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Suicide Bomb Attack Kills 35 People At Moscow's Busiest Airport

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Suicide bomb attack kills 35 people at Moscow's busiest airport

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 5:55 PM on 24th January 2011

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A dual suicide attack at Moscow's main commercial airport has left 35 people dead and 130 injured.

The blast, which happened at 4.30pm local time in the arrivals hall of Domodedovo Airport, was caused by a bomb with 7kg of TNT. Police are searching for three male suspects.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said: 'From the preliminary information we have, it was a terror attack.'

Scroll down for a news report and footage of the aftermath (warning: graphic content)

Rescue: Some 50 ambulances were scrambled to the scene after the dual suicide attack at lunchtime

Grabs from Russian television show the chaos at Domodedovo Airport

Panic: A girl on the airport metro calls a friends to see if they were caught up in the blast at Domodedovo Airport

Condolences: Foreign Secretary William Hague said: 'I am deeply shocked and saddened at today's explosion at Moscow's Domodedovo airport with the loss of many lives.'

On Twitter he added: 'Security will be strengthened at large transport hubs.

'We mourn the victims of the terrorist attack at Domodedovo airport. The organizers will be tracked down and punished.'

RIA Novosti reported that two suicide bombers blew themselves up as people emerged from the international arrivals zone.

The Foreign Office said it was 'urgently investigating' whether any British nationals may have been caught in the Russian airport bombing.

In a statement, Foreign Secretary William Hague said: 'I am deeply shocked and saddened at today's explosion at Moscow's Domodedovo airport with the loss of many lives.

'On behalf of the UK, I send condolences to all those who have lost relatives or been injured.

'British officials are in urgent contact with the Russian authorities to establish the facts and to provide consular support to any British nationals who may have been affected.'

A statement from the Foreign Office read: 'The airport is currently closed and you should not travel there. We will provide further updates as soon as we are able to.'

A total of almost 240,000 British nationals entered Russia in 2009.

The Foreign Office advice warns of a high threat from terrorism in Russia, with the possibility of indiscriminate attacks.

Alert: Ambulances rush to the airport - the biggest in Russia - to help the injured

Debris: The 7kg bomb left a huge pile of rubble - as shown here - and left over 100 people injured

'We are also making contact with the British airlines using Domodedovo,' a Foreign Office spokesman added.

'There are no reports yet of injured British nationals.'

BMI said it operates two flight daily into the airport.

A spokeswoman said flight BD891 landed at 4.30pm local time with 97 passengers on board.

She said all the passengers had disembarked before the incident happened.

'All the BMI crew are accounted for,' she said.

'We are waiting for information about whether the passengers were caught up in the incident from the authorities in Moscow.'

A British Airways operates three flights daily into the airport and a spokeswoman said: 'We are speaking to our teams at the airport to establish further information.'

Flight BA872 landed at 3.46pm local time with 165 passengers on board.

The passengers disembarked and the flight turned around, leaving Moscow at 4.49pm.

Airport security confirmed that shrapnel, screws and metal balls have been found at the blast site.

Witness Mark Green, who had just arrived on a BA flight, told BBC News: 'As we were picking up the bags to put them into the back of the car, there was an almighty explosion. It reverberated through our bodies.'

He said the snow falling from the terminal was "like an avalanche coming down".

He continued: 'There was a pause of 30 seconds before people started running out of the terminal, some of whom were injured, some of whom were covered in blood or some kind of black product.

'People were obviously in a state of shock and panic.

'People were wandering around not quite sure what was going on. Security services were running around trying to keep people to one side, keep people calm, trying to move the injured people to one side.'

Injured: A man wounded - one of over 130 - in a blast is carried away at Domodedovo Airport

Blast: Bodies and luggage litter the floor of the airport following the explosion at lunchtime

He said he was only out of the terminal two minutes before the blast and was also one of the first out.

Asked if all the people on his flight would have made it out of the terminal, he said: 'I would be extremely surprised if there was nobody on that flight that was affected by the blast.'

Mr Green, who travels to Moscow once a month, said it was 'one of the busiest times' he had seen at the airport, with 'thousands' inside.

Business traveller Jeremy Spencer was in the immigration hall when the explosion went off.

He told BBC News there was a 'loud bang and then the ceiling and the floor shook where we were standing. Dust started to appear from the ceiling.

'People immediately grabbed their telephones to see what had happened.

'I didn't realise it was quite so major. It was only getting out of the airport we found out what had happened.'


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BA confirmed that BA874 which left London en route to Moscow at 12.30pm had turned back towards the UK.

Bodies, luggage and debris lays strewn on the floor of the smoke-filled terminal.

One shell-shocked man can be seen briefly, standing behind his luggage trolley among the carnage, looking from side to side.

As the camera moves through what appears to be the arrivals area, bodies are visible on the floor massed near a pillar.

Smoke wafted out of the baggage claim area and people were seen running out of the emergency exits at the airport, local media reported.

The Russkaya Sluzhba Novostei radio station cited a traveller, identified as Viktor, as saying he heard the bang outside the airport, where he was waiting for a car.

'There was an explosion, a bang,' said Viktor. 'Then I saw a policeman covered in fragments of flesh and all bloody. He was shouting 'I've survived! I've survived!'''

Suicide attack: Police are looking for three male suspects after the blast at the most used airport in Russia

Russia's rouble-dominated stock market MICEX fell by nearly two per cent following the blast.

Domodedovo, located in the Domodedovsky District, 42 kilometres (26 miles) south-southeast of the centre of Moscow, is generally regarded as Moscow's most up-to-date airport, but its security procedures have been called into question.

The largest airport in Russia in terms of passenger and cargo traffic (22.25 million passengers used the airport in 2010, which is a 19.2 per cent increase on 2009), and is one of the three major Moscow airports along with Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo.

In 2004, two suicide bombers were able to board planes at Domodedovo by buying tickets illegally from airport personnel. The bombers blew themselves up in mid-air, killing all 90 people aboard the two flights.

Moscow suffered its worst attack in six years in March 2010 when two female suicide bombers from Russia's volatile Dagestan region set off explosives in the metro, killing 39 people and wounding 60 others.

The Kremlin is struggling to contain an Islamist insurgency in the mainly Muslim North Caucasus, and rebels have repeatedly vowed they will take their battle to the Russian heartland.

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