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Everything posted by dalsingh101

  1. lol!! I don't think I'm going there however one really interesting notion I'm getting from reading Pandit Narain and Sahib Singh's steeks is of God being ਅਧਰਮ (adharam) or beyond religion. But that's for another thread.
  2. Okay, don't tell me more. The book actually sounds interesting now. If the library don't buy it for me, at least I've got you to ask about it. Be prepared.
  3. If she hasn't interviewed Rattan Jaggi, she is rubbish.
  4. I think PJS's posted Jaap Sahib steeks are getting to me. I've been reading God is ਅਨਾਮ (without name) so many times in the last few days, that I think I've stopped caring what people call Waheguru.
  5. I still haven't recovered from the Martyrdom book yet. It will take time.
  6. Yeah, we need more people like these guys.......
  7. Which conforms to what Sikhs say about the piece in that it is designed to invoke war sentiments and not eulogise the devi. If the third one being spoken of is Chandi Di Vaar it is signficant because it is one of the few compositions of the DG in Panjabi, so it was presumably written specifically for a Panjabi audience. Note that it is adapted with modernist elements that related directly to the battles the readers where expected to face.
  8. 1 - the history of the debates around the Dasam Granth (an overview) - zzzzz - hang on, did she get Rattan Jaggi's current opinion on the granth? 2 - a chapter on the 3 chandi compositions (comparative and narrating) - This bit sounds potentially interesting and valuable. So how do they differ? Was no attempt made to compare with the original versions in Markandeya Puranas? 3 - a chapter on the charitro pakhyan (an overview) - Bindra's translation could've been used. I wonder what this women's linguistic credentials are? I paid £1.50 to see if the library would order it. Don't worry Amardeep, I was devastated when I brought Fenech's book on Martyrdom but got over it. So will you. Is this what goray are passing off as a thesis these days?? hmmm I bet you if I had written that, no publisher would have touched it with a barge pole, let alone the Oxford Press.
  9. Watch out for 'Iraqi Muslamic' law in the UK.......
  10. lol@ "the fanatics they attract in droves like flies around the turd of ignorance" very poetically put!
  11. Mind you, I am seriously catching up on my reading! Especially with Pjs putting so many quality steeks up on scribd.
  12. A thread to share any interesting books your reading right now outside of Sikh religious/historical material. I'm reading Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake right now. I haven't read any fiction in years before this and am really enjoying it. The author's creative writing is pretty awesome.
  13. Was fart arsing around on the PC. Yes I have too much time on my hands.....
  14. Okay, but the whole sticking their nose in when the Russians were dealing with them using Hinds isn't something to ignore. Plus the whole CIA training of the forerunners of the taliban. In any case, pointing this out still doesn't diminish the argument that they ARE rampaging around in sullah land because of oil and a control freak predilection. Yes that's true. I've always said they are opposite sides of the same coin. What kills me is when some Sikhs start arselicking one side over the other. No names mentioned. Hypothetically speaking, if we ever did get out of this rut and grew in strength, do we really want to go around becoming the new international moral police or is it wiser to have a strong model state, like dasmesh pita did in Anandpur and focus the Sikh military on more direct threats to ourselves rather than starting ideological wars we don't really need to?
  15. Plus they should grow their own organic veg as much as possible in Gurdwara gardens!
  16. Why didn't they do what everyone seems to do and open up two 'rival' Gurdwaras?
  17. They need to be premiere education institutes as well. Especially when it comes to the Panjabi/Gurmukhi/Braj Basha languages and Sikh theology. Nurseries for kids is a good idea too.
  18. Don't say that, I ordered from the library especially. Can you not elaborate on your obvious disappointment in a bit more detail?
  19. It's true. All things said and done, with all their issues, I'm thankful to God for easy access to a Gurdwara. I think Gurdwaras could do better in bringing late comers back into the faith though. All the classes seem to be for very young kids from what I've seen. More adult focused things would be cool.
  20. I wonder how many do? My experiences are that you don't usually get support and advice at the Gurdwara, our whole set up doesn't seem to encompass that 'pastoral' type support some other faiths do as standard. The ones that do seem to be the sant affiliated Gurdwaras through some nominated sant or his representative. Youth are almost invariably seen as a threat by committees. Only our community has a situation where even 30 year olds are considered the 'youth'. What spiritual advice would we get from people who commonly practice seriously underhand tactics to retain their committee seats (you can usually throw casteism in there too). I find the most healthy way to perceive Gurdwaray now are as residences of Maharaj where we can do a personal darshan. Truth is, as much as I wish they were centres for learning and spiritual education, they commonly aren't on any institutional level. It's like almost every Gurdwara has its issues with corruption. The type of jaloos we see with the Southall Singh Sabha committee 'wars', is just a microcosm of what goes on all over the place. Best to just remain aloof from it or one can easily get disillusioned. I remember the issue about English in Gurdwaras was around all the way back in the 80s! It says a lot that 30 odd years on, we still haven't even got that one nailed. Some people back then were warning of sangat becoming estranged from their faith because of this (and this was a time when the vast majority of people of Sikh background would attend the Gurdwara, not like now). Fast forward to now and to me it looks like we've lost a big chunk of people who rarely visit (if at all) the Gurdwara now. I used to meet loads of apnay at work who were estranged from the Gurdwara. What I find disappointing sometimes is how, on the way to the Gurdwara, you can pass these tiny little masjids and mosques and they are PACKED OUT, every day of the week. Kids ram them out too, going to classes. Then you go to a much bigger Gurdwara and they are like virtual ghost towns in terms of attendance on weekdays. Plus even when they are relatively busy on a Saturday, very little (if any) of the debate/discussion taking place between sangat seems to be about Sikhi. I reckon the vast majority of younger apnay don't know how to do paat, even the ones that regularly go Gurdwara. Contrast this with the sullay who seem to know theirs quite well. That's how it looks to me anyway.
  21. Besides the jihadi issue there is blatant liberty taking going on Muslims lands by Europeans. Oil and the way many western European whites seem to think they can do what they like and have a 'control complex' over resources and ideology plays it's part. I know you seriously struggle to differentiate between one Muslim and another on a good day, but doing dumb shit that essentially helps feed the Wahabbis isn't a well thought out strategy. This doesn't even need further explanation. And it very rarely is about Islamist ideology or anything similar for these whites, it's more about money, control and resources. Only a thick plank wouldn't be able to see through that...bringing me nicely to.... Tony I understand that you and your peeps, commonly being certain people's 'attack bitches' of choice, will probably see such scenarios as some sort of career opportunity. Knock yourselves out I say, just don't be surprised if people reject the attempt to portray yourselves as some noble Sikhs fulfilling their religious duties when you do other races dirty work for them.
  22. My point is that the west have done more to bolster/feed Islamic extremism through foolhardy actions than they like to admit. It is an issue, because eventually Sikhs are likely to get caught up in the resurgent Jihadi Islam.
  23. If you are going to link it to Sikhnet, I think you should rename it to: Are 3ho Sikhs being exploited by raagis?
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