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Must read book for Sikhs


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His Sacred Burden: The Life of Bhagat Puran Singh by Reema Anand


Ref http://www.amazon.ca/His-Sacred-Burden-Bhagat-Puran/dp/0143031937



Bhai Puran Singh ji in undoubtly the single Sikh Hero of this century who worked totally selflessly all his life to provide the last hope to the mentally and terminally ill patients. Whenever he use to see a deserted dead body (human or animal) immediately he would prepare (by his own hand) a grave and him human/animal a deserving respect of death. He was to Sikhism, what Mother Teresa is to Catholicism. Against the backdrop of violence and poverty in 1947 he established a premier institute which takes care of sick, disabled and forlorn persons. Whatever money and financial resources he could gathered he used it to establish this institute. 


[1] - http://www.sikh-history.com/sikhhist/personalities/sewadars/puransingh.html


Bhul chuk maaf



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