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Unknown Dasam Bani - very rare

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I found an old saroop of dasam granth sahib. at the end of this saroop, it ends with this mysterious bani. it is hand written, so i just typed all the banni up. It is in larivaar, because I was not sure when to break up the words. If anyone has read this anywhere, or knows what it is, let me know.

Interesting things about it

- starts out with, bhagat bhagauti tishe ki jo randheer dharai (it says Nardheer, but thats most likely a typo), the point is, that is from Ogardanthi, and in some old versions of Chandi Di Vaar. Why does it start this banni off?

- at the end, guru gobind singh jis name is in it, it reads, Fateh Jang Gobind Singh , not sure how to break up the following words...

- this is the last bani in the saroop, and the last thing before this was the shabad, judh jite in he ke prasaad...

any idea?

note, you should probably copy the text below, put it in your word document, then change the font to gurmukhi, that will work

this one is really making me scratch my head...

thanks! gurfateh!

< vwhgurUjIkIPqY] sRImukvwkpwiqswhI] 10]


BgqBgauqIiqshkIjonrDIrDrY] AMgsMghaulwghUMpwCYpugnkrY] 1]


BgqBgauqIswijkYpRBjgArMBrcwiehY] rnrUpBBUqcVwiekYfPforUfkbjwiehY]

kwlynwrdhiVhiVhisXwrnswvqjuDmcwiehY] dulduliKMgibgisXwrnruhrkuhrbrKwiehY]

GrsuqwisMGjgwieAwKVwDrqIhwkclwiehY] mwnuKpkiVBkilXwkirjgGmMfmcwiehY]

BklBgauqIdurjnwPtMTTrmMJkFwiehY] hQKprPtkxfMmcurkFMkglKolbjwiehY]

auQlpuQlGpnGorBkrUlhDuMDmcwiehY] luQpluQDrqInwilDVipMjckuqkKwiehY]

lpitJptlYqygnwilrnsUrwGwinGqwiehY] KcukKpnjhwjmDVyrxluQplubKpwiehY]

rkqplytIjognIhuxydurjnKyqKpwiehY] DrluQmskymswxKyqrMjbUigrJAGwiehY]

DmkDmwkyjbrjMggrjygVkotkkodFhwiehY] kVDVduVdypVCIAniBVsYlhIsYliBVwiehY]

ggnkVkIbIjulIprlauprlokKpwiehY] auqlokDuMAmMfmcwieAwnMbhumuMfkmuMfiBVwiehY]

brhrkMpYDrmrwierxsUrwGwnGqwiehY] sjyboihQDikXwkrKbyKVugmcwiehY]

nwbyVwihMdqurkdwrxGqKVgcukwiehY] jigAwMriBiBhujughuxmwsmwnuKGqwiehY]

rkqKprBrjogxIrxmsqmMglguxgwiehY] kysibnwisrkutIAYicMGwVykvxCofwiehY]

hukmmMnypRBbKslyingurwnoiehYsjwiehY]PqyjMggoibMdisMGdlkotkkotKpwiehY] 1]


AwswnwkrbRhmnwnwprsypgjwie] AwpqXwigdUjylgykUMiBnrkmihpwie]1]

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  • 14 years later...
Here is a Romanised English Version of the Bani Vaar bhagat Bhagouti (Sri Dasam Granth Sahib )
Srī vāhigurū jī kī phatahi. Srī bhaga'utī jī sahā'i. Vāra srī bhaga'utī jī kī dasavīṁ. Srī mukhavāka pātiśāhī dasavīṁ. Dōharā. Bhagata bhaga'utī tisē kī jō raṇadhīra dharē. Ha'u aga saga tē lāga hū jō pāchai paga nā dharē. Savayā. Bhagata bhaga'utī sāja kai prabhu jaga arabha racā'i hai. Raṇa rūpa bhibhūta caṛhā'i kai ḍapha ḍa'urū ḍaka bajā'i hai. Kala nārada haṛa haṛa hasi'ā raṇa sābata judha macā'i hai. Dula dula khiga bigisa'ā raṇa kahara kuhara barakhā'i hai. Ghara sutā sigha jagā'i'ā khaṛa dharatī hāṅka calā'i hai. Mānukha pakaṛa bhakōli'ā kara jaga ghamaḍa macā'i hai. Bhakala bhaga'utī durajanā phaṛa ḍumacura kapha tagala khōla bahā'i hai. Uthala puthala ghapana ghaparōla takarūlō dhudha macā'i hai. Lutha palutha dharatī nāla dhatra pijara kutaka ghā'i hai. Lapaṭa jhapaṭa lai tēga nāla raṇa sūrō ghāna ghaṛā'i hai. Khacaka khaphana jahāṁ jama dhaṛē raṇa lutha palutha khapā'i hai. Rakata palēṭī jōganī raṇa durajana khēta khapā'i hai. Ruḍa muḍa ghamasāna khēta raṇa jabhaka girajha aghā'i hai. Kaṛa dhaṛa daṛa kē paṛachayana bhiṛa saila hī saila bhiṛā'i hai. Gagana kaṛakī bijalī pralō pralōka khapā'i hai. Uta dhū lōka muḍa macā'ina bahu muḍaka muḍa bhaṛā'i hai. Thara hara kapai dharama rā'i raṇa sūrē ghāṇa ghatā'i hai. Sajē bōhatha caki'ā kara khabē khaṛaga macā'i hai. Nibēṛā hidū turaka dā raṇa ghati khaṛaga cukā'i hai. Jaga arabha tihu jugaraṇa māsa manukha ghatā'i hai. Rakata khapara bhara jōganī raṇa masata magala guṇa gā'i hai. Kēsa binā sira kuṭī'ai caghiāṛē kavana chuḍā'i hai. Hukama manē prabhu bakhaśa lai niguri'ā nō iha sajā'i hai. Phataha jaga gōbida sigha dala kōṭaka kōṭa khapā'i hai. Dōharā. Āsā nā kara brahamanā nā parasē paga jā'i. Āpa tyāgi dūjai lagē kūbhi naraka mahi pā'i.1.
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43 minutes ago, Soulfinder said:

ਜਗ ਅਰੰਭ ਤਿਹੁ ਜੁਗਰਣ ਮਾਸ ਮਨੁਖ ਘਤਾਇ ਹੈ ॥


This is how the beginning of the world witnessed the divine sword feeding upon flesh of the wicked.


ਰਕਤ ਖੱਪਰ ਭਰ ਜੋਗਨੀ ਰਣ ਮਸਤ ਮੰਗਲ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਇ ਹੈ ॥


The divine sword drank the blood of the wicked by filling their skulls with it.This is how the holy sword was pleased and sang the divine song to celebrate death of wickedness from this earth


ਕੇਸ ਬਿਨਾ ਸਿਰ ਕੁਟੀਐ ਚੰਘਿਾੜੇ ਕਵਨ ਛੁਡਾਇ ਹੈ ॥


Those who have no hair on their heads, when struck on bare heads cry in pain, and no one comes to their rescue


ਹੁਕਮ ਮੰਨੇ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਬਖਸ਼ ਲੈ ਨਿਗੁਰਿਆ ਨੋ ਇਹ ਸਜਾਇ ਹੈ ॥


Those without a Guru are punished like this. However, those who submit to the divine will, are accepted with honour before God.


ਫਤਹ ਜੰਗ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਸਿੰਘ ਦੱਲ ਕੋਟਕ ਕੋਟ ਖਪਾਇ ਹੈ ॥


I, Guru Gobind Singh ji, am always victorious in the battle field, and millions of drones of enemy armies are destroyed [by my sword]


ਦੋਹਰਾ ॥


ਆਸਾ ਨਾ ਕਰ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਨਾ ਨਾ ਪਰਸੇ ਪਗ ਜਾਇ ॥


Do not put faith in Brahmins and do not touch their feet [in respect].


ਆਪ ਤ੍ਯਾਗਿ ਦੂਜੈ ਲਗੇ ਕੂੰਭਿ ਨਰਕ ਮਹਿ ਪਾਇ ॥੧॥


Forsaking your True Self [Atma] and praying to another [Brahmins] you shall go to the worst hell.

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