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Posts posted by samurai

  1. 37 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    I noticed that too. Because of such things I've come to  personally believe in keeping your religious practices to yourself as much as possible. More often than not, talking about it seems to cheapen it. I find people in general can react quite unpredictably to disclosures of religious practices. Plus it's none of their business as well to be honest. I don't expect people to understand. It's the same with meditation: tell people you do it for spiritual practices - they raise their eyebrows. Tell them that you do it for psychological/health purposes and they are more receptive to it. Strange that. 

    I agree with you here. i do not share meditation experience as i feel its very personal and its like a big kept secret within my own being. also the little gyan i have ill only share it with someone who i feel will appreciate it and use it. Theres a fine line between trying to help someone and expressing your ego.

  2. I trained on Thursday and yesterday (fri) i felt tired, which was expected but late afternoon my body just went shutdown, i literally was on my bed lying on stomach and did not move from that position for good hour. i wasn't asleep, more in like meditative mode (im not a nap type of person).. 

    Last night had cousins over who decided to bring nandos for dinner, i just told them i was on veg diet and made my own food. @dalsingh101 yeh its not craving, though i felt like having it, its just memories of how good it tastes..lol and the smell hhmm..lol

    Generally speaking, I've noticed that when you tell people you are going on a veg diet for religious/spiritual reasons they tend to give a negative response. However if you say i'm going on a veg diet to loose weight, the same people become encouraging and positive.lol

    Dalsingh101, as you work different body parts it makes sense for you to work out everyday, although i think one day a week complete rest is beneficial too.. your call..keep it up!!


  3. @dalsingh101.. I will keep you updated here and there as do not want to overshadow your blog. I kind of know what to expect just paying a lot more attention to it. 4th day in and this morning when i woke up i felt fresher and did not have that grogy feeling. Also feel lighter and have that 'floating in the air' type of feeling when walking around. I could not train last few days as i had that 'weak feeling', just felt too demotivated to train. But today feel more up for it and will take a pre-sup before training, i do not normally take these sups but feel i need that little energy boost. I'm predicting my bag work is going to have less power but i will be faster. Im also making effort to not eat too much as this tends to happen to me with veg diet, ill keep my self to 3 meals and snack on almonds and fruit.

    13 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    Physically, I'm losing muscle mass at the moment. Like I've said a few times now, I don't mind, I'm seeing bulking up with vegs as a challenge. For all you brothers who manage to get muscular on a veg diet - maximum respect - I salute you!

    From my personal experience those who train for muscle mass on veg diet have a high protein shake intake. 

    @Ragmaala.. have you heard of eat like a king in the morning, prince at lunch and begger at dinner..

    As your eating loads of carbs try not having roti at all for dinner (if this is really difficult just have 1 or maybe just half )

  4.  technically the sikh (learner) of guru(dark  to light/agyan to gyan) existed from beginning of time..lol.. In terms of maryada the sampradas have direct link to the tenth master and tradition has been consistent in terms of do and donts. Its not just DDT but nihang maryada is same for maharaj seva regarding women. 

    SGPC marayda allows amritdharis to eat jhatka meat, what are your thoughts on this?

    SGPC maryada says only to recite min japji jaap and anand sahib, what are your thoghts on this. DDT and nihang (not too sure about nirmal and udasis) say to do min 5 bani in morning, what are your thoughts on this?

    your not going to convince anyone that its ok for women to do maharaj seva while she is on period, but my personal opinion is if a women wants to then by all means she can as that is her karam but you would not be able to do it if you joined samprada. Your local gurdwara or home is a different story, it funny as some people got maharaj at home and wrap it up in a blanket and put it on top of their cupboard..lol..(my uncle does that.lol). So ultimately you are going to have to accept that sampradas do not allow women to do certain seva but that does not mean you can not do it, you are free to do what you want. Whether you agree or not is ultimately irrelevant. 

     Nirankar loves us all equally but differently.

    Also regarding gurbani, it literally makes sense ,absolutely. But i can also pose a strong argument that one does not need to take external amrit but concentrate on the internal amrit based on writings in SGGSJ, so irrelevant. 

    p.s im not angry at all.. its all good, we are all playng in the field of our karm..

  5. @dalsingh101.. i would also recommend soya burgers from holland and barret, they actually taste good..

    Im glad you started this blog as i was thinking today to start a veg diet aswell, the benefits of veg diet do outweigh the benefits of non veg diet. I actually started the year with veg diet but ate eggs and only started eating meat a couple of weeks ago as i was going back into training. So, as of now, i'm joining you bro...lol.. 

    Also dalsingh have you ever fasted or thought about it??. i fast every now and again, usually for 1 or 2 days... 


  6. @Singh123456777... I use fairtex aswell, but they are a bit on the expensive side. Your training indicates that your going to a proper muay thai gym. Even in london (uk) theres a lot of micky mouse gyms, as you say you pick up bad habits. My training was similar. 3 mins skipping followed by burpees, press ups, dorsal raise, dips squats, 25 teeps, kick,s punchs, hooks, eldows knees, x 5.. Then shadow followed by technique pad work or bag work and end with light sparing. Friday was main sparing where you had to bring your A game..lol. I stopped going gym but do same training at home..But i miss sparring, this is where you really learn about yourself..I prob start mma soon, but just getting my fitness up cos dont wanna pay for session just to work on fitness.

    @Ragmaala.. Its never too late bro (for anything), all i would advise is don't rush things and as you get older warm up and warm down is very important, listen to your body..Im sure dalsingh and singh123 can give you plan according to your goal/aim. But all i would say is just start now..like now..lol Just start with push ups sit ups dips squats (costs nothing, you can do in your room)

  7. 21 minutes ago, Ragmaala said:

    So I have been having all these good effects like calmer, fresher, good sleep all these years without even realizing them ?  


    haha.. yeh brother people like us are crawling out the gutter.lol

    A lot of people born in sikhi practice, tend to look down at people trying to do good (get into sikhi)...its refreshing with the likes of yourself not being judgmental...kudos

  8. 13 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    Thanks for that. I'm really (pleasantly) surprised at the psychological difference the diet seems to be causing. Didn't expect that at all! I'm not exaggerating when I say I feel like a completely different person. The insomnia I was suffering from recently seems to be clearing up too. I feel INFINITELY fresher when I wake up in the morning as well. 

    Yeh, as you loose that 'aggression' you become in calm mode.. That's one big thing i noticed was my sleep, it was quality sleep and when my alarm went off i woke up fresh (didnt need to press that snooze button..lol)..


    16 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    What kind of stuff did you eat when you first tried vege? Didn't know you could get unhealthy veg food?? lol

    I dont think veg food is unhealthy i just made it so lol..basically in all the desi food i had, i put tripple butter in/on everything lol..becasue of that 'not feeling full up' feeling....but that passed after about 2 weeks or so.. i think your getting that 'full up' feel with your increase in carbs but i always had high carb intake because of my training.. main meals i had were pasta, lasagne and obviously roti sabji..


    27 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    What was it like when you first went back on meat. What changes did you notice? Did your aggression levels quickly shoot up?

    I didnt go straight into eating meat hardcore.. i first introduced eggs in diet then slowly started eating meat once a week so on an so forth.. you defo start feeling 'heat' in the body which gives you that friendly 'aggression'..lol 

    One thing i noticed when observing others that went to veg diet is that they started eating sh1t loads...a friend of mine went from 3 non veg meals a day to 6 veg meals a day..

    It would also be good if you could share what others say about you, if they see any difference in you..alot of people would always say "whats wrong are you ok?" because i was less boisterous then usual lol..


  9. @dalsingh101... Nah bro keep updating. Im following this blog just not contributing..being lazy..lol.. The only boring bit (which i skip)is your meals, but that's just me.. I'm more interested how you feel physically and mentally..  

    I'm a meat eater now but 'ive been strict veg for about 2 years previously.. Alot of what your saying is spot on.. Feeling lighter, tedh going in, loss of aggression (not always a good thing lol) etc.. Whats helping you i feel is that you seem to have a healthy diet, personally when i went veg, i felt like sh1t for a good week.

    Were you a heavy meat eater, like did you eat meat everyday? 

    Also if your weight training as singh123 has said take whey protein.. i'm not big fan of shakes but saying that im not a weight training person i prefer bag work, push ups, pull ups, planks, sit ups etc..

    But yeh bro, keep it up..its interesting an make sure you see it through, i'm surprised you haven't had any cravings. 

  10. wow.. this has really been fast tracked..lol

    just a request.. please keep this goin here, as we all want to learn from both sides who come from an intellectual background.... a young soul will come here in 10 years time an look back to this post to affirm or disregard his, or her,, belief in dasam bani (or parts of it)..

    it so refreshing to see 2 jeevs from different view points having a respectful discussion..kudos

    in terms of bhagti and the desire to be disolved into the supreme then shakti plays little part if at all.. but for yodeh who want to serve maha kaal,all of a sudden shakti plays a big role... so shiv shakti plays a major role in this...shiv bein the formless and shakti being his manifested power..i do not see it as masculine and femine as indian pilosophy views it as.. shiv being shiva and shakti being durga..yes in chandi di var shakti is manifested as durga who defeats the demons is an inspirationl "story"(visual)but the repitions of this bani acumilates shakti.. like sukhmani sahib gives peace of mind to the saint chandi di var gives that cutting edge shakti (bir ras) to the yoda. reason i talked about mukhti is because not every jeev wants mukhti ofbeing disolved into the supreme but to participate in dharm yudh(to serve).. dasam bani is of bir ras, not for everyone but caterd more so for warriors and warriors mentality..ultimately there is no shakti.. no shiv shakti but while the "play" is going on there is good and bad..right and wrong.. gyan and agyan.....i see no difference between akaal purkh and his shakti....shiv being nirgun and shakti being sargun..its not about major praise to shakti so to speak as without shiv,shakti has no existence. with out shakti shiv has no expression...shakti is not independent but in shakti is shiv.. its the union.. the play...

    thers an article on shiv shakti..ill dig it out ad post it...

    also reason for scholors parroting is because the truth is consistent. if you ask 100 people what is 2+2 a hundred would say 4..parroting but truth..

    for me it makes sense...but it is what it is

  11. In a Saint is lodged the whole of spirituality. Through a relentless search for Truth, He has made his will one with the Divine Will; and working as God’s instrument, he leads seekers after truth to what is their hereditary right: Self Knowledge and God Knowledge. He may make no claims about Himself, but passes all credit onto His own master and God, yet his greatness is without limits, incomprehensible to us who live at the level of ordinary men.

    - From the writings of Sant Baba Mani Singh Ji




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