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Questions I ask myself, The five sins and ego....


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Question asked by Vikramjit Singh at sikhnet long time back. I'm cutting and pasting it here to start good discussion. Lets see comments/feedback of our members.

--------------------------Following is his question -----------------------

Often in Gurbani we are reminded of the 5 evils of Kaam, krodh, Lobh, Moh and Ahankaar(Lust, Anger, Attachment, Greed and Pride), and of Haume (ego). But many times I find myelf asking how does one survive without it?

To rise in ones job, perserverance and hard work does not definitely lead you to success. How does one rise up the corporate ladder without playing politics or being manipulative or competing with others?

Is there no joy in the love between a man and a woman that we must classify it as evil?

And if it was not the desire for the good things in life, would so many Sikhs like myself come to America, the land of opportunity where I could buy good clothes and fast cars?

Where do we draw the line between living a life in which we feel fulfilled in our careers, creativity and personal lives and at the same time not forget god and what his true nature really is?

many a time in board room battles I have found my self taken over by the ego of my existance, sometimes to defend and at times to go on the offensive to enhance my own position on the tree of command.

Is it all wrong? we know the story of Alexander who went out and conquered the world, only to die an unhappy man. Does the desire for success and greatness always lead one to misery? Then at times I think, what is the point of living without achievement....

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this is something that all of us have to deal with on a daily basis.

in essence, i believe that what a great many people have suggested in another thread on the 5 vices/sins/whatevers is that these impulses are meant to be controlled by us, rather than us totally extinguish them. thus, the important thing to do is to recognize in what context we are using these instincts and determine whether it's right or not.

for example, Vikramjit Singh asks whether there can be no joy in the love between a man and a woman that we must classify it as evil. love between a man and woman is very different from lust between a man and woman. love is something so pure and transcendant that it cannot be classified as anything. however, lust is something that must be controlled and limited to a monogamous relationship (marriage). it's true that this is easier said than done. but to act upon an impulse of lust in a context that is immoral would be considered an expression of this vice. this is what i would constitute as letting things get out of control. this is when lust must be controlled and when it becomes "evil" (i have no other way of describing what i'm trying to say).

living a life without achievement in a way is leaving our potential unfulfilled, which is something that i don't the Gurus wanted at all. otherwise, there would be no point in grihst jeevan. in this day and age, u need to strive and persevere and excel in everything we do just to get the food on the table. but at the same time, desiring specifically wealth and brand names and other things of the like for which we can become higher in social status is what i think we're supposed to avoid. there's nothing wrong with eating good food or wearing new clothes or driving fast cars. what's wrong is if that's all u ever think of. this stuff isn't supposed to be central to our lives. it's just something on the side. but it's something that shouldn't be totally neglected.

well, i tried to answer the question as best as i could. i hope i made sense.

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Wow. Good question!!

I think its a matter of getting one's priorities straight. If you want to ascend up the corporate ladder, do so with your own hard work, not by pushing others down. If you want to love someone, LOVE them, not LUST for them as Sukhi_v mentioned. And wanting a good life is not desire, so long as you do work hard for it. Your sweat and your blood and most importantly your LOVE for what you gives you the greatest reward. So long as you remember and believe that, the evils of kaam, krodth, lobh, and moh won't affect you

Bhul Chook Maph!

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that is a gud question right

i mean we cannot survive without those 5 sins they are a part of human day 2 day life.

i mean every1 @ least has a phase in their life where their hormones r ragin ragin right n they lust ppl.

N every1 is attached 2 at least a fav posession that they luv

N every 1 has their pride without ure pride u r nuthin right thats the way i percieve it

so how can we become less attached to these plz explain cuz i would find it hard

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Good one, but I think its important to keep balance, do a good job, not because of the money alone, but because it will help others. Thats not greed, greed is wanting things way beyond your needs. Enjoy what is there,but remember not to become attached. Its ok to be happy when you achieve something, but dont look down on others because of it.

Lust is not love, its pure desire without care and respect.

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N every1 is attached 2 at least a fav posession that they luv

N every 1 has their pride without ure pride u r nuthin right thats the way i percieve it

so how can we become less attached to these plz explain cuz i would find it hard

not everyone ;) ie. sants

"brahmgiani aap nirankaar" - guru granth sahib ji

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