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Everything posted by harsharan000

  1. A letter from a newly married girl to her mother Dear Mom, Like Every Normal Girl, I Was Excited About Marriage Right From My Childhood Days. I Never Thought Beyond The Time That I Would Spend Happily With My Prince Charming. But Today When I Am Married, I Realize That Marriage Is Not All Roses. It’s Not Just About Being With Your Beloved And Having A Gala Time. There Is So Much More To It. It Comes With Its Own Share Of Responsibilities, Duties, Sacrifices And Compromises. I Cannot Wake Up Anytime I Want To. I Am Expected To Be Up And Ready Before Everyone Else In The Family. I Cannot Laze Around In My Pajamas Throughout The Day. I Am Expected To Be Presentable Every Time. I Cannot Just Go Out Anytime I Want To. I Am Expected To Be Sensitive To The Needs Of The Family. I Just Cannot Hit The Bed Anytime I Want To. I Am Expected To Be Active And Around The Family. I Cannot Expect To Be Treated Like A Princess. I Am Supposed To Take Care Of Everyone Else In The Family. And Then I Think To Myself, ‘Why Did I Get Married At All?’ I Was Happier With You, Mom. Sometimes I Think Of Coming Back To You And Getting Pampered Again. I Want To Come Home To My Favorite Food Cooked By You Every Evening After A Nice Outing With Friends. I Want To Sleep On Your Lap Like I Have No Worry In This World. But Then I Realize, Had You Not Got Married And Made Such Sacrifices In Your Life, I Wouldn't Have Had So Many Wonderful Memories To Hang On To. And Suddenly, The Purpose Of All This Becomes Clear, To Return The Same Comfort, Peace And Happiness To My New Family That I Got From You. I Am sure That As Time Would Pass, I Would Start Loving This Life Equally As You Do. Thank You Mom For All The Sacrifices And Compromises You Made. They Give Me The Strength To Do The Same. Love You.
  2. A real story A mechanic was removing the engine parts from a motorcycle,when he saw famous heart surgeon in his shop.. He called the surgeon n said.. "Look at this engine... I opened its heart,took the valves out, repaired and put them back"... So why do I get such a small salary and u get such a huge sum.... The doctor smiled at the mechanic, and came close 2 his ear and said.... "Try the same when the engine is running."............
  3. An old man in his farm.... An old man owned a pond on his farm, lined with fruit trees. One day he went there with a basket to get fruits. On reaching, he found some young ladies swimming in the pond They went in deep water to shield themselves n said: We wont come out until u leave. Old man: I'm not here to see u swim naked or to get u out of the pond naked. I'm here just to feed the Crocodile in the pond ! All the women rushed Out. Moral: No matter what age, Men can think really fast when it comes to women......
  4. Arrested for laughing...!! This is from an actual trial in the UK. A young woman who was several months pregnant was sitting in a bus. When she noticed a young man smiling at her, she began feeling humiliated on account of her condition. She changed her seat and he seemed more amused. She moved again and then on seeing him laughing more. She filed a court case on him. In the court the man's defence was:- When the lady boarded the bus i couldn't help noticing she was pregnant. She sat under an advertisement, which read "Coming Soon- The unknown boon".. I was even more amused when she then sat under a shaving advertisement, which read:- "William's stick did the trick".. Then I could not control myself any longer, when on the third move she sat under an advertisement, which read:- "Dunlop Rubber would have prevented this accident".. The case was dismissed. The judge fell off his chair laughing
  5. 45 Lessons This is something we should all read at least once a week!!!!! Make sure you read to the end!!!!!! Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio . "To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more: 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short enjoy it. 4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself. 7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. 8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. 12. It's OK to let your children see you cry. 13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it. 15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, but don't worry, God never blinks. 16.. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways. 18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. 19.. It's never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special. 22. Over prepare, then go with the flow. 23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple. 24. The most important sex organ is the brain. 25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. 26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?' 27. Always choose life. 28. Forgive 29. What other people think of you is none of your business. 30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. 31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 33. Believe in miracles. 34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do. 35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now. 36. Growing old beats the alternative of dying young. 37. Your children get only one childhood. 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back. 41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need 42. The best is yet to come... 43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 44. Yield. 45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."
  6. Brother Sikhkhoj, has pressed the right key notes of religion. It is very much true when he says in his post: that religion should be the moving force in one´s life, not life itself. That is also a stage, a phase in one´s life. It is only when you grow and arise in conciousness level through spiritual practices, (and not in theories or in studies, or even if one gets the degree of PDH or masters in philosophy or religion), then one changes one´s point of view, from life moving force, to life itself. From a seeker, one turns into the Source sought, by merging himself/herself in it. Then only we can say, Wahiguru is my life. First one did all the necessary research to find one´s way, then with the learnt matter one applied that knowledge to practice, and the result is, that then only, Wahiguru exists and Wahiguru is everything. This is an high avastah, again gained by action not by mere thinking, or reading. The Bani says: Sochay soch na hovaee, je sochay lakh vaar. Thinking and reading or reciting, come under this statement. It is only by asociating our minds, our souls with Wahiguru according to Gurmat, that one can get purer as He is, can get a glimpse of His darshan, that then the filth is removed from our minds, and thus see Him everywhere and in everyone. Then only He is, no haume of mine, my land, my properties, my wealth, my this, my that....... Then only His will, His bhaana exists, and in it, is the welfare of the humanity. If one relys only on recitations and studies, or rituals and rites, then one surely is prey to become a violent fanatic.... the changes for good can only happen, can only take place,can only occurr, by attaching ourselves to that Source of Goodness, which is Wahiguru, the fountain of infinite virtues, and not just by belonging to a particular country, race, caste, creed or community, but by a practical approach, rather than an intelectual approach. The Bani, in each Ang advises us to do so, but alas, we have modified, manipulated and adulterated sikhee with so many other things.... when our Guru Sahibans, stressed only on three things: Wahiguru Akal Purukh, Nam or Shabad and Sadh kee sangat. Sadh kee sangat, because in their company we stones, are carried across the mahabhavsagar; Nam or Shabad, because by holding on to it, we reach our Nijh Ghar, and Wahiguru alone, because He is our goal, our truely heavenly Father, and unless we return and merge in Him, we can never get out of Maya, karmas, and the cycle of births and deaths. Dear all, may Wahiguru bless each and everyone of us with His grace, so that we may learn to love Him, not as we want, but as He wants, through Gurmat.
  7. Angry husband sends SMS to his mother in law: your product not cooking properly. Smart mother in law replied: Product sold, seal opened,warranty expired, manufacturer not responsible
  8. We have already read and seen what is sikhee and what is it for .... Sikhee, means siksha, means sikhiya.... which is a practical method of uniting our souls with wahiguru Akal Purukh, through Nam Simran bhakti. So the question raised in this thread, as if doing too much of this Bhakti of it was bad? Well, Sree Guru Amar Das Maharaj, in Raag Basant tells us the secret of our meeting and merging in Satnam: ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਸਾਚੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਉਚਰੈ Anadhin Saach Naam Oucharai अनदिनु साचु नामु उचरै Night and day, he chants the True Name; ਇਨ ਬਿਧਿ ਪ੍ਰਾਣੀ ਦੁਤਰੁ ਤਰੈ Ein Bidhh Praanee Dhuthar Tharai इन बिधि प्राणी दुतरु तरै In this way, he crosses over the treacherous world-ocean. He is telling us that all the 24 hours, sing His Glory which is in reality Nam Simran, He does not say in morning do this or that or in the evening or at night do this or that .... no no no... He is saying: Anadin Saach Nam Oucharai, which means: From morning to night, if any one true thing, true bhakti, true devotion, has to be done, do only Nam Simran. It is we people who have complicated things in our own way, "in manmat"..... again, there is nothing wrong in following all our rituals, our rites, if only we do not miss from our sight the true sikhiya, the true sikhee, which is Nam Simran alone... Just as seen above, any true Gurmukh of any time, like Sachay Patshah Sree Guru Amar Das Maharaj, in just 2 lines, He has revealed the secrets of spirituality for us, He stresses on Nam Simran alone, the only permanent and eternal Truth throughout all the ages. Whether past, present or future....the method of realizing Him, is only one, as He is also only One... Oouh Apaar Beant Soami.
  9. Something on the necessity of Sadh Kee Sangat... Most of us say that, I do not need any Gurmukh´s company, because I by myself I am self suficient, I know what is sikhee, I follow some rules, some comandments of my dharam...so I am o.k with it .....Gurmukhs, Sadh Janas are not so necessary at all. But the fact is, the very Guru Granth Sahib also tells us that: ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਖੋਟਿਅਹੁ ਖਰੇ ਕਰੇ ਸਬਦਿ ਸਵਾਰਣਹਾਰੁ Sathigur Khottiahu Kharae Karae Sabadh Savaaranehaar सतिगुरु खोटिअहु खरे करे सबदि सवारणहारु The True Guru converts the counterfeit into genuine; through the Word of the Shabad, He embellishes and exalts us. Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj, is also reminding us, that we are born sinners, as we carry the heavy load on our heads of countless births...we are fake...we are without any merits. But, when we come into the Sadh Sangat, we get the touch(grace, daya meher) of the "paaras"...the philosopher´s stone ....the Gurmukh.... that from rusted iron pieces, we are turned not into gold, but we become "paaras" itself. Such is the mahanta of these Gurmukhs. There maybe 1 such Gurmukh, or at most 2, between billions of living beings...their status is much much higher then gods, godesses, prophets, avatars....etc. Because as the bani says: Aapeh Satgur, aapeh Har, aapeh mel milaveh... But then, not all are ready to accept these truths....only the wadbhagee jeevas will do so; that also not because of anything else, but because of His "Mauj"; for that also the Bani says: Se simraeh, jisnoo Aap simrae .... The Bani of our Guru Sahibans is perfect and clear, from any angle or point of view. And that has to be so,because, these Guru Sahibans, these Gurmukhs, are one with Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
  10. Raag Maajh, Bani Sree Guru Nanak Dev Maharaj ਗਲੀ ਭਿਸਤਿ ਨ ਜਾਈਐ ਛੁਟੈ ਸਚੁ ਕਮਾਇ Galee Bhisath N Jaaeeai Shhuttai Sach Kamaae गली भिसति न जाईऐ छुटै सचु कमाइ By mere talk, people do not earn passage to Heaven. Salvation comes only from the practice of Truth. In these upper lines, Sachay Patshah Guru Nanak Dev Maharaj, is telling us that, just by talking about Wahiguru...even reciting, one does not earn merits to enter in the Heaven, but that, salvation, redemption, freedom of the soul from the cycle of births and deaths, comes only by practicing the Truth. But what is practicing that Truth? That Truth is Nam , is Shabad. So practicing that Truth, is, doing its Simran. And so, how should that be done? Well, the Bani says: Saas saas, simroh Gobind. Means, do its Simran with each breath, so that you get filled up with that primal Truth, and the consequence of this blessed practice,is that, gradually, the filth from our within is pushed out, and it is replaced by the Truth...then our "rom rom", our whole self, is filled with Nam and Anhad Shabad. This is the only holy purpose of sikhee, to become, to make us, one with Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
  11. Mere reading and memorizing the Bani will avail nothing, as long as the teachings are not translated into action. Make the Bani the rule of your life, otherwise that what you read, hear and understand, will be useless. The purpose of the Bani is not reciting, but to understand it and put into action. Then only, Amrit will flow from within, and solve all our ups and downs, and fill us with bliss, love and devotion.
  12. A humble prayer at the Lotus Feet of Wahiguru Jee: Nam daan ab Satguru deejeh Give the gift of Nam, O Satguru Kal sataveh, swasaa cheejeh Kal torments me, while my life is wearing away Dukh pawat, mein nis din bhari Having suffered deeply day and night Gahee aye ab, aut Tumharee I now take refuge in you Tum saman, koee aur na Daata There is no giver as generous as you Mein balak, Tum pita aur mata I am your child, you are my mother you are my Father Moh ko dukhee, Aap kas dekho I am perplexed when I consider Yeh achraj mohe hoth parekho how can you bear to see me, your own child in such pain Mein hoon paapi,adam vikaree I am a sinner, a degenerate Bhoola chukaa, chin chin bharee and time and again I ahve gone astray Augun apne,kehan lag vernu How can I describe my countless shorcomings Meree budhee samjeh nahee marmu My mind fails to understand the mystery Tumree gati-mati, nek na janoo I can not comprehend your status, your qualities Apni mat anusar bakhanoo I can only describe them from my own standpoint Tum Samrath aur Anteryami You are all powerful and all knowing kya kya kahoo mein, Satgur Soami What more can I say, Lord Satguru Mauj karo, dukh anter haroh Take away the anguish of my heart Daya drishtee, ab moh pe dharo Have a merciful glance now on on me Mangoo Nam, na mangoo maan So that I beg for Nam, not for the honour of the world Jas janoh, tas deho mohe daan Grant me this gift as and when you see fit Mein atee deen, bikharee bukha I am a poor beggar, distressed and downcast Prem bhav nahee, sabh bidhee rukhaa faithless and without love, dry and dust Kaisay dogeh Nam amola How will you ever find me ever worthy of your invaluable name Mein apne kau, bhau bidh tola I take a hard look at myself and wonder Hoe nirash, sabar kar betha Weary and despairing, I am now resigned to my lot Par man dheeraj, dhareh na neka but my mind is without peace, still hoping Sahid kabhee, meher ho jaaveh That grace may descend one day Toh kahun, Nam nek miljaave and I may receive the priceless nam Bina meher, koee jatan na soojhey Without Grace, no plans can materialize Bakshish hoe, tabhee kuch bhoojey Only with Grace, can I comprehend the mystery Kinka Nam kareh mera kaaj Only a particle of your Nam would fulfil the purpose of my life Hey Satgur, tumko merre laaj O Master, You are the protector of my honour Abh toh man kar chuka pookar Spent with praying, my heart cries out Satguru, karoh udhaar My Lord Satguru, deliver me from my bonds. Saints, Gurmukhs, through their teachings, show us the reality of this perishable world, and create that type awareness in us, so that we may ask only the Lord, from the Lord, through the path of surrender, love and devotion at His Lotus feet.
  13. Wife is like a tv Girlfriend is like a mobile At home u watch tv but when u go out u take ur mobile no money, u keep ur old tv got money, u change ur mobile sometimes u enjoy tv but most of the time u play with ur mobile tv is free for life but for the mobile, if u dont pay, services will be terminated tv is big and bulky mobile is cute, slim, curvy and very portable operational costs for tv is minimal but for the mobile it is often high and demanding most importantly, mobile is a two-way communication ( u talk and listen ) but with the tv you must only listen ( whether you like it or not ) but remember..... Tv’s dont have viruses but mobiles often do .
  14. As Air Force One arrives at Heathrow Airport, President Obama strides to a warm and dignified reception from the Queen. They are driven in a 1934 Bentley to the edge of central London, where they change to a magnificent 17th century carriage hitched to six white horses. They continue on towards Buckingham Palace, waving to the thousands of cheering Britons; all is going well. Suddenly the right rear horse lets fly with the most horrendous earth shattering fart ever heard in the British Empire. The smell is atrocious and both passengers in the carriage must use handkerchiefs over their noses. The fart shakes the coach, but the two dignitaries of State do their best to ignore the incident. The Queen turns to President Obama: "Mr President, please accept my regrets... I am sure you understand there are some things that even a Queen cannot control." Obama, always trying to be "Presidential" replied: "Your Majesty, do not give the matter another thought... Until you mentioned it, I thought it was one of the horses."
  15. I AM A “PUCCA” INDIAN I am an Indian ... and these my following “virtues” make me more so. When the shampoo bottle seems to be over, I pour some water in it, shake it, and use it for another bath. That for me a toothpaste isn't over until I've entirely flattened it out and started rolling it up from the back. That I buy broccoli and avocados for 300 Rupees, but still ask for some dhaniya patta for free. That I don't just recycle gifts, I recycle the gift-wrapping paper too. Our home has fine bone china crockery which is used only when guests visit. That I worry about price of gold without any reason of buying it! That I will beat the crap out of my remote to make it work but not change the battery I get so disappointed if the pani puri guy doesn't give a free sukha puri in the end when I ask for one. That I won't have my breakfast and starve myself if I have been invited for a lunch buffet. That when my T-shirt gets old, I use it as night wear, when it gets older, I play holi in it & then I use it as a pochha. That I ask for extra oregano and chili flakes from the Dominos guy, so that I can use them later in Maggi.
  16. A woman arrived at the Gates of Heaven. While she was waiting for Saint Peter to greet her, she peeked through the gates. She saw a beautiful banquet table. Sitting all around were her parents and all the other people she had loved and who had died before her. They saw her and began shouting greetings to her: "Hello! How are you?! We've been waiting for you! Good to see you." When Saint Peter came by, the woman said to him, "This is such a wonderful place! How do I get in?" "You have to spell a word," Saint Peter told her. "Which word?" the woman asked. "Love." The woman correctly spelled "Love" and Saint Peter welcomed her into Heaven. About a year later, Saint Peter approached the woman and asked her to watch the Gates of Heaven for him that day. While the woman was guarding the Gates of Heaven, her husband arrived. "Well, I'm really surprised to see you!" the woman exclaimed. "How have you been?" "Oh, I'd been doing pretty well since you died, actually," her husband replied. "I married the beautiful, young nurse who took care of you while you were ill. And then I won the multi-state lottery. I sold the little house you and I lived in and bought a huge mansion. And my wife and I have been traveling all around the world. In fact, we were on vacation in Cancun when I went water-skiing today. I fell and hit my head, so here I am. What a bummer! Anyway, how do I get in?" "You have to spell a word," the woman told him. "Which word?" her husband asked. "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", she replied. Moral of the story: Never make a woman angry . . . or there will be Hell to pay! NB: The longest word currently listed in the Oxford dictionary is the lung-disease: "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" (45 letters).
  17. Well Lucky, though what I previously stated, is a partial desire to be fulfilled, but in the very depth of my heart, I think I would ask Him to always make me be His lover, instead of becoming one with Him...there is some special "rus" in loving Him than becoming Him...though one day, when His mauj will be to stop running the creation, then all, shall merge in Him, then there is no choice....but as far as possible, I would prefer to be His lover and admire His beauty, and feed myself by having His Darshan ... But then too, being a disciple, It is not wise to have any desire...it is better to leave it on Him...as He knows best, He is far far more wiser then we moorakh agyanis.... As it is said: If He has the power to give, naturally He has the power to know also... Mai Bin Gur dekhe neend na aavai....hau golee jiu gol gumaee
  18. All the posters above have given beautifull answers...hats off to them....in some way or the other, they have expressed their love for Wahiguru, which in these times of Kalyug, in fact is a sign of grace from Him. May He bless each one of them, to get their dreams and hopes fulfilled as soon as possible. In my case, my goal is to hug Him and kiss Him, and hold Him so thightly in my arms, so that He may never ever leave me alone again... Well dreams and hopes though elevated, are dreams yet..... but there is nothing to be lost by putting them forward... Who knows? He may grant them at any moment ...
  19. Aarti in Gurudwaras Every evening in all Gurudwaras, after the recitation of Rehraas Sahib (the Day’s Last Prayer) , we can hear a melodious rendition of the Aarti sung by the Raagis in Raga Dhanashri. When one listens to the majesty,the praises of the almighty Akal Purukh in this Aarti, each cell of the body mind and soul rejoices with a boundless joy, automatically one bows down at His lotus Feet, the greatest, the infinite Satnam. Guru Arjan Dev has written on Aang (Page 393 of Guru Granth) - Aarti Kirtan Sada Anand ,ie, Singing God’s Praises is His Aarti, Brings Boundless Bliss. As the legend has it, in 1508 CE Guru Nanak Dev visited the famous temple of Jagannath at Puri in Orrisa, which was very well known for its Aarti for Lord Krishna. In the evening, priests brought a platter full of lighted lamps, flowers, incense and pearls and began the Aarti. Guru Nanak Sahib meanwhile spontaneously gave words to the wonderful Aarti: Gagan mein thaal ravi chand dipak bane, tarika mandal janak moti, dhoop malyanlo pavan chavro kare saal banray phulant joti, kaisi arti hoye bhav khandna teri aarti. (Guru Granth Aang/Page 663) 'The sky is puja thaal (platter used for the Aartis), in which sun and moon are the diyas (lamps) The stars in the constellations are the jewels The wind, laden with sandal-wood fragrance, is the celestial fan. All the flowering fields, forests are radiance! What wonderful worship this is, oh! Destroyer of fear THIS is your Aarti!' However, the Aarti that is sung daily in the Gurudwaras is only partly composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The Second Stanza onwards has been composed by Bhagat Ravi Das, who was a cobbler. Naam tero aarti majan muraare Har ke Naam bin jhoothey sagal pasaarey (Guru Granth Aang/Page 695) 'O Lord, Thy name to me is the Aarti and holy ablutions. Everything else is false . . ………………..'. The Third Stanza onwards was composed by Sant Sain, a barber in the court of Raja Ram, King of Rewa: 'Dhoop deep ghrit saaji arti vaarne jaau kamalapati” May I be a sacrifice unto the Lord: that for me is the Aarti performed with lamps, ghee and incense…………………..' (Guru Granth Aang/Page 695) . The fourth stanza onwards was composed in the same vein by Sant Kabir, the Muslim Julaha (The Weaver). “Sun sandha teri dev devaakar adhpat aad samaayi...............................”, (Guru Granth Aang/Page 1350) ‘Let Divine essence be the oil, the Lord’s Name the wick and the enlightened self, the lamp. By lighting this lamp we invoke the Lord...................................’. Thereafter, “Gopal tera aarta jo jan tumhri bhagat karante tin ke kaaj sanvaarta”, (Guru Granth Aang / Page 695) onwards, was composed by Bhagat Dhanna, a simple Jat farmer from Rajasthan. ‘O Gopala, accept your Aarti! You grant the wishes of those who worship you...........!' The final part was composed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, “Ya te… maha mun devar ke tap mein sukh pave jag kare ik ved rarey…………”. ‘The Lord is pleased by the chant of the Divine Name …………..’. In Conclusion This is the Aarti which we sing daily at the end of last prayer in Gurudwaras which is composed by two Gurus, a cobbler, a barber, a weaver and a farmer –a proof that Sikhism believes in the equality of all human being in the spirit of 'Ek Pita Ekas Ke Hum Barik'. Not only that, but also that, anybody of any class, creed , color, nationality or religion, by means of karnee, bandagee, love and devotion to Him, can reach Him. This is the beauty and greatness of sikhee. It is an open fountain of everlasting life giving Amrit, to each and everybody who may come to have it. And this Amrit is none other, than His sweet ambrosial Name,that is why it is said : Amrit Nam, Parmeshwar tera.
  20. Raag Ramkalee, Bani Sree Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj jee: something upon and Nam tayrai kaaj na garihu raaj maal. Your home, power and wealth will be of no use to you. tayrai kaaj na bikhai janjaal Your corrupt worldly entanglements will be of no use to you isat meet jaan sabh chhalai Know that all your dear friends are fake har har naam sang tayrai chalai Only the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, will go along with you. naam binaa sabh jhooth paraanee. Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, everything is false, O mortal govid bhajan bin avar sang raatay tay sabh maa-i-aa mooth paraanee. Those who do not vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the Universe, but instead are imbued with other things, - all those mortals are plundered by Maya tirath naa-ay na utras mail Bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, filth is not washed off karam Dharam sabh ha-umai fail. Religious rituals are all just egotistical displays naam bihoonay chalsahi ro-ay Without the Naam, they shall depart weeping.... The verses of this Raag Ramkalee, of our beloved Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj are much more than these above, but the nutshell of Gurmat is contained in them. Though the Bani is quite clear, let us pause and have a look at it, and admire its beauty, and taste the amrit contained in it. First of all, He is telling us, that all of which we are so proud, like land, dharam, mazab, possesions,,. etc, are all fake, all are perishable, there is no reality in them, they are the expresssion of our "haume", our ego. We waste all our lives by running after them, to fullfil our desires, our illusions ....but then, everything we foolishly took for real, is left back here...even we fought and gave our lives for that purpose....but all was in vain, silly we, moorakhs we. All our relations, family members, all our friends, our attachments with them, or with our land, with our traditions, our rituals, of which we are so proud...all of them are temporary , all were karmic adjustments, but we took them for real and lost out of our sight, the purpose for which we got this human birth, which was for love and devotion alone, at Wahiguru´s Lotus Feet....alas nothing of this we did...and empty handed we shall go from here Our Guru Sahibans, in the Bani have stated as seen above, Nam is the only eternal Truth, and we should devote ourselves to it by meditating upon it...that is all that our Guru Sahibans have asked us to do. Because in the end, only our "kamaee" of Nam shall go with us. But we, not taking their words in consideration, rather turned out to be "manmukhs" How or why? Well, instead to engage in the real devotion they asked and advised us, of Nam Simran; we put into action our "maanmat"...by bathing at so called holy waters, by doing poojas, paaths, ceremonies, rituals, rites ,,,etc, etc and etc. And by doing all these outer activities, the result is, that we have driven ourselves far away, from that primal Truth, namely Akal Purukh. And so in the end, when our time comes to depart from this world, we shall cry bitterly and shout...why did I not pay attention to what Guru Sahbans have stressed in each Ang of the Granth Sahib, which is Nam Bhakti.... The time factor is the wealth we have brought with us, which is known also as "swaassa dee poonjee", so it is up to us, to use that wealth and purchase pearls and diamonds, as time invested in Nam Simran...or that very wealth of time, wasted away after our maanmat methods mentioned above, in getting stones. Then too, we blame Wahiguru, for giving us pain and suffering, when the fact is, we are the manufacturers of all our miseries... Who is then to be blamed? Surely not Wahiguru, but we moorakhs and agyanis.. The Bani says: Jis vakhar ko laen toon ayaa, Ram Nam, Santan Ghar paaya. Means, the wealth to gather(Prabh ka Simran) for which you have come into this world; the secret to be successful in it, is got in the Sadh Kee Sangat. Let us all read and listen the pure paviter Bani with full attention, and try to put into practice in our lives, so that we may derive the maximum profit from it, which is nothing else than merging in Him, and becoming one with Him. Sachay Patshah, hum moorakh, toon chaturay siaaneh.
  21. We humans, have created so many divisions, so many limitations, so many barriers, so many differences ..... And because of these differences we go mad and fight and kill...invade others countries........ just for nothing ...... but waste of bloodshed ....then too, we say it is for my religion...in the name of my god...stupid fanatics We are different due to outer layers, but once we leave this world and leave back our bodies for which we did so many atrocities, so many sins...who is a sikh? who is a muslim? a christian or a hindu there? If the sun(god) has no nationality, how come the ray(soul) is going to have one? If the ocean(god) has no caste, creed, no religion...how come a simple drop(soul) is going to have one? We are all sure insane, we are blind .... Sree Guru Angad Dev Maharaj through His bani in Raag Maajh, removes all our doubts of this type, regarding: dharam, zaat, paat..with these His following words: ਅਖੀ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਵੇਖਣਾ ਵਿਣੁ ਕੰਨਾ ਸੁਨਣਾ Akhee Baajhahu Vaekhanaa Vin Kannaa Sunanaa अखी बाझहु वेखणा विणु कंना सुनणा To see without eyes; to hear without ears; ਪੈਰਾ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਚਲਣਾ ਵਿਣੁ ਹਥਾ ਕਰਣਾ Pairaa Baajhahu Chalanaa Vin Hathhaa Karanaa पैरा बाझहु चलणा विणु हथा करणा To walk without feet; to work without hands; ਜੀਭੈ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਬੋਲਣਾ ਇਉ ਜੀਵਤ ਮਰਣਾ Jeebhai Baajhahu Bolanaa Eio Jeevath Maranaa जीभै बाझहु बोलणा इउ जीवत मरणा To speak without a tongue-like this, one remains dead while yet alive. He says, when we reach there in His Darbar, we shall not need our eyes, neither tongue, nor hands, nor feet to walk.... we are different as long as we dress differently, have different physicall features, different skin colours...and so on. And so if all these diffrences are not required there, and moreover we do not carry them with ourselves, then who is there a sikh, a muslim, a christian or a hindu? If the bodies are not there, then where are the diffrences? There is nobody to ask us, show me your passport, let me see what is your nationality, or let me see which country do you come from? Who were your ancestors? What ritulas did you perform? To which religion did you belong? There are no such physicall proofs required, or credentials to be presented .... This is all ignorance at our worldly level .... There only your karmas, your attitude towards others, your sins, are going to be taken into consideration.... our karmas are going to define our future, our destiny. Apart from that, what is going to be valued, is, our true love and devotion for Him. Love and devotion, as per the teachings of our Guru Sahibans and all Gurmukhs from any time and place, which is only Nam , Shabad Bhakti. The Bani throughout repeatedly draws our attention, towards that one eternal Truth, which is Nam or Shabad, to which they say, if you want to be saved and free yourself from the cycle of births and deaths, attach youself to it by meditating upon it, leave aside all your "maanmat", and exclusively devote yourself to this Nam, then from it you will get the true Amrit, made by Wahiguru Himself, which is flowing within you all the 24 hours.... and by drinking that Amrit, you shall become immortal. Once you taste and savour this Amrit, all your filth of karmas, of sanskaras, of so many lives shall all be washed away...you wil become pure paviter, your mind will not bother you anymore with its doots of kam, krodh, lobh, moh, and ahankar ...maya and kal will become your servants ...they will no longer ever be able to stop you from going back to your Father´s House, Sach Khand, where you will surely reach, that also not alone, but, in the company of the Shabad Guru. Such is the mahanta of our Gurumukhs... and our beloved Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
  22. If there is anything to be converted, that has to be manmukhta. We have to change ourselves from manmukhs to gurmukhs, by Guramt Sree Guru Ram Das Maharaj in His sweet ambrosial Bani gives us direct instructions for getting the darshan of Wahiguru and becoming one with Him. In His Bani Raag Bilaaval,He Says: ਸਾਧੂ ਸਰਣਿ ਪਰੈ ਸੋ ਉਬਰੈ ਖਤ੍ਰੀ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣੁ ਸੂਦੁ ਵੈਸੁ ਚੰਡਾਲੁ ਚੰਡਈਆ Saadhhoo Saran Parai So Oubarai Khathree Braahaman Soodh Vais Chanddaal Chanddeeaa साधू सरणि परै सो उबरै खत्री ब्राहमणु सूदु वैसु चंडालु चंडईआ One who seeks the Sanctuary of the Holy is saved, whether he is a Kh'shaatriya, a Brahmin, a Soodra, a Vaishya or the most untouchable of the untouchables. ਜੋ ਮਿਲੈ ਸਾਧੂ ਜਨ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਧਨੁ ਧੰਨਾ ਜਟੁ ਸੈਣੁ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਹਰਿ ਦਈਆ Jo Jo Milai Saadhhoo, Jan Sangath, Dhhan Dhhannaa Jatt Sain, Miliaa Har Dheeaa जो जो मिलै साधू जन संगति धनु धंना जटु सैणु मिलिआ हरि दईआ Blessed Dhanna and Sain; all those who joined the humble Saadh Sangat, met the Merciful Lord. He says, it does not matter where nature has placed you accoring to your karams....you need not leave your origins, you need not change your lifestyle, your community, your dharam, your mazab, your family relations...nothing has to changed. If ever anything has to be changed, it is the dirt of the mind which has to be washed...which is not washed by any rituals or rites, neither if you cut your body into pieces... That is why the Bani says: Nimakh nimakh kar sareer kataveh, toh bhee haume mael na jaaveh ... He then says: but by coming into company of the Sadh Sangat, of a Gurmukh, we shed all our ignorance, our superstitions, our brahams,we start to learn to love Wahiguru as He wants, not by our "maanmat"....the Bani says only one thing to be done, but we do many other things and not that which has to be done, just because nobody really cares for the Bani ...and prefer to do what is said from mouth to mouth and what has been seen since some few hundred years back... Let us have a open mind, and forget for a moment what we have seen and heard, and then read the Bani, and try to understand it, we shall be amazed the beauty it contains, the rich and deep spiritual wisdom in it ....only then, may we take the correct steps, and reform our lives, by walking on the straight path, which leads to Him. It is our mind which has to be converted, not the body by changing one religion to other, not by stopping some rituals, and starting some other new ones, because the mind can only be converted, by the Power Of Nam, and this can only be learnt, in order to get the desired transformation in us, by applying Gurmat in our lives, by following Gurmat...
  23. A very noble point of view from Lazy Sewadar. We must bear in mind, that if the purpose of any human being is to meet that Supreme Being, namely God; then that person has to go above the limits of the so called religions as such. Because, Akal Purukh, is not to be realized by changing your lifestyle, neither by any rituals, nor traditions....nothing of that sort. As long as we cling and say I belong to this or that religion, dharam or mazab...confrontations and controversies are goig to exist as a natural output, because the makers of these bondages are the imperfect human beings themselves,though that is not their purpose. Please do not say, Mohammed said so, or Guru Nanak said so and so...or Christ said so and so..... The thing is we pay attention only to what we want to hear, and unimportant things only. We do not pay attention to what they said, upon how to reach and realize the formless... as they themselves did in a practical way. We are all blind, having eyes we do not want to use our sight to look at the radiance of the Sunlight....and so each one, with the eyes closed, is shouting: my sun (my religion, my god) is superior to the others. Moorakhs humans.... Instead, we should open our real spiritual eyes, and then we shall all agree, there is only one Sun(Wahiguru) in the creation, who gives its sunlight(love, grace) in equal measure to all beings. Then we shall laugh at ourselves and see our inmature behaviour, like naughty small children. So we sholud live harmoniously in accordance to the envoirements we have been kept to discharge our karmas smoothly, but keeping in mind, that everythinhg is maya, is illusion, and so we should not attach ourselves with it, rather we should have in mind our goal of reaching Him at all times. Like a tourist who goes to another country for a short visit, but he knows in his mind, that , in short time he has to return back home..... if he keeps his mind claer, he will enjoy his stay there and return safely...but if he gets entangled and interferes doing mischiefs in that alien land, he is going to be imprisoned and suffer. Due to our past karmas, sanskaras, we are placed by nature in some particular envoirements(country, parents, religion, friends, etc); but that is only at a physical level; and spiritually speaking, we all belong to only Him. He is present as a Consciouss Power in all beings: Aatam me Ram, Ram me aatam. Ik Noor se sabh Jag oupjay. This is our true nature, His one ray is our soul, and as such we are all same. Wahiguru, Lord or God, is not a exclusive property of any religion. He is an infinte ocean of Love, and it is only by love, that we can go back and merge in Him. And so what is that love? That love, is to stay in His Bhana, His will, it is to surrender ourselves, our mind and body in the pure devotion to Him. And this anybody can do. This love, this devotion is not restricted to any religion, caste, creed, or land. This pure devotion will arise our soul consciousness above our petty limited minds, and then we shall see by ourselves, that it is the very one Sun´s light which is permeating and life giving source to all creatures. I know, no matter how much I may explain the simple truths by all Gurmukhs, or Saints.... still people will not like it and continue with wars, hatred, controversies, etc. If all past and present Gurmukhs have come, and could not reform us,(not that they do not have the power to do so, it is because we do not allow them to reform us, we, our minds, like confrontations, wars, disputes, hot arguments), so naturally who am I to do so? Peace and love is the duty of each being, with respect and humility to all. We have to arise over the walls, the barriers created by us, with the simple and natural method of being, human beings. God is not something physicall, He is a subtle spiritual being,and is present in spiritual realms, so if we want to reach there, it is not by pertaining to a particular club(country, religion, caste), that we shall reach Him, but by becoming subtle like Him, then only we can reach Him, otherwise we shall remain ignorant donkeys.... As said before, and to become subtle, we need something practical, by which we can discard our physicall bodies as limitations on our souls .... and that is meditation on Him. The Bani for that purpose tells us: Jin Har japiya, se Har hoeeya May He bless all of us with the right understanding.
  24. A very good and a very inspirational post, wah wah. But if I am allowed, I would humbly say that there is one more type of bhakti or love, the one of a Guru and chela, a Gurmukh and a sikh. And the best examples we have in the lives of our Guru Sahibans. Just for example, Sachay Patshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj, was the son of Satguru Ram Das Maharaj, but, He did not take Him as a father, but as His Guru. And so, even being a single moment away from the beloved Satguru, it seems endless in time, and the sikh feels like a fish out of water, means going through hell... While, when the sikh is in the company of His beloved Satguru....it is like being in ectasy, in a blissful state, he is most happy and fortunate on the surface of the earth. And this bond is created by the Gurmukh alone, who has attached His sikh with Himself, with His gurparsad, with the tight rope of Nam.
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