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Wjkk Wjkfateh!

The Gurmat Sangeet Youth Project Group is trying to assist several young students in the NJ area that are not able to afford to learn Gurmat Sangeet. 3 Kids would like to travel to Tennessee to learn from Bhai Baldeep Singh (www.BhaiBaldeepSingh.com) who are under 18 and who's parents cannot afford to send them or pay for the classes. A request is being made to the sangat to please contribute if they can so that these young kids can have an opportunity to become a part of a tradition that is being lost. We are trying to find local sponsers and have recieved very minimal support.

These eager young students need YOUR help.

Please E-Mail Nirbhau@Gmail.com if you would like to contribute or have any questions.

Dhan Vadh


Last year a large amount of donations were collected and used for a group of ten students to attend a Gurmat Sangeet Camp. Hopefully we can get a good turnout for this too.


Vahe-Guru ji ka Khalsa Vahe-Guru ji ki Fateh,

If these kids are serious, they can learn on-line.

Please visit explore the site. Please listen to all the lectures and read teh articles as well as lsiten to the kirtan.


The Academy teaches all the Guru's Saaj and is the biggest Gurmat Sangeet teaching institution outside India.

It teaches pure gurmat sangeet (researched over 20 years from every known source) not Indian Classical based raag kirtan as many others teach.

All Guru de saaj are taught and developed/provided - the include, Sikh Rabab, Saranda, Sarangi, Taus, Dilruba and Joraa.

Sikh Raag vidya is taught as well as performance and composition.

Sikh gurmat sangeet history is also taught.

There is a music camp in London for 3 days for begginers 14th-16th of July.

Instruments sold are also the most highly developed and of highest quality, based on puratan designs - most made from Tun wood - the prices are also cheaper than nearly all other main stream suppliers.

There are 600 students worldwide and growing.



It teaches pure gurmat sangeet (researched over 20 years from every known source) not Indian Classical based raag kirtan as many others teach.

Well last time I went to a few of his lectures and he said that Raag music is what the Gurus' gave to Indian Music, Raag Music is Indian Classical Music. There was a guy that was cured of his sickness with Raag Kirtan who which also attented the lecture and gave his testimonial to everyone at the lecture.

The guy which held the lecture also said that Raag Kirtan is dying out and Music is being copied from other music scores.

Raj Academy only teach Raag Music.


Veer ji,

You shouldn't so easily discredit the great efforts made by people to revive and preserve Guru Ji's gifts.

The link I have given provides access to all the lectures, all of which are 100% SIKH - GURMAT SANGEET - SIKH KIRTAN - SIKH INSTRUMENTS and SIKH utilisation of divine raags given by Akaal Purkh orientated.

You say raag is Indian Classical.

Please think before you speak as this could be taken offensive by a large majority of the panth.

Our Guru's were not trapped by maya or culture, they structered the holy Guru Granth Sahib around a raag framework, if yo have ever read Maharaj you will know this. Each chapter represents a raag - all shabad are grouped according to raag and not the author.

Are then trying to say that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a book on Indian Classical Music?

Raag is utilised by means of GUR-MAT sangeet - not Indian Classical.

Indian Calssical is completely different.

Prof Ji did speak of raag vidya dying out, but in the context of the 60 raags our Guru's have immortalised and given us instruction to use when doing kirtan, not the other 1000s of raags that exist in Indian Classical.

Please do not confuse the sangat with uneducated remarks.

Raj Academy teaches pure Gurmat Sangeet - everything is derived from and linked back to Sri Guru Granth sahib Ji and Sikh history, including the instruments.

I would advise sangat to visit the website, read the articles, listen to the lectures and then lsiten to the shabads to see the truth.

Rupz Ji, kindly also do the same, learn a little more about the seva, you will see it is Guru orientated, nothing else, then please be a Gursikh and be supportive towards your Khalsa brothers and sisters who are spearheading this revival.

The person that was cured was cured through Shabad Kirtan done in Nirdareth raag as per Guru ji's hukum.

If Kirtan is done as Guru Ji instructs, it does cure - it cures and balances any person from any of the 60 emotions which bani is based around.



Well ive been to his lectures and he said that Raag music is Indian Classical Music, when you refer to Indian Classical Music in India its called Raag. The British call it Indian Classical Music because they speak English thats why they call it Indian Classical Music.

Modern day Kirtan is composed with Bhaajey, which im not too funed of. Raag Music is the score or the mood of the music, the style in which Guru Ji told Sikhs to sing bani to.

Raag music came before Gurus' time, but our Gurus' gave life to Raag music once again, thats what he said in the lecture.

Guest Javanmard

shaheediyan seems to forget that appart from the 31 raags used in Adi Guru Granth Sahib there are plenty of raags used in Sarabloh Guru Granth Sahib.A correct understanding of Indian classical aesthetics is necessary to understand how raags work.


Javanmard ji,

Vahe-Guru ji ka Khalsa Vahe-Guru ji ki Fateh,

Of course you are right, there are said to be around 700 raags Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj.

Guru Gobind Singh was a master musician and musicologist amonst the endless list of things he had mastered.

Sri Sarbloh Granth is the next step, we need translations/kathaa of it, but most of all we need Budha Jor (daal), to share with us their rag vidya and understanding of the 10th masters granths in terms of kirtan.

If you are knowledgable in this area then I would love to talk to you off line.

ps there are 60 raags in Maharaj, not 31. 31 is the number of chapters. The remaining raags are mishrat raags (fused), mostly created by Shaheed Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji. They are also complete raags, even though they fall under the headings of the parent raags.



Guest Javanmard

Thanks for reminding us about this most important aspect of the raags of Adi Guru Granth Sahib i.e. the fact that there are parent raags and mishrat raags.

It shows how complex gurbani is and how it needs to be approached with great care, patience and love. It is great to see people like shaheediyan and others developping a passion for real kirtan. I shall look into presenting aspects of classian Indian musical theory so we can all understand the deep implications of râg kirtan and its absolute importance. Once you understand the system you realise how modern day kirtan is just a disgrace and an insult.And for those who would still say that all that matters is the pyar here is what I say: An insult, even done with pyar remains an insult!


Javanmard Ji,

Nice to hear someone is interested in Guru Maharajs kirtan maryda which is all but ignored today by 99% of the panth.

Could do one benti - could we carry this topic on in the music area.



Thank You N30 for that. The students are advanced students and have been learning from students of Gyani Dyaal Singh. The Gurmat Sangeet Youth Group in reality is simply short of funds. Only 1 child as of now can go for the camp. Please lets get together as a sangat and allow these young children to learn the puratan tradition from a great teacher from a 13 generation lineage.

If you e-mail me then money can even be transferred through paypal.

Other methods are fine as well. Let me know through e-mail.

Akaal Sahai


Rupz Ji, yes that is how many have been researched and raag rules established, however there is one more raag - Asa Asawari for which compositions are very rare, only one or two are known to exist.

If you listened to the other lectures you may here Prof Ji mention this.



We are trying soon setup a scholarship for young nau jawan kids who would like to learn gurmat sangeet.

Why is it that we have people and companies sponsoring Bhangra Competitions?

Why should only wealthy individuals are able to learn Gurmat Sangeeet?


Thus far they have been learning from Gyani Dyal Singhs students.

Money definitley is a major problem.



Bhai Sahib Jee usually takes about $100 U.S per day. From about 4 a.m to about 11 p.m 12 a.m. All day.

Instruments price range greatly from $500-5-7,000.

Pakhawaj and Joris are about $1000 and for students maybe less around 8-900.

Sirandas Taus Rabab's etc. vary.


Kelari Ji,

I agree with you, the cost is high, and unsustainable over the long run for youth who are eager to learn real kirtan.

It's a shame that there are not people there who would sponsor these blessed children.

Prof Surinder Singh Ji has a set up an affordable learning structure for all age groups here providing full 7 day per week support with all highest quality saaj and best research into Gurmat Sangeet as per puratan kirtan maryada.

I know he is looking to set up learning platforms in US an CA in the future, and I would advise you come to the following music camp this summer, saaj will be supplied for practice and tution will be given, all in gurmat kirtan maryada, attendees will learn 3 shabad over 3 full days, cost will be really small for the whole period.

You could speak to Prof Ji re a permanent sponsorship/learning programme.

Please see below.



We can take things further once you have shown your serious interest and the youths devotion at the camp.

The Academy's aim is to research, spread and share all the gurmat sangeet - Kirtan - saaj - raag vidya with as many people as possible so Guru Ji's gift can spread and be revived, and bring the power of hukmi kirtan back into the hands of the sangat and the Gurdwara darbaars.



Dhan Vadh. We are looking into going to the Washington D.C 6-day camp.

Do you think Prof. Jee will sell instruments such as the siranda for cheaper for such young students.

There is an 18 year old who is dying to learn Siranda and would definitley like to purchase one. E-mail me with details if possible.

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