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Trying to improve 14 day blog


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On 1/15/2016 at 8:50 PM, tryingtoimprove said:

My problems is not just strong lustful desires but it is intermingled with other mental states like depression, insecurity, feeling of failure in life, not achieving goals. Overtime things have accumulated and weakened/destroyed my willpower. I have tried nofap on reddit too, but it didn't quite work for me. I have started working out, which is helping.

I need to discipline myself more. Hopefully, overtime the will-power builds up . Just need to keep trying & trying.

The longest I have gone in the past with celibacy is two times, once for 45 days, another for 50 days. And few times 20ish days. It can be done again, just need to rewire my circuits.

Brother, you are a lucky person. You need to embed this fact into your brain.

  • Acquiring this human body is a blessing
  • Being born in a Sikh family is a great blessing
  • Consuming Khanday wala Amrit is a greater blessing

Your decision to improve yourself and do Simran proves that you have love for Sri Satguru jee, which implies that he will immensly love you back. You did 12 malas of Mool Mantar in a day, which is great achievement. Personally, Daas has never done 12 malas in a day. 

Don't worry about your career failures or not being married. Stay in the present moment. How do you know that getting a high paying job or getting married, won't make things worse for you? 

How do you determine success?

The greatest thing for a Sikh is Lord's grace.

ਜੇ ਤਿਸੁ ਨਦਰਿ ਨ ਆਵਈ ਤ ਵਾਤ ਨਪੁਛੈ ਕੇ ॥

If God's gracious glance falls not one him, them, no one would care for him

Without grace, you could be a billionaire, very healthy, have power, rule the world, etc; but it won't matter much as the goal of this human life is merging with the source.

Additionally, Kaam vaashna will gradually decrease as you age, as long as you keep doing intense Naam Simran and follow Gurmat principles.

Other tips, which may be helpful (from another topic):

  • Don't sit idle. If you don't have a job. get one asap. This will keep your mind occupied, and most likely decrease negative thoughts in your mind. You might have heard the saying. "An idle mind is a devil's workshop". It is very pertinent to keep your mind busy. At the workplace, if you perform well, you will be praised, thereby increasing your self-confidence.
  • Secondly, maintain your circadian cycle  (as sated by Bhagat Singh jee). Try to sleep from 8 pm - 3 am (or 7 pm - 3 am). Wake up at Amrtivela, take a shower and do Jaap/Nitnem. When you wake up, immediately start doing jaap of Waheguru Mantar (it's a short Mantar). For this purpose. keep a mala/counter nearby
  • Try to befriend Gursikhs and stay in their company. Sangat can be very powerful
  • Do Parikarma of SSGGSJ. Please listen to Gyani jee below:



Therefore, brother cheer up. Keep singing praises of the Lord in sangat, keep listening to Katha/Kirtan, doing jaap of Mantars, following Rehat maryada, etc.



Bhul chuk maaf

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On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 2:56 PM, tryingtoimprove said:

Day 3

- woke up 4:51 am, 5 Banis done

- lustful thoughts increasing esp during dreams, vivid dreams, I feel as the energy increases Lust also increases. But so far good, no break in vow. Had a dream, where I was reading a book & saw bright blue colored chakra popping out from the page

The worst enermy is tv get away from tv. 

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Day 14 (22 jan 2016)

- woke up 2:20 am

- nitnem check

- celibacy : day 7

- today woke up with a strong lustful dream, but thank god nothing bad happened. The rest of the day was not life previous time in which I had thoughts throughout the day. The feeling lasted only for 20 minutes after the dream, then it went away.

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Final thoughts: So 14 days are complete. The last week was good with Guru Jis Kirpa. Trick to Amritvela was getting a family member to wake me up everyday.

Total Japa :  (61*108= 6588).     I pray to Guru Ji & devote this japa to remove the negative qualities inside me, fill me with His Prakash, fill me with love for His lotus feet & grant me the strength to follow his Rehit & Instructions.

Currently on celibacy day 8. Hopefully, Maharaj does kirpa and increase this number.

Today is also Full Moon.  So this process was started on new moon and got completed today. :)  . I will start another 30 day blog , starting today till next full moon which is Feb 22nd, 2016.

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