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Everything posted by Sukhi

  1. thank u Maha_Pavitar (and lalleshvari). it makes more sense to me now.
  2. if someone isn't satisfied with Sikhi, then who are we to stop them from forging their own path or adopting a new religion? we've been given a free will for a reason, Harmless. i suggest that we make use of it. and who are we to say that although Sikhi may be nutritious for us, that it must be nutritious for everyone else? we can't even see what is behind the veil of maya and what the grand plan of things are. all of us are on the way to One. we just have different paths. but we can't judge these paths as being universally good or bad. we can only speak for ourselves. even if u did, it shouldn't matter. but just to let u know, u made perfect sense.
  3. i'm so totally gonna hurt u jsb... i swear. just u wait til i see u... ur gonna get it bwoi... back on topic though. ne updates on these desi comedy vids?
  4. *smacks jsb on the arm* stay on topic! stay on topic! cannot joke outside of the "jokes" threads!
  5. just because it's difficult it doesn't mean that it's impossible for us to try to treat each other as equals. it's the fact that it's difficult that makes it something to strive for even more. consider it a challenge that'll end up makin u so much better if u even so much as try it...
  6. well, above all of these things, i think i'd describe Sikhi as a way of life. put up the definition for "lifestyle" as well. let's see what the good ole dictionary has to say bout that.
  7. Sukhi


    i think that both my maternal and paternal sides of the family have been in Sikhi for quite a while. but i believe that some distant relations are hindu and muslim as well, especially those people who remained in Pakistan. not sure about that though.
  8. if he's trying to force his views on others, then he isn't trying to educate the sangat. this kinda thinking is exactly what pushes people away from Sikhi.
  9. this is the first thing i thought of when i looked at this topic. i think i agree with Amrit. it seems to me that changing the Saroop is a personal choice, although it's quite considerate of ppl to view SGGSJ in such compassionate terms.
  10. i meant that astrology's controversial for Sikhs because we have no official stand on it. some ppl call it superstition, some call it authentic. no one seems to be able to agree and a whole lot of us don't really know what to think of it. (and then u've got ppl like me who try n stay away or ignore it altogether.)
  11. this is an interesting question. i believe that khalsa4ever is onto something for real. i know that SGGSJ has mentioned the devi devtay quite often, which makes me wonder about the existence of a "heaven" type of world. i know for a fact that buddhists believe in a realm that's like heaven and one that's like hell in which we may be reincarnated depending on our karma. but i believe that Sach Khand is something altogether different. we know that Gurbani says "Sach Khand vasai Nirankar". so since heaven and hell are quite possibly different temporary realms, God would quite possibly "reside" if i can use that word, outside of this existence. the only thing i can think of describing what this could quite possibly be like is using buddhist philosophy and their idea of Nibanna/Nirvana. take a look at that if ur interested in heaven, hell, and where God exists even though they don't believe specifically in a God per say, which i believe would be in this state of Nibbana/Nirvana.
  12. I've been reading Professor Puran Singh's book called Prakasina and I really liked this particular bit. It's from chapter 25 ("Poali Kanta"). One day, in the warm sunshine as they were sitting, both Allala and Lavina and the sheep too were basking in the sunshine a little further away, there came a voice, "My children," from behind and as they looked back, there stood the Mother! They got up saying: "Mother! Mother!" "The day has come," said she, "when Lavina should put on the Robe I left for her on earth, and you should take your rosary that I left for you and both of you go from here to the kingdom of Anardha. This rosary is the Grace of the Lord for you which descends today on you crowning all your efforts my son, and is symbolic of the Higher Ones bestowing on you all the powers that come to an Arahat as hands and feet come to an ordinary man. These powers are nothing to be proud of, just as no serious man thinks much about a new suit of clothes. They are just accomplishments of man, the beautiful man of love and faith. "And the robe will bestow on you O daughter Lavina! all what I had in me during my last incarnation. It is one of my me's that is given to you today. I would, henceforth, live in you. And this necklace of rubies to be put with her permission, O son! round the neck of Prakasina with your own hands. It is her prize. "And my children! I know, love is the greatest Reality on earth and in Heaven. It is the one and the same everywhere. The dog Ansi and your sheep have it exactly what blazes in the high Heaven. "Be simple like babies in the feelings of love and live naming Him, let the song burn red in your blood with its infinite music unbroken. All else is of no consequences. Count those blissful moments of life in which you have been shown so many times now and in which how you melt into each other without leaving a trace behind of separation of any sort. "My children! Do not go away with the thought that the material world is in vain or base, or vile. Look!" and here she put her hands on the foreheads of Allala and Lavina, and they both saw that every particle of matter had in it the whole of Heavenly glory, and every particle was alive with God's Breath. "Seeing this be speechless, my children! Be as simple as babes. You know the Truth. It is both behind the veil and before the veil shining in equal splendour," continued Albita; "My children! Wherever you go, carry with you the fragrance of love and the Song of Nam. You have become the meanings of your own scriptures." As they looked up to see her, Albita had vanished. Next morning, as they prepared to go down, the hills around Poali Kanta monastery and all the terraces of the mystic place were full of Shining Figures, hundreds of Boddhisatvas, Adepts who had assembled there at that moment of their departure, to name the new completed man - Manmahaji - and it seemed the valleys shouted his Name! Manmahaji! Manmahaji! Rejoice! A new man has risen! Rejoice! As they went a little distance, a voice came from behind: "Beloved! I am with you always." And just turning his head on one side, Manmahaji saw the Great One whom he had met at Mansarovar in the same faint almost invisible purple outline of Holy Mists. He turned back with full haste to fall at His Feet but the figure had disappeared! And as again looked ahead, Manmahaji saw Him entering into his body. "I live here in you, and all that you have seen is your own self," came the voice from within.
  13. i agree. so if i was born into a family of murderers and thieves, would u automatically assume that i'm also a murderer or thief? do ppl not have the right to choose their own path to God?
  14. could u explain how...? (not tryin to be sassy here, i just dun understand how they're similar to veils and not sins...)
  15. amen to that bruva (? u a a bruva or a sistah?)! as long as ur followin it with ur heart and not harmin innocent ppl... it's all good...
  16. if ur gonna say that, then Sikh guys shouldn't make a big fuss of how they can't get girls to stay with them... geez... it's not that hard to make a girl get interested in u... not that i'm sayin this on a personal level or nething. but it's a general fact that a lot of guys that i know complain bout how girls just dun dig them cuz they're sikh and whatnot. and my answer is just that u gotta treat the ladies right. and all that i can tell bout the fake girl who wrote the letter is that she made some stupid mistakes and she's childish enough to complain bout them.
  17. well u gotta be careful with who u trust. if u trust the wrong ppl, u'll get deception an backbiting and whole lot of craptacular things. but even if u trust someone after takin ur time to feel them out, they may end up bein untrustworthy, but tha's still not enough of a reason to not trust ppl... remember chile, u gotta live in the real world while tryin to get to the eternal one. can't completely turn ur back on the world. cuz if u do, the world might turn its back on u.
  18. but isn't that exactly what this girl is trying to do? what Jahan said is true. this girl made a bunch of stupid mistakes and now she's repenting. well, it was her choice and she should've known better. but at least now she's learnt her lesson. but at the same time, Sikh men need to find ways to keep women comin after them... as bad as that sounds. i'm not sayin that guys need to turn into pimps an whatnot. but u need to find ur own self-respect and dignity tha's gonna make a girl say "hmmm". but whatever. as far as i'm concerned, that email/letter/whatever it is, it's fake and just made to keep girls away from Muslim boys... meh...
  19. righty-o. but even when u've got God as ur friend, u still need to live in this world and make friends with other humans. it's a part of life...
  20. i agree with beast... let her use it. no biggie.
  21. so they made a terrible mistake. are you gonna tell me that EVERYTHING they say is a load of crap? there is something you can learn from everyone in this world, even if it's through a negative example. (ie from the throwing out of dassam bani, how to respect Gurbani... by never throwing it out...)
  22. i agree with guv. don't chain urself down with labels. find your own road to eternity. i wouldn't call them sikhs either. why don't u find ppl who'll support u in Sikhi without looking at ur caste? why don't you try to make friends with ppl who may not necessarily be sikh but will support ur endeavours anyways? because not everyone in the world is a backstabber...
  23. meditating is when ur concentrating on God. prayer is when ur concentrating on God for a specific reason (ie. please let me pass stats next year! please! i'll do nething for u if u let me pass!). just kidding. meditation is concentration. prayer is kinda like talkin to God. at least tha's what i think the difference is.
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