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The incredibly brutal story of Pune's 'Monster Mom' Rakhi Balpande just keeps getting more and more strange by the minute.

chaintanya balpande

Chaintanya and his mom. Image: Mid-Day

The case first came to light on Thursday after Rakhi and her landlord Sumit had reached Pune's Sassoon General Hospital at midnight with her son Chaitanya's body. She told the doctors that he had slipped in the bathroom but the marks on the body told a different story. A postmortem confirmed that he was beaten to death with a blunt object.

Then Rakhi told the police that she had to kill her son with a cricket bat as he was making sexual advances towards her. She was detained immediately.
She was produced before a magistrate on Friday and next day Sumit was arrested as her co-accused.
During further investigation the police came to believe that she had infact murdered her son in order to hide her illicit relationship with Sumit.

"On the basis of mobile phone records and testimonies of her next-door-neighbour and family members, we realised that for the past six months, Rakhi and More were in a relationship. Rakhi had filed for divorce and demanded maintenance for herself and her son," Assistant commissioner of police (Khadki division), Swapna Gore, who is investigating the case, told Mid-day.
But now the police have found an even more sinister plot. They are of the opinion that Rakhi had killed off Chaitanya in order to cash in on the Rs 10 Lakhs insurance policy in his name. The policy was taken out by Chaitanya's father Tarun.
It was also revealed during the investigation that Chaitanya was a bright kid and loved being with his father. Rakhi mistreated him, beat him brutely. forced him to dropout of school and kept him locked up all the time. She didn't even feed him properly.
Whatever be the reason, the cruelty involved in the murder seriously calls for the strictest of punishments for the accused if convicted.
(images and case details courtesy Mid-Day)


We have heard  about terrible crimes but this will shook your soul. A real mother brutally killed her partially disabled 13 year old son and blamed him for having sexual advances toward him


After reading that, Jodi Arias came to mind - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2321518/Jodi-Arias-GUILTY-degree-murder-stabbing-shooting-death-ex-boyfriend-Travis-Alexander.html

Killed her boyfriend in cold blood then claimed he abused her. Even though there was no evidence of that.

Criminal women seem to follow this pattern a lot. These women kill their partner off-guard, in their sleep or while they are in the bathroom, out of nowhere, and then they try to justify it in court, under self-defense or like the mom above claiming defense from sexual advance. Wtf...

Perhaps, the most famous case of cold blooded murder by a woman where the woman claimed it was self-defense and was then later celebrated as a heroine, is the case of Lorena Bobbitt.

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