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Everything posted by Sukhi

  1. i think that it's already been established that Americans have a lot of pride. but the way ppl in this thread are hatin on them isn't gonna do much except make other American ppl who see this stuff get even more pissed at everyone else. there's a way of saying things so that ur point is made without insulting others. and another problem is that if the entire point of this thread is to break the pride of Americans by showing them how bad they really are, i sincerely doubt if it's gonna work. how would u feel if someone created a thread on a public forum specifically meant to point out all of your flaws and negative characteristics? wouldn't you get all defensive and close ur mind to everything that they said? in the same way, this sorta humiliation isn't gonna open the eyes of any Americans. it'll make them dislike this thread and the ppl who've been pinpointing their every flaw fo sho. but it won't make them think any differently.
  2. i mixed up the spellin for Nimrata and Nimrit. eskuse moi... yeah, i luv how we have unisex names. it's not something i've seen in many other cultures.
  3. oh damn. hahahah! i thought it was something totally different! yeah, we've got all those things that CaNaDiAn_jAtTi mentioned... CaNaDiAn_jAtTi, it must be some sorta european thing. god knows how many weird-ass things they've got made up for themselves. oh well. just another quirk of the brits.
  4. thanks for the compliment Nimrat. i've got a lot of work to do to live up to that name though. hah. kewl name sodhi. i have an "auntie" who's name is kuldeep as well. how does that work out? :?
  5. alright, i'm kinda gettin annoyed with all the negativity towards the U.S. in this thread. i'm sure that there's a whole lot of shit that people have against the states. but i'm sure that there's also a lot of good stuff that the U.S. has to offer. just because the States have done a whole of bad things, it doesn't mean that it's some sorta evil haven. and here's another thing. if ppl are gonna point out the bad things the states have done, why can't we point out the bad stuff that the Brits have done, or the Germans, the Spanish, the French or even the Canadians? why is there this massive thread dedicated to simply hatin on the states? we're all human, people. everyone makes mistakes. everyone has a good side and a bad side. cut them some slack. there's no point in simply hating a nation without taking some sort of action to try an make things better, which no one is trying to do around here. if you don't have the energy to do something about all the bad stuff that you've pointed out, then maybe you shouldn't be talkin bad about it. apart from this, please take a look at the condition of things wherever u are. i'm sure that there's a whole bunch of things that need improvement there. why don't you try to make some sort of positive changes there before focusing on others. it's so easy to point out the bad stuff in other people and other places, but it's so hard to look at the crap that you're a part of. stop hatin on each other and end this stupidness. please.
  6. it's just decor, Aman_90. chillax, it'll make the place look nice.
  7. sodhi, i didn't know u were Maha_Pavitar! how nice to know that my suspicions about ur schizophrenic nature were true! what's ur name CaNaDiAn_jAtTi...? i mean apart from ur user id?
  8. Maha_Pavitar, could u tell us the meaning of the name sukhmani please? and i'd like a 10 page essay on it, if u dun mind...
  9. ye, we should leave it up to u Hari to find some new and funkified ways to ... hahaha! i can't even type it! it's too funny! go on! finish it though!
  10. ^ you aren't makin sense. what does Guru Nanak Dev Ji have to do with your paranoia bout Muslim people disguising themselves and brainwashing younger generations on this site?
  11. Jassa, Gurbani isn't quite as straightforward and simple as you're making it out to be. there are many places where Gurbani describes the beauty of things and many places where it degrades it. the point is that you haven't found anything concrete to refute sexy_singh's user i.d. even though you might think you have. and on another lil side-note, i think that you really need to ease up on urself. enjoy the life that God gave you. only He knows how long it's gonna last. are you gonna deprive yourself of enjoying all of God's creation? if you don't forget that this is all an illusion and temporary, there's nothing wrong with reveling in the beauty that God creates around us.
  12. you know what? this is pure b.s. now it's wrong for us to join a club in uni as well? what's next? Sikh women are banned from ever talking to ne Muslim people? what the hell ppl?! grow up!
  13. and chocolates are international. i like ras malai and kulfi for "desi" desserts...
  14. um shaka nyorai... nuff with the violence my friend. it doesn't become u... even if sai baba deserves what u say.
  15. not to totally destroy ur argument, but i'm pretty sure that every nation in the world is guilty of doing similar things and still have civlians who believe that their country is the best. so why aren't we discussing them? why is everyone so focused on the U.S.? this thread seems pretty pointless...
  16. and u know this how...?
  17. Gurbani is metaphorical as well as literal. we should act with the same grace and virtues associated with true royalty while remaining humble and modest. that's one explanation i can think of. mebbe others will have more to contribute...
  18. ppl need to ease up. stop bein so paranoid.
  19. dayam. i thought i was the queen of sweets. oh well. but i think i like chocolate just a bit better than jalebian.
  20. aw! tha's so cute! it's like a cartoon that somehow became real!
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