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Attack on London inevitable


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Militant Cleric Says Attack on London 'Inevitable'Sun Apr 18, 4:33 PM ET Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

LISBON (Reuters) - Several Islamic militant groups are preparing attacks on London, making such a strike unavoidable, a radical Muslim cleric said in an interview published Sunday.

"It's inevitable. Because several (attacks) are being prepared by several groups," Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad told Lisbon's Publica magazine from London where he is based.

One "very well organized" group in London calling itself al Qaeda Europe "has a great appeal for young Muslims," he said. "I know that they are ready to launch a big operation."

The firebrand cleric, who has outraged moderate Muslims and non-Muslims alike with his uncompromising views, gave no further details.

Asked if a British Muslim was allowed to carry out a "terrorist attempt" in a foreign country, Muhammad said, "That is another story."

He added: "We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity."

It was important to see accusations of terrorism in their proper context, he said.

"If we give money to needy women and children, they say they are the families of terrorists. But where do the terrorists come from? Zimbabwe? No. They are people from here. And they are our brothers, the terrorists."

"The British also are terrorists, in Iraq (news - web sites)...Terrorism is the law of the 21st century. It's legitimate."

Sheikh Bakri Muhammad said he had mixed feelings about the possible effect of his comments. "In a certain way I regret that, because the first thing the government will do is deport me, myself and my family," he said.

The Syrian-born cleric heads the al Muhajiroun group, which has praised the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and the al Qaeda militant network blamed for them.

He told Publica there were several "freelance" militant groups in Europe, such as al Qaeda London, prepared to launch attacks similar to those carried out by the al Qaeda network.

Four British men and a teen-ager appeared in court in Britain last week charged with plotting a bombing after they were arrested in the country's biggest anti-terror raids since the U.S. attacks on September 11. The men, all of Pakistani origin, were arrested on March 30 in raids which uncovered 1,300 pounds of ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer that can be used in bomb making.

Asked about his comments that he wanted to have the banner of Islam at 10 Downing Street, Muhammad said, "Yes, it's my dream. I believe one day that is going to happen. Because this is my country, I like living here."

"I've been arrested 16 times. And 16 times freed, because they have nothing against me. These are the contradictions of laws made by man. If they believe in democracy, who are they afraid of? Let Omar Bakri benefit from democracy!"


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Jamuka ji, that post is an eye opener.

this kind of ignorance makes it really hard for me to believe that there was a time when Sikhs, Hindus & Muslims lived side by side peacefully & shared happiness & pains as a community --> Complete respect & acceptance of diversity - none of this 'unbeliever' crap...

we're living in the time of kalyug, things will get worse before they can improve

bhul chuk maaf

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There are some among us who have accused me of 'whipping up anti Muslim' feelings

its important that we take notice of things like this - not to spread islamaphobia, but to be aware of the condition of our surroundings. i'm sure that this was the intent behind your post

we live in a multi-cultural society & i won't suddenly begin disrespecting the muslim people i know due to this post Jamuka ji, i'm sure that most of SA sangat will go away with the same line of thought.

stay in chardi kalaa.


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Thanks for the feedback. There are some among us who have accused me of 'whipping up anti Muslim' feelings.

Without a doubt, this is what I believe you are trying to do. Bakri's views are those of a very small minority of Muslims. Why don't you reproduce here the Muslim Council of Great Britain's declaration that all UK-based Muslims should report any terrorist-related activities they hear about to the authorities?

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Well i think this is important actually, because its a warning for all people (esp singhs) to keep their eyes peeled in muslim populated areas. Its our duty to protect society, and so spreading awareness of a possible attack is just common sense hunah.

I know where im studying, there is definitely a possibility of an attack!

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Guest Sardar Moderator Singh

Dear All,

As mentioned elsewhere, please can we keep the discussions and opinions civilised, Hate-Mongering of any form will not be tolerated.

Thank You.

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Without a doubt, this is what I believe you are trying to do.

No offense, I really don't care what you think of me. You are either a Muslim or a liberal in denial, whichever it does not concern me. You will note, whatever I say or state are based on facts not my personal opinion.

Bakri's views are those of a very small minority of Muslims. Why don't you reproduce here the Muslim Council of Great Britain's declaration that all UK-based Muslims should report any terrorist-related activities they hear about to the authorities?

Rubbish. Have you heard of the ongoing meeting of the OIC? These hypocrites can only convene when they are on the defensive. Haven't you heard Mahathir's speech requesting all Muslims to arm themselves to the teeth? Why didn't the OIC condemn suicide attacks from the Hamas? Does it not concern you that the Muslim world looks upon Sheikh Yassin as a spiritual leader?

To all Muslims here, I apologize if I have offended you. I don't hate Muslims but I do question Islam. Islam needs some serious soul searching and maybe needs to reinvent itself just like how Christianity did from the middle ages.

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