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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. ਸਾਧੂ ਸੰਗੁ ਮਸਕਤੇ ਤੂਠੈ ਪਾਵਾ ਦੇਵ ॥ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਮਸ + ਕਤੇ - Correct Pronunciation - ਮਸੱਕਤੇ Bhul chuk maaf
  2. ਮਾਧਵੇ ਤੁਮ ਨ ਤੋਰਹੁ ਤਉ ਹਮ ਨਹੀ ਤੋਰਹਿ ॥ ਮਾਧਵੇ ਤੁਮਨ ਤੋਰਹੁ ਤਉ ਹਮ ਨਹੀ ਤੋਰਹਿ ॥ Bhul chuk maaf
  3. ਅਬ ਬੇਗਲ ਕਹਨੁ ਨ ਜਾਈ ॥੧॥ ਅਬ ਬੇ ਗਲ ਕਹਨੁ ਨ ਜਾਈ ॥੧॥ Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Sangat jee: The Sakhi is below. Reference: Life Stories of Great Sikh Saints by Dr.Hakam Singh Bhul chuk maaf
  5. ਅਚਰਜ ਰੂਪੁ ਨਿਰੰਜਨੋ ਗੁਰਿ ਮੇਲਾਇਆ ਮਾਇ ॥੧॥ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਅ + ਚਰਜ - Correct Pronunciation - ਅਚ + ਰਜ Bhul chuk maaf
  6. Sangat jee: Please read the Sakhi below, in which Srimaan Sant Baba Attar Singh jee Mastuanaywale demonstrates a great level of humility. Reference: Life Story of Sant Attar Singh ji by Harbans Singh Doabia Bhul chuk maaf
  7. Is there a candle light vigil in Brampton (outside Rose theater) tomorrow, related to the situation in Punjab, India? Can someone please confirm and provide more details? Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  8. ਅਨਰਸ ਚੂਕੈ ਹਰਿਰਸ ਮੰਨਿ ਵਸਾਏ ॥ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਅ + ਨਰਸ - Correct Pronunciation - ਅਨ + ਰਸ Bhul chuk maaf
  9. ਅਬਿਬੇਕੈ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਅਬਿ + ਬੇਕੈ - Correct Pronunciation - ਅ + ਬਿਬੇਕੈ Bhul chuk maaf
  10. It seems that Jogis grow long nails. Does anyone know why? ਭੇਖੀ ਜੋਗਨ ਭੇਖ ਦਿਖਾਏ ॥ ਨਾਹਨ ਜਟਾ ਬਿਭੂਤ ਨਖਨ ਮੈ ਨਾਹਿਨ ਬਸਤ੍ਰ ਰੰਗਾਏ ॥ O Yogis, the believers in various guises ! You are only exhibiting the outer garb, but that Lord cannot be realized by growing matted locks, by smearing ashes, by growing nails and by wearing the dyed clothes; Reference - http://searchgurbani.com/dasam_granth/search_results Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Are Kesh mentioned in Bhai Gurdas jee's bani? Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  12. ਉਸਟੀਅਹਿ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਉਸ + ਟੀਅਹਿ - Correct Pronunciation - ਉ + ਸਟੀਅਹਿ Bhul chuk maaf
  13. ਤਿਨ ਕੀ ਬਰਕਤੀ ਸਭੁ ਜਗਤੁ ਖਾਇ॥ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਬਰਕ + ਤੀ - Correct Pronunciation - ਬਰ + ਕਤੀ Bhul chuk maaf
  14. Has anyone come across any reference to nails in Rehatnamay or any historical source? Any super natural significance of nails? Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  15. ਆਵਣੁ ਜਾਣੁ ਨ ਚੁਕਈ॥ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਚੁਕ + ਈ - Correct Pronunciation - ਚੁ + ਕਈ Bhul chuk maaf
  16. ਬਿਖਿਆਸਕਤ ਰਹਿਓ ਨਿਸ ਬਾਸੁਰ ॥ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਬਿਖਿ + ਆਸਕਤ - Correct Pronunciation - ਬਿਖਿਆ + ਸਕਤ Bhul chuk maaf
  17. One cannot compare stating flaws in a man-made document (the so-called SRM - never accepted by the entire Panth), to insulting Gurbani, which was uttered by the Almighty Lord himself (which amounts to utter blasphemy). Back to topic - Amardeep paaji - can you please provide more details about creating new Takhts? Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  18. ਪਹਿਰਿ ਸਿਰਪਾਉ ਸੇਵਕ ਜਨ ਮੇਲੇ ॥ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਸਿ + ਰਪਾਉ - Correct Pronunciation - ਸਿਰ + ਪਾਉ Bhul chuk maaf
  19. How would giving respect, by using a different word or adding a prefix to a person's name, be rewriting history? The individual still stays the same. Bhul chuk maaf
  20. ਜੀਅਰੇ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਜੀ + ਅਰੇ - Correct Pronunciation - ਜੀਅ + ਰੇ Bhul chuk maaf
  21. ਅਵਤਰਿ ਆਇ ਕਹਾਂ ਤੁਮ ਕੀਨਾ ॥ - Incorrect Pronunciation - ਅ + ਵਤਰਿ - Correct Pronunciation - ਅਵ + ਤਰਿ Bhul chuk maaf
  22. The "Sant" word appears many times in Gurbani, so it is not a foreign terminology. Sant, Sadhu, Brahman, Brahamgyani, Baba, Bhai Saab, Paramhans, Rishi, Rikhi, etc, all these words refer to a person, who has attained a very high spiritual level. Having said the above, it would be good to know when did this word became popular among Sikhs. Another point - No Sikh should mind, if Puratan Sikhs are refereed by the prefix of "Sant". For examples - Sant Baba Budda jee, Sant Bhai Gurdas jee, etc,. Bhul chuk maaf
  23. If a person is fully aware that the majority of the people on a forum, believe in Sri Dasam Granth Sahib jee (in its entirety), it is very rude and offensive for that person to degrade that Gurbani. Why would that person not leave that forum? After all, there are other Sikh forums out there too. One has full rights to inquire about concepts on the forum, but must never ill-mouth any Sikh value/ethic/concept or Gurbani. Hurting Sikh sentiments on a Sikh forum, is pretty despicable behavior. Daas has great respect for n30 paaji and co., as they are (or at least seem to be) firm believers of all Gurbani. Daas would not want to be on a forum, where the stupid admin, himself, is a Guru-nindak. Daas would try to leave such a forum to join some other forum (if possible), where one's line of thinking matches (at least on elementary level). Bhul chuk maaf
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