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Bruce Lung

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Everything posted by Bruce Lung

  1. skunk, weed and hash?? what the hell are you on about mate? you do realise that Bruce Lung is a Hong Kong film actor, not a reference to drugs?
  2. oh i must have hit a nerve somewhere, since you have resorted to personal attacks (how unexpected). there is always an easy way and a hard way to learn something. if i can't persuade you then someone less tolerant might.
  3. rule of law was suspended and emergency powers implemented at the time of the punjab emergency. there is no way anyone could have attacked the site of the golden temple without stirring up even the moderate sikhs, and yet it was a catch-22 - couldn't get the bad guys without going in there and physically taking them. yes, a lot of people took the heat who weren't to blame. but the extremists had succeeded in scaring the govt. the govt took the decision to utterly crush the seeds of any future rebellion, and a lot of crimes had the tacit approval of govt officials and police. sikhs then and now comprise a very large (disproportionately large) segment of the indian armed forces and police. counter-insurgency measures are a type of WARFARE and are very very painful. things should not have been allowed to fester for them to become necessary. bhindranwale and followers should have been taken out 8 years earlier, but he was actually a seed of indira gandhi.
  4. not as many times as others have posted about Mehtab Singh, for instance (a fine chap). what's objective about your hate-pamphlet?? i'm not trying to be clever, but sikhs are far more aryan than dalit, if you look at things that way (i don't, but hey i would'nt touch this pamphlet with a bargepole).
  5. by voting you can put almost anyone you want in power. it's disappointing, but even sonia gandhi can be put in power, and she's not even indian. as a uk-born NRI i wouldn't expect to be allowed to come to power in india. politicians are scum whether indian or not but that's the collateral damage from having democracy and we have to put up with it.
  6. there's no problem it's just that the killings happened as a result of something. i find it absolutely crucial to analyse what that something was, and the result of my analysis shows that a whole system of thought that had gone unchallenged for too long was to blame. we need RULE OF LAW, not make-believe samurai wanting to be martyrs.
  7. i'm trying. :shock: :shock: more to the point, you're the moderator/admin, and you posted something here that isn't a picture (as an attack??). a picture speaks a thousand words
  8. because you don't rule them, right?
  9. here's a good way to avoid being seen to be a traitor: 1) ally with ANY separatist cause that hates brahmins (allies in hate); 2) appeal to the UN, US, UK, anyone to bring economic or political pressure on your own motherland; 3) accept drug dealers and gunrunners into your terrorist effort; 4) attack any honest and genuine sikh who comes to you looking for knowledge; 5) ignore and wish away any criticism; 6) foster lies and hatred and warmongering, and then start crying when you receive the same back.. just some thoughts
  10. who cares what anyone of you thinks is gurbani?? you publish anti-brahmin hate propaganda on your website. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FOOLING, CONMEN??
  11. who exactly are "your" people palm? why don't you identify with the people YOU label quite ignorantly as "Hindus". Sentiments like the one you just espoused exacerbate division, and I urge you to rethink your alignment with that particular cause. in my dealing with many pro-khalistanis, i have always encountered this bad attitude, and very strained forced courtesy. it's obvious that they would kill me on the spot for being anti-khalistani if they had the chance, whatever my religious protestations might be. they don't give a hoot about religion - who do they think they're fooling?? in that sort of climate of division, i throw in my lot with GOI instantly. what you need to work on is erasing the false division created by bhindranwale types.
  12. always blaming someone else, never bhindranwale and cohorts... even go so far as to blame an entire nation... if atrocities were committed, who shoulders the blame? furthermore, the alleged perpetrators if they were acting on orders will attract the full "shelter" of the indian state. imagine the effect on morale if they did not. nobody would want to take any measure to stop any terrorist. nothing is nice about war, for all your romantic notions and irresponsible interpretation of sikhism. this is what it's all about - women being raped and killed, people set on fire, tortured etc. this is why it must never happen again. the violence and horror inflicted is exactly what would happen anywhere in the world when a bunch of fanatics has been allowed to run haywire and fortify themselves in a building, making threats to all who oppose them. until attitudes of sikhs are revised to become nonviolent, there will be no serious attempt to change india's stance on how sikh insurgents are dealt with (i.e. violently).
  13. manmohan singh is a member of congress. what did you expect?
  14. from the first, her hair was all a-blonde oh how she enchanted me...
  15. right. but in any war situation someone has to win. it's pointless going over how atrocious it is that sikhs died so horrifically in great numbers (i know it happened). it's only productive to look at what caused it, so that we can prevent it in the future. if you really want to prevent it, that is, and not just even the score .
  16. it would be a waste of time expounding on this with such unfriendly people. suffice to say that communism is not limited to marxism. it comes in many forms. communal control over factors of prod. esp people is especially in evidence. EDIT: expanding on the above i'm not saying anyone in particular is unfriendly, just that i'm finding it hard to think of reasons to want to help you people at the moment.
  17. hey i is looking for friendz too.. nowt wrong wid dat..
  18. oh no, not conflict in this instance in this discussion. conflict on a much larger scale between groups of people who don't talk. i am a sikh.
  19. the classical/authentic divide. Classical: following a prescribed set of unmovable rules. Authentic: an expression of the heart through music. Can be both. But then you can have traditional music which is authentic and not classical. i make authentic traditional indian music. it's authentic because of my ancestry. end result sounds like it is, but what did it take to make it? it's a secret, because i don't want to spoil the magic. going further, it's even classical, because there is always a parallel in classical indian music when you "innovate" a new piece. in this genre, it's not possible to reinvent the wheel because the sounds and rhythms have all been done before. it's a thin line.
  20. it's inaccurate assumptions like that which sow the seeds of conflict.
  21. not enough thought has gone into this. look at the kara on your wrist. it's round. things go round in cycles in this world. effect of this cartoon is only to add to the polarisation between "Hindu" and Sikh communities. in the run-up to 84 non-sikh indians felt genuinely under attack and very scared. indians believe everything they read in their newspapers. they believed they were going to be wiped off the planet and their women would be raped, etc. they didn't hear bhindranwale, they only saw him. likewise, they only saw sikh youth running around with guns and swords, and heard nothing they said except warlike shouts. the stage was set for the conflict by indira gandhi. when bluestar happened, there were no rights and wrongs in anyone's mind. only fear. then people had to choose a side. it was out of control. we have to be careful to avoid polarising the communities yet again. it only plays into the hands of corrupt politicians.
  22. agreed. the book is about absolutism and control. animal farm was more of a broadside against socialism specifically. also, countries like the uk are socialist/communist cleverly disguised.
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