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Everything posted by harsharan000

  1. SALOK DHAN GURU AMAR DAS MAHARAJ har har naam dhhiaae man har dharageh paavehi maan Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O mortal being, and, you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord. kilavikh paap sabh katteeahi houmai chukai gumaan All your sins and terrible mistakes shall be taken away, and you shall be rid of your pride and egotism. In the upper 2 lines of Satgur Sachay Patshah Amar Das Maharaj, He gives us some tips on how to deal with life. Supposing we think we have collected some sins from getting in touch with a sinner, or served by a sinner, He says meditate on the name of the Lord, and all your sins and mistakes shall be taken away. Is it not fantastic, how beautifully Satguru Jee in a simple way, paves the way for us, by telling us how to remove the obstacles from our way, if ever we think they appear before us, whether expected or unexpected, but in any case, the same solution. And moreover He tells us, that if we do this devotion on a regular basis everyday, our haume, our ego, shall be broken, (which otherwise is harder than the hardest, and unbreakable if not broken with the hammer of Naam Simrran), and also, gathering this wealth of Naam, we shall be entitled to enter His Darbar, His Kingdom. So much Daya Meher, so much bakshish from Guru Jee, what else do we need? The least we can do, is kot kot namaskar to Wahiguru Akal Purukh, by being so merciful, so bountiful... Waheguru.
  2. Just a personal comment as an addition to this thread, and also what I see usually people talk about our Guru Sahibans of what they did or said here and there. Undoubtley, it is good to keep in mind what they said and did. But then, they should not be limited to our interests, but raher kept in mind all that they taught us, because their teachings are the real Dharam, the real sikhee which will take us out from this maha bhavsagar and take us back to our Nijh Ghar. Whta they did, and why they did so, only themselves they know ...... we can not imitate them, rather for the meanwhile we can tread the path they have paved for us, which is Gurmat. For example, if they walk on the water , they will not get drowned, like Christ for example.... but we if we try to imitate them, without having reached that higher level of consciousness, we will surely fail in doing what they did. So let us not lightly say what they did or not, they are Supreme beings of other dimesions....while we are moorakhs. What the Bani says, and what the Guru Sahibans stressed upon, that we cunningly overlook, because it is not of so called personal interest. For example the Bani says: saas saas simroh Gobind At other place it says: jan Nanak ko Gur ehe mat deenee, jap man sada Satnam... jap Har bhavjal tarnaa. Let us ask ourselves sincerely, how many of us follow this essence of Gurmat? You see, our Guru sahibans left this wisdom for us, so as to say we grow spiritually to their level and have that spiritual maturity to see and understand His creation around us, and ultimately become one with Him. If we follow Gurmat implictly, there is hardly going to be any obstacles in our spiritual advance, our road is clear with his Light, as He is accompanying us as our guide, through His Grace, through His Simran. Wah wah Sachay Patshah, oouch apaar Beant Soami, kaun jane gun Tere.
  3. Ok, let us have another look at this topic. If one thinks, bad deeds of some can effect the food you touch.....then as an antidote for it, it is not less true also, that remebering Him with His Simran before any activity can also turn that negative point into a psotive one, isn´t it? As His powers are far superior to any sins or karmas.....His one glance can burn any negativity into ashes and fill us with His Daya Meher.... Satisfied brother savinderpalsingh jee? Or still any doubts left? Why look at the darkness alone? Just turn on His Light(His remeberance), then even one ray of His, is suffice to dispell any amount of darkness, agyanta, karmas, or call it sins .... Sat Sree Akal.
  4. Can you please tell me, where are one´s karmas, so that by coming into their contact , the food becomes jhoota or sucha? Karmas are created by the mind through the body, and are stored in the mind . Otherwise would it not be easier for all of us, to get our body burnt a little bit every day , and in this way burn our karmas would all also be burnt. Karmas are something subtle, but get manifested through the body. For example, if we want to wash our hair, we will not use a toothpaste, but rather a shampoo ....though both the shampoo and the toothpaste are cleaners. Everything needs an appropiate cleanser according to its nature. For worldly material things, eatables, clothes, infections, etc...there are ample worldy materlalistics cleansers. So if karmas are subtle, naturally, the cleanser has to be subtle, not material, and that subtle cleanser is Naam only. Vikaars, sins, sanskaras, karmas, mind, maya.....are all subtle dirt or filth, which has nothing to do with material level dirts, and so this subtle dirt of karmas, can only be cleansed through Naam bhakti. For example, one goes to a supermarket and buys bread. Suppose one is a vegetarian, but the seller in the supermarket, eats meat and drinks alcohol in his private life, but that does not mean, that his touching the bread and putting into a carrying bag, has transfered his karmas in the bread, and we shall get polluted by them. No, no, no, that is not the correct or rational way of thinking. Each one has his own karmas in his own mind, and they can only be discharged by either paying painfully for them in some lives if they are bad karmas, or enjoy them in some spiritual lower paradises like swarg or baikunth, or you enjoy them in some life by being a wealthy person , with good health , comforts, etc...that is the law of karmas, it is on a internal personal level for each and everyone. Nobody´s karmas can ever be transferred on someone, or on somethings, they are either paid off with pain or pleasure, or wiped away with Naam bhakti. Sat Sree Akal.
  5. Some tips on doing meditation : The mind has a natural ability to be quiet. When it becomes quiet, you are in touch with your genius. Albert Einstein said the ideas that led him to the theory of relativity came during moments of quiet reflection. Mozart heard sonatas and symphonies resonating through the silent reaches of his mind. All he had to do was write them down. We know that Isaac Newton came up with laws of motion and gravity while relaxing under an apple tree. Whether he actually got hit in the head by that apple or not, no one knows, but there is no doubt that his quiet mind yielded a treasure of knowledge. We could cite more examples, but you get the point. Silent mind has great creativity. But this is not all. Silent mind is peaceful, blissful and healthy, and radiates these qualities out through the person to the surroundings. People who know how to cultivate quiet mind not only are in touch with their inner creativity, they also radiate a youthfulness and optimism that effects everyone nearby. They have "good vibrations." Our consciousness (awareness -- is the observer), and the objective world (the observed). The essential nature of our consciousness is blissful silence. It is what is behind the mind, what is experienced when the mind becomes still. It is an infinite storehouse of the qualities just mentioned, the realm of what we know as God, always right here within ourselves. This is why it is proclaimed in the Psalms, "Be still and know I am God." To access the divine all we have to do is know how to be still. Meditation is the process of systematically allowing the mind to become still for specific periods of time each day. In doing this daily over weeks, months and years, quietness, consciousness, gradually becomes more evident when the mind is active while we are not meditating, and worldly life is enriched. Through meditation, the relationship between consciousness and the world gradually changes. This is a process of yoga, the joining. It is the first step. Once blissful silence is coming on in daily experience, many other things can be done to enhance and expand it. But first we have to establish a base in consciousness, awaken the silent inner seed of who we are, so to speak. Our mind has a natural ability to become quiet. In the deep meditation, we will harness that natural ability. The idea behind doing correct meditation, is to make us aware of how to utilize the gifts one has already. If we apply what we learn, and keep at it, one day we will know that one is a perpetual bliss machine, capable of experience far beyond the imaginings of the mind. Oh yes, we really are. Meditation is the first step. Thoughts are coming up in the mind from the minute we wake up in the morning until the minute we fall asleep at night, and then more are coming during dreaming. Yet we say the mind has a natural ability to be quiet. How? We will use a thought to do it. Not just any thought. A special thought called a "mantra." We will use a particular method of thinking this mantra that allows the mind to do what it can easily do if given the opportunity, settle down. Actually, any thought can be used to meditate, as been amply demonstrated by researchers over the years. But we'd like to use a particular thought, one that has certain vibratory qualities, one that produces a certain effect in the nervous system. It is also one we can enhance as our practice advances, but more about that later. The mantra we may begin with, can be Waheguru: We will not be focusing on the meaning of Waheguru during meditation. No doubt it has sacred meaning. It is the sound we are interested in, not the meaning. It is the sound we will be using, within. We are after the profound vibratory quality of the sound when it is used effectively deep inside the mind and nervous system. Perhaps these profound effects inside the human being are the reason, why this mantra has been revered for centuries. What we will be doing, is focusing on the correct utilization of the mantra in the practice of meditation. Then we will have the best results. Here is how we will use it: Find a quiet, comfortable place where one can sit, preferably with back support. We want to remove unnecessary distractions. Just sit and relax somewhere where one can close the eyes for twenty minutes without interruptions. Once we have gotten comfortable, slowly close our eyes. We will notice thoughts, streams of thoughts. That is fine. We should just observe them, without minding them. After about a minute, we gently introduce the thought …Waheguru… and begin to repeat it easily and effortlessly in our mind. If our mind wanders off into other thoughts, one will eventually realize this has happened. But we should not be concerned about it. It is natural. When we realize, that we are not repeating the mantra, we gently go back to it. This is all we have to do. Easily repeat the mantra silently inside. Waheguru´s mercy can be experienced at many levels in our mind and nervous system. This procedure should be carried for twenty minutes, and, then, with our eyes closed, take a few minutes to rest before we get up. This practice is to be done twice each day, before we start our day, and before begining our evening activities. It is best done before meals, as digestion can interfere with the process of meditation. If would be desirable, if we make a commitment to ourselves to do it for a few months. Giving it some time to work. One will be amazed at the results, and then one will want to keep going forward, to more and more of this blissful meditation. Waheguru.
  6. I think, we are wrongly mixing 2 things, and we sholud separate them: one is the hygiene and the other is karmas. Regarding hygiene, whether amritdharis or not amritdharis, all should be well conscious of its importance in heath issuses and try to act accordingly, whether in the langar, home, or anywhere else.... Secondly the karmas point, karmas do not get transferred from one to others, just like transferring or downloading an attachment file on internet, neither by shaking hands, or being in other´s company. Karmas are created alone by one´s own actions, thoughts and behaviour. Hygiene is on a physical level, while karmas are on a mental level. I think, it was in Kabir Sahib´s time, that when he observed that people were going to the so called sacred rivers to bathe and think that by doing so, it will wash one´s karmas or sins... So he said to them, take a "mirch" and dip it into that sacred waters belived by you people, and then cut it and taste it. You will see that the taste has not changed at all. So if these waters, can not even change, a physical attribute of something, how can you even think, that bathing in it, or drinking it, can wash your sins or karmas which are not material? In the same way, our Guru Sahibans, have only stressed on His Naam, as the only washer or eraser of all our subtle filth of karmas and sins. Once having tasted that Naam within, then one can see the changes, that one from a devil (sinner) or a manmukh, one is changed into a Gurmukh or a Saint. After that stage, one´s speech, one´s thoughts, one´s actions, are changed drastically. We can say, one is converted from a crow which subsists on vishtaa or filth, to a swan which drinks the nectar of Naam only. Such is the wadeeayee of Gurmat and Naam.
  7. Following is the video related to the topic of this thread, but at the same time, it is valid for anyone who looks for everlasting happiness, which emerges from the unending fountain of bliss, namely Wahiguru Akal Purukh. The shabd by itself as always is beautiful and peaceful, the voice of the hukam pathi is sweet and melodious, the katha kartar is clear and direct in the depth of the Bani, and so it strengthens our wavering faith in Wahiguru Akal Purukh. Enjoy it, Sat Sree Akal.
  8. Dear brother Lunalon, do not feel sorry at all. There is not much to be known neither. Sometimes, the more one knows, the more one gets confused. The only thing which one has to know, undestand and keep in mind, is that : Ik Onkar, Satgur Parsad. This is all one should know, the rest matters not much. The wavering faith, of which you talk about, is almost with all of us. See, the Sun is always up there. Sometimes some huge dark clouds come in between, then, that area gets darkened. But that does not mean, the Sun has disappeared . In a similar way, our karmas come out and bolck our vision of the Sun...nevertheless we should not feel disheartened and loose faith. The clouds can not be eternal, they have to give way to sunshine one day. Then one more thing, do not ever compare yourself to others, just keep and eye on yourself and see, if you are engaged in His devotion or not. Your present karmas , you are not able to change them, but certainly you can start planting the seed of Naam within you, and water it as much as possible, with the water of regular abhyaas of Simran, so that in the future you can certainly drink the Amrit of Naam and merge yourself in Him, by His grace also. Once agian, do not loose faith and hope in Him ever. May God bless you. Sat Sree Akal.
  9. DEFINITION OF A TRUE DEVOTEE AND A SEWAK According to the pure paviter Bani of Sree Guru Ram Das Maharaj in Raag Suhee, only that person is devotee and a sewadar of Wahiguru Akal Purukh , who loves Naam ...... ਸੇ ਭਗਤ ਸੇ ਸੇਵਕਾ ਜਿਨਾ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਪਿਆਰਾ Sae Bhagath Sae Saevakaa Jinaa Har Naam Piaaraa से भगत से सेवका जिना हरि नामु पिआरा They alone are devotees, and they alone are selfless servants, who love the Lord's Name. We can see, Wahiguru does not want us to do many things in order to please and win Him. He knows we are blind and helpless, and so He has made the things very simplified for us. Though we may not like it, because we may think, how can He be realized so simply, just by the simple practice of Naam Simran? How can that be possible? Well, that should be not a problem for us. Because that alone is bhakti or good karam which pleases our Master Lord Wahiguru. And as we have seen in the words of Dhan Guru Ram Das Maharaj, only that person is entitled to be or called a devotee, if, only he does the bhakti of Naam Simrran. In the next line, Guru Jee very clearly tells us, what can happen if we do Naam Simran, and what if we do not do this bhakti, by wasting away our lives after other petty external practices ..... Here goes His words: ਤਿਨ ਕੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਤੇ ਹਰਿ ਪਾਈਐ ਸਿਰਿ ਨਿੰਦਕ ਕੈ ਪਵੈ ਛਾਰਾ Thin Kee Saevaa Thae Har Paaeeai Sir Nindhak Kai Pavai Shhaaraa तिन की सेवा ते हरि पाईऐ सिरि निंदक कै पवै छारा By their selfless service, they find the Lord, while ashes fall on the heads of the slanderers He says that, if we do the selfless service or sewa of Naam Simran, we shall find the Lord and merge in Him, otherwise we shall be beaten blue and black, and sent to the hell of Chaurasee ka Chakar by Dharam Rai, for wasting away the life in human birth and not doing the real job of His bhakti, for which we were sent into this human life form. Saints, Gurmukhs, Guru Sahibans, Bhagats, never ever tell us to engage in any activity of devotion other than Naam Simran, because all else is koor, fanah and nashvant. A little bit further in His Bani, Guru Jee tells us that: ਜਿਸ ਨੋ ਹਰਿ ਸੁਪ੍ਰਸੰਨੁ ਹੋਇ ਸੋ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣਾ ਰਵੈ ਸੋ ਭਗਤੁ ਸੋ ਪਰਵਾਨੁ Jis No Har Suprasann Hoe So Har Gunaa Ravai So Bhagath So Paravaan जिस नो हरि सुप्रसंनु होइ सो हरि गुणा रवै सो भगतु सो परवानु That mortal, with whom the Lord is pleased, repeats the Glorious Praises of the Lord; he alone is a devotee, and he alone is approved. With this He confirms that, when Wahiguru wants to shower His blessings on someone, He makes Him leave everything else, by making him repeat and remain absorbed in His Simran, thus that wadbhagee jeev is known as a bhagat of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and as a consequence of this bhakti, he is accepted to enter the true abode of his Father, in Sach Khand. Bin Navai, nahee kou thao. Waheguru.
  10. Continuing with the topic of this thread, Dhan Dhan Satgur Arjun Dev Mahara in Raag Bhairao, beautifully reveals us the secret of acheiving mukti, just as if we take any Ang from the Bani . Of course, less is not expected from a Perfect Spiritual Master as Sachay Patshah Arjun Dev Maharaj. He too, just like any other Gurmukh, any other Sant Jan, or Guru Sahibans lays stress upon Nam alone. ਬਿਨੁ ਬਾਜੇ ਕੈਸੋ ਨਿਰਤਿਕਾਰੀ Bin Baajae Kaiso Nirathikaaree बिनु बाजे कैसो निरतिकारी Without music, how is one to dance? ਬਿਨੁ ਕੰਠੈ ਕੈਸੇ ਗਾਵਨਹਾਰੀ Bin Kanthai Kaisae Gaavanehaaree बिनु कंठै कैसे गावनहारी Without a voice, how is one to sing? ਜੀਲ ਬਿਨਾ ਕੈਸੇ ਬਜੈ ਰਬਾਬ Jeel Binaa Kaisae Bajai Rabaab जील बिना कैसे बजै रबाब Without strings, how is a guitar to be played? ਨਾਮ ਬਿਨਾ ਬਿਰਥੇ ਸਭਿ ਕਾਜ Naam Binaa Birathhae Sabh Kaaj नाम बिना बिरथे सभि काज Without the Naam, all affairs are useless. ਨਾਮ ਬਿਨਾ ਕਹਹੁ ਕੋ ਤਰਿਆ Naam Binaa Kehahu Ko Thariaa नाम बिना कहहु को तरिआ Without the Naam - tell me: who has ever been saved He goes to the extent, that if we moorakhs still do not have it clear the supreme importance of Nam alone, let us have a look at His words below: ਨਾਮ ਬਿਨਾ ਸਭ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਛਾਰੁ Naam Binaa Sabh Dhuneeaa Shhaar नाम बिना सभ दुनीआ छारु Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the whole world is just ashes. ਪਤਿਤ ਪਾਵਨ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੇਰੋ ਨਾਉ Pathith Paavan Prabh Thaero Naao पतित पावन प्रभ तेरो नाउ Your Name, God, is the Purifier of sinners. We may use different methods, different recipes of worships to clean all the filth of our sins, but here Guru Jee, is telling us, that the devotion of Nam bhakti of Wahiguru, is the one which purifies us, nothing more, nothing less. Everything else is "braham", is agyanta....is koor, is fanah.... Suppossing if one is dirty, naturally one will grab the soap as soon as possible to wash oneself.... one is not going to wait for the municipality members to come and with a protocol procedure give us a soap which is already in our house, then we will say, now we can wash ourselves ....is it not illogical to think so? Is His Name not the same within everybody just as like in us? Maybe worldy soaps, are of different makes, different smells and prices.... But the spiritual soap(Nam) which washes all our sins, is kept by Wahiguru within each one of us in equal measure, of same value and smell.... And that spiritual soap, is none other than His Naam Simran If we lack anything, that is a clear thinking. that is why we are so much engaged and busy in putting more dirt on us, rather than washing ourselves with His Naam. For this very reason, the Bani says: without devotion to Nam, everything else we may do, is like decorating a dead body. Just let us see the whole scene , the soap is already in our house(our own body) kept by the house owner(Wahiguru), then why to wait for outsiders to come and tell us, please use the soap now and you may have a bath..... is it not ridiculous ? If we do not use the soap as soon as possible while alive without waiting for anybody, so if death call us, we may die dirty, so let us be wise and use the soap of His Nam as soon as possible, to clean ourselves in time, and achieve mukti, not otherwise. Waheguru.
  11. Dear Lunalon, we are already failed, and our condition is hopeless and of pity. So any devotion done, even for any selfish motives, in His court is accepted. How one calls one´s father, that is not much important. He knows how weak we are. But anyhow He is such a wonderful Father, that He says, though out of pain or despair just remeber me, just call me with a sincere heart, and see I will come running to your aid. But there is definetely a difference in calling a worldly father and a heavenly Father like Wahiguru Akal Purukh. While our calling Him, we are elevated, our consciousness soars high in the spiritual realms. And when we thus communicate with Him in this way, we are spiritually washed, our thinking and understanding the laws of Nature undergo a drastic change, in comparison to the earthly point of view. Now in our present condition, we may question Him about our so called problems of any type, be it may health, mental, economical ... or any other ..... But once we elevate even a little bit our consciousness within, then we shall not even ask Him any such selfish things ..... Otherwise it is more likely we blame Him as usually we do. We may not voice our thoughts, but surely more than once we may have thought, my God, why me? Why do I not get this or that ? Or be like him /her, or even better.... and an endles such list.... We should keep in mind, He is a Perfect Being. He can make no mistakes. And so, if He can not make mistakes, then, what is there for Him to rectify? It is we, who are short sighted. And we are telling Him to do this or that, like if He was the Aladino´s genie in the lamp. We do not try to know and understand the Nature, but rather we want the Higher consciousness, to come to our level and get involved in our selfish petty minded game... Is it not moorakhta from our side, to do something which is unlogic? Then too we harshly blame Him, for not fulfilling our expectations, and so shamelessly we say God does not exist .... Dear Lunalon, I am not disheartening you or anyone...but it is better, if we go through the precious priceless Bani, and dye ourselves with the colors of His Beant wadeeayee . Then there will be no complaints, but only "shukur hae Sachay Patshah" on each step in our lives. For example,Christ was nailed; Dhan Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj was ill treated badly and tortured physically ... Just let us think a litle bit, they were the embodiments of that Supreme Power. What could they not do if they wished to? By freeing themselves and punish their culprits... But instead, they said: Tera bhaana meetha laage .... In these 4 words, if paid proper attention there is a lot of wisdom for us humans to learn and apply it in our lives. Then almost all of our problems shall vanish away... But anyhow, as brother Sat above, has soundly said: "in the house of Guru Nanak even those things can be changed". Or even as brother Jaikaara has beautifully said: "If we can do Naam Simran abhyas ..we would achieve that level when everyting will be Gurparsaad..." So in the end we could well say, it is all about, the attitude based on faith and devotion we adopt, to face all situations. Sat Sree Akal.
  12. Acheiving mukti is only possible by becoming one with the one who is Akaal and Ajoonee just as the Bani says. And this Akaal and Ajoonee, supreme being is none other than Wahiguru Himself. So the question is now how to become one with Him? For that purpose, the Bani also gives us the precise answer. The Bani says: Jin Har japeeya, se Har hoeeya. So you see, in the end, it is His Simran, which purifies us from our sins, sanskars, vikaars..... and which makes us worthy to merge and become with Him. And that is possible by His grace alone. That is when the Bani says: Jevad Aap, te vad teree daat. Means, this is the best bakshish He can shower on us. Of course from such a High being like Him, less can not be expected. He gives us Himself to us, when pleased with our bhakti, which also, is not done by us with our efforts, but by His grace alone. Gods, godesses, avataars, can give us Baikunth, riches, comforts, kingdoms, possesions ....but mukti from the cycle of births and deaths, only He can give us, and that also not by wavering a magic stick like a jadugar, but, by sincerely applying each and everyone of ourselves to the jugtee of Naam Simran. Waheguru.
  13. On the majesty and inmensity of Shabad as Guru, and the relation of the soul with it, as a disciple or chela, Dhan Dhan Satguru Amar Das Maharaj, sheds some more light for us moorakhs manmukhs in His Bani in Raag Sarang : ਜੀਆ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਜੀਉ ਸਬਦੁ ਹੈ ਜਿਤੁ ਸਹ ਮੇਲਾਵਾ ਹੋਇ Jeeaa Andhar Jeeo Sabadh Hai Jith Seh Maelaavaa Hoe जीआ अंदरि जीउ सबदु है जितु सह मेलावा होइ In all the living beings, the soul is a particle of Shabad. And through it we meet Him. Here He cleary tells us, that all living forms, irrespective of, their sizes, colors or shapes..... as long they are alive, or their is life in them, it is because the soul as a particle of that primal energy named Shabad, is present in them for that time being. It is not alive because it breathes, but because the soul is present there, Breathting is just a function of the body, and the breathing goes on, as long as the soul stays/remains there. ਬਿਨੁ ਸਬਦੈ ਜਗਿ ਆਨ੍ਹ੍ਹੇਰੁ ਹੈ ਸਬਦੇ ਪਰਗਟੁ ਹੋਇ Bin Sabadhai Jag Aanhaer Hai Sabadhae Paragatt Hoe बिनु सबदै जगि आन्हेरु है सबदे परगटु होइ Without the Shabad, the world is in darkness. Through the Shabad, it is enlightened. Then He says, without this Shabad Guru, there is utter darkness in the creation. Only when this Shabad manifests itself as Shabad Guru, we get enlightment of the one Truth, Wahiguru Akal Purukh. And when we say we get enlightment, then who are we? Are we those of a particular community, caste, color or creed? No. Because as Guru Jee made clear in His first line, The enlightment is for the mind, which is an obstacle in our way towards Wahiguru. Just as in darkness, the theives steal, or the evil doers commit sins, so in agyanta, we moorakhs are entangled in manmukhta, and in name of dharam, mazab, a lot of atrocities are commited, a lot of nonsense is said and followed blindly. Mind works in full force, while the poor soul is asleep, but once one´s soul is under the sunlight(gyan of Gurmat), the thieves run away, as now the owner of the house is awake. So it is essential for us, to take shelter of the Bani by practicing what it says, and workout our salvation in time before the yam doots come and snatch us from our hair, by not taking refuge in Naam Simran. ਪੰਡਿਤ ਮੋਨੀ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਥਕੇ ਭੇਖ ਥਕੇ ਤਨੁ ਧੋਇ Panddith Monee Parr Parr Thhakae Bhaekh Thhakae Than Dhhoe पंडित मोनी पड़ि पड़ि थके भेख थके तनु धोइ The Pandits, the religious scholars, and the silent sages read and write until they are weary. The religious fanatics are tired of washing their bodies. In the line above, He clears our doubts even more. He says, all that is done as devotion or bhakti by means of the body such as rituals and ceremonies, or outer venerations, that is darkness which runs away, but lighting on, Gurmat in our lives. ਬਿਨੁ ਸਬਦੈ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਓ ਦੁਖੀਏ ਚਲੇ ਰੋਇ Bin Sabadhai Kinai N Paaeiou Dhukheeeae Chalae Roe बिनु सबदै किनै न पाइओ दुखीए चले रोइ Without the Shabad, no one attains the Lord; the miserable depart weeping and wailing. Then in the next line as seen above, He goes one step further, and tells us, if one does not hold on to the Shabad Guru, one can never ever merge in the Lord. Then it will be too late, with no time left to rectify our foolishness. Then even if one weeps and wails, the yam doots will not stop even for a moment. These messengers of death will say stop protesting you foolish man, Wahiguru gave you a whole life, and you just waisted it after peanuts and stones.... And so what is that true wealth, to be gathered before one dies? Or what is that holding and giving oneself to the Sahabd Guru? Well, it is placing one´s hope only on Him, through His Shabad, and thus through His Naam Simran. As simple as that. ਨਾਨਕ ਨਦਰੀ ਪਾਈਐ ਕਰਮਿ ਪਰਾਪਤਿ ਹੋਇ Naanak Nadharee Paaeeai Karam Paraapath Hoe नानक नदरी पाईऐ करमि परापति होइ O Nanak, by His Glance of Grace, the Merciful Lord is attained. And so in this His last line above, Guru Jee is saying, that soul is a wadbhagee soul, who recieves His Daya Meher, does that devotion which pleases Him the most, which is as seen, Naam Simran, thus that soul frees it chains with the wheel of the eighty four, and merges in the Lord for once and forever. Waheguru bless all.
  14. Beautiful is the title of this thread by brother Truthseeker. I was just listening a beautiful shabad kirtan, from the Bani of Fifth Patshahee in Raag Sree Raag, and though the whole shabd is beautiful and blissful, but there comes a line, in which Guru Jee reveals us our true essence as souls, as sikhs, and His true nature as True Guru. Here it goes: baah pakarh gur kaadhi-aa so-ee utri-aa paar. Grasping him by the arm, the Guru lifts them up and out, and carries them across to the other side. Now let us just pay attention and see the beauty and depth in it. He is telling us, that, we by ourselves can do nothing, however much jap, tap, poojas, paaths we may do, even any outer rituals, but even then, we by ourselves can never ever get out from this mayavee creation. Because , all these types of devotion we do as manmukhs, we think we are doing it. The thing is, in real devotion we have to dissolve our ego, our ahankaar, our sudh, our budh, only He has to exist, we simply are not. That is why, our Guru Sahibans have stressed so much on Naam Simran. It is the only method or jugtee, by which we break the barriers of our minds and place ourselves at His Lotus Feet. As long as we think I do this or that, He does not come into the scene. But when we take refuge at His Lotus Feet, through the devotion of Naam, then He sees our humility and likes us, He says, now you have become light by removing the weight of the haume of me, mine, mind .... Then in the next moment, as Guru Jee tells us in the above line, the consequence of giving ourselves totally to Him, is that, He extends His powerful arm and pulls us out from this mayavee bhavsagar. That is when Guru Jee says:Baah pakarh Gur kaadeeya The thing and beauty of sikhee is, it makes us consciouss by realizing in a most simple way, our true spiritual nature as souls, as disciples, as sikhs, as chelas, as dhun, and the also the True status of Shabad Guru. So, as long as we think we are so and so, from here or there, and have to do so and so.... we are bound to remain in this creation, with hardly any spiritual progress. But the moment we realize we are the soul, trapped by the mind and maya, we shall do the bhakti as per Gurmat, then we shall shed all our outer coverings on our souls, and go in the search of the Shabad Guru who is within us, and waiting eagerly for us, so that we may reach Him there within, and thus He pulls us out from the realms of karma, of pain and misery, from the realms of maya and Dharam Rai, to the realm of Dayal Purukh. We are not the body, as we shall have to leave it here, it is nothing but a handful of dust ....our real self is the soul, the sikh, the chela, which is in nature a drop of Satnam, and in that Satnam Samundar it has to merge and become the Ocean itself, through bhakti, not otherwise. So if we never do Naam Simran, how will our soul reach at His Lotus Feet? How will our surtee, be pulled out by Guru Jee within? Some may think, I am crazy, I do stress a lot on Naam Simran, and not on other things. But that is, because we have a very short time, and as per Gurmat, if we do not do the real thing as seen in the Bani of Fifth Patshahee, how will we save our souls? The path of Gurmat or sikhee, is for the freedom of our souls and defeating our minds, and not for our bodies which are insentient and perishable, however we may decorate and make up them, but in the end it is nothing but clay, while our souls are His essence. It is our souls which shall merge in Him, and become Nirankar as He is. And when this is achieved, who is there a sikh, a khalsa, a muslim, a christian or a hindu? Or who is an american, indian, british or chinese over there? All these outer aspects simply do not exist there, for which we so foolishly fight and kill, and burn with the fire of haume.... He is not realized by us, by belonging to any culture, class, caste, creed or country, but by putting into action a particular discipline : Gurmat, the bhakti of Naam Simran, taught by our Guru Sahibans and all True Gurmukhs, or Sant Janas. The relation as per the topic of this beautiful thread: Shabad Guru, surat dhun chela... is described in a very clearly and simple langauge, by Dhan Dhan Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj in His lines above. Waheguru.
  15. What to ask from Wahiguru? Aisee maang Gobind se kwnVw mhlw 5 (1298-18) kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 Raag Kaanraa Bani: Fifth Patshahee Raagi:Bhai Baldev Singh Buldanpuri aisee maang gobind tay. Beg for such blessings from the Lord of the Universe: tahal santan kee sang saaDhoo kaa har naamaa jap param gatay. ||1|| rahaa-o. to work for the Saints, and the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Chanting the Name of the Lord, the supreme status is obtained. ||1||Pause|| poojaa charnaa thaakur sarnaa. Worship the Feet of Your Lord and Master, and seek His Sanctuary. so-ee kusal jo parabh jee-o karnaa. ||1|| Take joy in whatever God does. ||1|| safal hot ih durlabh dayhee. This precious human body becomes fruitful, jaa ka-o satgur ma-i-aa karayhee. ||2|| when the True Guru shows His Kindness. ||2|| agi-aan bharam binsai dukh dayraa. The house of ignorance, doubt and pain is destroyed, jaa kai hirdai baseh gur pairaa. ||3|| for those within whose hearts the Guru's Feet abide. ||3|| saaDhsang rang parabh Dhi-aa-i-aa. In the Saadh Sangat, lovingly meditate on God. kaho naanak tin pooraa paa-i-aa. ||4||4|| Says Nanak, you shall obtain the Perfect Lord. ||4||4||
  16. Artist:- Bhai Gurpreet Singh ji Shimla Wale Title :- Varsai Kirpa Dhaar Album:- Amrit Dhaara This shabad is on Ang 1281 of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Bani Guru Amar Das Ji ਮਲਾਰ ਕੀ ਵਾਰ: (ਮ: ੩) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੧੨੮੧ ਮਃ ੩ ॥ Ma 3 || मः ३ ॥ Third Mehl: ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਸਦਾ ਵਰਸਦਾ ਬੂਝਨਿ ਬੂਝਣਹਾਰ ॥ Anmrith Sadhaa Varasadhaa Boojhan Boojhanehaar || अम्रितु सदा वरसदा बूझनि बूझणहार ॥ The Ambrosial Nectar rains down continually; realize this through realization. ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹੀ ਬੁਝਿਆ ਹਰਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਰਖਿਆ ਉਰਿ ਧਾਰਿ ॥ Guramukh Jinhee Bujhiaa Har Anmrith Rakhiaa Our Dhhaar || गुरमुखि जिन्ही बुझिआ हरि अम्रितु रखिआ उरि धारि ॥ Those who, as Gurmukh, realize this, keep the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar enshrined within their hearts. ਹਰਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਪੀਵਹਿ ਸਦਾ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਾਤੇ ਹਉਮੈ ਤ੍ਰਿਸਨਾ ਮਾਰਿ ॥ Har Anmrith Peevehi Sadhaa Rang Raathae Houmai Thrisanaa Maar || हरि अम्रितु पीवहि सदा रंगि राते हउमै त्रिसना मारि ॥ They drink in the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar, and remain forever imbued with the Lord; they conquer egotism and thirsty desires. ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਹੈ ਵਰਸੈ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਧਾਰਿ ॥ Anmrith Har Kaa Naam Hai Varasai Kirapaa Dhhaar || अम्रितु हरि का नामु है वरसै किरपा धारि ॥ The Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar; the Lord showers His Grace, and it rains down. ਨਾਨਕ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਨਦਰੀ ਆਇਆ ਹਰਿ ਆਤਮ ਰਾਮੁ ਮੁਰਾਰਿ ॥੨॥ Naanak Guramukh Nadharee Aaeiaa Har Aatham Raam Muraar ||2|| नानक गुरमुखि नदरी आइआ हरि आतम रामु मुरारि ॥२॥ O Nanak, the Gurmukh comes to behold the Lord, the Supreme Soul. ||2||
  17. The Paradoxical Commandments. People Are Illogical, Unreasonable And Self-Centered. Love Them Anyway.. If You Do Good, People Will Accuse You Of Selfish, Ulterior Motives. Do Good Anyway.. If You Are Successful, You Win False Friends And True Enemies. Succeed Anyway.. The Good You Do Today Will Be Forgotten Tomorrow. Do Good Anyway.. Honesty And Frankness Make You Vulnerable. Be Honest And Frank Anyway.. The Biggest Persons With The Biggest Ideas Can Be Shot Down By The SmallestPersons With The Smallest Minds. Think Big Anyway.. People Favor Underdogs But Follow Only Top Dogs. Fight For A Few Underdogs Anyway.. What You Spend Years Building May Be Destroyed Overnight. Build Anyway.. People Really Need Help, But May Attack You If You Do Help Them. Help Them Anyway.. Give The World The Best You Have And You'll Get Kicked In The Teeth. Give The World The Best You Have Anyway..!
  18. Wife : I Am Not Talking To You Wife : I am not talking to you. . . Husband : Okay. . . Wife : Don’t you want to know the reason. . . Husband : No, I respect & trust your decision!
  19. FUNNY INTERVIEW Officer : What Is Your Name ? Candidate : M P. Sir Officer : Tell Me Properly Candidate : Mohan Pal Sir Officer : Your Father’s Name ? Candidate : M P. Sir Officer : What Does That Mean ? Candidate : Manmohan Pal Sir Officer : Your Native Place Candidate : M P. Sir Officer : Is It Madhya Pradesh ? Candidate : No, Munnur Pal Sir Officer : What Is Your Qualification? Candidate : M P. Sir Officer : (Angrily) What Is It ? Candidate : Metric Pass Officer : Why Do You Need A Job ? Candidate : M P. Sir Officer : And What Does That Mean ? Candidate : Money Problem Sir Officer : Describe Your Personality Candidate : M P. Sir Officer : Explain Yourself Clearly Candidate : Mind-blowing Personality Sir Officer : This Discussion Is Nowhere, You May Go Now Candidate : M P. Sir Officer : What Is It Now Candidate : My Performance….? Officer : Mp !!! Candidate : What Is That Sir..? Officer : Mentally Puncture.. ….
  20. u liar, if u do not read my posts, then do not reply either. u are so mentally agitated and blind, that u have not even seen through my posts, as well as of others addressing me, that u r talking to a veer, not a woman, u idiot. Stop bullying and giving commands like mentally retarded, cause yeh forum tere baap ka raaj nahee hae. I will write when I want, and what I wnat, as long as I do not trespass the line of respect to others, just as u do not respect others. So learn mannerisms and behave urself, as a person, there are quite a bit of sensitive and intelligent people, who are not at all intersted in ur bullshitt, rather in Gurmat, cause this Sikhawareness Website, is just a reminder to all of us, that we are sikhs above all, and SGGS is our last Guru, and to follow Him, is our only objective, not bullying and inciting violence , or supporting terrorism ideals, just as u do. So stop all ur bullshit, and fear Wahiguru for all ur sinful and wicked mentality... It is Gurmat which will take us to Wahiguru, not any worldly culture or history.... Sat Sree Akal.
  21. Once again sheer bullshit.... what else can be expected from a mentally sick and a hopeless fellow like you? Vishtaa key keeray. you are surrounded by bullshit, you live on bullshit, you breathe bullshit, your whole body is full of bullshit ...thus your speech is also bullshit. Your end will be same like hitler, mussolini, osma bin laden, gaddafi... you will die like a dog, they were also same like you, with their bullshit of fundamentalism, fanatism, anti social beings, nature itself will slap you, and f *** u, and will tear uar a ** in such a way, that in the rest of your lives will never ever think of such bullshit. Shame on u, while being born in khalsa panth, and having everything to become a noble person and merge in Wahiguru, u choose to be a "goon", and think u r something ..... but the fact is u r nothing, exept a sack of bullshit in motion. The path of sikhee, is a path devotion and love for Wahiguru, so that in the end we become pure and paviter like Him, and merge in Him. Because to merge in Him, one has to be same as in nature like Him. But if one is full the bullshit of violence and stained with blood, how can one merge in Him? So do not spread ur bullshit and misguide people, by filling them with your shatanee and devlish bullshit, which is anger, hatred, violence, goondagradee, short minded, short tempered, vocabulary abuse.... Remember, however big a tree may think it maybe, but a small axe is sufficient to cut it off ... so do not boost so much of your bullshit... One is not violent by nature, but that does not mean, one will keep quite and take any bullshit like that, if needed to defend one self at any time, Wahiguru has given brains to use, more than what hands and feet can do, than your f *king a** mouth, full of bullshiit. Why do not u read the Bani and follow the bani properly? Following is the Bani of Fifth Patshahee, where He tells us about the reality of this creation, what not to do, and that the only thing to be done is His Bhakti, if only one wants and loves Him, otherwise like for people like u, the chaurasee ka chakar is open, who will get beatne by the yamjoots, by wasting one´s life just like that. I know you are as good as a terrorist, a goon, a thief, a dacoit, and I am sure the following words of Guru will have no effect on u, because as said before u r full of bullshit, but anyhow, my duty as a sikh, is to advise u, to leave aside all ur nonsense and bullshit, and take refuge at the holy Feet of Guru Maharaj, and pray Him to make u a good fellow,and if possible to clean u from all ur inmense bullshit: gauVI mhlw 5 ] (240-3) ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: imlu myry goibMd Apnw nwmu dyhu ] mil mayray gobind apnaa naam dayh. Meet me, O my Lord of the Universe. Please bless me with Your Name. nwm ibnw iDRgu iDRgu Asnyhu ]1] rhwau ] naam binaa Dharig Dharig asnayhu. ||1|| rahaa-o. Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, cursed, cursed is love and intimacy. nwm ibnw jo pihrY Kwie ] naam binaa jo pahirai khaa-ay. Without the Naam, one who dresses and eats well ijau kUkru jUTn mih pwie ]1] ji-o kookar joothan meh paa-ay. ||1|| is like a dog, who falls in and eats impure foods. ||1|| nwm ibnw jyqw ibauhwru ] ijau imrqk imiQAw sIgwru ]2] naam binaa jaytaa bi-uhaar. ji-o mirtak mithi-aa seegaar. ||2|| Without the Naam, all occupations are useless, like decorations on a dead body. ||2|| nwmu ibswir kry rs Bog ] naam bisaar karay ras bhog. One who forgets the Naam and indulges in pleasures, suKu supnY nhI qn mih rog ]3] sukh supnai nahee tan meh rog. ||3|| shall find no peace, even in dreams; his body shall become diseased. ||3|| nwmu iqAwig kry An kwj ] naam ti-aag karay an kaaj. One who renounces the Naam and engages in other occupations, ibnis jwie JUTy siB pwj ]4] binas jaa-ay jhoothay sabh paaj. ||4|| shall see all of his false pretenses fall away. ||4|| nwm sMig min pRIiq n lwvY ] naam sang man pareet na laavai. One whose mind does not embrace love for the Naam koit krm krqo nrik jwvY ]5] kot karam karto narak jaavai. ||5|| shall go to hell, even though he may perform millions of ceremonial rituals. ||5|| hir kw nwmu ijin min n AwrwDw ] har kaa naam jin man na aaraaDhaa. One whose mind does not contemplate the Name of the Lord cor kI inAweI jm puir bwDw ]6] chor kee ni-aa-ee jam pur baaDhaa. ||6|| is bound like a thief, in the City of Death. ||6|| lwK AfMbr bhuqu ibsQwrw ] laakh adambar bahut bisthaaraa. Hundreds of thousands of ostentatious shows and great expanses nwm ibnw JUTy pwswrw ]7] naam binaa jhoothay paasaaraa. ||7|| - without the Naam, all these displays are false. ||7|| hir kw nwmu soeI jnu lyie ] har kaa naam so-ee jan lay-ay. That humble being repeats the Name of the Lord, kir ikrpw nwnk ijsu dyie ]8]10] kar kirpaa naanak jis day-ay. ||8||10|| O Nanak, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy. ||8||10|| Gurmat deals with devotion to Wahiguru alone, for the rest of the things of the world, Wahiguru has given us sufficient brains to deal with dignity and bravery. But this does not mean, we should become goons. Sikhs are viewed as honest and sincere beings, not as dacoits. Why should the world fear us? We are not that ugly, nor monsters. We do protect anyone who needs us, Guru has made us strong for that purpose. But yes, those who look for problems with us, will surely get their dues. And having said that, that does not mean, that if someone attacks us, or harrass us, we shall keep quiet, we know how to handle them and set justice. But once again, this does not mean fooling around with bullshit, inciting others to violence .... Hope you pay attention somewhere in your life to the words of Fifth Patsahee above, and try to straighten your crooked life... Sat Sree Akal.
  22. Sahib Jee, meditation is the door which allows one´s soul consciousness, to trespass from the physical world into the spiritual world. There are quite a few things which are common to mankind as well as these highly spiritual beings, gurmukhs, sant janas, and as well as our very Guru Sahibans. Meditation is one of them, it is not exclusive for any social or geographical status. In the very begining, before Shabad manifested itself as Wahiguru or Satnam, that very Shabd was absorbed in itself in a meditative state. The difference between us and these superior and pure spiritual beings is, that while we are full of rust of karmas and sanskaras, they are spotless and inmaculate, so naturally while we can not even think of meditating or it is as hard as like chewing iron; but for them, it just takes them to close their eyes, and wow, they are there...so quick, it is instataneous. They are totally filled with Naam, their whole being, their rom rom, reverbeartes with Naam, nay, they are the embodiment of Naam..... Waaaaheguruuuuuu.
  23. Whatever you have stated, is nothing but utter bullshit, so all your rubbish has been rejected and sent back to you. Keep it with yourself, it is your treasure and heritage. All your being is full of shit and poison. People like you are, who spoil the name of khalsa panth and sikhee, but thankfully sikhee is much much more than what people like you want to make it be. You are more like osama bin laden and alike, who have been fooled and are fooling around, and those who in name of religion are commiting crimes, making their lives a hell, and as well as guiding with their bullshit, ordinary people to hell. You are desviating people from Wahiguru, to the relams of maya and kaal, so start counting your days better left. You are so full of bullshit, nothing is going to make you reason, I can also, use your same langauge and your same cynical methods, but that will make me fall at your same level, or even make me worse, by changing from a human being into a beast, but thanks to Him, I will not allow that to happen, but that much I wiill surely tell you, all your bullshit, which is beyond the imagination of your petty mind, it can be solved, hold on to only Wahiguru Wahiguru Wahiguru Wahiguru Wahiguru .... then only maybe, all your bullshit be washed away. Sat Sree Akal.
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