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Sikh Law System

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Guest Javanmard

Sikhi is not a shari'a law system.This would imply the need for Sikhi to have a Sikh state for its laws to be implemented which never was the case during the times of the Gurus and there is no evidence for any such project in their writings. Shari'a is the religion of submission whilst Sikhi is the path of spiritual chivalry. The rahitname do entail codes but are limited to one's private sphere or the realm of the dal. Never is it question of implementing it as a state law.

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people seriously need to realise that Guru Sahib is not a rule book

so often you hear people argue that something is ok because 'its not written in Guru Sahib', from the pov of Sikhi its a nonsensical argument.

Guru Sahib isnt a story book either

edit: I know its kinda random, but it bugs me...

so meh.

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I agree with you 100%. We need to stop saying that if it's written in Sri Guru Granth Sahib then it's ok and if not then it's allowed. Sikh Gurus wanted to eliminate the ego of having religious texts for certain type of people. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is for whole humanity to explore.

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