sikhi, but then forgot it, so had to take a pic and write it on the back lol.
  17. man, i used to snowboard as a little kid. Used to get a plank of wood, and gown down the stairs. I remeber once that my family left me at home and i had to protect the house cos some robber where tring to steal things from my house. Man, i set up al sorts of booby traps and things. I hit one in the head with a Paint Tin, and i hit another with a Iron. Man, it was fun.... other then that, never really snowboared or skied. lol lol note: read above post in little kids voice)
  18. im goinig to design something (guess what), and i will engrave something on that. Might need some of you ideas... Just to let you know . thanks for the link, but it dont work for some reason..
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