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Bro if you remember there was a lot of hype generated about so-called anti-Sikh racism supposedly on the part of African Americans due to a few attacks in Richmond Hill, NY.

Turns out it was only one deranged crackhead gangbanger responsible for all of the attacks!

Similarly, the so-called Hindu population is 1.1 billion. 1 billion of them are poor people struggling to survive, who do not hate Sikhs but are in fact natural born (sehajdhari) Sikhs (if only we helped them realise).

So in short, let's not allow a few RSS trolls distract us from the reality that 99% of new Sikhs today are erstwhile Hindu's. So we need to avoid lumping 1.1billion folks as one as that benefits the tiny minority of trolls that hate us.

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On 7/14/2022 at 12:10 AM, Singh2022 said:

Bro if you remember there was a lot of hype generated about so-called anti-Sikh racism supposedly on the part of African Americans due to a few attacks in Richmond Hill, NY.

Turns out it was only one deranged crackhead gangbanger responsible for all of the attacks!

Similarly, the so-called Hindu population is 1.1 billion. 1 billion of them are poor people struggling to survive, who do not hate Sikhs but are in fact natural born (sehajdhari) Sikhs (if only we helped them realise).

So in short, let's not allow a few RSS trolls distract us from the reality that 99% of new Sikhs today are erstwhile Hindu's. So we need to avoid lumping 1.1billion folks as one as that benefits the tiny minority of trolls that hate us.

I hear you bro. I'm going through rapid change and growth as I encounter all sorts of people and go through my dark night of the soul. I have the benefit of dying repeatedly daily and waking up a different person in a different world constantly. 

And my Karam has sent me deep into the world of race and religous debates, and a study of theology as I ready for Amrit, which coincides with my search for truth regarding Sikhi itself. 

A better takeaway is let's be so united and independent it doesn't matter. Let's not rely on other groups. Let's treat individuals individually and with love of some form

Another takeaway? All peoples need Sikhi. Not saying all people should become Sikhs. I'm saying religion, spirituality, culture, revolution, are all failing humanity and you're right we have potential allies and potential members in all groups and hopefully one day soon I'll be more Shanti Ras and less Bir Ras. 

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