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Posts posted by harsharan000

  1. On 7/31/2020 at 11:24 AM, bhattman said:

    Waheguru ji Ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh gursikho..

    I want to use my current stage and progress it from here. So which simran stage I am in (as I haven't come from traditional repetition of gurmantar but from Gurbani abhyaas). I have tried reading and listening to many texts/gursikhs but not sure what should be the way forward.

    Simran on chakras get very fast, sometimes not even comprehensible and i am not able to enjoy it for long. Simran on these chakras even I start slow becomes very fast. This is the reason I leave my simran practice. I just want to paise of Guru through waheguru. If simran is so fast, i am not able to comprehend and no love comes out of it.

    Sometime I do swaas swas simran, and it feels good to be slow but then body automatically switches to chakra simran after sometime. Besides that I feel some drum beats particularly with fan noise which i presume to  be celestial sounds but I am not bothered about those noises. I just wantto connect with Waheguru ji.

    Another thing is that my 5 vices(especially krodh) are same as before. I feel I have made no progress on this front. Ideally as per my thinking, if I can meditate on trikuti chakra then I should have become more calm. Anxiety(sehsa in gurbani) is little less but almost similar to before. So what is the the point of simran, if my sehaj awastha is not reached and my mind is still unsettled. I feel I am doing simran more as activity (which is so fast) and thats why no progress on calming the mind. With haume, I can never reach brahm. 

    So I am looking for suggestions on where to start practicing the simran. Am I doing ajapa jap(fast simran on chakras)?  I feel ajapa jap can be done any time of the day but when I am sitting for a simran session, should I do swaas swaas slowly?

    Considering my current state, from where should you suggest to start. Remember I want to kill my haume and 5 vices also with simran.


    Welcome brother bhattman,

    from your words, I can only say you are blessed with His grace.

    Regarding the importance of simran, Guru Jee beautifully describes it in Sukhmani Sahib , if you read it with attention and try to sip each boond of Amrit in it,  you will be amazed about the depth and the anmol  value contained in it.

    His simran, is the key to true spirituality, or better said, is the very key which unlocks all  obstructions encountered between us and Him.

    Right from the begining Fifth Patshahee tells us: 

    ਸਿਮਰਉ ਸਿਮਰਿ ਸਿਮਰਿ ਸੁਖੁ ਪਾਵਉ

    Simaro Simar Simar Sukh Paavo ||

    Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance of Him, and true everlasting happiness.


    He says that, if we do His simran, we shall find true everlasting happiness. 

    We may ask ourselves , why or how can that be possible?

    The answer is, that by His simran, we merge in Him, thus we are free from the cycle of births and deaths, as we merge in the Infinite Ocean of everlasting  bliss of Satnam. 


    Further on He tells us: 

    ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਗਰਭਿ ਨ ਬਸੈ ॥

    Prabh Kai Simaran Garabh N Basai ||

    Remembering God, one does not have to enter into the womb again.

    ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਦੂਖੁ ਜਮੁ ਨਸੈ ॥

    Prabh Kai Simaran Dhookh Jam Nasai ||

    Remembering God, the pain of death is dispelled.

    ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਕਾਲੁ ਪਰਹਰੈ ॥

    Prabh Kai Simaran Kaal Pareharai ||

    Remembering God, death is eliminated.


    Here He clearly tells us, that by His simran, the chains by which we are strongly tied in the endless wheel of 84, or of the births and deaths, are cut off, thus the soul never ever enters a mother´s womb, nor any other life form.

    We may ask, what are those chains?

    Well those chains are all of our karmas whether god or bad, our vikars,  the PUNJ CHOR, our past sanskaras .....  which are deeply engraved on our minds. 

    There is no such cleanser which can wipe all that dirt on the mind, except for His simran alone, as seen in the following verse:

    ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਮਨ ਕੀ ਮਲੁ ਜਾਇ ॥

    Prabh Kai Simaran Man Kee Mal Jaae ||

    In the remembrance of God, the filth of the mind is removed.


    Regarding His simran,  the Bani  also tells us:

    Jin Har japeeya, se Har hoeeya

    In the verse above, Guru Jee is revealing us the technique, the jugtee, by which we ordinary mortals can merge in Him, and become one with Him without any distiction.

    Isn´t that something great and beyond any description? 

    Well, that is the apaar mahima of His simran, by which, we stones can be ferried across, and become one with Him.


    I hope, your queries of the importance of engaging in His simran are somehow satisfied; anyway, go through Sukhmani Sahib throughly without any rush, and by His grace, all your queries may come to end.

    Stay blessed.



  2. On 7/26/2020 at 3:29 PM, Lucky said:


    My post was to make it clear for newbies/young that "kirtan" has a different definition in sikhi. This is something I learned a long time ago through experience , when at the time; I assumed it was fine to sing dharmik geet in gurughar.

    I learned otherwise and pursued to educate myself about what can, and cannot, be done.

    Brother Lucky Jee,

    your statement  above in terms of Oliver Wendell Holmes  could be well defined as  :  " The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions."  😜 😜😜  👌👌



    Devotees of God

    Naamdev Ji and the Hindu Priests


    Naamdev was a true devotee of God. For all of his life, Naamdev had worshipped God and had faith in Him for each and every moment. He did not worship anyone else but the one immortal God.

    He says, "The performance of countless millions of other devotions is not even equal to one devotion to the Name of God" (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 1163).

    The materialistic things would not deter Naamdev’s spiritual path to meet God. He considered iron and gold alike.

    Once while sewing he wrote, "I perform devotional worship and sing glorious praises of God. Twenty-four hours a day, I meditate on God.

    I have found a needle of gold (Naam / God's Name), and a silver thread (pure mind). (Through Naam), Naamdev?s mind has been woven with God" (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 485).

    Naamdev cared neither for gold nor for silver, he was in love with God. A result of his true worship he had became a highly spiritual person but he was still completely devoid of pride.

    Naamdev knew that God does care for the person who recites His name and remember Him all the time.

    Once, Naamdev Ji went to Avandanagnath Temple situated in Maharashtra, India. The Hindu priests of that temple believed in the caste system.

    After reaching the temple, Naamdev sat and started meditating on God but the Hindu priests grabbed his arm and drove him out of the temple. The priests said that Naamdev couldn’t visit the temple because he belonged to a low class.

    Naamdev was deeply hurt. He went to the back of the temple and started worshipping God. In his prayer he said, "Joyfully, I came to Your Temple, O Lord.

    While Naamdev was worshipping, he was driven out.

    I am of a low social class, O Lord; Why was I born into a family of fabric dyers? I picked up my blanket and started walking. I sat at the back side of the temple" (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 1164).

    Naamdev further prayed, "Please do not forget me; do not forget me, please do not forget me, O Lord. The temple priests consider themselves of high caste, and everyone is furious with me.

    Calling me low-caste and untouchable, they beat me and drove me out; what should I do now, O Beloved Father Lord? If You give me salvation after I die, no one will know that I attained salvation.

    These Pandits, these religious scholars, call me low-born; when they say this, they tarnish Your honor as well.

    You are called kind and compassionate; the power of Your Arm is absolutely unrivalled" (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 1292).

    “As Naamdev uttered the glorious praises of the Lord, the temple turned around to face the Lord's humble devotee” (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 1164).

    “The Lord turned the temple around to face Naamdev and its back to the priests” (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 1292).

    That temple is still rotated.

    This is the symbol of the true love of God towards His true devotee.

  4. 1 hour ago, dalsingh101 said:

    Okay, but the english don't seem much better. They also appear to have similar attitudes towards pedophilia by the looks of it, they are just better at hiding it all under a facade. Don't be blind to this because they smile in your face and act friendly.  


     Hey dalsingh bro, 

    Do you really believe I can be blind to the facts you are mentioning?

    This kaam vaasna chor has left almost no one free from its deadly effects.

    Name me one country or one race or creed which is free from this malady?

    Film industry and sport sector in USA with me too, Colombia, Thailand, India, the muslim countries, the religious class in christianity within the goray, the political,  the royal families, the doctors with their patients, the goray and other paedophiles with children of only months...

    Open any news channel, any newspaper, one only sees sex crimes, apart from other atrocities, but sex crime is just too much...

    It is just sickening, there is no such corner in this world full of evilness and negativity where this sex crime does not take place.

    Some time ago, I read how apnay outside the gurdwaras in UK also have committed paedophile acts with our own children while parents are inside.

    These are just some cases which come on the surface, but how many more are happening every second, every minute...

    Bloody bastards.

  5. SSA Lucky Jee,

    nice to see you.

    You are 100% right what you have stated above, and nobody denies that what you have expressed is what Kirtan is and has to be in sikhee; but we are not alone in this world, the word kirtan , or kirtana, means ‘telling, narrating, enumerating or describing’ and originates from the Vedic period, where it was first written as anukirtana or anukriti, meaning a ‘re-telling.

    We as skhs are not alone in this world, there are many more. For example , prayers, or meditation, are common to all to an extent, we can not say to anybody, listen because you do not perform as per our point of views or our panth,  your prayers, your meditation, your kirtan, is all rubbish. 

    The so called kirtan which I posted and which a particular member has created  so much mess about it due to own personal mental rigidity, is nothing but evilness of that member.  

    Has anyone paid attention to the wordings in it?

    Isn´t the singer asking god for guidance  and singing His praises, and tht too in punjabi language,  which is more related to us to understand?  Or is it because it is in a filmy tune or whatever tune, it is invoking the devil. 

    I am not saying, nor did I ever mention, that it is o.k to sing like that at Gurdwaras or at any groupal meetings, and that is the real kirtan.

    It is sung by someone who loves Him, and has sung His praises, he has not used Gurabni in filmy tunes, which would be completely wrong, but he is singing out of his soul to the Lord.

    We live in this world, and just as we hear so many types of music, so by chance I heard this song, which touched me, because it reminded me of Waheguru , not because of anything, but because His praises were sung, because of that I called it beautiful.


    Plus,  does not the vey Bani say: 

    ਮੇਰੇ ਹਰਿ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮ ਕੀ ਕੋਈ ਬਾਤ ਸੁਨਾਵੈ ਸੋ ਭਾਈ ਸੋ ਮੇਰਾ ਬੀਰ ॥੨॥

    Maerae Har Preetham Kee Koee Baath Sunaavai So Bhaaee So Maeraa Beer ||2||

    he whosoever tells me the stories of my Beloved Lord,  is my Sibling of Destiny, and my friend.


    So let us ask ourselves, is the guy not singing the praises of Him and calling Him Rab, in our case Waheguru Akal Purukh, of whom we are being reminded of His praises being sung?  

    Then why so much hatred? Is he inducing anyone to worship any other deity,  or is he singing the praises of any other god or godess apart from Him? If not, then why to be so mentally rigid and act wickedly?

    The problem is some have limited themselves  as being bamawadee among hindus ,  thus we read the Bani as parrots, but we fail to understand what it says, we have become so mecahnical, thus we fail in being humans and use our hearts and minds to absorb the teachings of the Bani.

    When I heard the guy singing, I was overwhelmed, I said to myself,  my God  Waheguru, you are so great, you are beyond description,  your praises are infinite and are very dear to my heart.

    Keeping only this in mind, I felt like sharing with the sangat here, not knowing that some few people induced by one particular member and the chamcha, would propagate so much of nonsense and hatred, that also, due to personal ego, instead of seeing His praises sung by the singer. Which is all that should matter, as seen in the pangti above of Sree Guru Ram Das Maharaj.


    Lucky Jee, you know me since a long time, here and on the other forum, and you know that never ever I can do anything which may go agianst Sikhee, rather I want all the sangat, all the world and the universe, to be blessed with the truth, wealth and beauty of Gurbani, which is beyond any parallel. 


  6. 25 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    You know what Bhai ji, I hear what you are saying above, but it does seem that you have totally missed out the role of the gora establishment in consistently covering up for these perverts.  

    SSA Brother dalsingh101 jee,

    The goray covering the crime of these bastards is totally bad, sorry if I missed mentioning in my post above, not that I am not aware of it, but my post was mainly to bring light to the ill mentality, ill culture, of these bastards, which ends in crime and terrorism against humanity. 

    But then, the very goray also suffer at the hands of these bastards. All nationalities have criminals, but the difference between these and the rest is that, these are a product in industrial quantity, due to their devlish beliefs and  retrogating culture.

    Anyhow thanks for bringing the awareness of these matters, in this your present thread.


  7. 25 minutes ago, Sukh_preet said:

    You were right sista. This person is immense Vella. 

    Now come-on another page on this .. lol


    Chamchagiri has no limits.

    Why are u continuing when your "teacher" said it will not be replied. Beware you are trespassing the wishes of your "teacher "  😂😂😂, she may get angry.

    And about your nonsense of immense Vella, well you are infinite in this aspect.


  8. 57 minutes ago, Mooorakh said:


    What a mess! I am sorry all and thanks @Still nascentji and @sukhpreet. 

    Well if you do not like mess, why do you start ? You know deep within you you would like to belittle me as often as you can, thus conscioussly or unconscioussly, every  X  cyclical time you create trouble, thus if you create, then know that you will be retaliated back. So, for god´s sake, do not try to lecture me or argue until you are sure 100% right, for then I will not only appreciate it,  rather I would thank you.


    Thank you @harsharan000 ji, you have proved that my decision in not replying to you in past posts was right.

    Please do not thank me, there is nothing to be thankful for,  just re-think and see it that, it is not necessary to lecture someone , belittle, or taunt as seen in this line of your above


    Sukhpreet would know now there's no point in  throwing stones ( see it's not worth our energy)

    Good, for telling @Sukh_preet what to do, for this poster has gladly recognized she is your chamcha, though it is a pity for not being independent and use his/her own brains. 


    I have conveyed my point( that was NOT kirtan to recommend on a forum -

    Well, you can convey anything and you have full right in doing so, the thing is, that you have aversion towrds me for whatever reason which I do respect, but that does not mean, if you invite trouble by belittleling or putting off just because you disagree and want to put your point as right when it is not, then you will be answered back in the same manner, but then also as seen there is no guarantee that you may agree as seen already all the times you have attacked me for no reason, and evry time I have proved you that, due to your rush to belittle me and put me down,  I aswer you back with proofs that you were not right.

    Pen Jee, just change the chip in your mind for hating me,  accept me as I am for I accept you as you are, you know what I already told i do not like your posts, thus I hardly read them,  because as I told you in my first post I respect your freedom, so what if you differ from my views, and for that I never ever try to belittle you, only respect me and widen your horizons a bit,  then you will see that, you will get always  support as a brother, for are we not all seeking Waheguru? Then why so much bahamnwadee as  orthodox sikhs? 

    I also conved my point in my reply to you, what is kirtan, but you seem to have overlooked it, you are selective in what you have interest, other points you just overlook them,. but then for each point of yours you want abswers, when you hardly answer any questions with any  logic in it.


    still nascent veerji has replied well what kirtan is, which you have ignored)

    No,  I have not ignored anything and let me show you. This what I replied you in case you do not remember:

    For your kind information, the word kirtan, or kirtana, means ‘telling, narrating, enumerating or describing’ and originates from the Vedic period,  and that is exactly what the singer is doing, communicating with the Almighty.

    So if I already said what kirtan is for me, how many times you want me to repeat it? He has already read this my line in the post replying you. and he just sopke out what kirtan is, and that is fine, why do want me to fight wih him or has he to fight me? Please stop instigating people and spreading negativity


    you can keep scratching the pole now 

    There is no pole, no scratching,  give it any names, for anytime you or anybody tries anything mischevious, you will for sure get due replies, bad mouthing or belittleling will be not be ignored and thus given  appropiate answers


    57 minutes ago, Mooorakh said:

    We won't be replying . 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Well, that is your decision, do not start the mess neither be manipulative and act as victim , and you will not get any troubles for which you may then regret



  9. 10 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    WTF  can't you simply see man that there are 3 people finding you inappropriate and you are still arguing instead of apologising,

    Do not try to be stupid, for it is stupidity if you think that by you keep barking as a dog with raby, I will turn away....No way, I have an  antidote  for your malady , which is to tell you the truth umpteen times, of your wicked nature, though it may be difficult to accept it.

    If you are 3 or 30, it does not make a difference, for it is nothing but all your dirty manipulative tact  to control  those fools with no self respect nor personality, or to differentiate between right and wrong.

    What a insane person you are, you bark at me  me like a mad dog,   without any reality in it,  but just your vomiting, and you yet you want me to apolgise, you are really a mad man... get lost,  and do understand that  am not arguing,  I need not argue with you people, but bring your ego down to earth, for you have no right to attack, give lectures when you are already failed,  and misbehave with any member here nor anywhere.



    10 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    as I thought you have been thinking and polishing your ego that you have won the previous instances - I won't call them arguments since she simply ignored your barks, we all witnessed that. Only YOU and your fat ego thought you won. 

    Yor dumbness has no limits,  never ever I have thought as winning a combat with anyone, it is only your dirty mind which sees things which are not real, and at same time under the effects of aversion, you are hysterically hallucinating.

    I never attack first, I just defend myself from fools who have nothing better to do than keep madly barking for no reason. So be aware if you try to hurt someone, you will not be spared also,  you will will get your dues for sure.  

    You keep repeating the word ego to me , but have you seen your face in the mirror first?  See the amount of vomiting you do under the effects of that hatred ego, to the extent you go blind and start speaking nonsense. 

    That too when there is no need for it man, just behave and do not bark, that is all, as simple as that and you will avoid yourself problems with others.


    10 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    And yes if you call me a chamcha I am happy to be one. Though we rarely connect but I respect her and as rightly said by still Nascent brother - we should respect Gurmukhs. You are NOT in the list

    What nonsense, and again as under the effects of raby you say nothing but utter nonsense, when the fact is ALL should be respected, why Gurmukhs alone? It is crystal clear, that your ego makes you think you are a Gurmukh or those whom you take side.

    Really your nonsense has no limits, and the proof of it is that, for if you were really Gurmukh, you would not be constantly barking and being manipulative, or vomiting, not attacking for no reason as mad people do.



    10 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    Bonne chance




  10. 5 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    Yes, yippee, yeah at least somebody spoke up otherwise this is the third or fourth time I am witnessing this, she would say a line or two and get a page long meaningless lecture as @Still nascentrightly said:  then she would hold hands and back off. He will get encouraged as no one else objects, thinking he won. What a hypocrite- talks about humility and tolerance? 

    There is nothing to object,  if seen by  being neutral , it is just your aversion which has to be wiped from your mental eyes.  It seems more than a poster, you are a net warrior, for constantly instigating other mentally weak to fight. with  those whom you  do not agree for any reason. Your behaviour only is anti humility and anti tolerance, due to your negativity and aversion.


    5 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    There's an old saying :: if you keep quiet in a crowd of intelligent people, they may think you are a fool but if you speak up- they will be sure about it - think about it@harsharan000 jiii  

    Well if you had kept quiet, it would  have been better for you, for it shows how strong chamchaa/ee are you of hers. Wash your face before telling others  any nonsense


    5 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    Everyday I open this forum, see few random  posts in general discussion and 4-5 pics in status of harsharan jeeee - a thought passes by how can a person has 4 status a day and how can @Soulfinder ami like them all? Why have you become a chamcha man?  Why don't admins restrict his posts @sarabatam bro? 

    What is your problem with what I write or post? Where is it said to not do so?  How can you fall so low? So much hatred, so much negativity ....  Show me just one post of mine, where there is a wrong message or

    hatred,  or intolerance in it. How can you be so sick? 

    It is you who is a real chamchaa/ee of @Mooorakh,  for whenever she discusses/argues with me without reason, you suddenly  come out as a cocroach from nowhere and instigate her for more quarrel.  Madness!!. 

    I call you cocroach, for the word barking you used above, you deserve it. Or do you think you can say any bad words, and you will not get your dose of your same medicine? 

    Be a  sensitive human being, for otherwise  no matter hard you may try you will not become on with the Naad.

    Stop being so hysterical and spreading it to others, to stop me from posting. 

    No sane person would do so, for there is nothing wrong nor illegal in what I post.   

    It is just your deep rooted aversion towards myself, that also, due to your negative teacher.    Are you aware of  how negative people can influence others with their attitude?  Well you can see it reflected in your posting and in @Still nascent ones.


    5 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:


    Only @Mooorakhsista is one person who points him and as soon as she does he barks back, she never reply. Come on sceur our Guru Ji says not to argue but does he not tell us to shoo away our attackers? 

    It is always she who attacks first, then I have to give her back her same medicine so that she may understand, that is not the way which she treads, it is arrogance for sure... She does not point anything, but shamelessly show her hatred and aversion towards me, without any reason.


    5 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:


    It's us who allows you so much freedom on the forum and ignore crap you post Monsieur @harsharan000 not you allowing us freedom instead.  

    Do not say us, say me. For it is you alone who is mentally rigid, thus wants to control others.

    Neither do I seek anybody´s approval, nor do I limit anyone, it is only you and your teacher, who try to impose,  by being so mentally rigid, and limit the freedom of expression without anything wrong in it. So stop being so manipulative.                    Anyone with a bit of common sense can see how bad and manipulative you are. 



    5 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    @Still nascent good that you spoke bro, this was necessary. All good posts of the day gets hidden, many questions are left unanswered these days because of the unnecessary traffic on the forum. @admins pls find a solution to this. 

    You are lying,  nobody is diverting anybody´s attention, for as in  a shopping mall, each one knows where to go for what is to be bought, though there are so many shops, but not because of that, you get lost, come on you are not that blind.                  You do instigate everytime @Mooorakh, now you are instigating @Still nascent. Do you realize how manipulative you are?


    5 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    I didn't want to upset anyone I am sorry if I have hurt you @harsharan000 / @Soulfinderbut trust us man you have done more harm yaa

    The only harm you have done is to yourself, by letting @mooorakh´s  negativity/poison go to your head



  11. 8 hours ago, Still nascent said:


    Such a disgrace, a person calls himself a sikh, keeps on lecturing people on principles, sikhi, rights and wrongs etc etc more than anyone else and couldn't take a line long feedback?

    Don´t mix things, what has to do being a sikh with a limited and negative person? 

    Nobody is lecturing man, be serious, just show me one post of mine where I do lecturing. 

    Others write and post videos, give lectures, that is not seen as such, but me posting inpirational messages or panktis of Gurabni, is termed as giving lectures? 

    This is real disgrace. 

    She did not give a feedback, she was negative and intolerant, she has aversion to whatever I post, that´s it.  

    Be partial and fair. Do not let others pull you down to their level, as a puppy,  be yourself man.


    Taunting a female on the forum is such a manly act paaji i am impressed. 

    There was no taunting to a female, just clearing misconceptions to a poster/person for what was negatively written towards my person  and being so limited and unfair, with no truth in it, but just personal aversion from her side. 

    And you are wrong, I respectfully told her, I understand that she has not to like whatever I say;  and so do I towards her, but then I don´t  go giving her feedbacks here and there as you say , because I respect her and all , about their freedom of expression.  What wrong is telling her, that she is not the center of the world, that everything has to be written as per thinking? There are many people, thus many perspectives, without having to be wrong ,so just be respectful!

    It is just too mean to tell anyone do not write this or that, then also, when there is nothing wrong in it, nor obscenity, or vulgarity,  it is only that I have the same rights to express just as others, no less no more, or do you think if anyone forces his/her opinion, I will put down mine? 


    So much content each day made me think what kind of person is this? I asked you, your avastha cos you act being the head here..now you proved 👎   

    Well,  that is your induced thinking, you have really also proved me 👎  by being so naive, it shows your level of thinking.  


    You would have utilized your time in chanting or studying Gurbani instead.

    Everything has time,  studing or chanting Gurbani at its own time, also the same. 


    Number of pictures or panktis on a forum only makes things difficult for others to look for, doesn't prove your high Intellect. 

    Sorry, but  with number of pictures or panktis, it is not so diificult to understand,  if one is not narrow minded;  and come on,  intellect has nothing to do with it, it is just emphaty/sympathy.  See the messages conveyed in them, do not be so limited to the pictures alone. And in the case of panktis, which is Gurbani, if you can not withstand that also, then you are stonehearted. It only shows how much intlaerance and aversion one person can have for another one


    Your behaviour with others does. 

    This is too much, have you ever seen me fighting or quarreling, or being disrespectful with anyone? 

    See my history here for almost 7 years,  you will never hear from anyone  complaining about me, except for the  dynamic duo of @mooorakh and  @sukhpreet since  they have joined this forum above an year now,  both of them have a very deep rooted negative picture about me, well that is their problem.

    As both of these posters would say and have already said,  and me replying them in their same terms: whatever I told,  was at her face not at the back, and as her "chamchaa/ee" would say as seen in the post above : sorry if you have felt bad. 

    If you punch somebody just like that, then be ready to receive punches back also, or do you think that if anybody talks nonsense, that will be quitely permitted?   Total Injustice.

    Every time she tries to put me down,  she falls down  due to her own negative weight, for there is no substance in her absurd accusations/comments. 

    Then too I am blamed? What nonsense.





  12. 5 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    How can you just term anything as kirtan..  And that too beautiful kiran.  Was that a joke?  It's a stolen tune/song - U always disappoint  me.  

    Well, what are your tastes I do not care. I write and post what I think is good and feel sharing it, I do not write to please anyone.  


    I have told you many times, widen your horizons a bit, you are not the center of the world, so that all has to revolve as per your thinking and likes.

    Accept people as they are, nobody is perfect, and you even less... So stop being so negative.

    Had you paid attention a bit to the wordings, you would have realized that it is nothing but seeking His help and guidance.

    In fact  inspiring words with deep meaning are more  valuable, music as in this case is secondary. 

    So, is that in any way wrong or bad? 

    For your kind information, the word kirtan, or kirtana, means ‘telling, narrating, enumerating or describing’ and originates from the Vedic period,  and that is exactly what the singer is doing, communicating with the Almighty.

    You may not have good vibes towards me, and I understand and accept it, but so do I towards you...

    I do not like 99.99% of your posts, yet I respect your freedom, and do not wait for a chance to point out.

    I let you be as you are, for hardly anyone can change anyone.

    Mooorakh jee, just mature up by accepting things as they are taste wise, thinking wise,  and do not be so judgemental.

    Hope you have understood.

    Respect and tolerance is the key.

    Stay blessed.


  13. On 4/20/2009 at 7:55 PM, Vah said:

    But then why are we given the ability to do things called sinful? & Why, then, are we punished for doing exactly what God has created and given the ability for us to do? (question also posted in thread to ask sant jagjit singh)

    Sorry, one is  not given the ability to do sinful things, rather we have choice to do things right or wrong.

    For example a traffic signal on the road is in red color, then too instead of waiting until it changes to green and one moves forward, one will surely meet an acident and get hurt badly.

    So you see, God has not created anything bad, it is we who make the wrong choices, and as always blame Him.

    People know that drinking alcohol, smoking or into drugs is bad, yet, they engage in them and harm their health, then, who is to be blamed?  

    Of course, not god.

    We were sent into the creation to grow and mature, like when a child is sent to school or the university, but we have messed up and ended doing all sort of nonsense,  thus fail.

    School,  teachers, life  are not bad, they are there for our growth and betterment, but, if we do not pay attention to the TEACHINGS and work accordingly, then naturally we shall fail and remain donkeys.



  14. Newly discovered ancient Buddha statue destroyed on Muslim cleric’s order in Pakistan


    One thing is evident from the mentality of the followers of this path, it is that while the world moves forward in almost all fields; these people due to their beilefs are stepping backwards like in the stone age.

    I do not say all modern things are good, but we have to move forward in education, science and technology.

    And above all, respect all human beings, otherwise slowly and slowly they are going to isolate themselves from the reality, which is quite sad.

    The main things in which they are quite back, is education, science, technology, human rights,  and even religiously. 

    For all the bad things they do in the name of their Divinity, it is not that he has told them to do, but,  by the poison spreaded of a mentally unbalanced person.

    There is no limit to all the grooming, stealing, drug trafficking, raping, destryoing historical monuments, terrorism, invading, converting, infusing hatred in their community towards other people, etc ... It is a disgrace.

    They are not aware of that all the evil deeds they do in the name of their Divinity, are not accepted  by it, and after leaving this world they will have to pay heavily for all those deeds, for inflicting pain on others.


  15. 8 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    I think the pak gangs supply girls to the goray myself, that's why the police and government protect them.  

    Maybe I am wrong, but I think these bastards are protective about their women, yet bring barbadee to the rest of the females.

    Their whole culture, beleifs, revolve around sex.

    To the extent of the deep rooted ignorance, that suppose if they die killing kafirs, they think they will be rewarded by an X number of virgins.  What  about if it is female who does so, will she get men over there? Then she will be labeled as a prostiute, or if she get X amount of women, will she labeled as a lesbian?

    Just sickening!

    All their culture turns around sex, slavery, cheating, murders, double standards, terrorism, etc...

    Yet they want to convert others in spite of having nothing good. 

    Just tell me if they believe their conceptual god is true, why does he not go and kill the other imaginery gods of other religions?

    Is he such a coward?

    What sense does it make to create other people, then tell a certain number of fools to go and kill them? 

    No limits to that absolute stupidity, nonsense, madness.

    Allah as mentioned in the Bani, that creative power and supraconsciousness, has nothing to do with all the filth and stupidity that has been infused in all these insane people.

    Allah or Khudha is one thing, and all the nonsense done under deep rooted ignorance is another thing which is totally wrong.

    Had I been a muslim, I would have long ago asked myself all the questions above and in consequence leave and come out immediately from that state of constant madness/ insanity.

    The base of any true religion is love, mercy, forgiveness towards all beings irrespective of color, caste or creed; for all carry within them the light of that creative power, Ultimate Truth, known as God, Waheguru, Akal Purukh, Allah, Khudha, Gobind, Gopal, Har....

    Names in different religions and languages of that Supreme level of Consciousness do not and can not change its essence of divinity.

    It is we foolish and blind who make distinctions and segregations, then only all hatred and nonsense starts.

    Had anyone gone within and seen that Jot, would have said that, there is only one Creative Power, like one Sun in the sky illuminating each and every country, city and village with the same quality and quantity. 

    This is what the Bani tells.

    Their is no comparison with anything else, though all are very much respectable, for the Bani makes us good human beings, then with that goodness we move towards our Source to become one with it without distinction.

    That's it. That is the wadeeayee of Gurmat.

    Time to move forward and start being human beings.




    Great useful tips by all the members posters above.

    And sharing my 2 cents on this topic, I would say the start to fight lust has to do with awareness.

    Then also though all methods are to keep lust at some distant line, the reality is, only when we give the mind a better and higher taste, (for the mind is a constant runner after pleasures and tastes), like engaging in His bhakti and tasting the Amrit of Nam within, then only will it stop hankering after  kaamee desires and its fulfillment.... 

    His holy Name, will not only remove the kaam from its roots, but as well free us from all other vikars.

    His Name, is the not only antidote for all our maladies, but also  the only link also which truly reunites us with  Him, the most immaculate and purest,  Waheguru Akal Purukh.




  17. Wife: Where are you?
    Husband : At home love.
    Wife: Are you sure?
    Husband: Yes.
    Wife : Turn on the mixer.
    Husband : (turns mixer on) GaRrrreeereeeereeee...
    Wife: Ok my love goodbye.

    Another day......
    Suspicious Wife: Where are you?
    Husband : At home love. Wife: Are you sure?
    Husband : Yes.
    Wife: Turn on the mixer.
    Husband: (turns mixer on) gaRrreeereeeereeee...
    Wife: Ok my love goodbye. 

    The next day, the wife decides to go home without notice, and finds her son alone and she asks him, "Son, where is your father?"

    Son: "I don't know, he went out with the mixer... 😑😬😳


    The practice of sniffing a human’s hand has more to do with a human gesture, rather than a dog’s protocol for their personal safety.

    The idea of presenting the back of the hand for a dog to smell is a way of showing the dog that the human is friendly and is respecting the dog, think of it as a handshake; however, this act of social decorum really makes no difference to a dog because their powerful sense of smell has already detected all manner of scents and pheromones the human carries, such as adrenaline (which is exuded through the pores of the skin when a person is afraid or highly excited).

    Dogs can smell these scents several feet away without even having to make any form of bodily contact, so the practice of showing the hand to a dog is simply a movement of politeness on the human’s part.

    Next time you are meeting a new dog remember that before they get to your hand the dog will have already scanned your body posture, eye fixation ( do not make direct eye contact at first as this can be interpreted as a territorial challenge to the dog) and scent by the time you decide to approach or not.

    Their survival depends upon this assessment so be calm and relax; know that if a dog is approaching you in a friendly manner is most likely because he has determined you are trustworthy, even before you realize it in yourself.

    Hope this helps.

    Be calm. Be assertive. Be balanced.


    Three highly decorated police officers die in a wild shoot out with narcotics dealers and go to heaven.

    God greets them and asks, "When you are laid out in your casket, and your fellow officers and family are mourning you, what would you like to hear them say about you?

    The first cop says, "I would like to hear them say, that I was the bravest cop on the force."

    The second police officer says, "I would like to hear that I was a terrific cop who died in the line of duty."

    The last cop replies, "I would like to hear them say ... Look, He's Moving!"





    The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch.

    At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray, "Take only one. God is watching."

    Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

    One child whispered to another, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."





    A little boy wanted $100 badly and prayed for two weeks but nothing happened. Then he decided to write a letter to the Lord requesting the $100.

    When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to the Lord, USA, they decided to send it to President Clinton.

    The President was so impressed, touched, and amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill, as this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy.

    The little boy was delighted with the $5.00, and sat down to write a thank-you note to the Lord. It said: Dear Lord, Thank you very much for sending me the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you had to send it through Washington, DC and as usual, those jerks deducted $95.

  20. On 6/22/2010 at 12:53 AM, Mr Sardar said:

    Whaeguru Ji Ka Khalsa Whaeguru Ji Ke Fateh Ji

    Dear all, I would like to ask what motivates you to pray

    (whence what should one use to motivate self), perhaps from gurmat someone could answer this and elborate on such a thing, do we pray because we suffer and desire happiness- but does this not conflict itself because a GurSikh should accept dukh and sukh as the same, and sukh is a rog it will make us forget God. Do we pray because we desire to go to heaven, is that not greed in itself? Or do we pray for wordly things, xbox360, girls, good grades, money, cars, offspring, houses, prosperity (maya) which in effect will break us away from God? Do we pray because someone has forced us to, if such a thing happens is it really prayer if its not from the heart? I was once quote a line from either Baba Farid ji or Baba Kabir ji on how desire brings us close, so by offering food in langar it brings people closer to come for God, so by giving food in Gurdwara its not a bad thing (bribery), please could someone give that line of gurbani or similar. Please give personal and impersonal answers. Is the idea of gain the opposite of what Sikhs should be doing should we not be perusing sacrifice instead, if such a case what brings one to do such. How does one accept the true will of God (satgur da panne)?


    Brother Sardar Jee,

    prayer in essence is just enabling conversation with our heavenly beloved Father Waheguru Akal Purukh. And the real prayer accodrding to Gurmat, is His simran. 

    Just as a child calls his father, then the father comes running to the child, in a similar way, with our Simran, we are expressing our love, our devotion, and our dirty mind at His Lotus feet, in essence, we become mindless, and just as  a lover forgets its identity in the presence of the beloved, so does the soul/surtee, with His simran, becomes mindless as said above, becomes pure, paviter, and ulimately merges in Him.

    Now, if instead of loving Him through the prem bhakti of His simran,  we ask any other thing than Him from Him; for sure He will give it to us, but in it lies our failure, for we will endlessly keep running into the wheel of 84, in order to get our desires satisfied, this means more desires, and in consequence, strongly remain in the endless cycle of births and deaths.

    So brother, it is we who need to love Him through our prayer/simran, in order to please Him, and get the blessings of His apaar kirpa, to get ferried across this horrible mahabhavsagar of pain and agyanta.

    A baby without its mother even for a few seconds, starts crying because of misssing her from his/her sight.  

    And so what about us?

    Have we ever cried for being away from Him since so long? 

    Have we ever expressed our pain and agony of being away from Him?

    Most of the answers will be no for sure, because we are so much engrossed in the marketplace of maya, that we hardly have any time for Him.

    Yet, He never ever loses hope for us, for He wants us to recover our sight through practice of the teachings of Gurbani, which is nothing than:  Ikoankar Satnam   Satgur parsad Jap.  Which means, there is only One creator Lord, who is found by the jap of the parsad Guru Sahiban gave us, and which is His Nao. 

    So, the real prayer is the Simran of His holy Name. For in it, we call upon Him lovingly, and that is what pleases Him the most.






    One day the Lord asked to see his favourite child. He told him that the time had come for the child to witness the world below in its fullness, and to experience the power of Supreme Grace. 

    The child was curious for he had known nothing besides the light and love that filled his Father's home. 

    As he imagined travelling the journey with his Father, the child became excited. 

    Filled with anticipation, he asked, "When do we leave?"

    The Father smiled, "My child, you will need to make this journey without me; only then you will understand the Truth. 

    Everything changed that instant for the child. What if he gets lost? When will he return? Who will look after him? 

    With tears, he begged the Father not to send him away for he could not imagine a world without Him. 

    The Father took him in his arms and lovingly explained, "Fear not. Nothing can ever separate us. Even if you forget me, I will not forget you. This journey is for your own spiritual progress and will be filled with many valuable lessons. 

    I promise that my guiding hand will always be upon you throughout the journey. 

    And when the time is right, I will send you a guide who will lead you back home to me; then, your happiness will have no bounds. 

    The Ultimate Gift will be awaiting you."

    The obedient child looked into his Father's eyes and promised, "I will remember you with every step,"  

    And with those words, the child was born into the world. 

    This may be just one of many imaginary stories illustrating our descent into this creation. 

    It reflects the underlying message of all the saints that we were once residents of the Eternal Home in Sat Purush, and were sent down into this creation countless lifetimes ago. 

    It serves to remind us of our relationship with the Lord and our separation from Him. 

    But the true story of our soul is much more complex. Being born in this creation, rather than using the mind as an instrument of cognition, we became a slave of the mind and senses. 

    Instead of learning the Truth (SATNAM) - our life's purpose - we became absorbed in the world, imprisoned by our desires and attachments. 

    Life after life, with every action we accumulate a heavy load of karmas that bound us to this material world. 

    Without doubt, the most regrettable and tragic part of our journey in this creation was forgetting the Eternal Promise to our Father  :  That we would remember Him at every stage of our journey.

    The Lord has fulfilled his promise.

    It is out of the Lord's boundless love for us that He puts us in touch with  highly pure beings, like Guru Sahiban, Gurmukhs, Bhagat Jan, Mahaprukhs,  Brahmgyani,  Sant Jan, to take us back to our true home .

    And so the story of our soul continues. ...... If we listen to their words with attention, and earnestly put into practice the Nam bhakti as per  the teachings troughout the Bani, not only will the journey be shorter, but we will be safe and secure in this turbulent ocean of existence.

    Our duty is to go forward unwaveringly and untiringly, so that we can invoke the Gift of Grace from the One who calls us unceasingly to return home. 

    With practice, perseverance, faith, and above all, with Guru Jee´s loving grace, this journey, which is a blessed opportunity, will be completed one day.





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