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Dead Buddhist Man In 'death Meditation'


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Check this out guys, pretty fascinating stuff....off course this comes as no surprise as far deep sikh theology goes, it's pretty much similiar what eastern adhyatamic dharam beleive i.e- antish karan, asthol, shuksham, karan sairer. But for an westerner is quite surprising and fascinating:


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tibetan and buddist monks since they have their roots in hinduism (sanatan dharam) utilize the efficacy of yoga in helping to meditate and thus to self realize. Gurbani rejects yoga instead emphasis is on satsangat, listening and participating in keertan katha. Recitation of holy scriptures and naam simran. Company of saints/sadhus and constant improvement in character such as avoiding the company of self willed selfish and ignorant people aswell as emphasis on learning vidiya such as Sangeet and Shastar Vidiya, since the arts ultimately make you a better person. The acquisition of good attributes will automatically bring you closer to bhagti.

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