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Khalistan Referendum in Surrey, Canada

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5 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

This Sunday saw some 135,000 

This figure cooked up by pro-Pakistani sycophant Pannun for publicity is fake and provably so as even to accommodate 10,000 then 120 St would have had to have been totally blocked off (which it wasn't).

Everybody from the area knows 120 St is torn up and coned off with numerous roadworks and anything more than 5,000 would have resulted in a shutdown of 120 St (which it didn't) 

The actual number was more closer to the 5,000-6,000 mark out of a local Sikh population of 300,000 = 2% of the local Sikh population.

Even the turnout of around 5,000 was actually high due to the GOI+RAW's brazen murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjer in the Gurdwara's parking lot a few weeks back.

Most of the people that voted were rightly incensed at this killing by RAW and hence the higher than normal turnout due to a member of the Sangat being killed.

It is perfectly logical for anyone to want an independent Punjab when RAW has clearly killed HS Nijjer and Avtar Singh Khanda in the Diaspora the last few weeks.

However, pro-Pakistani sycophant Pannun is exploiting perfectly valid sentiments of freedom from a terrorist state for his own personal enrichment and is just as likely to be on the RAW payroll as much as he is openly supportive of the ISI and everything Pakistan stands for.


5 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

Fringe movement

The Pakistani reporter alludes to tens of thousands (rather than disprovably false figure put by Pannun) which can arguably applied in the singular too.

However, let's say 10,000 voted out of a local Sikh population of 300,000 that means a 3% local minority of Sikhs have been duped by Pannun et al into thinking this sham achieves something.

But for argument's sake let's even hypothetically assume that 60,000 (which is 20% of the local Sikh population and which was absolutely provably not in attendence) voted in this sham non-binding referendum concocted by pro-Pakistani sycophant Pannun ...

... what does it prove given that the Sikh population in east Punjab is currently between 50 to 55% depending on when the latest census results will be released.

What it actually shows is that if we extrapolate the imaginary 20% support that Pannun might claim and translate it into a UN-monitored vote in Punjab it means the following:

20% of Sikhs supporting Pannun multiplied by arguably 55% of the Punjab gives roughly 11% vote of the overall Punjab population supporting him and 89% against Pannun and not in support of a Khalistani rump state in Malwa and Majha only (as Doaba with a Sikh minority already they would clearly vote to stay with Delhi ).

If Sikhs are barely just above 50% of the east Punjab currently and it is well known that the GOI+RAW are trying to ensure Sikhs are a minority in Punjab by the 2031 census then all Pannun is achieving is negative PR for Sikhs via these flag burnings, extrajudicial murders by RAW in response, an increased flow of Pakistani drugs into east Punjab the minute Delhi feels any potential revived threat and a doubled down commitment from GOI+RAW to ensure the growth of Christianity and Islam in Punjab to ensure Sikhs are less than 50% of the east Punjab population (as we are already a minority in Doaba).

The sad thing is our people do not realise the demographics on the ground. We were a 13% minority in 1947. In today's terms we constitute about 10% of the historical wider Punjabi population. But the Diaspora youth who are being duped by Pannun are not realising the grave threat of Sikhs being declared a minority in east Punjab by the 2031 census whilst Pannun bizarrely implies that only Sikhs will vote in his imaginary pie in the sky UN-backed referendum and/or sham non-binding referendum roadshows to generate his bank account further millions via naive Sangat funding who rightly feel pain over the Congress Genocide of Sikhs.



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