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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. Spelling errors, formatting errors, etc. Bhul chuk maaf
  2. Bro, even if the above is true, Srimaan Amar Shaheed Baba Mani Singh jee Maharaaj was also the head of DDT. When Baba jee was martyred, Daas does not think, any other Singhs of his jatha were martryed along with him. DDT could have continued their lineage through him. The Amritsari Taksaal still exists today. Bhul chuk maaf
  3. Sister, please have a look below: http://www.sikhawareness.com/topic/16858-thirteen-reforms-of-panch-khalsa-diwan-bhausarias/#comment-150928 Maleech means a neech (dirty) person. Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Can someone please provide more information about Avdhoot Sadhus? They are mentioned in Gurbani. Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  5. Sister, ask God, why did he make females (on average) physically weaker than men? After all, he could have given them the same physical strength (on average) as men. Why did he make our brains different? Gender equality is an unscientific principle. Sikhism does not go against science. Having said that, science is still way behind Sikhism. Also, there are certain groups in Sikhism which allow women to be part of Panj Pyaray, but it is against the tenets of Sikhism. These groups sprang up in Sikhism, many years after tenth master of Sikhs had gone. The so-called official code of conduct for Sikhs does not ban women from being part of Panj Pyaray, but that document has not been accepted by all groups. Bhul chuk maaf
  6. Samajh gaya paaji. Good point. Bhul chuk maaf
  7. Bro, Ragis, Dhadhees, Granthis, etc, do get married. Moreover, he can become a celibate and dedicate his life to panth. Bhul chuk maaf
  8. Bro, your point makes sense, but we need youth too in jathas. If he is close to 18 and he is affected only a bit by sexual desire, then there is a good chance that he can be an asset to a jatha. He can one day, improve lives of many people and be a role model. By the time, he graduates from a university, 3-4 years would have passed. In those 3-4 years in a Taksaal, he can learn so much. For example, listened to entire katha of SSGGSJ, Bhai Gurdaas Vaaran, SDGSJ, completed santheya of SSGGSJ, study Vedant, etc. Bhul chuk maaf
  9. Interesting point by Sukrit Kaur jee. Please have a look Quote For example: If a person has to reach a particular place,then he needs a vehicle to travel the distance.let assume there are 4 ones. Ist one gets a chance to travel in a mercedes. 2nd one gets a chance to travel but can't get a seat.He has to travel the entire distance without much comforts. 3rd one gets chance to travel without any vehicle.He gotta walk on feet. And fourth one doesnt even get a chance . Here I take 1st one as male human,2nd one as female human,3rd one as any physically handicapped one or any transgender. And last one any organism except human. So Every one will prefer to be the first one. But it doesnt mean if Ist one is provided with all facilities then definitely gonna reach the destination.He may face an accident. And In same manner 2nd or 3rd ones can reach their destinations even having difficulities. Unquote Bhul chuk maaf
  10. Paaji, your point is valid for pakhandees, but if he has very minimal worldly desire left in him, then he might be able to dedicate his life for panth. Many Gurmukhs/Mahapurakhs left their families, became celibates and dedicated their lives completely to the panth. Those great souls touched lives of millions. Bhul chuk maaf
  11. wjkk wjkf Brother, Satguru jee has stated that wealth, worldly education, houses, etc, will not be of much use, after we die. There is no doubt about it, but brother, we need to understand that we cannot survive without maya in this world. Satguru jee states: ਕਹਿ ਕਬੀਰ ਜਿਸੁ ਉਦਰੁ ਤਿਸੁ ਮਾਇਆ ॥ Says Kabeer, whoever has a belly to fill, is under the spell of Maya. Satguru jee did promote life of a householder. It has its advantages: - A person's mind wanders less as he is constantly on the move, to earn income for this family. He stays busy. Idle mind is a devil's workshop. - Sexual desire does not trouble him much. - Psychological and sociological benefits of being with a family. A person is able to talk about his problems, get support from family members and avoid or mitigate problems such as stress, depression, etc. - A person is able to help others with monetary support (Vand Chakna), using his Dharam dee kirat. Bro, you will have to self-reflect. - Do you seriously want to dedicate your entire life to Satguru jee? - Are you aware that this could be a very dangerous path? You could potentially face problems, including medical ones. - Can you do naam simran for 10-12 hours daily? Not just for one day or a week. Can you keep doing it for months, on a daily basis? If you are seriously thinking about it, then you will have to enroll in a jatha. Life in a jatha (of Gurmukhs) can be pretty rough. Just to give you an example: Srimaan 108 Sant Gyani Sundar Singh jee Khalsa Bhindrawale (11th jathedaar of DDT) would require a person to do the following (on top of Nitnaym and other duties): - 25 Paaths of Sri Japjee Sahib daily - Learn Panj Granthi by heart Bhul chuk maaf
  12. Paaji, is this book available in English? Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  13. Daas would request you to learn Gurumukhi, as it is the script used by the Lord in our holy books. Also, the below link can be useful. Please click on "Balupdesh". http://gursevak.com/downloads The advantage of listening to katha will be twofold. One, you will grow spiritually and the other you will improve your Punjabi. Nalay punn tay nalay phaliyan (good deed and corn) Finally, don't be scared of making mistakes. No human is perfect. Bhul chuk maaf
  14. Bro, ask yourself, do you want to become a woman in your next life? Daas does not. A male body does not have to deal with the hardships, which a female body faces. - Menstruation - Mood swings - Pregnancy (if trying to be a mother) - Postnatal period (after birth) - Postmenopausal issues (for some) - On average, less physical strength Bhul chuk maaf
  15. Sister, you have a good point, but the jugtee (technique) through which Mata jee gave naam daan was different. There was no khanday wala amrit at that time. Obviously, females, once they reach Brahamgyan can give naam daan too. There is no doubt about it. A female/transgender/disabled body is incapable of being part of a process, where Khanday wala amrit is produced. Details will be provided later. Bhul chuk maaf
  16. Bro, start listening to katha and learn Gurmukhi pronunciation. Can you read Gurumukhi? When you keep listening to katha, gradually your Punjabi will improve, i.e your sentence structure and pronunciation. Whatever new words you learn, make notes and check with your parents, if you are pronouncing them right. Revise those words and use them in your conversations with your parents/friends. Online dictionaries/apps can possibly be great tools too. It will take time, so don't expect instant results. Keep talking in Punjabi, whenever you get a chance. Don't worry, if people make fun of you. Making fun of someone is a form of slandar, which is a heinous sin in Sikhism. It actually, indirectly helps the receiver/victim. Bhul chuk maaf
  17. Sister, please accept God's will and you will find peace. There is no doubt that you can attain salvation as a female, if you accept Sikhism by being baptized. Bhul chuk maaf
  18. Sikhism has no restrictions on females, being priests or leaders. The only restriction has been explained before. Bhul chuk maaf
  19. Cyber sangat jee, please listen to a funny incident in Shromani Bhagat Baba Kabir jee Maharaaj's life. Please listen after 25 min. Bhul chuk maaf
  20. Does anyone know, if the following book is available online in pdf format? Life Stories of Great Sikh Saints by Dr.Hakam Singh Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  21. According to your line of thinking, it is a possibility that some Chinese people can start complaining about their eyes, some black people can start complaining about their hair and lips, etc. Whatever God has done, is perfect. We need to accept God's will. Even, women have been given certain abilities, which men don't possess or are relatively poor at. Should men also start whining then? If there are restrictions in other religions too, regarding women, then it should give you an indication that there might be some rationale behind it. Therefore, sister, please accept God's will. Life is too short to keep questioning. When one grows spiritually, one will find answers to many questions. Bhul chuk maaf
  22. Please provide evidence. Bhai Gurdas jee Maharaaj is the greatest Sikh scholar. Bhul chuk maaf
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