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These are Wirabraja ( Skt) of Yogyakarta Indonesia. The unit served in Mataram empire which was founded by a descendant of a Hindu-Buddhist king of Majapahit , 1293-1500. There were Aryas in Java in 9th century and possibly some Punjabi came after Ghazni attacks of 1021.  Do you think these could be chakram style hats?


Image result for honor guards in the uniform of traditional Javanese soldiers of Yogyakarta Sultanate march


Image result for wirabraja






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The metal helmet is unlikely to become a cloth hat.

The Chakri dynasty  is the current ruling royal house of the Kingdom of Thailand, since 1782.  Prior to the founding of the dynasty, King Rama I held for years the title Chakri, the title of the civil chancellor and chose "Chakri" as the name for the dynasty. The emblem of the dynasty is the Chakra of god Vishnu of whom the Thai sovereign is seen as an incarnation.

image.png red colored chakram.
The Sanskrit Wirabraja lead the Indonesian Independence day parade . It's unlikely a Portuguese uniform would be worn by Mataram empire and be given a Sanskrit name.
















Portuguese helmets 



                                                                          Image result for portuguese traditional helmet

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This may be the background to Punjabi chakram hats:

Image result for scythian tomb princess

       image.jpeg.1ae428f4fae31a3b85007a77bdaac02a.jpeg                                                           Scythian














Portuguese helmets 




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There's not much to read but there is one record.

 "In an inscription from Central Java in the 9th century, the names of various Indian people (and Southeast-Asian people) are mentioned:

ikang warga kilalan kling ārya singhala pandikiri drawiḍa campa kmir... (Brandes 1913:1021).
"the civilians of which one has the use are: people from KalingaAryasSinhalese, people from Pandiya kera = Pandiyas, Keralites ), DravidiansChams, and Khmer..."
  • J.L.A. Brandes, 1913, Oud-Javaansche oorkonden: nagelaten transscripties van wijlen J.L.A. Brandes ; uitgegeven door N.J. KromBatavia: Albrecht. (Old Javanese inscriptions, bequeathed by the late J.L.A. Brandes, edited by N.J. Krom)."  wiki Indian Indonesians.

Indo-Scythians used Kharosthi script which was found on gold rings at Prohear Cambodia and similar rings were excavated at Bali Indonesia from 2nd century. ( Calo 2012).  Kamboja Scythian horses were shipped to Cambodia in 3rd century , Chinese text.  Cambodia has a snake-mother legend as did Scythians with similar naga-woman art designs.

Edited by nagara
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 Punjabi contact with Indonesia is suggested by the term  saka in Sindh and Punjab.
The beginning of the  Saka era is widely equated to the ascension of Chashtana in 78 CE.  Ptolemy 2nd century CE,  "Geographia", qualifies the Western Satraps as "Indo-Scythians" and describes Chashtana's territory as  Patalene Sindh in the West,  his capital Ujjain in the east  and beyond Barigaza in the south. Baruch / Barigaza traded with Indonesia.
The Bali Saka calendar is calculated from the beginning of the Saka Era in India, and is used with the Balinese pawukon calendar, and Balinese festivals can be calculated according to either . The Indian saka calendar was used for royal decrees as early as the ninth century CE. The same calendar was used in Java until Sultan Agung replaced it with the Javanese calendar in 1633. _  Haer, Debbie Guthrie; Morillot, Juliette & Toh, Irene (Eds) (1995) Bali, a Traveller's Companion, Editions Didier Millet. p 24 , 228.
"The Indonesian saka guru construction is employed in buildings that are constructed with a joglo-type or tajug-type (pyramidal) roofs. The joglo type roof is only reserved for the house of the nobles, while the tajug-type roof is used to support sacred buildings e.g. mosques or temples. Saka guru consists of the word saka and guru. According to the Javanese text of Kawruh Kalang, the guru or "teacher" is a title given to the four wooden beams, while saka or "post" is for the four main posts. Thus the whole configuration is known as sakaguru,..  "the saka which supports the guru".
In Indonesian language, the term saka guru is used to signifies a fundamental principle. For example, "the Indonesian Cooperative is the saka guru of the National Economy".  " _ wiki  saka guru.
This indicates the influence by various people from Punjab and their association with nobles. Logically that would extend to military service by Punjabis in Indonesia.
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Old Javanese language from 9th century had these forms of saka- with many other saka-  compounds :
saka  post, pillar ( Skt śākhā, branch) 
śākhā  (Skt) branch (of a tree); branch, school, subdivision (of Weda).
saka   beginning from,  because of.
saka   each time 
śaka , śāka (Skt relating to the Śakas; the Śaka era) Śaka-year. 
śāka  (Skt) vegetable, greens; the Teak tree, 
sakhā  (Skt sakhā) friend. 
śākhābheda  (Skt) difference of (Wedic) schools 
śākadwīpa  (Skt) the sixth of the sapta-dwīpa, 
śakakāla (Skt the Śaka-era) Śaka-year.
sakala  (Skt, complete, all)
 1.  pertaining to the world perceptible by the senses 
 2. all, the whole. 
sakāla  at the same time,  (Skt seasonable; ) 
sakalabhūmi  (Skt) the whole world 
sakalabhūta  (Skt) all beings 
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