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Sacha Sauda Book store in Toronto


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If you live in toronto. You are one lucky git :LOL::LOL:

Some priceless sikhi literature in english and gurmukhi along with some pricless kirtan/katha...not to mentions all the sikhi essentials (kachera, kanga, kara, kirpans, cholaie, shastar, sarbloh utensils) and lot more.

Please visit this link for more information:

http://www.sacha-sauda.ca (Website under construction, but you can still view books and some mp3's)

Enjoy :D

Akaaaaaaaal hiiiiiiiii akaaaaaaaal

anand hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii anand :D :D

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Man, I just wrote a huuuuuuuuuge post... lost it all... ahhhhhh!

dude i feel you... it happened to me many times... you just feel like smashing the computer ...arghhhhhhhhhh :evil: :evil: .. i learnt a hard lesson.. whenever i m writing a long post.. i make sure i use text editor or wordpad and then copy and paste in the message board :D

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Dude, I loved the way people remove their shoes, cover their heads and wash their hands before entering...

One of the stories I talked about in my deleted post was about how they didnt have ANY books on Nanaksar (I believe they had one in Punjabi.... ) ... but thats no good for me...

Do you live in Toronto bro... im sure you do... I really wanna come down again in the next few weeks since it's Baba Ji's Barsi (Baba Isher Singh Ji!) - just to do pay my respects... oh well, we have a BABAJI room at home, I'll do so there...

My grandfathers off to Jagroan in a few days... ahh, I'ma miss his knowledge, but anyway... I could let you know of this one amazing book he brought me which was written by one of BabaJi (Baba Nand Singh Ji and Baba Isher Singh Jis) sangat... it was written by one of the sangat members in Punjabi, and translated by another in English... it's FIVE volumes... very very very detailed and fully authentic...

I'll most definitely let you know...

Thanks man... Also, I need your help with something man, I'll holla at you in a bit...

One luuh!

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