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- epetition reply6 June 2007

We received a petition asking:

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Reconsider an outright ban on swords."

Details of petition:

"The proposed ban on the import, sale and manufacture of swords will have an adverse effect on legitimate practitioners, collectors and manufacturers. Actual sword related crime is very rare and does not warrant a ban that affects the cultural activities of thousands of legitimate martial artists, collectors and smiths. Current legislation is quite adequate to deal with violent crime connected with bladed weapons. New legislation is merely for show. Enforcing such a ban will also affect cultural events such as Scottish Sword Dancing and many Sikh festivals. We urge the PM to reconsider this knee jerk reaction to media influenced scaremongering."

Read the petition

Petitions home page

Read the Government's responseThank you for signing the epetition against any ban on samurai swords.

The Government accepts this is a difficult area where there may be conflict between the safety of the public and the legitmate interests of law-abiding people. But it is important to remember that the decision to consult on whether the law on samurai swords should be tightened follows police concern over their increasing use in violent crime, including murders. Their advice is that the availability of samurai swords makes them the weapon of choice for growing numbers of young men with criminal intentions.

It was in response to these concerns that the Government has consulted on whether to ban samurai swords. Views were also asked on whether it was practical to exempt collectors and martial arts enthusiasts from any such ban given the difference between genuine "samurai swords" and cheap imitations.

The consultation period which finished at the end of May generated a large volume of responses. We hope to publish a summary of the views expressed by the autumn. The Government will then decide what action should be taken in its continued drive to tackle violent crime and protect the public.

Further Information


For Sikh point of view , I think the main cause was the event that happened at Handsworth Park at the vasakhi mela.

I cant blame them for banning the "sword" , the question is you have the council of sikh gurdwaras , what are they doing or have done in order to stop events like this happening ?

Theres regular trouble and police involvement at a particular Gurdwara that provoked these events , whats been done about this ?

If they are takeing positive action ,I think they are keeping it to themseleves , wheres the update?

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