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Everything posted by angy15

  1. My Lists: Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhanderiawale(He speaks on various topics including panthic issues facing our Sikh Society. A must listen for younger generations.He is in Forefront for Single Rehat Mariyada . Yogi bhajan( if you want some yogic stuff in Sikhism .Very Helpfull for Non Sikhs who wants to understand abt sikhi) Bhai Panthpreet Singh (Very popular in Punjab and worldwide) Baba Banta Singh(another popular kathavachak has done various kathas on JApji ,Jaap Sahib etc) Prof Darshan Singh (Very well educated in Gurmat Philosophy my favourite is his excellent katha on Japji Sahib)
  2. This incident like has been linked just to defame him like any other incidences.Again a work of someone who is a strong critique of him. Just shows how desperate are these crooks trying every tricks in the book.
  3. Okay let us take it further to explain you guys Now in Sikhi there is no middle man in relationship to Guru and Sikh. No matter how spiritually enlightened a Sikh becomes, the Guru’s Sikh will always be a ‘Sikh’. The ‘title’ used to address even the most exalted souls has been the adorable word, ‘BHAI’. (Not even ‘Bhai Sahib’). And in relation to word SANT it is not linked to an individual as per SGGS So in view of SGGS both Bahi and Sant are not honorfic if we understand in what context they referred too. Now giving titles SANT ,Mahapurukh ,Brahamgyani to an individual is the most honorfic as followed Derawadd mariyada . In our guru times also these degree were not given .So u need to explain a lot when these tradition of giving degrees started I hope it answerer your question. SATNAM
  4. I have already Answered . The most horrific title is "Vidya Martand Srimaan 108 Gyani Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale," If you don't understand my answer than Why dont you ask your Mahapurakhs abt it?
  5. please support your arguments with supporting references please!!!
  6. These Goondas threaten to kill even attempted to kill Dandrianwala ,remove turban of pracharaks in front of SGGS,use foul language against pracharaks.Now see How low these people can go to spread their mafia Agendas linking Dhandrian wala with bibi Gagandep Kaur. These guys are the real enemy of sikhs worse than RSS .Shame on them.
  7. They are not Sikhs .They linked themselves with RSS.Listen to the video below
  8. It will be best if Dhandriwala answers rather than we discussing and fighting over it. And this forum being taksali influenced their would be hardly any appreciation for his gurmat viewpoints.
  9. Another Video exposing Taksali Anti Sikh Marayada. Shame !!
  10. What is the benchmark to authenticate his viewpoint?
  11. You are freaked out,nervous,you are afraid abt revolution he is bringing. For all your mental chaos here is a remedy from him
  12. Seems like Suffering from Dhandriphobic syndrome.
  13. Bulls eye.Very Inspiring!!! Yes he has that repo amoung young generations.He is a kind of rockstar here in india .His dewaans are like rock concert. The traditional kathavacaks specially the taksali are very dull and boring to listen less of gurbani more of mystical stories. Let us try to educate and remove misconception abt him to some of our popular members here.
  14. Even I am quite surprise why they hate him so much ? I have been watching his videos,nowhere i seem him preaching anti gurmat.
  15. @manraj19 Its raining Dhandiyranwala on sikhawareness. You will give heart attack to @chatanga1& @paapiman
  16. Have you forwarded this to Akal Takht for a case of blasphemy against him.
  17. I would Like to Know what is anti Gurmat in this video?He has spoken the truth
  18. Rubbish.It is absolutely Anti Gurmat . These Sant Samaj and Taksali have distorted ,corrupted and damaged Gurbani.Your version of sikhi is based on anti Gurmat Sakhis.You guys have smuggled back the practices and ritual which was rejected by Guru Nanak. You first put your house in order instead of pointing figures on others
  19. @tva prasad Why are you ignoring the most important aspect.Plz reply for the above.
  20. Why don't you tell me what is mistake in it.
  21. He called Sant when he was a part anti Gurmat practices of Sant Samaj .Bur when he realised the Pseudo practices .He dropped the title. Haha !! I feel petty for you guys . So you mean to say that Bhai Gurdas,Bhai Mani Singh and all great sikhs were hypocrites . Only those who are titled SANT ,Mahapurush are real sikhs according to you. Well your Sant Samaj are famous in giving in these tiltes not SGGS , Sikh missinoary or authentic Sikh institution. So you are in a better position to reply.
  22. You sound crazy !!!! Well abt these titles you might know better .u guys are experienced giving these titles u even surpass Brahmins and pundits. Regarding dadhriwala. He puts bhai in front of his name check out his official website.So don't make a fool of urself repeating this silly question?
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