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Question about GGS

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Why there is so much protocol towards the Guru Granth Sahib? It has clothing, bedding, so many rules that make it impossible for the average everyday Sikh to house I presume? Why are there so many rules towards this aspect, when Sikhism rejects blind ritualism? What are the reasons for sprinkling wet rose petals ahead of a Sikh carrying it, or having specific requirements of it's "bed"?


Forgive me if any of this is wrong, I'm very novice at Sikhi.

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1 hour ago, sikhconvert said:

Why there is so much protocol towards the Guru Granth Sahib? It has clothing, bedding, so many rules that make it impossible for the average everyday Sikh to house I presume? Why are there so many rules towards this aspect, when Sikhism rejects blind ritualism? What are the reasons for sprinkling wet rose petals ahead of a Sikh carrying it, or having specific requirements of it's "bed"?


Forgive me if any of this is wrong, I'm very novice at Sikhi.

Because human mind love rituals ,no matter how much you ask them not to do it they will create rituals of their own.

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5 hours ago, sikhconvert said:

Why there is so much protocol towards the Guru Granth Sahib? It has clothing, bedding, so many rules that make it impossible for the average everyday Sikh to house I presume? Why are there so many rules towards this aspect, when Sikhism rejects blind ritualism? What are the reasons for sprinkling wet rose petals ahead of a Sikh carrying it, or having specific requirements of it's "bed"?


Forgive me if any of this is wrong, I'm very novice at Sikhi.

Guest jee - Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee Maharaaj is considered to be a living embodiment of the ten Satgurus by Sikhs. It is not like other holy books (Bible, Quran, etc). They have not been given the same status (by their own religion) as Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee has in Sikhism.

Sikhism has its own rituals and practices. Hygiene and physical cleanliness are given a lot of importance in Sikhism. Clothing, bedding, sprinkling rose water, etc, are ways to show respect towards our Lord and master. Some of these rituals serve meaningful practical purposes too. Clothing prevents flies/insects from sitting on the holy book, saves from dust, etc. Incense sticks make the atmosphere more pleasant for devotion.

Rules are very important in religion. If there are no rules/regulations, it will be very tough to discipline a human mind.

In today's world, soft copies of SSGGSJM are available. You can access Gurbani on your cellphones, computers, etc. Not everyone needs to keep a copy of the holy book in their homes.


Bhul chuk maaf

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5 hours ago, sikhconvert said:

when Sikhism rejects blind ritualism?

Any spiritual ritual or practice, which has the potential to assist a person in his spiritual journey is either accepted in Sikhism or should not be disrespected in anyway. If a human is not able to benefit from a religious/spiritual ritual, the fault lies with the human mind, not with the ritual or the creator of the ritual (usually a spiritual guru/prophet).


Bhul chuk maaf

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Out of love and respect and reverence.  these are expressions of that.   and it works both ways.  i.e. these acts inspire worshipful feelings in the hearts of those that do them and see them.  these are beautiful acts and they raise people's states of mind also. also setting standards- i think that if people just took a blasé attitude and approach then blasé actions might result.

btw the 'average sikh house' shouldn't house SGGS from what I understand.   that was never the norm before and its not necessary.  (such a household must not have alcohol, meat eating, cigarettes, music/tv/internet with sexual, violent or bad language content etc).  more important to establish religious feelings in your heart.  then you will not criticise these kinds of 'ritual' acts that you have mentioned, because you are more concerned with worship in your own heart.  in fact you will view these 'rituals' in their true light (acts of love).

this reminds of an event in the Christian Bible, where a woman pours a whole jar of some expensive perfume on Jesus (his hair or feet, I cannot remember).  His disciples wanted to tell her off but Jesus says not to as she did a beautiful act.

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